[scribus] Initial impression, and help getting

Frank Swygert farna at att.net
Wed Aug 13 21:05:04 CEST 2008

I think I've stated before that I've been using PageMaker since around 
1990, versions 3-6. I FINALLY gor Scribus installed -- version 
I haven't really used it yet, but it appears to be comparable to 
PageMaker and at least older versions of Serif PagePlus (the layout 
program). Over the next few months I'll play with it some, and attempt 
to recreate my currently published magazine in it from scratch. I don't 
expect it to take a lot of time to learn specific peculiarities of 
Scribus vs. PM, but I'll find out! Right from the start I like some of 
the defaults better, they seem to be a bit easier to change/set than PM. 
I'll be reporting differences and comparing the two as I work, unless 
that's not appropriate for the list. Don't expect anything soon -- I'm 
remodeling a house and have to get the next issue out in a few weeks!

I'm new to Linux, and have found installing software more than a bit on 
the frustrating side, unless it's in one of the repositories supported 
by the distro being used. That's why I have even though this 
list suggested I have no desire to d/l source and compile, I'm 
too new to Linux for that! I find it VERY frustrating that I can't 
simply locate a program, d/l, and install. I don't mind dependencies -- 
back when I occasionally used OS-9 on a Tandy Color Computer 3 certain 
modules (and versions of said module) had to be installed for some 
programs to work, and in some cases certain hardware and/or software 
hacks had to be performed. So that's not a problem, as long as a list of 
what is needed is available and they are easy enough to d/l and install. 
I have to admit that I haven't done any of that for the last 10 years, 
but I am familiar with the routine/concept/necessity. Debian and MEPIS 
repositories only have though. So how do I get and install 
revision 12.... easily?? The Scribus site is no help at all, obviously 
written for those very familiar with Linux already (which is another 
problem -- all sites and even magazines assume you're at least familiar 
with working with Linux).

Frank Swygert
Publisher, "American Motors Cars" 
Magazine (AMC)
For all AMC enthusiasts
(free download available!)

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