[scribus] getting fonts

stedawa stedawa at gmail.com
Thu Dec 24 12:48:33 CET 2009

Hi, Alison:

The font and its exact file name are midway down this page
(just in case you didn't find it yet...)

And some Scribus help pages
2 <http://docs.scribus.net/index.php?lang=en&page=fonts5>

You could download Scribus for the Mac and then download the font to that
computer and then open your scribus file and fontize away. Then save it and
remove Scribus from your friend's computer.

The Scribus printed manual on page 184 says that Scribus uses fonts from 3
sources: system fonts normally installed on your computer; additional fonts
whose location or path is specified in Preferences; and as already mentioned
it looks in the same directory as the document.

Apparently, too, if you want to see what fonts Scribus pulls in to its
radar,  run DOS (when you get home) and from the command line type
in                 scribus.exe -fi          where the fi means font
information. Scribus will then list all the fonts it has found, and whether
they have passed the font test, are duplicates or why it didn't load a font.

Further in the manual, it says Scribus will recognize all fonts installed in
standard Mac OS X locations

/Library/Fonts,    /System/Library/Fonts,    /Users/name/LibraryFonts

If you add new fonts on Mac OS X, copy the files to the second location in
the above list..

There are about 4 pages on Font Management (Preferences > Fonts) in the
Scribus Official Manual starting on page 188. Can't remember if it is
online. The book is by Gregory Pittman and Christoph Schaefer.

Glad if any of this helps.

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