[scribus] Print fault when printing pdfs

Roger hovergo at net-tech.com.au
Tue Jul 15 05:55:16 CEST 2008

I have a problem that is proving difficult to resolve.
Home office computer is P4 in intel mb 1 meg memory new sata hd running FC8
Scribus 1.3.5
Printer is Fuji Xerox C2100 PCL colour Laser printing A4 single pages - page
settings on the printer are set at A4.

Printing a simple page from scribus prints well.

Export the page to pdf and print using evince, kpdf, etc the print moves to the
top of the page and leaves a huge gap of 30 mm at the bottom of page.
Export to eps prints a gap of 18-20 mm at the bottom.
Evince prints right to top, no margins
kpdf prints off the top of the page with about a 40 mm gap at the bottom of page.

My understanding is that both Scribus and pdf converts to postscript to print.
So why the differences in printed page.

Also I notice that for some reason the ps, eps. pdf files seem to compress the
print so that it fits on the page instead of overlapping and leaving overprint out.
I don't have a converter from eps to pdf or from eps to ps so cant easily check 
that part of the conversion.

In FC6 I used xpdf exclusively and very successfully however it seems to be 
unavailable for FC8

Checking all hard copy before printing print is positioned correctly which 
trends to signify that something goes wrong when converting the files to ps or PCL

Can someone point me to a solution please

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