[Scribus] Bookmarks UI suggestions

KS lists04
Wed Feb 8 08:02:47 CET 2006

Below are a few suggestions I came up with when working with the
Bookmarks window.

1. Needs a context-menu for deletion of bookmarks. I had a bookmark
which went to a page, but was not associated with any element on the
page. I couldn't find a way to remove it. Neither with the mouse, nor
with delete button, had to delete it manually in code. relevant code was:

  <Bookmark Prev="80" Element="0" Next="0" ItemNr="81" Title=""
Seite="32" Last="0" Parent="0" First="0" Aktion="/XYZ 0 626.00000 0]"
Text="" />

2. When dragging a bookmark (moving), a line in between the other
bookmarks to indicate the destination position of the bookmark being
moved would be helpful.

3. Active bookmark has a dotted line over its "block", a shadded
background would be a better indicator.

Another suggestion - but this may or may not be possible. Suppose I have
10 pages, and all pages have bookmarks except page 4. After I'm done
making all bookmarks (except page4), I remember that I need a bookmark
on page 4 too. When I go and make one, it ends up on the end of the
list. I'm haven't tested where it will end up when the pdf is generated.
If it comes between page 3 and page 5's bookmarks, everything is fine.
But if it comes in the end....

And thanks alot to mrdocs for helping out with my consistent nagging the
last two days. Thanks to malex for building 1.2.3 for me.

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