[Scribus] Aqua snapshot, Ghostscript

zee zeekey
Wed Jul 6 14:30:41 CEST 2005

I believe that I have components correctly located as I've stopped 
getting the 'no ghostscript' warning on launch.

took a look at andreas' e-mail and put things where he seemed to be 
indicating they should go.

I say "seemed to be" bcs I'm fairly new to this kind of software 
installation, where, as a user, I need to take an active role in 
setting paths or placing elements in certain locations myself.

Anyhoo, Scribus is working well enough for me to use it, and to report 
bugs if I see them.


On Wed, 06 Jul 2005 12:20:18 +0800, Craig Ringer wrote:
>>  Did you explicitly include /sw/bin/gs as the path to Ghostscript in your
>>  preferences? That's not on the default path so it may not see it unless
>>  manually included this way.
> That's true of Fink. He's referring to the GS build produced by Andreas,
> which is a Framework and should be located in a different way (and
> automatically).
> --
> Craig Ringer

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