[scribus] Peculiarity in PDF import.

John Culleton john at wexfordpress.com
Fri May 27 23:33:03 UTC 2011

I set up a book interior in TeX (actually Luatex) for a client. Then I needed 
to convert to PDF X/1-a:2001. The two fonts principally in use were Palladio 
(a Palatino lookalike) and Chopinscript, a very fancy script font. The only 
way I could get the completed product conveniently into PDF X/1-a was Scribus 
1.5.0. So I broke the completed pdf up into individual pages using pdftk and 
then began to bring them in one by one into graphics frames.

The script font was used at 48 pt and 36 pt on the title page. That came out 
fine. It was also used at 24 pt for chapter headers. Those came our fine. But 
Ther running heads, which were at 16 pts in both the original pdf and the 
individual pages came out in a teeny 10 points, the same as the body font. 

Importing the pdf pages as vector graphics was a complete disaster. But 
inserting them them into graphic frames had this huge oddity with the running 
heads. I can of course go through page after page and overlay each header line 
with a text box with the header text at the correct size. But IMO I shouldn't 
have to. 
John Culleton
Able Indexers and Typesetters
Cover design, Indexing, Interior Layout
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