[Scribus] Difference between DTP and word processor

Lukasz [DeeJay1] Jernas deejay1
Thu Dec 16 10:16:31 CET 2004

Dnia Wed, 15 Dec 2004 18:59:17 -0600 w e-mailu od robert
<robert at spotswood-computer.net> przeczytano:

> Second question: Is there a *SEARCHABLE* archive of this list
> anywhere? I found the archive, but not a way to search it. According
> the FAQ, it should be searchable.

Try http://nsj.srem.pl/cgi-bin/search.cgi  in a few hours, it's
currently making it's way through the archives...

?ukasz [DeeJay1] Jerna?
"PLD wspiera tych uzytkownikow, ktorym PLD dziala." - djurban
"Dop?ki nie skorzysta?em z Internetu, nie podejrzewa?em,
 ?e na ?wiecie jest tak wielu idiot?w" - Stanis?aw Lem

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