[scribus] 1.3.5 features

Jan de Weerd jdweerd at ziggo.nl
Mon Mar 2 09:43:31 CET 2009

John Jason Jordan wrote:
> Will 1.3.5 have tables? And how soon can I expect the final release?
> The reason I ask is that I have a workbook project (about 150 pages)
> that I need to start in about a month. I can do it in OOo, but the lack
> of master pages and a few obnoxious bugs make me think Scribus would be
> the better tool. However, the project requires hundreds of tables. If
> Scribus 1.3.5 cannot do tables I had better bite the bullet and do it
> in OOo. If 1.3.5 will be able to do tables it will be worth delaying
> the project, as long as 1.3.5 will be in working condition soon.

Make the (separate) tables with OOo and save them as pdf.
You can import the pdf tables as images in scribus and scale them as well.
That's the way I do it, but I don't have as many as you.

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