[Scribus] Dialogue balloons

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Sat Jul 15 16:30:34 CEST 2006

Gregory Pittman wrote:
> I have done this (dialogue balloons) -- it was talking brain slices for 
> a presentation. I would not waste time with Inkscape or whatever.  What 
> I found was that it seemed that it was easier to manipulate the shape 
> when I started with one of the arrows -- might seem odd, but you end up 
> needing to add a number of nodes to a circle, and since it's a circular 
> shape, it takes more time than you would think to make a pointy shape -- 
> I like the "classic" dialogue balloon with a mostly elliptical shape and 
> then a V-shaped point toward the character that's speaking. It (for me) 
> was easier to make roundness from an arrow keeping the point than it was 
> to modify a circle by adding a pointy bump.
> Greg
> Then once you're done, the beauty is the conversion to a text frame, 
> modifying the border as needed, etc.

Here is a scrapbook with a balloon that I saved. It's saved as a shape.
Again, the beauty of this internal Scribus approach is that you can edit 
this in Scribus and convert to a text frame.

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