[scribus] Paragraph Justification

Murray Strome wmstrome at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 7 15:22:32 UTC 2011

On Sunday, November 6, 2011 5:12 PM
"Margaret and George McIntosh" <tenbear at myfairpoint.net> wrote:

On 6 Nov 2011 at 17:01, Murray Strome wrote:
> I have created a paragraph style that has the paragraph set to fully
> justify. It does something like this (I hope the E-Mail preserves
> the format):
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Nam
> auctor felis neque. Praesent  pulvinar  pulvinar  condimentum.
> Mauris  elit  massa,  venenatis  et   tincidunt  in,   hendrerit 
> a
> lacus.   Mauris  congue   posuere  risus   nec  sodales.    Sed
> lobortis congue consequat. Cras pretium dui quis dolor ultrices
> ultrices.   Pellentesque  habitant  morbi  tristique  senectus  et
> netus                    et                  malesuada                fames.
> whereas I think it should be more like this:
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.  Nam
> auctor felis neque. Praesent  pulvinar  pulvinar  condimentum.
> Mauris  elit  massa,  venenatis  et   tincidunt  in,   hendrerit  a
> lacus.   Mauris  congue   posuere  risus   nec  sodales.    Sed
> lobortis congue consequat. Cras pretium dui quis dolor ultrices
> ultrices.   Pellentesque  habitant  morbi  tristique  senectus  et
> netus et malesuada fames.
> If there is only one short word on the last line, it will do it
> correctly (at least what I think is correct). However, with two or
> more words on the last line, it spaces it out.
> I should probably be spending more time searching for the answer on
> line or in my book, but after spending some time at it, I thought
> that it might be more efficient to ask the advice of people with
> more expertise than I.
> Thanks,
> Murray

You want to use Justify, not Forced Justify. It is the fourth icon in the series, Forced
Justify is the fifth.


Thanks, George. I missed that. You saved me a LOT of time in trying to figure out something so simple!

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