[scribus-dev] The Scribus developers Hit Parades

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Wed Nov 24 20:59:25 CET 2010

Cari amici vicini e lontani,

At the recent Scribus Weekend in Paris we have looked for a way for the people in the Scribus community to communicate their wishes to the Scribus team.

We agreed on an on Hit Parade of bugs to be fixed and features to be implemented.

Cedric and I have created two lists and we will post an updated version every Wednesday on this list.

The first list is the top ten of the small bugs or features:

1	Get dead keys to work across all systems	1
	(1 week at first place)
2	Fix the growth of the contour line		1
	(1 week at second place)
3	In 1.4 disable undo command while editing text	1
	(1 week at third place)
4	Simplify the growth of the contour line		1
5	Fix the column guides in the master pages	1
6	Transform the unlink tool in a unlink command	1
7	Allow unlinking without reflowing the text	1
8	Don't silently discard bad fonts, but show them
	as non selectable				1
9	Flow around groups				1
0	Test and comment the patch for style based TOC	1
	(the 0th bug is chosen among the ones on the first page of bugs.scribus,net)

The second list is the one with the top three big bug or features.

1.	Undo for text (1 week)
2.	Add Scripter 2 (1 week)
3.	Release 1.4 (1 Week)

Some remarks:

- This week we present the list as is. For the next week I promise that we will add to each entry a reference to the bug tracker.

- We would like to get the whole community to participate to the compilation of this Hit Parade but -- at least for now -- we can't setup an open voting system for the bugs and feature.

- If we can get an infrastructure for voting on bugs to be fixed and features to be implemented, personally, I'd prefer to have a third top ten for it and let these ones simply mirror the subjective wishes of some self designated "power users".

- And even if there is no voting system, please discuss those entries (and other propositions) on the mailing list and in the bug tracker: your comment won't stay unnoticed!

- If you don't agree on the way this list has been put together, join us or compile your own list!

- We have compiled the list on Saturday evening: the bug at place 5 has already been fixed... so we certainly will have new entry next week.

VoilĂ , the next Hit Parade will be sent the next week on the 1st of December! Hopefully with lot of new entries...


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