Is there already a plugin developed for Chinese GetText in scribus?<br>
as I want to automated the importing-and-check of chinese words for
fullcircle magazine ,and read the "How To Write a Scribus Get Text
Plugin" from
<a href="http://docs.scribus.net/index.php?lang=en&page=gettexthowto">http://docs.scribus.net/index.php?lang=en&page=gettexthowto</a> ,which
says "Wait here for a while! Maybe you are at the edge of reinventing
wheel - so join the mailing-list or visit #scribus channel at
<a href="http://irc.freenode.net">irc.freenode.net</a>. Your topic will be discussed and you'll get support
too. We cannot stop you to write anything you want - sure. :)))". <br>
so i think it's necessary to first confirm the existence of such a plugin.<br>
if not exist, then I am pleased to program one. thanks to that i am used to qt-application development.<br>
any info/clues is welcomed :)<br>