[scribus-dev] Announcement: Scribus 1.4.5 Released

Craig Bradney cbradney at scribus.info
Fri Jan 30 23:22:27 UTC 2015

Scribus 1.4.5 Released

The Scribus Team is pleased to announce the release of Scribus 1.4.5. (wiki version of announcement: http://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/1.4.5_Release)

Scribus 1.4.5 is almost exclusively a bugfixing and update release, including many corrections backported from 1.5.0svn.
Note: Scribus 1.5.0, the preview of the next stable Scribus release (1.6.0), is supposed to be released for testing purposes early in 2015.

Most Important Changes

	* Scribus is now being shipped with the most recent version of the PostScript Barcode Generator.
	* Updates to the Scripter that enable more control on PDF export. There is also a new command in Scripter, applyMasterPage(), which allows you to apply an existing Master Page via scripter.
	* Updates to the Resene color palettes, including, for the first time, The Resene Total Colour System (TCS) Master Palette.
	* Many translation updates and improvements.
	* Usability improvements.
	* Better application icons.
	* New templates.
	* The OS X application bundle now contains the path tools for mesh distortion again, and is now code signed (v1 code signing, due to the OS X 10.5 Leopard build).

The complete change log is available here: http://bugs.scribus.net/view_all_bug_page.php?filter=115457

Primary Download Locations

	* Installation packages for Windows, Mac OS X and the source code are available here: http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.4.5
	* Fedora and CentOS RPMs: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/mrdocs
	* OpenSUSE, SLED, and SLES RPMs: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/mrdocs
	* A ZIP archive for OS/2 Warp 4 and eComStation will be available under: http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/1.4.5.
	* A portable version for Windows will be available from http://sourceforge.net/projects/portableapps/files/Scribus%20Portable/.
	* A Haiku HPKG package will be available from: http://haikuware.com/directory/view-details/hpkgs/scribus soon.
		We also expect 1.4.5 to be provided via Haikuports: https://bitbucket.org/haikuports/haikuports/pull-request/477/added-recipe-for-scribus/diff.
	* Packaging for *BSD, Solaris and OpenIndiana is beyond our influence. We recommend updating the respective repository data on a regular basis.

Download Verification

Description	File Name	Sha1sum
	* Source:	scribus-1.4.5.tar.xz	70685aeb66d1f8f4984125c56f8f6e059af267c3
	* OS X Leopard or higher, Intel x86 (DMG): 	scribus-1.4.5.dmg	92fff499d52ba14e38b910ecb3e442222f80dd5a
	* OS X Leopard or higher, Intel x86 (PKG): 	scribus-1.4.5.pkg	f9b6ec54e502845385ed13d7993229995e922e3e
	* Windows 32/64 Bit:	scribus-1.4.5-windows.exe	bbd723bb539681989edfe952ad36b9b647f788a4
	* Windows 64 Bit:	scribus-1.4.5-windows-x64.exe 	f27c7ee7f21bff1803987673a33b3b594fc91af0
	* Windows PortableApps.com Format: To come shortly
	* OS/2 and eComStation: To come shortly


The Scribus Team would like to thank Anduin.net and Modirum for their continued hosting of all of the Scribus websites.

We are grateful to the Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie and Linux New Media (Germany) for sponsoring.

The Scribus Team is also honored to have Resene Colours (New Zealand), dtp studio Oldenburg (Germany), GiveLife Color System (Spain), Scientific Illustration Services Corp. (USA), the Newspaper Association of America (USA) and Software Consulting Services (USA) as Special Supporters and donors of color palettes and other content since the 1.4.x release, just like we are grateful to the owner of Vector Portal for the permission to distribute some of his work as Scribus Templates.

Porting Scribus to OS/2 and eComStation is being supported by Mensys BV (The Netherlands) and Serenity Systems (USA).

For this release we also want to thank Dennis Groenewegen van der Weijden for contributing a set of modern templates.

Finally, the Scribus Team would like to thank the many end users, translators, testers and contributors who helped us with this release.
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