[scribus] Spaces

Pierre Marchand capparis at free.fr
Tue Jul 29 10:11:57 CEST 2008

Vous (Craig Ringer) avez écrit :
> F.Harr at softhome.net wrote:
> > Call 'em quads.  A one-em quad should NOT be typeface dependent, but
> > font size dependent.  A quad that's one em wide would be twelve points
> > in a line or twelve point text, twenty points wide in a line of
> > twenty-point text etc.
> If it's not typeface dependent then it may look very strange when used
> with condensed or expanded faces. Using the face's basic space as a
> guide for the others should address that at least to an extent.

Here I think we should consider to split the problem into 2 "cases". First we 
want a collection of spaces which size is a function of the font size or not. 
Second we would like that type designers takes time to provide us with a full 
range of spaces well fitted with the font shape. First would be easy enough 
but second can’t be so easily computed --- but we could imagine that user 
could imput values for missing spaces. Besides this, we should also associate 
a stretch factor to each class of space, etc. Finally a lot to do, 
exciting :) 

Pierre Marchand

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