[scribus] second trial for PDF annotations

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Wed Apr 13 19:12:31 CEST 2011

hallo jean-luc,

> For final proofreading purposes I would like to send the draft PDF
> and have it returned with the corrections added as notes or comments
> at the right place in the document. The export dialog in scribus has
> a check-box for allowing comments, but in Adobe Reader 9 the security 
> field always says "not allowed". Years ago I used Acrobat(5) to do
> this but don't have it anymore as well as my proofreaders. Is there a
> way to annotate pdf's made by Scribus? (windows and linux)

i can confirm that the "allow adding annotations" settings in the scribus 1.4 and 1.5svn is not "respected" in acrobat reader.

can you please report it as a bug?


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