[Scribus] some fonts fail

Peter Linnell scribusdocs
Wed Dec 31 06:15:14 CET 2003

On Tue, 2003-12-30 at 19:15, bart at solozone.com wrote:
> My wingdings.ttf fails completely in Scribus cvs December 28, 2003 (and prior).  

> The keyboard does not register at all if this is selected! 

> Also a "video" font from hobbes.nmsu.edu/pub/multimedia/fonts does

>  not survive export by pdf as Acrobat Reader says 

> it cannot extract the embedded font. Shall I send an attachment of these?

No need.  

1) That video font has something broken. Not recommended for use with
Scribus. Adobe Type Manager choked on it too, indicating something

2) wingdings.ttf and webdings.ttf have non-standard encodings and are
known to be troublesome in postscript - not just Scribus. I have seen
issues with wingdings on Indesign 2.02, Pagemaker and Win2k. When I
setup Pit Stop, which pre-flights PDF's for press, these fonts are
flagged - if only to be sure they embed properly - which is not always
the case. 

The other fonts which I know do not work because of the iffy quality is
the Hershey fonts which are installed in Suse. I do not understand why
these fonts are even installed they are so faulty.

> I have 200 others working fine.

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