[scribus] Compare.pdf (crossposted)

Barry McKenna bmcken at pobox.com
Sat Jan 29 21:59:47 CET 2011

>>> John,
>>> It may be a particular Windows/Scribus/pdf issue with my
>>> system/HP 1018 - or not, I don't know - but the Scribus
>>> printed output looks distinctly different from the Tex and
>>> Open Writer; the same as my Scribus (1.3.9) to pdf output
>>> when I _don't_ "Embed PDF": The printed output looks a bit
>>> jagged under a loop as when the font is converted to outlines.
>>> Barry
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>> It is possible that I messed up. I'll check. But the issue I am
>> addressing is the layout of the text, hyphenation, space between
>> words and the like, and not the typeface as such.
> I blew those samples up in Acrobat Reader to 800% and the text was
> perfectly smooth. No jaggies. Try AR instead of your loupe.


It's not that important, but I'm not talking about screen 
pdf. My bottom line concern is how my book/output looks when 
printed and that's how I test. The Scribus page printed 
looks exactly like test pages that I print that look a bit 
jaggy and when I send the test pdfs to my local printer he 
tells me that Adobe Illustrator tells him that my font was 
not embedded and the text was converted to outlines.

Again, perhaps it something particular to how my system 
interprets pdfs and how it converts sla to pdf.

In my Acrobat Reader 9.4.1 the text looks just a little bit 
softer than most of the others.

As for justification, on both the larger width and the short 
line, I see that Scribus comes in just a bit behind the Tex.


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