r23353 by jghali - #15934: Nodes editor: Moving nodes with the keyboard cannot be undone

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Tue Nov 12 11:03:24 UTC 2019

Author: jghali
Date: Tue Nov 12 11:03:24 2019
New Revision: 23353

URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=23353
#15934: Nodes editor: Moving nodes with the keyboard cannot be undone


Modified: trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode.cpp
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=23353&path=/trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode.cpp
--- trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode.cpp	(original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode.cpp	Tue Nov 12 11:03:24 2019
@@ -1,1660 +1,1673 @@
- For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
- to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
- a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
- for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
- */
-*                                                                         *
-*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
-*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
-*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
-*                                                                         *
-#include "canvasmode.h"
-#include "actionmanager.h"
-#include "appmodes.h"
-#include "canvas.h"
-#include "canvasgesture_pan.h"
-#include "canvasmode_copyproperties.h"
-#include "canvasmode_create.h"
-#include "canvasmode_drawbezier.h"
-#include "canvasmode_drawfreehand.h"
-#include "canvasmode_drawcalligraphic.h"
-#include "canvasmode_edit.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editarc.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editgradient.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editmeshgradient.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editmeshpatch.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editpolygon.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editspiral.h"
-#include "canvasmode_edittable.h"
-#include "canvasmode_editweldpoint.h"
-#include "canvasmode_eyedropper.h"
-#include "canvasmode_framelinks.h"
-#include "canvasmode_imageimport.h"
-#include "canvasmode_magnifier.h"
-#include "canvasmode_measurements.h"
-#include "canvasmode_nodeedit.h"
-#include "canvasmode_normal.h"
-#include "canvasmode_objimport.h"
-#include "canvasmode_panning.h"
-#include "canvasmode_rotate.h"
-#include "pageitempreview.h"
-#include "pageitem_group.h"
-#include "pageitem_textframe.h"
-#include "prefsmanager.h"
-#include "selection.h"
-#include "sccolorengine.h"
-#include "scpainter.h"
-#include "scraction.h"
-#include "scribus.h"
-#include "scribusdoc.h"
-#include "scribusview.h"
-#include "ui/checkDocument.h"
-#include "ui/contextmenu.h"
-#include "ui/outlinepalette.h"
-#include "ui/pageselector.h"
-#include "ui/scrapbookpalette.h"
-#include "ui/scrspinbox.h"
-#include "ui/scresizecursor.h"
-#include "undomanager.h"
-#include "units.h"
-#include "iconmanager.h"
-#include "util_math.h"
-#include <QMdiArea>
-#include <QMdiSubWindow>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPointF>
-CanvasMode::CanvasMode (ScribusView* view) :
-	m_view(view),
-	m_canvas(view->m_canvas),
-	m_doc(view->Doc),
-	m_panGesture(nullptr),
-	undoManager(UndoManager::instance()),
-	xSnap(0.0),
-	ySnap(0.0)
-	m_pen["outline"]	= QPen(Qt::gray, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["outline"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_pen["selection"]	= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["selection"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_pen["selection-group"] = QPen(Qt::red, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["selection-group"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_pen["selection-group-inside"] = QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameGroupColor, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["selection-group-inside"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_pen["handle"]		= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["handle"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_brush["outline"]	= Qt::NoBrush;
-	m_brush["selection"]	= Qt::NoBrush;
-	m_brush["selection-group"] = QColor(255,0,0,10);
-	m_brush["selection-group-inside"] = Qt::NoBrush;
-	m_brush["handle"]	= PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor;
-	m_keyRepeat = false;
-	m_arrowKeyDown = false;
-	//m_mousePointDoc = FPoint(0,0);
-	delete m_panGesture;
-CanvasMode* CanvasMode::createForAppMode(ScribusView* view, int appMode)
-	CanvasMode* result;
-	switch (appMode)
-	{
-		case modeNormal:
-		case modeStoryEditor:
-			result = new CanvasMode_Normal(view);
-			break;
-		case modeCopyProperties:
-			result = new CanvasMode_CopyProperties(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEdit:
-			result = new CanvasMode_Edit(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditClip:
-			result = new CanvasMode_NodeEdit(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditGradientVectors:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditGradient(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditMeshGradient:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditMeshGradient(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditMeshPatch:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditMeshPatch(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditWeldPoint:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditWeldPoint(view);
-			break;
-		case modeDrawBezierLine:
-			result = new BezierMode(view);
-			break;
-		case modeDrawFreehandLine:
-			result = new FreehandMode(view);
-			break;
-		case modeDrawCalligraphicLine:
-			result = new CalligraphicMode(view);
-			break;
-		case modeDrawLine:
-		case modeDrawShapes:
-		case modeDrawImage:
-		case modeDrawLatex:
-		case modeDrawText:
-		case modeDrawTable2:
-		case modeDrawRegularPolygon:
-		case modeDrawArc:
-		case modeDrawSpiral:
-		case modeInsertPDFButton:
-		case modeInsertPDFRadioButton:
-		case modeInsertPDFTextfield:
-		case modeInsertPDFCheckbox:
-		case modeInsertPDFCombobox:
-		case modeInsertPDFListbox:
-		case modeInsertPDFTextAnnotation:
-		case modeInsertPDFLinkAnnotation:
-		case modeInsertPDF3DAnnotation:
-			result = new CreateMode(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEyeDropper:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EyeDropper(view);
-			break;
-		case modeImportObject:
-			result = new CanvasMode_ObjImport(view);
-			break;
-		case modeLinkFrames:
-		case modeUnlinkFrames:
-			result = new CanvasMode_FrameLinks(view);
-			break;
-		case modeImportImage:
-			result = new CanvasMode_ImageImport(view);
-			break;
-		case modeMagnifier:
-			result = new CanvasMode_Magnifier(view);
-			break;
-		case modeMeasurementTool:
-			result = new MeasurementsMode(view);
-			break;
-		case modePanning:
-			result = new CanvasMode_Panning(view);
-			break;
-		case modeRotation:
-			result = new CanvasMode_Rotate(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditArc:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditArc(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditPolygon:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditPolygon(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditSpiral:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditSpiral(view);
-			break;
-		case modeEditTable:
-			result = new CanvasMode_EditTable(view);
-			break;
-			// more modes as they are defined...
-		default:
-			result = new CanvasMode_Normal(view);
-			break;
-	}
-	return result;
-void CanvasMode::updateViewMode(CanvasViewMode* viewmode) 
-	viewmode->drawSelectedItemsWithControls = false;
-	viewmode->drawFramelinksWithContents = false;	
-void CanvasMode::drawSelectionHandles(QPainter *psx, QRectF selectionRect, bool background, bool insideGroup, double sx, double sy)
-	m_pen["handle"]		= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["handle"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_pen["selection-group-inside"] = QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameGroupColor, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["selection-group-inside"].setCosmetic(true);
-	QPen ba = QPen(Qt::white, 3.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	ba.setCosmetic(true);
-	double markWidth = 4.0 / m_canvas->scale();
-	if (insideGroup)
-		markWidth /= qMax(sx, sy);
-	QRectF handleRect = QRectF(0, 0, markWidth, markWidth);
-	double x = selectionRect.x();
-	double y = selectionRect.y();
-	double w = selectionRect.width();
-	double h = selectionRect.height();
-	psx->setBrush(Qt::white);
-	if (background)
-		psx->setPen(ba);
-	else
-	{
-		if (insideGroup)
-			psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group-inside"]);
-		else
-			psx->setPen(m_pen["handle"]);
-	}
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w/2.0, y));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y+h/2.0));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y+h));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w/2.0, y+h));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y+h));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y+h/2.0));
-	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-void CanvasMode::drawSelection(QPainter* psx, bool drawHandles)
-	m_pen["selection"]	= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["selection"].setCosmetic(true);
-	m_pen["selection-group-inside"] = QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameGroupColor, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	m_pen["selection-group-inside"].setCosmetic(true);
-	QPen ba = QPen(Qt::white, 3.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	ba.setCosmetic(true);
-	QPen bb = QPen(Qt::black, 1.0, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	bb.setCosmetic(true);
-	psx->scale(m_canvas->scale(), m_canvas->scale());
-	psx->translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y());
-	psx->setClipping(true);
-	psx->setClipRegion(QRegion(m_canvas->exposedRect()));
-	if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
-	{
-		PageItem *curItem(nullptr);
-		for(int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
-		{
-			curItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i);
-			if (drawHandles)
-				drawHandles = !curItem->locked();
-		}
-		// items inside a a multi
-		if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-		{
-			int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
-			PageItem *currItem;
-			for (int i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i)
-			{
-				currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i);
-				if (!m_doc->Items->contains(currItem))
-					continue;
-				psx->save();
-				double lineAdjust(psx->pen().width() / m_canvas->scale());
-				double x, y, w, h;
-				w = currItem->visualWidth() ;
-				h = currItem->visualHeight() ;
-				if (currItem->rotation() != 0)
-				{
-					psx->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-					psx->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos());
-					psx->rotate(currItem->rotation());
-					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : (currItem->visualXPos() - currItem->xPos() - lineAdjust);
-					y = currItem->asLine() ? (h / -2.0) : (currItem->visualYPos() - currItem->yPos() - lineAdjust);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					psx->translate(currItem->visualXPos(), currItem->visualYPos());
-					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
-					y = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
-				}
-				psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-				psx->setPen(ba);
-				psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
-				psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group-inside"]);
-				psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection-group-inside"]);
-				psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
-				psx->restore();
-			}
-		}
-		psx->save();
-		psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group"]);
-		double lineAdjust(psx->pen().width() / m_canvas->scale());
-		double x, y, w, h;
-		m_doc->m_Selection->setGroupRect();
-		m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
-		psx->translate(x,y);
-		x = -lineAdjust;
-		y = -lineAdjust;
-		psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-		psx->setPen(ba);
-		psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
-		if (drawHandles)
-			drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), true);
-		psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group"]);
-		psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection-group"]);
-		psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
-		if (drawHandles)
-			drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), false);
-		psx->restore();
-	}
-	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
-	{
-		int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
-		PageItem *currItem;
-		for (int a = 0; a < docSelectionCount; ++a)
-		{
-			currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(a);
-			psx->save();
-			psx->setPen(m_pen["selection"]);
-			psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection"]);
-			double lineAdjust(psx->pen().width() / m_canvas->scale());
-			double x, y, w, h;
-			if (currItem->isGroupChild())
-			{
-				QTransform t = currItem->getTransform();
-				double sx, sy;
-				getScaleFromMatrix(t, sx, sy);
-				psx->setTransform(t, true);
-				w = currItem->visualWidth();
-				h = currItem->visualHeight();
-				x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : (-currItem->visualLineWidth() / 2.0);
-				y = -currItem->visualLineWidth() / 2.0;
-				psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-				QRectF drRect = QRectF(x, y, w, h).normalized();
-				if (m_doc->drawAsPreview && !m_doc->editOnPreview)
-				{
-					if (!currItem->annotation().IsOpen())
-					{
-						psx->setPen(bb);
-						psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-						psx->drawRect(drRect.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					psx->setPen(ba);
-					psx->drawRect(drRect);
-					if (drawHandles)
-						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), true, true, sx, sy);
-					psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group-inside"]);
-					psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection-group-inside"]);
-					psx->drawRect(drRect);
-					if (drawHandles)
-						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), false, true, sx, sy);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				w = currItem->visualWidth();
-				h = currItem->visualHeight();
-				if (currItem->rotation() != 0)
-				{
-					psx->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-					psx->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos());
-					psx->rotate(currItem->rotation());
-					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : (currItem->visualXPos() - currItem->xPos() - lineAdjust);
-					y = currItem->asLine() ? (h / -2.0) : (currItem->visualYPos() - currItem->yPos() - lineAdjust);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					psx->translate(currItem->visualXPos(), currItem->visualYPos());
-					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
-					y = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
-				}
-				psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-				if (m_doc->drawAsPreview && !m_doc->editOnPreview)
-				{
-					if (!currItem->annotation().IsOpen())
-					{
-						psx->setPen(bb);
-						psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
-						psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h).adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					psx->setPen(ba);
-					psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
-					if (drawHandles && !currItem->locked() && !currItem->isLine())
-						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), true);
-					psx->setPen(m_pen["selection"]);
-					psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection"]);
-					psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
-				}
-				if (drawHandles && !currItem->locked())
-				{
-					if (currItem->asLine())
-					{
-						const double markWidth = 4.0 / m_canvas->scale();
-						QRectF handleRect = QRectF(0, 0, markWidth, markWidth);
-						psx->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-						psx->setBrush(Qt::white);
-						psx->setPen(m_pen["handle"]);
-						handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y+h/2.0));
-						psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-						handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y+h/2.0));
-						psx->drawRect(handleRect);
-					}
-					else
-						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), false);
-				}
-				if (currItem->isWelded())
-				{
-					psx->setPen(QPen(Qt::yellow, 8.0 / m_canvas->scale(), Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
-					for (int i = 0 ; i <  currItem->weldList.count(); i++)
-					{
-						PageItem::WeldingInfo wInf =  currItem->weldList.at(i);
-						psx->drawPoint(QPointF(wInf.weldPoint.x(), wInf.weldPoint.y()));
-					}
-				}
-			}
-			psx->restore();
-		}
-	}
-void CanvasMode::drawOutline(QPainter* p, double deltax, double deltay)
-	p->save();
-	p->scale(m_canvas->scale(), m_canvas->scale());
-	p->translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y());
-	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 1)
-	{
-		PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-//		QRectF br(currItem->getVisualBoundingRect());
-		QImage *pixItem(0);
-		if (m_pixmapCache.contains(currItem))
-		{
-			if (m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->isReady())
-				pixItem = m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->getImage();
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			m_pixmapCache[currItem] = new PageItemPreview(currItem);
-		}
-		if (pixItem)
-		{
-			p->save();
-			p->translate(br.x(),br.y());
-			p->translate(deltax, deltay);
-			p->drawImage(br.toRect(), *pixItem, pixItem->rect());
-			p->restore();
-		}
-		{
-			QTransform itemTrans = currItem->getTransform(deltax, deltay);
-			double visualWidth = currItem->visualWidth();
-			double visualHeight = currItem->visualHeight();
-			double visualLineWidth = currItem->visualLineWidth();
-			double matRot = getRotationDFromMatrix(itemTrans);
-			if (currItem->isGroup())
-			{
-				p->save();
-				p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-				p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-				p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
-				if (matRot != 0)
-					p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-				p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
-				p->setClipping(true);
-				p->setClipRect(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
-				PageItem_Group* gItem = currItem->asGroupFrame();
-				int itemCountG = gItem->groupItemList.count();
-				if (itemCountG < m_canvas->moveWithFullOutlinesThreshold)
-				{
-					if (gItem->imageFlippedH())
-					{
-						p->translate(gItem->width(), 0);
-						p->scale(-1, 1);
-					}
-					if (gItem->imageFlippedV())
-					{
-						p->translate(0, gItem->height());
-						p->scale(1, -1);
-					}
-					p->scale(gItem->width() / gItem->groupWidth, gItem->height() / gItem->groupHeight);
-					for (int cg = 0; cg < itemCountG; cg++)
-					{
-						p->save();
-						currItem = gItem->groupItemList.at(cg);
-						p->translate(currItem->gXpos, currItem->gYpos);
-						if (currItem->rotation() != 0)
-						{
-							p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-							p->rotate(currItem->rotation());
-						}
-						p->drawPath(currItem->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false));
-						p->restore();
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					currItem->DrawPolyL(p, currItem->Clip);
-				}
-				p->restore();
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				p->save();
-				p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-				p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-				p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
-				if (matRot != 0)
-					p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-				if (currItem->isLine())
-					p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, currItem->visualWidth(), currItem->visualHeight()));
-				else
-					p->drawRect(QRectF(-visualLineWidth / 2.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, currItem->visualWidth(), currItem->visualHeight()));
-				p->restore();
-				p->save();
-				p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-				p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-				p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
-				if (matRot != 0)
-					p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-				p->drawPath(currItem->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false));
-				p->restore();
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-	{
-		double x, y, w, h;
-		m_doc->m_Selection->setGroupRect();
-		m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
-		int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
-		if (docSelectionCount < m_canvas->moveWithBoxesOnlyThreshold)
-		{
-			PageItem *currItem;
-			for (int i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i)
-			{
-				currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i);
-				if (!currItem->Parent && !m_doc->Items->contains(currItem))
-					continue;
-				if (currItem->Parent && !currItem->Parent->groupItemList.contains(currItem))
-					continue;
-				QTransform itemTrans = currItem->getTransform(deltax, deltay);
-				double visualWidth = currItem->visualWidth();
-				double visualHeight = currItem->visualHeight();
-				double visualLineWidth = currItem->visualLineWidth();
-				double matRot = getRotationDFromMatrix(itemTrans);
-				p->save();
-				if (docSelectionCount < m_canvas->moveWithFullOutlinesThreshold)
-				{
-//					QRectF br(currItem->getVisualBoundingRect());
-					QImage *pixItem(0);
-					if (m_pixmapCache.contains(currItem))
-					{
-						if (m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->isReady())
-							pixItem = m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->getImage();
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						m_pixmapCache[currItem] = new PageItemPreview(currItem);
-					}
-					if (pixItem)
-					{
-						p->save();
-//							p->translate(br.x() /*- x*/, br.y() /*- y*/);
-						p->drawImage(br.toRect(), *pixItem, pixItem->rect());
-						p->restore();
-					}
-					{
-						p->save();
-						p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-						p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-						p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
-						if (matRot != 0)
-							p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-						if (currItem->isLine())
-							p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
-						else
-							p->drawRect(QRectF(-visualLineWidth / 2.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
-						p->restore();
-						p->save();
-						p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-						p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-						p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
-						if (matRot != 0)
-							p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-						p->drawPath(currItem->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false));
-						p->restore();
-					}
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-					p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-					p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
-					if (matRot != 0)
-						p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-					if (currItem->isLine())
-						p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
-					else
-						p->drawRect(QRectF(-visualLineWidth / 2.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
-				}
-				p->restore();
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
-			p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
-			p->translate(deltax, deltay);
-			p->translate(x, y);
-			p->drawRect(QRectF(0, 0, w, h));
-		}
-	}
-	p->restore();
-QCursor CanvasMode::modeCursor()
-	IconManager& im=IconManager::instance();
-	QCursor cursor;
-	switch (m_doc->appMode)
-	{
-		case modeDrawShapes:
-		case modeDrawArc:
-		case modeDrawSpiral:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawframe.png");
-			break;
-		case modeDrawImage:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawimageframe.png");
-			break;
-		case modeDrawLatex:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawlatexframe.png");
-			break;
-		case modeDrawText:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawtextframe.png");
-			break;
-		case modeDrawTable2:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawtable.png");
-			break;
-		case modeDrawRegularPolygon:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawpolyline.png");
-			break;
-		case modeDrawLine:
-		case modeDrawBezierLine:
-			cursor = QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);
-			break;
-		case modeDrawFreehandLine:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("DrawFreeLine.png", 0, 31);
-			break;
-		case modeDrawCalligraphicLine:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawcalligraphy.png", 4, 4);
-			break;
-		case modeImportObject:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("dragpix.png");
-			break;
-		case modeMagnifier:
-			if (m_view->Magnify)
-				cursor = im.loadCursor("lupez.png");
-			else
-				cursor = im.loadCursor("lupezm.png");
-			break;
-		case modePanning:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("handc.png");
-			break;
-		case modeEyeDropper:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("colorpickercursor.png", 0, 31);
-			break;
-		case modeLinkFrames:
-			cursor = im.loadCursor("LinkTextFrame.png", 0, 31);
-			break;
-		case modeMeasurementTool:
-		case modeEditGradientVectors:
-		case modeEditMeshGradient:
-		case modeEditMeshPatch:
-		case modeEditWeldPoint:
-		case modeInsertPDFButton:
-		case modeInsertPDFRadioButton:
-		case modeInsertPDFTextfield:
-		case modeInsertPDFCheckbox:
-		case modeInsertPDFCombobox:
-		case modeInsertPDFListbox:
-		case modeInsertPDFTextAnnotation:
-		case modeInsertPDFLinkAnnotation:
-		case modeInsertPDF3DAnnotation:
-		case modeEditArc:
-		case modeEditPolygon:
-		case modeEditSpiral:
-			cursor = QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);
-			break;
-		default:
-			cursor = QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
-			break;
-	}
-	return cursor;
-void CanvasMode::setModeCursor()
-	IconManager& im=IconManager::instance();
-	//NOTE: Merge with similar code in ScribusMainWindow::setAppMode()
-	switch (m_doc->appMode)
-	{
-		case modeDrawShapes:
-		case modeDrawArc:
-		case modeDrawSpiral:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawframe.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawImage:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawimageframe.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawLatex:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawlatexframe.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawText:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawtextframe.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawTable2:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawtable.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawRegularPolygon:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawpolyline.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawLine:
-		case modeDrawBezierLine:
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawFreehandLine:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("DrawFreeLine.png", 0, 31));
-			break;
-		case modeDrawCalligraphicLine:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawcalligraphy.png", 4, 4));
-			break;
-		case modeImportObject:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("dragpix.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeMagnifier:
-			if (m_view->Magnify)
-				m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("lupez.png"));
-			else
-				m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("lupezm.png"));
-			break;
-		case modePanning:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("handc.png"));
-			break;
-		case modeEyeDropper:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("colorpickercursor.png", 0, 31));
-			break;
-		case modeLinkFrames:
-			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("LinkTextFrame.png", 0, 31));
-			break;
-		case modeMeasurementTool:
-		case modeEditGradientVectors:
-		case modeEditMeshGradient:
-		case modeEditMeshPatch:
-		case modeEditWeldPoint:
-		case modeInsertPDFButton:
-		case modeInsertPDFRadioButton:
-		case modeInsertPDFTextfield:
-		case modeInsertPDFCheckbox:
-		case modeInsertPDFCombobox:
-		case modeInsertPDFListbox:
-		case modeInsertPDFTextAnnotation:
-		case modeInsertPDFLinkAnnotation:
-		case modeInsertPDF3DAnnotation:
-		case modeEditArc:
-		case modeEditPolygon:
-		case modeEditSpiral:
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor));
-			break;
-		default:
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
-			break;
-	}
-void CanvasMode::clearPixmapCache()
-	if (m_pixmapCache.count())
-	{
-		foreach(PageItemPreview* ip, m_pixmapCache)
-		{
-			if (ip)
-				delete ip;
-		}
-		m_pixmapCache.clear();
-	}
-void CanvasMode::drawSnapLine(QPainter* p)
-	if (!m_doc->SnapElement)
-		return;
-	if (xSnap == 0.0 && ySnap == 0.0)
-		return;
-	int page = m_doc->OnPage(m_view->m_mousePointDoc.x(), m_view->m_mousePointDoc.y());
-	if (page == -1)
-		return;
-	MarginStruct bleedValues;
-	ScPage* dragToPage=m_doc->Pages->at(page);
-	if (!dragToPage)
-		return;
-	m_doc->getBleeds(dragToPage, bleedValues);
-	double xOffset = dragToPage->xOffset() - bleedValues.left();
-	double yOffset = dragToPage->yOffset() - bleedValues.top();
-	QPoint pageOrigin = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(QPointF(xOffset, yOffset));
-	if (ySnap)
-	{
-		p->setPen(Qt::green);
-		QPoint pt = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(QPointF(xOffset, ySnap));
-		double w  = (dragToPage->width() + bleedValues.left() + bleedValues.right()) * m_canvas->scale();
-		p->drawLine(pageOrigin.x(), pt.y(), pageOrigin.x() + w, pt.y());
-		ySnap = 0;
-	}
-	if (xSnap)
-	{
-		p->setPen(Qt::green);
-		QPoint pt = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(QPointF(xSnap, yOffset));
-		double h  = (dragToPage->height() + bleedValues.bottom() + bleedValues.top()) * m_canvas->scale();
-		p->drawLine(pt.x(), pageOrigin.y(), pt.x(), pageOrigin.y() + h);
-		xSnap = 0;
-	}
-void CanvasMode::setResizeCursor(int how, double rot)
-	switch (how)
-	{
-		case 1:
-		case 2:
-			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(135 + rot));// Qt::SizeFDiagCursor
-			break;
-		case 3:
-		case 4:
-			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(45 + rot));// Qt::SizeBDiagCursor
-			break;
-		case 5:
-		case 8:
-			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(0 + rot));// Qt::SizeVerCursor
-			break;
-		case 6:
-		case 7:
-			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(90 + rot));// Qt::SizeHorCursor
-			break;
-		default:
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor));
-			break;
-	}
-bool CanvasMode::commonMouseMove(QMouseEvent *m)
-	//m_mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-	if ((m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && (m->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) && (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) || ((!(m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) && (m->buttons() & Qt::MidButton)))
-	{
-		if (!m_panGesture)
-		{
-			m_panGesture = new PanGesture(this);
-		}
-		m_view->startGesture(m_panGesture);
-		m_panGesture->mousePressEvent(m); // Not an error, this is used to register current canvas point
-		return true;
-	}
-	return false;
-void CanvasMode::commonDrawControls(QPainter* p, bool drawHandles)
-	if (m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving)
-		drawOutline(p);
-	else
-		drawSelection(p, drawHandles);
-void CanvasMode::commonDrawTextCursor(QPainter* p, PageItem_TextFrame* textframe, const QPointF& offset)
-	QLineF cursor;
-	QPen cPen (Qt::black, 0.9 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
-	// normalize Current Position
-	textframe->itemText.normalizeCursorPosition();
-	int textCursorPos (textframe->itemText.cursorPosition());
-	cursor = textframe->textLayout.positionToPoint(textCursorPos);
-	cPen.setColor(ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(m_doc->PageColors[textframe->itemText.charStyle(textCursorPos).fillColor()], m_doc));
-	p->save();
-	p->setTransform(textframe->getTransform(), true);
-	p->setPen(cPen);
-	p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
-	p->drawLine(cursor.translated(offset));
-	p->restore();
-void CanvasMode::commonkeyPressEvent_NormalNodeEdit(QKeyEvent *e)
-	int kk = e->key();
-	Qt::KeyboardModifiers buttonModifiers = e->modifiers();
-//	QString uc = e->text();
-	ScribusMainWindow* mainWindow = m_view->m_ScMW;
-	QList<QMdiSubWindow *> windows;
-	QMdiArea* mdiArea = mainWindow->mdiArea;
-	QMdiSubWindow* w  = nullptr;
-	PrefsManager& prefsManager = PrefsManager::instance();
-	OutlinePalette* outlinePalette = mainWindow->outlinePalette;
-	CheckDocument*  docCheckerPalette = mainWindow->docCheckerPalette;
-	QMap<QString, QPointer<ScrAction> >& scrActions(mainWindow->scrActions);
-	if (m_keyRepeat)
-		return;
-	m_keyRepeat = true;
-	int keyMod=0;
-	if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
-		keyMod |= Qt::SHIFT;
-	if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)
-		keyMod |= Qt::CTRL;
-	if (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier)
-		keyMod |= Qt::ALT;
-	//User presses escape and we have a doc open, and we have an item selected
-	if (kk == Qt::Key_Escape)
-	{
-		m_keyRepeat = false;
-		PageItem *currItem;
-		if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
-		{
-			currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-			currItem->Sizing = false;
-			if (m_doc->SubMode != -1)
-			{
-				m_view->Deselect(false);
-				m_doc->Items->removeOne(currItem);
-			}
-			else
-				m_view->Deselect(false);
-			m_view->cancelGroupTransaction();
-		}
-		m_doc->DragP = false;
-		m_doc->leaveDrag = false;
-		m_view->stopAllDrags();
-		m_doc->SubMode = -1;
-		m_doc->ElemToLink = nullptr;
-		mainWindow->slotSelect();
-		if (m_doc->m_Selection->isEmpty())
-			mainWindow->HaveNewSel();
-		prefsManager.appPrefs.uiPrefs.stickyTools = false;
-		scrActions["stickyTools"]->setChecked(false);
-		return;
-	}
-	if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, e->modifiers(), "toolsZoomIn"))
-		scrActions["toolsZoomIn"]->trigger();
-	if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, e->modifiers(), "toolsZoomOut"))
-		scrActions["toolsZoomOut"]->trigger();
-	/**If we have a doc and we are not changing the page or zoom level in the status bar */
-	if ((!m_view->m_ScMW->zoomSpinBox->hasFocus()) && (!m_view->m_ScMW->pageSelector->hasFocus()))
-	{
-		//Show our context menu
-		if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, e->modifiers(), "viewShowContextMenu"))
-		{
-			ContextMenu* cmen=nullptr;
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
-			if (m_doc->m_Selection->isEmpty())
-			{
-				//CB We should be able to get this calculated by the canvas.... it is already in m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-				FPoint fp = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(QCursor::pos());
-				cmen = new ContextMenu(mainWindow, m_doc, fp.x(), fp.y());
-			}
-			else
-				cmen = new ContextMenu(*(m_doc->m_Selection), mainWindow, m_doc);
-			if (cmen)
-			{
-				mainWindow->setUndoMode(true);
-				cmen->exec(QCursor::pos());
-				mainWindow->setUndoMode(false);
-			}
-			delete cmen;
-		}
-		/**
-		 * With no item selected we can:
-		 * - With space, get into panning mode (modePanning)
-		 * - With PageUp, scroll up
-		 * - With PageDown, scroll down
-		 * - With Tab, change active document windowActivated
-		 */
-		if (m_doc->m_Selection->isEmpty())
-		{
-			int wheelVal = prefsManager.mouseWheelJump();
-			if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-				wheelVal = qMax(qRound(wheelVal / 10.0), 1);
-			switch (kk)
-			{
-			case Qt::Key_Space:
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				if (m_doc->appMode == modePanning)
-					m_view->requestMode(modeNormal);
-				else
-					m_view->requestMode(modePanning);
-				return;
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Left:
-				m_view->scrollBy(-wheelVal, 0);
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				return;
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Right:
-				m_view->scrollBy(wheelVal, 0);
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				return;
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Up:
-				m_view->scrollBy(0, -wheelVal);
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				return;
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Down:
-				m_view->scrollBy(0, wheelVal);
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				return;
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Tab:
-				if (buttonModifiers == Qt::ControlModifier)
-				{
-					m_keyRepeat = false;
-					windows = mdiArea->subWindowList();
-					if (windows.count() > 1)
-					{
-						for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(windows.count()); ++i)
-						{
-							if (mdiArea->activeSubWindow() == windows.at(i))
-							{
-								if (i == static_cast<int>(windows.count()-1))
-									w = windows.at(0);
-								else
-									w = windows.at(i+1);
-								break;
-							}
-						}
-						outlinePalette->buildReopenVals();
-						docCheckerPalette->clearErrorList();
-						if (w)
-							w->showNormal();
-						mainWindow->newActWin(w);
-					}
-					return;
-				}
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-		//Allow page up/down even when items are selected
-		switch (kk)
-		{
-			case Qt::Key_PageUp:
-				if (m_doc->masterPageMode() || m_doc->symbolEditMode())
-					m_view->scrollBy(0, -prefsManager.mouseWheelJump());
-				else
-				{
-					int pg = m_doc->currentPageNumber();
-					if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-						pg--;
-					else
-						pg -= m_doc->pageSets()[m_doc->pagePositioning()].Columns;
-					if (pg > -1)
-						m_view->GotoPage(pg);
-				}
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				return;
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_PageDown:
-				if (m_doc->masterPageMode() || m_doc->symbolEditMode())
-					m_view->scrollBy(0, prefsManager.mouseWheelJump());
-				else
-				{
-					int pg = m_doc->currentPageNumber();
-					if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-						pg++;
-					else
-						pg += m_doc->pageSets()[m_doc->pagePositioning()].Columns;
-					if (pg < static_cast<int>(m_doc->Pages->count()))
-						m_view->GotoPage(pg);
-				}
-				m_keyRepeat = false;
-				return;
-				break;
-		}
-		/** Now if we have an item selected
-		 * - In normal mode we can:
-		 * -- Use backspace or delete to delete the item
-		 * -- Use itemRaise action shortcut to raise an item (actionmanager.cpp connect, no code here)
-		 * -- Use itemLower action shortcut to lower an item (actionmanager.cpp connect, no code here)
-		 * -- Use the arrow keys to move an item or group around for !inches:
-		 		With no meta, by 1.0 unit
-		 		Ctrl, by 10.0 units
-		 		Shift by 0.1 units
-		 		Ctrl Shift 0.01 units
-		 	- For inches:
-		 		With no meta, by 1.0 pt
-		 		Ctrl, by 1.0 unit
-		 		Shift by 0.1 units
-		 		Ctrl Shift 0.01 units
-		 * -- Use the arrow keys to resize an item:
-		 		Alt right arrow, move right side outwards (expand)
-		 		Alt left arrow, move left side outwards (expand)
-		 		Alt Shift right arrow, move left side inwards (shrink)
-		 		Alt Shift left arrow, move right side inwards (shrink)
-		 * -- In edit mode of an image frame, use the arrow keys to resize the image:
-		 		(flows to pageitem_imageframe for control)
-		 		Alt right arrow, move right side of image outwards (expand)
-		 		Alt left arrow, move right side inwards (shrink)
-		 		Alt down arrow, move bottom side downwards (expand)
-		 		Alt up arrow, move top side inwards (shrink)
-		 */
-		if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
-		{
-			double moveBy=1.0;
-			if (m_doc->unitIndex()!=SC_INCHES)
-			{
-				if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-					moveBy=0.1;
-				else if (!(buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-					moveBy=10.0;
-				else if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-					moveBy=0.01;
-				moveBy/=m_doc->unitRatio();//Lets allow movement by the current doc ratio, not only points
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-					moveBy=0.1/m_doc->unitRatio();
-				else if (!(buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-					moveBy=1.0/m_doc->unitRatio();
-				else if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
-					moveBy=0.01/m_doc->unitRatio();
-			}
-			bool resizing=((buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier));
-			bool resizingsmaller=(resizing && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier));
-			double resizeBy=1.0;
-			//CB with control locked out due to the requirement of moveby of 0.01, we cannot support
-			//resizeby 10 units unless we move to supporting modifier keys that most people don't have.
-			//if (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier)
-			//	resizeBy*=10.0;
-			resizeBy/=m_doc->unitRatio();
-			if (resizingsmaller)
-				resizeBy*=-1.0;
-			PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-			//#8860
-			//rotationFC is a temporary variable to manage items rotation:
-			//currently an item with e.g. 40° rotation is as 360° - 40° = 320°
-			double rotationFC = fabs(360.0 - currItem->rotation());
-			double radRotation = rotationFC * M_PI / 180.0;
-			bool moveImage = false;
-			if ((currItem->asImageFrame() || currItem->asLatexFrame() || currItem->asOSGFrame()) && currItem->imageIsAvailable && !currItem->fitImageToFrame())
-				moveImage = true;
-			switch (kk)
-			{
-			case Qt::Key_Backspace:
-			case Qt::Key_Delete:
-					if (buttonModifiers==Qt::NoModifier)
-						m_doc->itemSelection_DeleteItem();
-					else
-					{
-						if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, buttonModifiers, "editClearContents"))
-							scrActions["editClearContents"]->trigger();
-						if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, buttonModifiers, "editTruncateContents"))
-							scrActions["editTruncateContents"]->trigger();
-					}
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Left:
-				if (!currItem->locked())
-				{
-					if (!resizing)
-					{
-						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
-						{
-							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
-							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
-							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
-							{
-								QPolygonF poly;
-								if ((currItem->imageFlippedH() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
-									moveBy *= -1;
-								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
-								{
-									FPoint np;
-									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
-									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
-									else
-										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
-									np = np - FPoint(moveBy, 0);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
-									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
-								}
-								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
-								poly = m.map(poly);
-								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
-								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
-								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
-							}
-							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
-						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
-							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
-							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
-							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid   = false;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
-							m_doc->moveGroup(-moveBy, 0);
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
-							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
-						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-							m_view->TransformPoly(10, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
-						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
-						{
-							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-							}
-							currItem->Sizing = false;
-						}
-					}
-					currItem->update();
-					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
-				}
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Right:
-				if (!currItem->locked())
-				{
-					if (!resizing)
-					{
-						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
-						{
-							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
-							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
-							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
-							{
-								QPolygonF poly;
-								if ((currItem->imageFlippedH() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
-									moveBy *= -1;
-								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
-								{
-									FPoint np;
-									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
-									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
-									else
-										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
-									np = np + FPoint(moveBy, 0);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
-									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
-								}
-								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
-								poly = m.map(poly);
-								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
-								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
-								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
-							}
-							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
-						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
-							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
-							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
-							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = false;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
-							m_doc->moveGroup(moveBy, 0);
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
-						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-							m_view->TransformPoly(11, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
-						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
-						{
-							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
-							}
-							currItem->Sizing = false;
-						}
-					}
-					currItem->update();
-					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
-				}
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Up:
-				if (!currItem->locked())
-				{
-					if (!resizing)
-					{
-						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
-						{
-							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
-							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
-							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
-							{
-								QPolygonF poly;
-								if ((currItem->imageFlippedV() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
-									moveBy *= -1;
-								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
-								{
-									FPoint np;
-									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
-									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
-									else
-										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
-									np = np - FPoint(0, moveBy);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
-									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
-								}
-								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
-								poly = m.map(poly);
-								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
-								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
-								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
-							}
-							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
-						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
-							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
-							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
-							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = false;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
-							m_doc->moveGroup(0, -moveBy);
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
-						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-							m_view->TransformPoly(12, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
-						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
-						{
-							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
-							}
-							currItem->Sizing = false;
-						}
-					}
-					currItem->update();
-					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
-				}
-				break;
-			case Qt::Key_Down:
-				if (!currItem->locked())
-				{
-					if (!resizing)
-					{
-						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
-						{
-							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
-							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
-							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
-							{
-								QPolygonF poly;
-								if ((currItem->imageFlippedV() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
-									moveBy *= -1;
-								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
-								{
-									FPoint np;
-									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
-									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
-									else
-										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
-									np = np - FPoint(0, -moveBy);
-									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
-									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
-								}
-								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
-								poly = m.map(poly);
-								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
-								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
-								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
-							}
-							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
-						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
-							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
-							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
-							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = false;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
-							m_doc->moveGroup(0, moveBy);
-							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
-								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
-							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
-							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
-							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
-						}
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
-						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-							m_view->TransformPoly(13, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
-						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
-						{
-							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
-								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
-								if (moveImage)
-									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
-							}
-							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
-							{
-								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
-							}
-							currItem->Sizing = false;
-						}
-					}
-					currItem->update();
-					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
-				}
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	switch (kk)
-	{
-		case Qt::Key_Left:
-		case Qt::Key_Right:
-		case Qt::Key_Up:
-		case Qt::Key_Down:
-			m_arrowKeyDown = true;
-	}
-	m_keyRepeat = false;
-void CanvasMode::commonkeyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
-	//Exit out of panning mode if Control is release while the right mouse button is pressed
-	if ((m_doc->appMode == modePanning) && (e->key() == Qt::Key_Control) && (QApplication::mouseButtons() & Qt::RightButton))
-		m_view->requestMode(modeNormal);
-	if (m_doc->appMode == modeMagnifier)
-		m_view->setCursor(IconManager::instance().loadCursor("lupez.png"));
-	if (e->isAutoRepeat() || !m_arrowKeyDown)
-		return;
-	switch(e->key())
-	{
-		case Qt::Key_Left:
-		case Qt::Key_Right:
-		case Qt::Key_Up:
-		case Qt::Key_Down:
-			m_arrowKeyDown = false;
-			if ((!m_view->m_ScMW->zoomSpinBox->hasFocus()) && (!m_view->m_ScMW->pageSelector->hasFocus()))
-			{
-				int docSelectionCount=m_doc->m_Selection->count();
-				if ((docSelectionCount != 0) && (m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
-				{
-					PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-					double xposOrig = currItem->xPos();
-					double yposOrig = currItem->yPos();
-					m_doc->adjustItemSize(currItem, true);
-					if (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
-						currItem->ContourLine.translate(xposOrig - currItem->xPos(),yposOrig - currItem->yPos());
-					currItem->update();
-					m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(currItem->getVisualBoundingRect());
-				}
-				for (int i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i)
-					m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges(true);
-				if (docSelectionCount > 1 && m_view->groupTransactionStarted())
-					m_view->endGroupTransaction();
-			}
-			break;
-	}
+ For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+ to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+ a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+ for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+ */
+*                                                                         *
+*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+*                                                                         *
+#include "canvasmode.h"
+#include "actionmanager.h"
+#include "appmodes.h"
+#include "canvas.h"
+#include "canvasgesture_pan.h"
+#include "canvasmode_copyproperties.h"
+#include "canvasmode_create.h"
+#include "canvasmode_drawbezier.h"
+#include "canvasmode_drawfreehand.h"
+#include "canvasmode_drawcalligraphic.h"
+#include "canvasmode_edit.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editarc.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editgradient.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editmeshgradient.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editmeshpatch.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editpolygon.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editspiral.h"
+#include "canvasmode_edittable.h"
+#include "canvasmode_editweldpoint.h"
+#include "canvasmode_eyedropper.h"
+#include "canvasmode_framelinks.h"
+#include "canvasmode_imageimport.h"
+#include "canvasmode_magnifier.h"
+#include "canvasmode_measurements.h"
+#include "canvasmode_nodeedit.h"
+#include "canvasmode_normal.h"
+#include "canvasmode_objimport.h"
+#include "canvasmode_panning.h"
+#include "canvasmode_rotate.h"
+#include "pageitempreview.h"
+#include "pageitem_group.h"
+#include "pageitem_textframe.h"
+#include "prefsmanager.h"
+#include "selection.h"
+#include "sccolorengine.h"
+#include "scpainter.h"
+#include "scraction.h"
+#include "scribus.h"
+#include "scribusdoc.h"
+#include "scribusview.h"
+#include "ui/checkDocument.h"
+#include "ui/contextmenu.h"
+#include "ui/outlinepalette.h"
+#include "ui/pageselector.h"
+#include "ui/scrapbookpalette.h"
+#include "ui/scrspinbox.h"
+#include "ui/scresizecursor.h"
+#include "undomanager.h"
+#include "units.h"
+#include "iconmanager.h"
+#include "util_math.h"
+#include <QMdiArea>
+#include <QMdiSubWindow>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPointF>
+CanvasMode::CanvasMode (ScribusView* view) :
+	m_view(view),
+	m_canvas(view->m_canvas),
+	m_doc(view->Doc),
+	m_panGesture(nullptr),
+	undoManager(UndoManager::instance()),
+	xSnap(0.0),
+	ySnap(0.0)
+	m_pen["outline"]	= QPen(Qt::gray, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["outline"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_pen["selection"]	= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["selection"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_pen["selection-group"] = QPen(Qt::red, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["selection-group"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_pen["selection-group-inside"] = QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameGroupColor, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["selection-group-inside"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_pen["handle"]		= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["handle"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_brush["outline"]	= Qt::NoBrush;
+	m_brush["selection"]	= Qt::NoBrush;
+	m_brush["selection-group"] = QColor(255,0,0,10);
+	m_brush["selection-group-inside"] = Qt::NoBrush;
+	m_brush["handle"]	= PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor;
+	m_keyRepeat = false;
+	m_arrowKeyDown = false;
+	//m_mousePointDoc = FPoint(0,0);
+	delete m_panGesture;
+CanvasMode* CanvasMode::createForAppMode(ScribusView* view, int appMode)
+	CanvasMode* result;
+	switch (appMode)
+	{
+		case modeNormal:
+		case modeStoryEditor:
+			result = new CanvasMode_Normal(view);
+			break;
+		case modeCopyProperties:
+			result = new CanvasMode_CopyProperties(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEdit:
+			result = new CanvasMode_Edit(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditClip:
+			result = new CanvasMode_NodeEdit(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditGradientVectors:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditGradient(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditMeshGradient:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditMeshGradient(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditMeshPatch:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditMeshPatch(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditWeldPoint:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditWeldPoint(view);
+			break;
+		case modeDrawBezierLine:
+			result = new BezierMode(view);
+			break;
+		case modeDrawFreehandLine:
+			result = new FreehandMode(view);
+			break;
+		case modeDrawCalligraphicLine:
+			result = new CalligraphicMode(view);
+			break;
+		case modeDrawLine:
+		case modeDrawShapes:
+		case modeDrawImage:
+		case modeDrawLatex:
+		case modeDrawText:
+		case modeDrawTable2:
+		case modeDrawRegularPolygon:
+		case modeDrawArc:
+		case modeDrawSpiral:
+		case modeInsertPDFButton:
+		case modeInsertPDFRadioButton:
+		case modeInsertPDFTextfield:
+		case modeInsertPDFCheckbox:
+		case modeInsertPDFCombobox:
+		case modeInsertPDFListbox:
+		case modeInsertPDFTextAnnotation:
+		case modeInsertPDFLinkAnnotation:
+		case modeInsertPDF3DAnnotation:
+			result = new CreateMode(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEyeDropper:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EyeDropper(view);
+			break;
+		case modeImportObject:
+			result = new CanvasMode_ObjImport(view);
+			break;
+		case modeLinkFrames:
+		case modeUnlinkFrames:
+			result = new CanvasMode_FrameLinks(view);
+			break;
+		case modeImportImage:
+			result = new CanvasMode_ImageImport(view);
+			break;
+		case modeMagnifier:
+			result = new CanvasMode_Magnifier(view);
+			break;
+		case modeMeasurementTool:
+			result = new MeasurementsMode(view);
+			break;
+		case modePanning:
+			result = new CanvasMode_Panning(view);
+			break;
+		case modeRotation:
+			result = new CanvasMode_Rotate(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditArc:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditArc(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditPolygon:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditPolygon(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditSpiral:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditSpiral(view);
+			break;
+		case modeEditTable:
+			result = new CanvasMode_EditTable(view);
+			break;
+			// more modes as they are defined...
+		default:
+			result = new CanvasMode_Normal(view);
+			break;
+	}
+	return result;
+void CanvasMode::updateViewMode(CanvasViewMode* viewmode) 
+	viewmode->drawSelectedItemsWithControls = false;
+	viewmode->drawFramelinksWithContents = false;	
+void CanvasMode::drawSelectionHandles(QPainter *psx, QRectF selectionRect, bool background, bool insideGroup, double sx, double sy)
+	m_pen["handle"]		= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["handle"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_pen["selection-group-inside"] = QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameGroupColor, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["selection-group-inside"].setCosmetic(true);
+	QPen ba = QPen(Qt::white, 3.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	ba.setCosmetic(true);
+	double markWidth = 4.0 / m_canvas->scale();
+	if (insideGroup)
+		markWidth /= qMax(sx, sy);
+	QRectF handleRect = QRectF(0, 0, markWidth, markWidth);
+	double x = selectionRect.x();
+	double y = selectionRect.y();
+	double w = selectionRect.width();
+	double h = selectionRect.height();
+	psx->setBrush(Qt::white);
+	if (background)
+		psx->setPen(ba);
+	else
+	{
+		if (insideGroup)
+			psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group-inside"]);
+		else
+			psx->setPen(m_pen["handle"]);
+	}
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w/2.0, y));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y+h/2.0));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y+h));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w/2.0, y+h));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y+h));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+	handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y+h/2.0));
+	psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+void CanvasMode::drawSelection(QPainter* psx, bool drawHandles)
+	m_pen["selection"]	= QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameColor, 1.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["selection"].setCosmetic(true);
+	m_pen["selection-group-inside"] = QPen(PrefsManager::instance().appPrefs.displayPrefs.frameGroupColor, 1.0 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	m_pen["selection-group-inside"].setCosmetic(true);
+	QPen ba = QPen(Qt::white, 3.0, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	ba.setCosmetic(true);
+	QPen bb = QPen(Qt::black, 1.0, Qt::DotLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	bb.setCosmetic(true);
+	psx->scale(m_canvas->scale(), m_canvas->scale());
+	psx->translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y());
+	psx->setClipping(true);
+	psx->setClipRegion(QRegion(m_canvas->exposedRect()));
+	if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
+	{
+		PageItem *curItem(nullptr);
+		for(int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
+		{
+			curItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i);
+			if (drawHandles)
+				drawHandles = !curItem->locked();
+		}
+		// items inside a a multi
+		if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+		{
+			int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
+			PageItem *currItem;
+			for (int i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i)
+			{
+				currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i);
+				if (!m_doc->Items->contains(currItem))
+					continue;
+				psx->save();
+				double lineAdjust(psx->pen().width() / m_canvas->scale());
+				double x, y, w, h;
+				w = currItem->visualWidth() ;
+				h = currItem->visualHeight() ;
+				if (currItem->rotation() != 0)
+				{
+					psx->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+					psx->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos());
+					psx->rotate(currItem->rotation());
+					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : (currItem->visualXPos() - currItem->xPos() - lineAdjust);
+					y = currItem->asLine() ? (h / -2.0) : (currItem->visualYPos() - currItem->yPos() - lineAdjust);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					psx->translate(currItem->visualXPos(), currItem->visualYPos());
+					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
+					y = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
+				}
+				psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+				psx->setPen(ba);
+				psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
+				psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group-inside"]);
+				psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection-group-inside"]);
+				psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
+				psx->restore();
+			}
+		}
+		psx->save();
+		psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group"]);
+		double lineAdjust(psx->pen().width() / m_canvas->scale());
+		double x, y, w, h;
+		m_doc->m_Selection->setGroupRect();
+		m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
+		psx->translate(x,y);
+		x = -lineAdjust;
+		y = -lineAdjust;
+		psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+		psx->setPen(ba);
+		psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
+		if (drawHandles)
+			drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), true);
+		psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group"]);
+		psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection-group"]);
+		psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
+		if (drawHandles)
+			drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), false);
+		psx->restore();
+	}
+	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
+	{
+		int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
+		PageItem *currItem;
+		for (int a = 0; a < docSelectionCount; ++a)
+		{
+			currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(a);
+			psx->save();
+			psx->setPen(m_pen["selection"]);
+			psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection"]);
+			double lineAdjust(psx->pen().width() / m_canvas->scale());
+			double x, y, w, h;
+			if (currItem->isGroupChild())
+			{
+				QTransform t = currItem->getTransform();
+				double sx, sy;
+				getScaleFromMatrix(t, sx, sy);
+				psx->setTransform(t, true);
+				w = currItem->visualWidth();
+				h = currItem->visualHeight();
+				x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : (-currItem->visualLineWidth() / 2.0);
+				y = -currItem->visualLineWidth() / 2.0;
+				psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+				QRectF drRect = QRectF(x, y, w, h).normalized();
+				if (m_doc->drawAsPreview && !m_doc->editOnPreview)
+				{
+					if (!currItem->annotation().IsOpen())
+					{
+						psx->setPen(bb);
+						psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+						psx->drawRect(drRect.adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					psx->setPen(ba);
+					psx->drawRect(drRect);
+					if (drawHandles)
+						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), true, true, sx, sy);
+					psx->setPen(m_pen["selection-group-inside"]);
+					psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection-group-inside"]);
+					psx->drawRect(drRect);
+					if (drawHandles)
+						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), false, true, sx, sy);
+				}
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				w = currItem->visualWidth();
+				h = currItem->visualHeight();
+				if (currItem->rotation() != 0)
+				{
+					psx->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+					psx->translate(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos());
+					psx->rotate(currItem->rotation());
+					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : (currItem->visualXPos() - currItem->xPos() - lineAdjust);
+					y = currItem->asLine() ? (h / -2.0) : (currItem->visualYPos() - currItem->yPos() - lineAdjust);
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					psx->translate(currItem->visualXPos(), currItem->visualYPos());
+					x = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
+					y = currItem->asLine() ? 0 : -lineAdjust;
+				}
+				psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+				if (m_doc->drawAsPreview && !m_doc->editOnPreview)
+				{
+					if (!currItem->annotation().IsOpen())
+					{
+						psx->setPen(bb);
+						psx->setBrush(Qt::NoBrush);
+						psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h).adjusted(-1, -1, 1, 1));
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					psx->setPen(ba);
+					psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
+					if (drawHandles && !currItem->locked() && !currItem->isLine())
+						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), true);
+					psx->setPen(m_pen["selection"]);
+					psx->setBrush(m_brush["selection"]);
+					psx->drawRect(QRectF(x, y, w, h));
+				}
+				if (drawHandles && !currItem->locked())
+				{
+					if (currItem->asLine())
+					{
+						const double markWidth = 4.0 / m_canvas->scale();
+						QRectF handleRect = QRectF(0, 0, markWidth, markWidth);
+						psx->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+						psx->setBrush(Qt::white);
+						psx->setPen(m_pen["handle"]);
+						handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x, y+h/2.0));
+						psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+						handleRect.moveCenter(QPointF(x+w, y+h/2.0));
+						psx->drawRect(handleRect);
+					}
+					else
+						drawSelectionHandles(psx, QRectF(x, y, w, h), false);
+				}
+				if (currItem->isWelded())
+				{
+					psx->setPen(QPen(Qt::yellow, 8.0 / m_canvas->scale(), Qt::SolidLine, Qt::RoundCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+					for (int i = 0 ; i <  currItem->weldList.count(); i++)
+					{
+						PageItem::WeldingInfo wInf =  currItem->weldList.at(i);
+						psx->drawPoint(QPointF(wInf.weldPoint.x(), wInf.weldPoint.y()));
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			psx->restore();
+		}
+	}
+void CanvasMode::drawOutline(QPainter* p, double deltax, double deltay)
+	p->save();
+	p->scale(m_canvas->scale(), m_canvas->scale());
+	p->translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y());
+	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 1)
+	{
+		PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+//		QRectF br(currItem->getVisualBoundingRect());
+		QImage *pixItem(0);
+		if (m_pixmapCache.contains(currItem))
+		{
+			if (m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->isReady())
+				pixItem = m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->getImage();
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			m_pixmapCache[currItem] = new PageItemPreview(currItem);
+		}
+		if (pixItem)
+		{
+			p->save();
+			p->translate(br.x(),br.y());
+			p->translate(deltax, deltay);
+			p->drawImage(br.toRect(), *pixItem, pixItem->rect());
+			p->restore();
+		}
+		{
+			QTransform itemTrans = currItem->getTransform(deltax, deltay);
+			double visualWidth = currItem->visualWidth();
+			double visualHeight = currItem->visualHeight();
+			double visualLineWidth = currItem->visualLineWidth();
+			double matRot = getRotationDFromMatrix(itemTrans);
+			if (currItem->isGroup())
+			{
+				p->save();
+				p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+				p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+				p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
+				if (matRot != 0)
+					p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+				p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
+				p->setClipping(true);
+				p->setClipRect(QRectF(0.0, 0.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
+				PageItem_Group* gItem = currItem->asGroupFrame();
+				int itemCountG = gItem->groupItemList.count();
+				if (itemCountG < m_canvas->moveWithFullOutlinesThreshold)
+				{
+					if (gItem->imageFlippedH())
+					{
+						p->translate(gItem->width(), 0);
+						p->scale(-1, 1);
+					}
+					if (gItem->imageFlippedV())
+					{
+						p->translate(0, gItem->height());
+						p->scale(1, -1);
+					}
+					p->scale(gItem->width() / gItem->groupWidth, gItem->height() / gItem->groupHeight);
+					for (int cg = 0; cg < itemCountG; cg++)
+					{
+						p->save();
+						currItem = gItem->groupItemList.at(cg);
+						p->translate(currItem->gXpos, currItem->gYpos);
+						if (currItem->rotation() != 0)
+						{
+							p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+							p->rotate(currItem->rotation());
+						}
+						p->drawPath(currItem->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false));
+						p->restore();
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					currItem->DrawPolyL(p, currItem->Clip);
+				}
+				p->restore();
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				p->save();
+				p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+				p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+				p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
+				if (matRot != 0)
+					p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+				if (currItem->isLine())
+					p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, currItem->visualWidth(), currItem->visualHeight()));
+				else
+					p->drawRect(QRectF(-visualLineWidth / 2.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, currItem->visualWidth(), currItem->visualHeight()));
+				p->restore();
+				p->save();
+				p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+				p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+				p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
+				if (matRot != 0)
+					p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+				p->drawPath(currItem->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false));
+				p->restore();
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+	{
+		double x, y, w, h;
+		m_doc->m_Selection->setGroupRect();
+		m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&x, &y, &w, &h);
+		int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
+		if (docSelectionCount < m_canvas->moveWithBoxesOnlyThreshold)
+		{
+			PageItem *currItem;
+			for (int i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i)
+			{
+				currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i);
+				if (!currItem->Parent && !m_doc->Items->contains(currItem))
+					continue;
+				if (currItem->Parent && !currItem->Parent->groupItemList.contains(currItem))
+					continue;
+				QTransform itemTrans = currItem->getTransform(deltax, deltay);
+				double visualWidth = currItem->visualWidth();
+				double visualHeight = currItem->visualHeight();
+				double visualLineWidth = currItem->visualLineWidth();
+				double matRot = getRotationDFromMatrix(itemTrans);
+				p->save();
+				if (docSelectionCount < m_canvas->moveWithFullOutlinesThreshold)
+				{
+//					QRectF br(currItem->getVisualBoundingRect());
+					QImage *pixItem(0);
+					if (m_pixmapCache.contains(currItem))
+					{
+						if (m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->isReady())
+							pixItem = m_pixmapCache.value(currItem)->getImage();
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						m_pixmapCache[currItem] = new PageItemPreview(currItem);
+					}
+					if (pixItem)
+					{
+						p->save();
+//							p->translate(br.x() /*- x*/, br.y() /*- y*/);
+						p->drawImage(br.toRect(), *pixItem, pixItem->rect());
+						p->restore();
+					}
+					{
+						p->save();
+						p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+						p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+						p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
+						if (matRot != 0)
+							p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+						if (currItem->isLine())
+							p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
+						else
+							p->drawRect(QRectF(-visualLineWidth / 2.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
+						p->restore();
+						p->save();
+						p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+						p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+						p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
+						if (matRot != 0)
+							p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+						p->drawPath(currItem->PoLine.toQPainterPath(false));
+						p->restore();
+					}
+				}
+				else
+				{
+					p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+					p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+					p->setWorldTransform(itemTrans, true);
+					if (matRot != 0)
+						p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+					if (currItem->isLine())
+						p->drawRect(QRectF(0.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
+					else
+						p->drawRect(QRectF(-visualLineWidth / 2.0, -visualLineWidth / 2.0, visualWidth, visualHeight));
+				}
+				p->restore();
+			}
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			p->setBrush(m_brush["outline"]);
+			p->setPen(m_pen["outline"]);
+			p->translate(deltax, deltay);
+			p->translate(x, y);
+			p->drawRect(QRectF(0, 0, w, h));
+		}
+	}
+	p->restore();
+QCursor CanvasMode::modeCursor()
+	IconManager& im=IconManager::instance();
+	QCursor cursor;
+	switch (m_doc->appMode)
+	{
+		case modeDrawShapes:
+		case modeDrawArc:
+		case modeDrawSpiral:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawframe.png");
+			break;
+		case modeDrawImage:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawimageframe.png");
+			break;
+		case modeDrawLatex:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawlatexframe.png");
+			break;
+		case modeDrawText:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawtextframe.png");
+			break;
+		case modeDrawTable2:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawtable.png");
+			break;
+		case modeDrawRegularPolygon:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawpolyline.png");
+			break;
+		case modeDrawLine:
+		case modeDrawBezierLine:
+			cursor = QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);
+			break;
+		case modeDrawFreehandLine:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("DrawFreeLine.png", 0, 31);
+			break;
+		case modeDrawCalligraphicLine:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("drawcalligraphy.png", 4, 4);
+			break;
+		case modeImportObject:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("dragpix.png");
+			break;
+		case modeMagnifier:
+			if (m_view->Magnify)
+				cursor = im.loadCursor("lupez.png");
+			else
+				cursor = im.loadCursor("lupezm.png");
+			break;
+		case modePanning:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("handc.png");
+			break;
+		case modeEyeDropper:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("colorpickercursor.png", 0, 31);
+			break;
+		case modeLinkFrames:
+			cursor = im.loadCursor("LinkTextFrame.png", 0, 31);
+			break;
+		case modeMeasurementTool:
+		case modeEditGradientVectors:
+		case modeEditMeshGradient:
+		case modeEditMeshPatch:
+		case modeEditWeldPoint:
+		case modeInsertPDFButton:
+		case modeInsertPDFRadioButton:
+		case modeInsertPDFTextfield:
+		case modeInsertPDFCheckbox:
+		case modeInsertPDFCombobox:
+		case modeInsertPDFListbox:
+		case modeInsertPDFTextAnnotation:
+		case modeInsertPDFLinkAnnotation:
+		case modeInsertPDF3DAnnotation:
+		case modeEditArc:
+		case modeEditPolygon:
+		case modeEditSpiral:
+			cursor = QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor);
+			break;
+		default:
+			cursor = QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor);
+			break;
+	}
+	return cursor;
+void CanvasMode::setModeCursor()
+	IconManager& im=IconManager::instance();
+	//NOTE: Merge with similar code in ScribusMainWindow::setAppMode()
+	switch (m_doc->appMode)
+	{
+		case modeDrawShapes:
+		case modeDrawArc:
+		case modeDrawSpiral:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawframe.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawImage:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawimageframe.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawLatex:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawlatexframe.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawText:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawtextframe.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawTable2:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawtable.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawRegularPolygon:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawpolyline.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawLine:
+		case modeDrawBezierLine:
+			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawFreehandLine:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("DrawFreeLine.png", 0, 31));
+			break;
+		case modeDrawCalligraphicLine:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("drawcalligraphy.png", 4, 4));
+			break;
+		case modeImportObject:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("dragpix.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeMagnifier:
+			if (m_view->Magnify)
+				m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("lupez.png"));
+			else
+				m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("lupezm.png"));
+			break;
+		case modePanning:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("handc.png"));
+			break;
+		case modeEyeDropper:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("colorpickercursor.png", 0, 31));
+			break;
+		case modeLinkFrames:
+			m_view->setCursor(im.loadCursor("LinkTextFrame.png", 0, 31));
+			break;
+		case modeMeasurementTool:
+		case modeEditGradientVectors:
+		case modeEditMeshGradient:
+		case modeEditMeshPatch:
+		case modeEditWeldPoint:
+		case modeInsertPDFButton:
+		case modeInsertPDFRadioButton:
+		case modeInsertPDFTextfield:
+		case modeInsertPDFCheckbox:
+		case modeInsertPDFCombobox:
+		case modeInsertPDFListbox:
+		case modeInsertPDFTextAnnotation:
+		case modeInsertPDFLinkAnnotation:
+		case modeInsertPDF3DAnnotation:
+		case modeEditArc:
+		case modeEditPolygon:
+		case modeEditSpiral:
+			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::CrossCursor));
+			break;
+		default:
+			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
+			break;
+	}
+void CanvasMode::clearPixmapCache()
+	if (m_pixmapCache.count())
+	{
+		foreach(PageItemPreview* ip, m_pixmapCache)
+		{
+			if (ip)
+				delete ip;
+		}
+		m_pixmapCache.clear();
+	}
+void CanvasMode::drawSnapLine(QPainter* p)
+	if (!m_doc->SnapElement)
+		return;
+	if (xSnap == 0.0 && ySnap == 0.0)
+		return;
+	int page = m_doc->OnPage(m_view->m_mousePointDoc.x(), m_view->m_mousePointDoc.y());
+	if (page == -1)
+		return;
+	MarginStruct bleedValues;
+	ScPage* dragToPage=m_doc->Pages->at(page);
+	if (!dragToPage)
+		return;
+	m_doc->getBleeds(dragToPage, bleedValues);
+	double xOffset = dragToPage->xOffset() - bleedValues.left();
+	double yOffset = dragToPage->yOffset() - bleedValues.top();
+	QPoint pageOrigin = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(QPointF(xOffset, yOffset));
+	if (ySnap)
+	{
+		p->setPen(Qt::green);
+		QPoint pt = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(QPointF(xOffset, ySnap));
+		double w  = (dragToPage->width() + bleedValues.left() + bleedValues.right()) * m_canvas->scale();
+		p->drawLine(pageOrigin.x(), pt.y(), pageOrigin.x() + w, pt.y());
+		ySnap = 0;
+	}
+	if (xSnap)
+	{
+		p->setPen(Qt::green);
+		QPoint pt = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(QPointF(xSnap, yOffset));
+		double h  = (dragToPage->height() + bleedValues.bottom() + bleedValues.top()) * m_canvas->scale();
+		p->drawLine(pt.x(), pageOrigin.y(), pt.x(), pageOrigin.y() + h);
+		xSnap = 0;
+	}
+void CanvasMode::setResizeCursor(int how, double rot)
+	switch (how)
+	{
+		case 1:
+		case 2:
+			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(135 + rot));// Qt::SizeFDiagCursor
+			break;
+		case 3:
+		case 4:
+			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(45 + rot));// Qt::SizeBDiagCursor
+			break;
+		case 5:
+		case 8:
+			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(0 + rot));// Qt::SizeVerCursor
+			break;
+		case 6:
+		case 7:
+			m_view->setCursor(ScResizeCursor(90 + rot));// Qt::SizeHorCursor
+			break;
+		default:
+			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::SizeAllCursor));
+			break;
+	}
+bool CanvasMode::commonMouseMove(QMouseEvent *m)
+	//m_mousePointDoc = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
+	if ((m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && (m->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) && (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) || ((!(m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)) && (m->buttons() & Qt::MidButton)))
+	{
+		if (!m_panGesture)
+		{
+			m_panGesture = new PanGesture(this);
+		}
+		m_view->startGesture(m_panGesture);
+		m_panGesture->mousePressEvent(m); // Not an error, this is used to register current canvas point
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+void CanvasMode::commonDrawControls(QPainter* p, bool drawHandles)
+	if (m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving)
+		drawOutline(p);
+	else
+		drawSelection(p, drawHandles);
+void CanvasMode::commonDrawTextCursor(QPainter* p, PageItem_TextFrame* textframe, const QPointF& offset)
+	QLineF cursor;
+	QPen cPen (Qt::black, 0.9 , Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin);
+	// normalize Current Position
+	textframe->itemText.normalizeCursorPosition();
+	int textCursorPos (textframe->itemText.cursorPosition());
+	cursor = textframe->textLayout.positionToPoint(textCursorPos);
+	cPen.setColor(ScColorEngine::getRGBColor(m_doc->PageColors[textframe->itemText.charStyle(textCursorPos).fillColor()], m_doc));
+	p->save();
+	p->setTransform(textframe->getTransform(), true);
+	p->setPen(cPen);
+	p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing, true);
+	p->drawLine(cursor.translated(offset));
+	p->restore();
+void CanvasMode::commonkeyPressEvent_NormalNodeEdit(QKeyEvent *e)
+	int kk = e->key();
+	Qt::KeyboardModifiers buttonModifiers = e->modifiers();
+//	QString uc = e->text();
+	ScribusMainWindow* mainWindow = m_view->m_ScMW;
+	QList<QMdiSubWindow *> windows;
+	QMdiArea* mdiArea = mainWindow->mdiArea;
+	QMdiSubWindow* w  = nullptr;
+	PrefsManager& prefsManager = PrefsManager::instance();
+	OutlinePalette* outlinePalette = mainWindow->outlinePalette;
+	CheckDocument*  docCheckerPalette = mainWindow->docCheckerPalette;
+	QMap<QString, QPointer<ScrAction> >& scrActions(mainWindow->scrActions);
+	if (m_keyRepeat)
+		return;
+	m_keyRepeat = true;
+	int keyMod=0;
+	if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ShiftModifier)
+		keyMod |= Qt::SHIFT;
+	if (e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier)
+		keyMod |= Qt::CTRL;
+	if (e->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier)
+		keyMod |= Qt::ALT;
+	//User presses escape and we have a doc open, and we have an item selected
+	if (kk == Qt::Key_Escape)
+	{
+		m_keyRepeat = false;
+		PageItem *currItem;
+		if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
+		{
+			currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+			currItem->Sizing = false;
+			if (m_doc->SubMode != -1)
+			{
+				m_view->Deselect(false);
+				m_doc->Items->removeOne(currItem);
+			}
+			else
+				m_view->Deselect(false);
+			m_view->cancelGroupTransaction();
+		}
+		m_doc->DragP = false;
+		m_doc->leaveDrag = false;
+		m_view->stopAllDrags();
+		m_doc->SubMode = -1;
+		m_doc->ElemToLink = nullptr;
+		mainWindow->slotSelect();
+		if (m_doc->m_Selection->isEmpty())
+			mainWindow->HaveNewSel();
+		prefsManager.appPrefs.uiPrefs.stickyTools = false;
+		scrActions["stickyTools"]->setChecked(false);
+		return;
+	}
+	if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, e->modifiers(), "toolsZoomIn"))
+		scrActions["toolsZoomIn"]->trigger();
+	if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, e->modifiers(), "toolsZoomOut"))
+		scrActions["toolsZoomOut"]->trigger();
+	/**If we have a doc and we are not changing the page or zoom level in the status bar */
+	if ((!m_view->m_ScMW->zoomSpinBox->hasFocus()) && (!m_view->m_ScMW->pageSelector->hasFocus()))
+	{
+		//Show our context menu
+		if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, e->modifiers(), "viewShowContextMenu"))
+		{
+			ContextMenu* cmen=nullptr;
+			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
+			if (m_doc->m_Selection->isEmpty())
+			{
+				//CB We should be able to get this calculated by the canvas.... it is already in m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
+				FPoint fp = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(QCursor::pos());
+				cmen = new ContextMenu(mainWindow, m_doc, fp.x(), fp.y());
+			}
+			else
+				cmen = new ContextMenu(*(m_doc->m_Selection), mainWindow, m_doc);
+			if (cmen)
+			{
+				mainWindow->setUndoMode(true);
+				cmen->exec(QCursor::pos());
+				mainWindow->setUndoMode(false);
+			}
+			delete cmen;
+		}
+		/**
+		 * With no item selected we can:
+		 * - With space, get into panning mode (modePanning)
+		 * - With PageUp, scroll up
+		 * - With PageDown, scroll down
+		 * - With Tab, change active document windowActivated
+		 */
+		if (m_doc->m_Selection->isEmpty())
+		{
+			int wheelVal = prefsManager.mouseWheelJump();
+			if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+				wheelVal = qMax(qRound(wheelVal / 10.0), 1);
+			switch (kk)
+			{
+			case Qt::Key_Space:
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				if (m_doc->appMode == modePanning)
+					m_view->requestMode(modeNormal);
+				else
+					m_view->requestMode(modePanning);
+				return;
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Left:
+				m_view->scrollBy(-wheelVal, 0);
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				return;
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Right:
+				m_view->scrollBy(wheelVal, 0);
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				return;
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Up:
+				m_view->scrollBy(0, -wheelVal);
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				return;
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Down:
+				m_view->scrollBy(0, wheelVal);
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				return;
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Tab:
+				if (buttonModifiers == Qt::ControlModifier)
+				{
+					m_keyRepeat = false;
+					windows = mdiArea->subWindowList();
+					if (windows.count() > 1)
+					{
+						for (int i = 0; i < static_cast<int>(windows.count()); ++i)
+						{
+							if (mdiArea->activeSubWindow() == windows.at(i))
+							{
+								if (i == static_cast<int>(windows.count()-1))
+									w = windows.at(0);
+								else
+									w = windows.at(i+1);
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						outlinePalette->buildReopenVals();
+						docCheckerPalette->clearErrorList();
+						if (w)
+							w->showNormal();
+						mainWindow->newActWin(w);
+					}
+					return;
+				}
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+		//Allow page up/down even when items are selected
+		switch (kk)
+		{
+			case Qt::Key_PageUp:
+				if (m_doc->masterPageMode() || m_doc->symbolEditMode())
+					m_view->scrollBy(0, -prefsManager.mouseWheelJump());
+				else
+				{
+					int pg = m_doc->currentPageNumber();
+					if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+						pg--;
+					else
+						pg -= m_doc->pageSets()[m_doc->pagePositioning()].Columns;
+					if (pg > -1)
+						m_view->GotoPage(pg);
+				}
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				return;
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_PageDown:
+				if (m_doc->masterPageMode() || m_doc->symbolEditMode())
+					m_view->scrollBy(0, prefsManager.mouseWheelJump());
+				else
+				{
+					int pg = m_doc->currentPageNumber();
+					if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+						pg++;
+					else
+						pg += m_doc->pageSets()[m_doc->pagePositioning()].Columns;
+					if (pg < static_cast<int>(m_doc->Pages->count()))
+						m_view->GotoPage(pg);
+				}
+				m_keyRepeat = false;
+				return;
+				break;
+		}
+		/** Now if we have an item selected
+		 * - In normal mode we can:
+		 * -- Use backspace or delete to delete the item
+		 * -- Use itemRaise action shortcut to raise an item (actionmanager.cpp connect, no code here)
+		 * -- Use itemLower action shortcut to lower an item (actionmanager.cpp connect, no code here)
+		 * -- Use the arrow keys to move an item or group around for !inches:
+		 		With no meta, by 1.0 unit
+		 		Ctrl, by 10.0 units
+		 		Shift by 0.1 units
+		 		Ctrl Shift 0.01 units
+		 	- For inches:
+		 		With no meta, by 1.0 pt
+		 		Ctrl, by 1.0 unit
+		 		Shift by 0.1 units
+		 		Ctrl Shift 0.01 units
+		 * -- Use the arrow keys to resize an item:
+		 		Alt right arrow, move right side outwards (expand)
+		 		Alt left arrow, move left side outwards (expand)
+		 		Alt Shift right arrow, move left side inwards (shrink)
+		 		Alt Shift left arrow, move right side inwards (shrink)
+		 * -- In edit mode of an image frame, use the arrow keys to resize the image:
+		 		(flows to pageitem_imageframe for control)
+		 		Alt right arrow, move right side of image outwards (expand)
+		 		Alt left arrow, move right side inwards (shrink)
+		 		Alt down arrow, move bottom side downwards (expand)
+		 		Alt up arrow, move top side inwards (shrink)
+		 */
+		if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
+		{
+			double moveBy=1.0;
+			if (m_doc->unitIndex()!=SC_INCHES)
+			{
+				if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+					moveBy=0.1;
+				else if (!(buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+					moveBy=10.0;
+				else if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+					moveBy=0.01;
+				moveBy/=m_doc->unitRatio();//Lets allow movement by the current doc ratio, not only points
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+					moveBy=0.1/m_doc->unitRatio();
+				else if (!(buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+					moveBy=1.0/m_doc->unitRatio();
+				else if ((buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier) && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier))
+					moveBy=0.01/m_doc->unitRatio();
+			}
+			bool resizing=((buttonModifiers & Qt::AltModifier) && !(buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier));
+			bool resizingsmaller=(resizing && (buttonModifiers & Qt::ShiftModifier));
+			double resizeBy=1.0;
+			//CB with control locked out due to the requirement of moveby of 0.01, we cannot support
+			//resizeby 10 units unless we move to supporting modifier keys that most people don't have.
+			//if (buttonModifiers & Qt::ControlModifier)
+			//	resizeBy*=10.0;
+			resizeBy/=m_doc->unitRatio();
+			if (resizingsmaller)
+				resizeBy*=-1.0;
+			PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+			//#8860
+			//rotationFC is a temporary variable to manage items rotation:
+			//currently an item with e.g. 40° rotation is as 360° - 40° = 320°
+			double rotationFC = fabs(360.0 - currItem->rotation());
+			double radRotation = rotationFC * M_PI / 180.0;
+			bool moveImage = false;
+			if ((currItem->asImageFrame() || currItem->asLatexFrame() || currItem->asOSGFrame()) && currItem->imageIsAvailable && !currItem->fitImageToFrame())
+				moveImage = true;
+			switch (kk)
+			{
+			case Qt::Key_Backspace:
+			case Qt::Key_Delete:
+					if (buttonModifiers==Qt::NoModifier)
+						m_doc->itemSelection_DeleteItem();
+					else
+					{
+						if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, buttonModifiers, "editClearContents"))
+							scrActions["editClearContents"]->trigger();
+						if (m_view->m_ScMW->actionManager->compareKeySeqToShortcut(kk, buttonModifiers, "editTruncateContents"))
+							scrActions["editTruncateContents"]->trigger();
+					}
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Left:
+				if (!currItem->locked())
+				{
+					if (!resizing)
+					{
+						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
+						{
+							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
+							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
+							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
+							{
+								QPolygonF poly;
+								m_doc->nodeEdit.beginTransaction(currItem);
+								if ((currItem->imageFlippedH() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
+									moveBy *= -1;
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false); // Record only core points action
+								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
+								{
+									FPoint np;
+									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
+									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
+									else
+										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
+									np = np - FPoint(moveBy, 0);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
+									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
+								}
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true); // Record only core points action
+								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
+								poly = m.map(poly);
+								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
+								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
+								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
+							}
+							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
+						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
+							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
+							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
+							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid   = false;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
+							m_doc->moveGroup(-moveBy, 0);
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
+							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
+						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+							m_view->TransformPoly(10, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
+						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
+						{
+							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+							}
+							currItem->Sizing = false;
+						}
+					}
+					currItem->update();
+					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
+				}
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Right:
+				if (!currItem->locked())
+				{
+					if (!resizing)
+					{
+						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
+						{
+							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
+							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
+							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
+							{
+								QPolygonF poly;
+								m_doc->nodeEdit.beginTransaction(currItem);
+								if ((currItem->imageFlippedH() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
+									moveBy *= -1;
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false); // Record only core points action
+								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
+								{
+									FPoint np;
+									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
+									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
+									else
+										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
+									np = np + FPoint(moveBy, 0);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
+									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
+								}
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true); // Record only core points action
+								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
+								poly = m.map(poly);
+								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
+								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
+								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
+							}
+							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
+						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
+							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
+							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
+							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = false;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
+							m_doc->moveGroup(moveBy, 0);
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
+						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+							m_view->TransformPoly(11, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
+						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
+						{
+							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
+							}
+							currItem->Sizing = false;
+						}
+					}
+					currItem->update();
+					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
+				}
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Up:
+				if (!currItem->locked())
+				{
+					if (!resizing)
+					{
+						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
+						{
+							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
+							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
+							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
+							{
+								QPolygonF poly;
+								m_doc->nodeEdit.beginTransaction(currItem);
+								if ((currItem->imageFlippedV() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
+									moveBy *= -1;
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false); // Record only core points action
+								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
+								{
+									FPoint np;
+									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
+									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
+									else
+										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
+									np = np - FPoint(0, moveBy);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
+									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
+								}
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true); // Record only core points action
+								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
+								poly = m.map(poly);
+								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
+								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
+								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
+							}
+							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
+						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
+							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
+							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
+							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = false;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
+							m_doc->moveGroup(0, -moveBy);
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
+						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+							m_view->TransformPoly(12, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
+						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
+						{
+							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
+							}
+							currItem->Sizing = false;
+						}
+					}
+					currItem->update();
+					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
+				}
+				break;
+			case Qt::Key_Down:
+				if (!currItem->locked())
+				{
+					if (!resizing)
+					{
+						if ((m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
+						{
+							int storedClRe = m_doc->nodeEdit.clre();
+							const auto& nodeSelection = m_doc->nodeEdit.selNode();
+							if ((nodeSelection.count() != 0) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.edPoints()))
+							{
+								QPolygonF poly;
+								m_doc->nodeEdit.beginTransaction(currItem);
+								if ((currItem->imageFlippedV() && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())) && (currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()))
+									moveBy *= -1;
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false); // Record only core points action
+								for (int itm = 0; itm < nodeSelection.count(); ++itm)
+								{
+									FPoint np;
+									int clRe = nodeSelection.at(itm);
+									if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+										np = currItem->ContourLine.point(clRe);
+									else
+										np = currItem->PoLine.point(clRe);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(clRe);
+									np = np - FPoint(0, -moveBy);
+									m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
+									poly.append(np.toQPointF());
+								}
+								undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true); // Record only core points action
+								QTransform m = currItem->getTransform();
+								poly = m.map(poly);
+								QRectF oldR = poly.boundingRect().adjusted(-5, -5, 10, 10);
+								QRectF newR(currItem->getBoundingRect());
+								m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(newR.united(oldR));
+							}
+							m_doc->nodeEdit.setClre(storedClRe);
+						}
+						else
+						{
+						/* Don't use Grid or Guide Snapping when dragging Items or Groups with the keyboard */
+						/* as the user might be trying to fine tune a position */
+							bool sav1 = m_doc->SnapGuides;
+							bool sav2 = m_doc->SnapGrid;
+							bool sav3 = m_doc->SnapElement;
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = false;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = false;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = false;
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->startGroupTransaction(Um::Move, "", Um::IMove);
+							m_doc->moveGroup(0, moveBy);
+							if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
+								m_view->endGroupTransaction();
+							m_doc->SnapGuides = sav1;
+							m_doc->SnapGrid = sav2;
+							m_doc->SnapElement = sav3;
+						}
+					}
+					else
+					{
+						//CB If in EditContour mode, allow contour line to be scaled with arrow keys too
+						if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+							m_view->TransformPoly(13, 0, resizeBy/unitGetRatioFromIndex(m_doc->unitIndex()));
+						else if (!currItem->sizeLocked())
+						{
+							if ((rotationFC > 0.0 && rotationFC < 45.0) || (rotationFC >= 315.0 && rotationFC <= 360.0))
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 45.0 && rotationFC < 135.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * cos(radRotation), resizeBy * sin(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(resizeBy / currItem->imageXScale(), 0);
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 135.0 && rotationFC < 225.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width(), currItem->height() + resizeBy, currItem);
+								m_doc->moveItem(-resizeBy * sin(radRotation), -resizeBy * cos(radRotation), currItem);
+								if (moveImage)
+									currItem->moveImageXYOffsetBy(0, resizeBy / currItem->imageYScale());
+							}
+							else if (rotationFC >= 225.0 && rotationFC < 315.0)
+							{
+								m_doc->sizeItem(currItem->width() + resizeBy, currItem->height(), currItem);
+							}
+							currItem->Sizing = false;
+						}
+					}
+					currItem->update();
+					mainWindow->slotDocCh();
+				}
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	switch (kk)
+	{
+		case Qt::Key_Left:
+		case Qt::Key_Right:
+		case Qt::Key_Up:
+		case Qt::Key_Down:
+			m_arrowKeyDown = true;
+	}
+	m_keyRepeat = false;
+void CanvasMode::commonkeyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
+	//Exit out of panning mode if Control is release while the right mouse button is pressed
+	if ((m_doc->appMode == modePanning) && (e->key() == Qt::Key_Control) && (QApplication::mouseButtons() & Qt::RightButton))
+		m_view->requestMode(modeNormal);
+	if (m_doc->appMode == modeMagnifier)
+		m_view->setCursor(IconManager::instance().loadCursor("lupez.png"));
+	if (e->isAutoRepeat() || !m_arrowKeyDown)
+		return;
+	switch(e->key())
+	{
+		case Qt::Key_Left:
+		case Qt::Key_Right:
+		case Qt::Key_Up:
+		case Qt::Key_Down:
+			m_arrowKeyDown = false;
+			if ((!m_view->m_ScMW->zoomSpinBox->hasFocus()) && (!m_view->m_ScMW->pageSelector->hasFocus()))
+			{
+				int docSelectionCount = m_doc->m_Selection->count();
+				if ((docSelectionCount != 0) && (m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected()))
+				{
+					PageItem *currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+					double xposOrig = currItem->xPos();
+					double yposOrig = currItem->yPos();
+					m_doc->adjustItemSize(currItem, true);
+					if (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
+						currItem->ContourLine.translate(xposOrig - currItem->xPos(),yposOrig - currItem->yPos());
+					m_doc->nodeEdit.finishTransaction(currItem);
+					currItem->update();
+					m_doc->regionsChanged()->update(currItem->getVisualBoundingRect());
+				}
+				for (int i = 0; i < docSelectionCount; ++i)
+					m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges(true);
+				if (docSelectionCount > 1 && m_view->groupTransactionStarted())
+					m_view->endGroupTransaction();
+			}
+			break;
+	}

Modified: trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=23353&path=/trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp
--- trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp	(original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp	Tue Nov 12 11:03:24 2019
@@ -508,11 +508,13 @@
 void CanvasMode_NodeEdit::handleNodeEditPress(QMouseEvent* m, QRect)
 	FPoint npf2;
+	bool edited = false;
+	bool pfound = false;
 	PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
 	FPointArray Clip = m_doc->nodeEdit.beginTransaction(currItem);
-	bool edited = false;
-	bool pfound = false;
+	m_doc->nodeEdit.deselect();
 	QTransform pm2 = currItem->getTransform();
 	npf2 = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()).transformPoint(pm2, true);
 	if ((currItem->isSymbol() || currItem->isGroup()) && (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine()))
@@ -1132,7 +1134,8 @@
 				//Control Modifier to have parallele shape
-				if (m->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier){
+				if (m->modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier)
+				{
 					FPointArray cli;
 					if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine())
 						cli = currItem->ContourLine;

Modified: trunk/Scribus/scribus/nodeeditcontext.cpp
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=23353&path=/trunk/Scribus/scribus/nodeeditcontext.cpp
--- trunk/Scribus/scribus/nodeeditcontext.cpp	(original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/scribus/nodeeditcontext.cpp	Tue Nov 12 11:03:24 2019
@@ -75,13 +75,11 @@
 	if (Doc->nodeEdit.m_isContourLine)
 		Clip = currItem->ContourLine;
-		//					m_isContourLine = true;
 		uAction = Um::EditContour;
 		Clip = currItem->PoLine;
-		//					m_isContourLine = false;
 		uAction = Um::EditShape;
@@ -96,7 +94,6 @@
 	m_oldItemY = currItem->yPos();
 	if (UndoManager::undoEnabled())
 		nodeTransaction = undoManager->beginTransaction(currItem->getUName(), currItem->getUPixmap(), uAction);
-	Doc->nodeEdit.deselect();
 	return Clip;

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