[scribus] Moving to Linux

D. R. Evans doc.evans at gmail.com
Thu Aug 20 19:45:51 CEST 2009

Bo Engborg said the following at 08/20/2009 10:52 AM :
> Hello!
> I am in the process of moving my stuff from Windows to Linux (Ubuntu) 9.04.
> When I installed Scribus on Windows some URW fonts were included. On Linux
> not all of them are included, I miss URW Classico (maybe others as well?) Is
> there somewhere else were I can find it? How do I install new fonts on
> Ubuntu?

There are lots of ways to install fonts, and the "right" method depends on
the font in question.

To get URW classico:

1. Open a terminal (remember, in Linux, the command line is your friend --
evan if something can be done with a GUI, often it's easier, and certainly
easier to describe, to do it from the command line).

2. In the window type "getnonfreefonts -a"

That should do it.

If you get a message saying that the system doesn't understand the command,
then you need to install the ubuntu package "texlive-base-bin". But most
likely you have that installed already, so you shouldn't see an error.


PS This command will install:
urw-arial      Arial (URW)                                  [installed]
classico       Classico (URW)                               [installed]
dayroman       DayRoman (Apostrophiclabs)                   [installed]
eurofont       Euro symbols (Adobe)                         [installed]
garamond       GaramondNo8 (URW)                            [installed]
lettergothic   LetterGothic (URW)                           [installed]
luximono       LuxiMono (Bigelow & Holmes)                  [installed]
vntex-nonfree  VnTeX nonfree (Han The Thanh)                [installed]
webomints      Webomints (Galapagos Design Group)           [installed]

Web:  http://www.sff.net/people/N7DR

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