[scribus] Script: Bullets and numbered lists

José Antonio Rocha joseantoniorocha at gmail.com
Sat Jan 15 00:05:13 CET 2011

Improved bullets simple script using regular expressions Python module.


* Build bulleted lists
* Build numbered lists starting with any number plus optional separator
* Delete list marks
* Create styles -- if it doesn't exists -- with proper 2 digits indentation,
but is necessary set tabulation "by hand", as this can't be done by script.


Select a frame or some paragraphs and run the script. Dialog will ask input
the operation type:

* "b" input will create bullet marks and apply "Bullet" style.
* Any number (up to 3 digits) input will create numbered list starting with
such number and apply "Numbered List" style. Optional last char will be used
as separator. Default: dot. Example: "1)", "16#", "256-".
* "x" input will delete marks and apply "Default Paragraph Style" style.
* Any other response will cancel all operations.


Tested in Windows. Maybe will ***FREEZE*** Scribus in Ubuntu 10.04 and
10.10, as script use Pyhton module (re, regular expressions). This is a
Ubuntu + Scribus Scripter bug marked as "minor" and assigned to "none".
Sorry, Ubuntu users...

[image: Meira]nome: "José Antonio Meira da Rocha"  tratamento: "Prof. MS."
cargo: "Coordenador do Curso de Relações Públicas Multimídia"
ies: "CESNORS/Universidade Federal de Santa Maria"
googletalk: email: MSN: joseantoniorocha at gmail.com
ICQ: 658222 Skype: "meiradarocha_jor"
veículo: [ http://meiradarocha.jor.br ]
fone: (55) 9651-0686
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