[scribus] Installing Ghostscript

Mike Breiding mike at WildWonderfulWV.us
Tue Oct 14 23:26:53 CEST 2008


I missed the info below before the Scribus install and on startup get an 
error message Ghostscript is missing.
Do I need to uninstall Scribus, install GS and then reinstall Scribus?

I downloaded and unpacked Ghostscript, but I see no setup or install .exe.

Before Installing Scribus

     * Install Ghostscript before installing Scribus. Ghostscript 8.60+ 
or newer is recommended. This is important for EPS,PS import and print 
preview. The file naming conventions can be confusing. gs860w32.exe is 
the normal Windows installer, which in turn installs two .exe files. The 
correct .exe name for use with Scribus is gswin32c.exe, not gswin32.exe. 
Setting this properly will avoid error messages on start up and Scribus 
will makes a best effort attempt to auto-detect Ghostscript's location 
on install. More details: Scribus Preferences

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