[scribus] Revision number on 1.3.5

Craig Bradney cbradney at scribus.info
Sun Nov 23 16:12:12 CET 2008

> Irony of ironies, the only change this AM was the "about" screen :<).
> It now says 11/23, today's date.

Yes,,as you were wondering how to tell what is up to date, so I bumped this 
value, we dont update the file that regularly.

> To get the 2dgeom package installed (boost) the file CMakeCache.txt
> requires modification.  Here is my script for daily update:
> -------------------------------------------------------------------
> cd /usr/local/src/scribus_svn/Scribus
> svn up
> ls -l CMakeCache.txt
> sed -e
> s?Boost_INCLUDE_DIR-NOTFOUND?/usr/local/include/boost-1_35?
> ./CMakeCache.txt
> >foobar
> cp foobar CMakeCache.txt
> cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local/
> make
> make install
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> The sed statement on lines 4-5 is all on one line of course in the
> actual script  This is for Slackware 12.0 Linux.

Why not just fix your CMake command line so you dont need to use this?

Or.. use the -i parameter on sed so you dont need that piping and copy 

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