[scribus] beginner's luck, or lack thereof

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Thu Apr 22 22:44:43 CEST 2010


> > > I am a true beginner—to the business of all but completely
> > > prepackaged software.
> > >
> > > I downloaded scribus (1.3.6), and was informed upon trying to
> > > open it that I was missing some software:
> > >
> > > "The following programs are missing:
> > > Ghostscript : You cannot use EPS images or Print Preview"

> I think reading a basic book on Linux would help a bit. but here goes.
> Software is often not a single program but a collection of programs
> and other files. And even a single program may be compiled (created)
> from multiple bits and pieces. 

sorry to step in, but i have the feeling that in the last times there are more and more answers that don't take into account the informatics knowledges of the original posters.

are we suggesting a not too savvy -- puzzled -- os x user to read a linux book?

he just want to know if he really needs ghostscript and -- if he does -- how he can put it on his computer and start scribus without that alert.

please give him a link to the .dmg he has to download.

or tell him that he probably won't need ghostscript for now (and that he can safely click on the "ok" button).

am i too disillusioned?

have a wonderful night

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