[scribus-dev] Scribus ported to Qt5 -- Please test

"Christoph Schäfer" christoph-schaefer at gmx.de
Mon Mar 11 06:29:36 UTC 2013

Hi all,

As of yesterday, Scribus 1.5svn can be compiled against Qt 5. This port has been much smoother and a lot less disruptive than the one from Qt 3 to Qt 4. Moreover, Scribus 1.5svn can still be built with Qt 4, and Qt5 is only an option.

To build Scribus with Qt 5 two CMake options have been added: -DUSE_QT5=1 and -DQT_PREFIX="path _to_your_Qt5_installation".

Please note that the Upgrade Checker won't be available in a Qt 5 build, as it depends on a depracated Qt 4 class and needs to be rewritten for Qt 5. Everything else should work.

If you discover issues that are specific to the Qt 5 build and want to file a bug report, a new bug category "Qt5 Port" has been added to the bugtracker.

Happy testing!


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