[Scribus] Survey: using tabs when alignment is other than 'left'

Jan Kandziora jjj
Tue Dec 12 18:51:55 CET 2006

Am Dienstag, 12. Dezember 2006 18:16 schrieb Andreas Vox:
> Hi folks!
> I've a question for the users: how should tabs work in justified,
> right-aligned or centered paragraphs?
> a) do you have any use cases for that?
> b) what is more important:
>      - outer shape of the paragraph
>      - exact control which tabstop is used
> c) consider right-aligned text with a left tab: should there be some
> minimum space where the tab is?
> d) consider typing a right-aligned paragraph: which tabstop should
> the first TAB key use, the leftmost one or some other?
In my view, it would be most useful if tabs still work from left to right, and 
divide the line into cells. Alignment should be applied to the cell's 

That way, one could easily build tables with fixed columns.

Kind regards

The number of arguments is unimportant unless some of them are
                -- Ralph Hartley

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