[scribus] scribus script to write current document name

José Antonio Rocha joseantoniorocha at gmail.com
Sun Dec 12 21:00:54 CET 2010

2010/12/12 michael biggs <mjbiggs at hotmail.com>

> Hello José
> that is an excellent solution - exactly what I was seeking.
> have tried it and it works.
> great to know about listing undocumented functions via Scripter Console
> too.
> thanks very much
> Mike

You're welcome!

I don't know this command too, until seek for via console dir().

It makes possible get style settings directly from SLA file (there's no
build-in command for that), using Python module *xml.parsers.expat*
I need this to resize headline frames according headlines spaces above and
below and linespaces :

import xml.parsers.expat

styles = {}
charstyles = {}

def start_element(name, attrs):
    #print 'Start element:', name, attrs
    if name == 'STYLE':
        styles[attrs[u'NAME']] = attrs
    if name == 'CHARSTYLE':
        charstyles[attrs[u'CNAME']] = attrs

def getParagraphStyle(styleName):
    '''Return a dictionary with paragraph style parameters.'''
        res = styles[styleName]
        print styleName,'not in style sheet.'
        res = ''
    return res

def getStyleLineSpacing(styleName):
    dic = getParagraphStyle(styleName)
    if (dic == {}):
        res = ''
        res = int(dic['LINESP'])
    return res

def getStyleSpaceAbove(styleName):
    dic = getParagraphStyle(styleName)
    if dic == {}:
        res = ''
        res = int(dic['VOR'])
    return res

def getStyleSpaceBelow(styleName):
    dic = getParagraphStyle(styleName)
    if dic == {}:
        res = ''
        res = int(dic['NACH'])
    return res

def getStyleLineSpaceMode(styleName):
    '''0=fixed, 1=proportional'''
    dic = getParagraphStyle(styleName)
    if dic == {}:
        res = ''
        res = int(dic['LINESPMode'])
    return res

p = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate('UTF-8')
p.StartElementHandler = start_element
*docName = scribus.getDocName()*
file = open(docName,'r')

# tests:
print styles
print charstyles
print getStyleLineSpacing(u'Head 1')

[image: Meira]nome: "José Antonio Meira da Rocha"  tratamento: "Prof. MS."
cargo: "Coordenador do Curso de Relações Públicas Multimídia"
ies: "CESNORS/Universidade Federal de Santa Maria"
googletalk: email: MSN: joseantoniorocha at gmail.com
ICQ: 658222 Skype: "meiradarocha_jor"
veículo: [ http://meiradarocha.jor.br ]
fone: (55) 9651-0686
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