[scribus] Unusual message on save.

Gregory Pittman gpittman at iglou.com
Thu Sep 18 16:11:40 CEST 2008

John Culleton wrote:
> I have a one-page sample file with one text window, as simple as can 
> be. But I get this message when I save the sla file:
> QDom: saving invalid character , the document will not be 
> well-formed
> This is repeated 5 times. I have 3 em dashes but no other unusual 
> characters. I use URW Palladio and URW Palladio italic. 
> The text was imported from an ASCII file. 
I'm not sure why this is happening, but this is the character used in 
1.3.3.x and earlier for a soft carriage-return, and causes problems if 
you use an xml parser.
Have never seen it within Scribus while saving though. Perhaps it's in 
the ASCII file?

Maybe try saving the text to a file, then re-importing to the frame.


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