[Scribus] inserting a frame into already linked frames

Nik scribus
Tue Jul 11 08:22:02 CEST 2006

Hi Greg,

Thank you for your continues posts.

> Date: Mon, 10 Jul 2006 16:34:14 -0400
> From: Gregory Pittman <gpittman at iglou.com>
> Subject: Re: [Scribus] inserting a frame into already linked frames
> To: scribus at nashi.altmuehlnet.de
> Message-ID: <44B2B9C6.7090408 at iglou.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed
> What I am suggesting is that perhaps rather than going about it the way 
> you might originally wish to, you can add a frame at the end, then 
> insert the table or whatever in the middle, with adjustments in frame 
> size(s) to accomplish your desired goal.

Ah, ok. Thank you for clearing that up.

I agree with you that many times (possibly most times?), adding a frame 
at the end of a chain of linked frames works very well - the text just 
flows, and it all just works.

However, my experience is that inserting a frame in the middle of a 
chain is more efficient in some situations. A number involve scribus 
table frames, since these are composed of text frames. If the table 
content is inline in the text, then I need to insert the table frame at 
the correct point in the chain. Adding a table frame at the end of the 
chain doesn't work if the table content is in the middle of the text.

Similarly, if the chain already contains a table frame, and there is new 
content before the table, then I need to add the new text frame before 
the table frame - adding it after doesn't help.

 > I would think that if you
 > insert a frame midstream there are going to be unexpected consequences
 > in spillover anyway.

My experience is different. I confess to not being an expert, neither in 
DTP nor Scribus, but I have certainly encountered situations in which it 
was easier for me to insert a frame in the middle of the chain - even 
with the unecessary unlinking and relinking, than it was to add the 
frame at the end, and then move all the other affected (20+) frames to 
new pages, to accomodate the change.

Thanks again for your thoughts and input.


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