[scribus] Template for business cards

Victor Papp victor at vpapp.com
Wed Nov 17 21:49:25 CET 2010

On Wed, Nov 17, 2010 at 9:53 PM, Gregory Pittman <gregp_ky at yahoo.com> wrote:

> On 11/17/2010 01:14 PM, Victor Papp wrote:
>> Hi
>> IMHO its a wrong approach to use multiple duplicates with business cards.
>> I always set the page size to 9x5cm (with bleeds if needed).
>> And I do compose the card in this paper size.
>> Then, i print to postscript and do imposition using pstops and convert to
>> pdf with ghostscript for printing.
>> I tried the multiple duplicate once, but with complicated cards (several
>> layers of bg images, etc) it leads to very big files with reduced
>> performance. Also, as mentioned above you cannot use master pages and
>> layers
>> in this case - or you should multiple duplicate each layer separately.
> and the difficulty with that is....?

The difficulty is: to multiple copy 12 cards per A4 page when you are using
layers and master pages means:
1. copying all layers separately
2. copying master page separately.
3. if you need to change something in the card, you should delete all copies
and restart.

Instead the above, I use the following script with the ps file produced by

call pstops -w50mm -h90mm "1:0R(0,1w)" 1.ps _11.ps
call pstops -w90mm -h50mm
_11.ps _1.ps
call pstops -w270mm -h200mm "1:0L(205mm,13mm)" _1.ps _2.ps
call ps2pdf -sPAPERSIZE#a4 -dAutoRotatePages#/None -dPDFSETTINGS#/prepress _
2.ps ready-imposed-cards.pdf

This script puts 12 cards per an A4 landscape page.
I saved the script and am reusing it anytime for any business card (where
1.ps is source file the script uses).


> I am not hearing a simple procedure from you as an alternative.
> This can all be done inside of Scribus, unless you really want to use 3, 4,
> or 5 separate programs.
> Greg
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Victor Papp
skype: victorpapp
Tel. +38 050 5 141 142
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