[Scribus] Scribus suitability
David Bleil
Tue Apr 4 21:54:09 CEST 2006
It is with some trepadation I enter the cloud of invective on the merits of
current DTP software I have been reading. However I feel that several points
worth mentioning have been overlooked.
One: It is improper to assign motive to the teached in question with out at
the least giving that person the chance to explain themselves. As I former
teacher I have observed that teachers i)try to know their students and their
situations, ii)plan curricula which are optimal to their students and their
situation. What may be optimal in a particular situation may not be apparant
to someone on the other side of the Internet.
Two: There are users of Scribus who, like myself, are not professional
designers, do not work at designing or publication as their profession and do
not have a professional designer's budget. I use Scribus as I formerly used an
ancient copy of Pagemaker to produce Newsletters, membership directories and
similar materials for a small (100 members) sailing organization. This is an
activity for which I am not paid. Many users such as myself do not need every
possible bleeding edge capability. Scribus meets my needs perfectly. It
produces predictable high quality results. When I place something it stays
exactly where I put it. Try that with any Microsoft product and you will end
up screaming at the screen as the document reformats itself to rules you can
not control.
I look forward to Scribus 1.4.x even though I am sure it will contain features
which I may never need but which I hope to learn how to use. Even if Scribus
never displaces the commercial, feature dense DTP products it is a product of
great value for those of us who have publications which we would like to
produce as professionally as possible given that we are not publication
professionals. For all those who have made Scribus possible and who continue
to make it better--Thank you for all you do.
David Bleil
Catboat Sailor
from Crofton, MD
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