[scribus] latest useable release?

Jerry Halberstadt subscriber at newtechpub.com
Sat Nov 27 04:39:26 CET 2010

OK, I understand that I would be better off to use 1.3.9, rather than Is 1.3.9 actually available?

When I go to http://www.scribus.net/taxonomy/term/36 looking for a 
download too use on Win XP, the latest stable release offered is

Or I can get latest development release 1.3.7 from Sourceforge. There 
also seem to be a number of "developmental snapshots."

I admit: I am not a programmer, although I have a deep respect for 
people who can create a magic cookie and stuff like that. So...can a 
mere mortal install 1.3.7, should he, and how would I get 1.3.9? Is that 
stable enough to use? Or should I wait longer...
All the best,

Jerry Halberstadt
"Seeing the story, making a difference."
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