[scribus-dev] Tables GSoC - Weekly Report #11

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 17:38:15 UTC 2011

Good evening,

Brief weekly report #11 follows [1]. It covers stuff I've done since
Tuesday night when I sent the last report. The traditional short
screencast is here:



[1] http://wiki.scribus.net/canvas/GSoC_2011_Tables_Weekly_Reports

= Tables GSoC - Weekly Report #11 =

== Work Report ==
* Save/restore global shortcut actions when entering/leaving table edit mode.
* Added the concept of an "active cell" to PageItem_Table. A table
always has an active cell, which may be set/get using
setActiveCell(...)/activeCell(). This is the cell that will receive
keyboard input during table editing, and the cell which table
operations will operate on when there's no cell selection.
* Added support for typing text into cells. Typing is handled by
passing on key press events to the handleModeEditKey(...) function of
the text frame of the active cell.
* Added drawing of a blinking cursor while in table edit mode. The
blinking behaves like it does for normal text frames, making a long
blink on initial cell activation, as well as when Home/End/PgUp/PgDown
has been pressed.
* Changed the PageItem_TextFrame to paint text selection while in
table edit mode, not just normal edit mode.
* Added support for positioning the text cursor in table cells with
the mouse. This required modifications to
* Added support for selecting text in cells with the mouse. The double
click behavior is the same as for normal text frames; double clicking
selects a word, with the Ctrl modifier a paragraph is selected and
with Ctrl+Shift modifiers a range of paragraphs is selected. If the
mouse goes outside one cell and into another during text selection,
the cell selection gesture is started.
* Added support for clicking outside table with mouse to leave the
table edit mode.
* Stop the cell selection gesture when just clicking with the mouse.
* Position the cursor correctly in cell on initial table edit mode activation.

== Project Status ==
My goal for this week was to get as much of the following done:

* Basic cell text editing.
* Context menu.
* PP UI.
* SM UI.
* Saving / Loading.
* Painting for print output.

I'd say that the first item on the list is now done. There remains
some minor details such as being able to go from text editing of one
table to another (or to a text frame) with just a single click. This
should be simple to fix, but is not an essential feature.

== Problems / Questions ==
I have one question regarding the destruction order of removed items
vs. styles which is currently causing a crash on application exit, but
I've sent that in a separate mail to the list. Apart from that, no
pressing questions right now.

== Next Week ==

I'll now move on to the other items on my hit list above, starting
with the context menu.

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