[Scribus] Is this a new problem in generating PDFs?

Gregory Pittman gpittman
Mon Jan 9 02:16:04 CET 2006

In the process of making one of my photo albums using my script 
scribalbum.py, which hasn't been modified in some time, I found that 
small text frame labels for the individual pictures do not show up in 
the PDF.

Eventually what I figured out was that if the fill color of the frame 
was set to White, they don't show up in the PDF, but if it's set to 
None, they do.
Attached is an example page, without the image frames. There are four of 
these small frames labelling the JPEG filename. The two in the upper 
left and lower right of the page have no fill color, the two in the 
center have White. If you make a PDF, you'll see that the two center 
ones are not visible.

Using 1.3.2cvs, just updated last night to 3 Jan version. Didn't matter 
whether the PDF version is 1.3, 1.4 or 1.5, and they don't show up in 
Adobe Reader 7 or with xpdf.

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