[scribus-dev] New Import Filters: MS Visio and Apple Pages

Ori Idan ori at heliconbooks.com
Sun Jan 12 11:00:01 UTC 2014

On Sat, Jan 11, 2014 at 6:46 PM, Franz Schmid
<Franz.Schmid at altmuehlnet.de>wrote:

> Am 11.01.2014 17:38, schrieb Ori Idan:
> > This is the time to ask about another file format that I guess is hardly
> > in use but I still need to convert files from this format.
> > Does anybody know of a way to convert from 3B2 (3D) format to any
> > format, even text only?
> > I need to extract at least the text from such a book.
> >
> > --
> > Ori Idan CEO
> >
> Hi,
> do you have any informations about the format or any small
> sample files to play with ?
> You can file a bug on our bugtracker and attach the
> files there.
> Greetings,
> Franz Schmid
Thank you Franz,
I tried loging in  to the bugtracker but could not find how to register so
I could not fill a new bug.
I have a file with me in the Hebrew language I guess it is using CP-866 for
the text, I don't think UTF-8 was common at that time.

Ori Idan

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