[scribus] while loop in python script crashes scribus

Chantal Rosmuller chantal at antenna.nl
Fri Jan 30 13:29:41 CET 2009

> i wonder if it has to do with the fact that you delete and create the
> text frame on each iteration...
> have you tried to use sizeObject() ?

Hi, thanks. Although your suggestion makes sense (I  didn't know about 
sizeObject() ) it stilll crashes, here 's the new version:

# ---------------------------------------------------#
# check of het script vanuit scribus wordt gestart   #

import sys
   import scribus

except ImportError:
   print "This script only works from within Scribus"

# declareer variabelen                               #

VerticalPosition = 100 #verticale positie eerste textbox tov, voor de volgende 
wordt het uitgerekend aan de hand van de hoogte
Width = 325.99 #text box width
Height = 50 #initial text box height
VerticalMarge = 10 #afstand tussen de tekstboxen
TextFile='' #tekst file dat geimporteerd moet worden

Page = 0 # bladzijde, we beginnen bij 0
Add = ''
OverflowChar = 0 #overflowing characters, we will adjust textbox height until 
this is 0

# actie                                              #

if scribus.newDoc(scribus.PAPER_A5, 
(51.02,42.52,42.52,53.86),scribus.PORTRAIT, 1, scribus.UNIT_POINTS, 
    # laad stylen
    TextFile = open('/home/chantal/scribus/wiki.txt', 'r')
    while 1:
        info = TextFile.readline()
        if not info: break
        if info != '\n':
            Add = Add + info
		#maak textbox
		TextBox = scribus.createText(60, VerticalPosition, Width, Height)
		#vul de textbox
		scribus.setText(Add, TextBox)
		#check of alles wel past
		OverflowChar = scribus.textOverflows(TextBox)
		while OverflowChar > 0:
			OverflowChar = scribus.textOverflows(TextBox)

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