[scribus] Importing text from Word (XL) to Scribus

Gregory Pittman gregp_ky at yahoo.com
Sun Nov 28 16:27:08 CET 2010

On 11/28/2010 06:37 AM, L Macintyre wrote:
> Submitted on 11/28/2010
> Submitted by anonymous user: []
> Submitted values are:
> Name: L Macintyre
> Email Address: lorn.macintyre at btinternet.com
> Subject: Importing text from Word (XL) to Scribus
> Message:
> I have downloaded the free trial version of Scribus 1.33.14, but when I
> click on Import Text from the File Menu, it will now allow me to do so.
> How therefore do I import text, written in Word on the XL system, into
> the free trial version of Scribus?

I think there are some basic things you're not understanding about how 
Scribus works.

In order to import text, you need first of all to make a text frame 
somewhere on the document space. After that, you can use File > Import > 
Get Text, or right-click on the text frame for the Context menu to Get 
Text from a file.

Importing Word files should be no problem, but there will be no 
formatting (bold or italic styles, for example).

Here are some wiki resources to help you get going:

http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Index   (ignore the strange man with 
the forehead tattoo)


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