r21870 by gpittman - updating Autoquote and Autoquote2

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Sat Apr 8 23:23:54 UTC 2017

Author: gpittman
Date: Sat Apr  8 23:23:54 2017
New Revision: 21870

URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=21870
updating Autoquote and Autoquote2


Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote.py
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=21870&path=/branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote.py
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote.py	(original)
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote.py	Sat Apr  8 23:23:54 2017
@@ -1,310 +1,156 @@
 #!/usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# File: spacenquotes.py - changes typewriter quotes to typographic quotes with option to add spaces
+# File: quotes.py - changes typewriter quotes to typographic quotes
 # © 2010.08.28 Gregory Pittman
-# © 2013.10.07 Enhancements by Jean-Luc Girard
 # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
 # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
 # (at your option) any later version.
-Original script is quotes.py or autoquotes.py
-9 oct 2013 :
-The algorythm has been slightly changed for determining
-whether a quote is opening or closing
-+ it provides the choice for the type of space to add :
-none or non breaking or thin or non breaking thin
-+ spaces are only aded when not allready there...
-+ a french version of the dialogs is included
-25 oct 2013 :
-choice to change the spaces for allready existing correct doublequotes
-if 'none' is choosen, then existing spaces inside double quotes are deleted
-+ take into account allready existing doublequotes for the correct choice open / close of next dquote
-+ warning if some open/close unconsistency is detected
-for example in « texte " suite »
-- it only acts on the currently selected frame
-(todo : acting on more than one selected frame,
-or on whole chain of linked text frame would be nice).
-- Spaces are not added outside of the quotes.
-(that could be a job for another more general typographic tool)
-download file, save it with 'quotenspace.py' name
-and enjoy
 You must have a document open, and a text frame selected.
-Run script from scribus menu (Script > Run script...)
-There will be a dialog asking for the language for the quotes, 
+There will be a valueDialog asking for your language for the quotes, 
+the default is 'en', but change the default to suit your needs.
 Detected errors shut down the script with an appropriate message.
-A dialog then asks what is your choice as for spaces.
-Follow indications and answer 0, 1, 2 or 3 
-Another dialog asks wether you want the script to manage 
-existing correct doublequotes.
 import scribus
-non_breaking_space = u"\u00a0"
-non_breaking_thin_space = u"\u202f"
-thin_space = u"\u2009"
-def est_espace(text):
-    return (text == ' ') or (text == non_breaking_space) or (text == non_breaking_thin_space)   or (text == thin_space)
-if scribus.haveDoc() <= 0:
-    scribus.messageBox('Error - (fr) Erreur', 'You need a Document open\n(fr) Ouvrez un document avant de lancer le script', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-    sys.exit(2)
-lang = scribus.valueDialog("Language", 'Choose language or country\n(fr) Choisissez la langue du texte ou le pays :\naf, be, ch, cs, de, en, es, et, fi, fr,\n hu, is, lt, mk, nl, pl, ru, se, sk, sl, sq and uk', 'fr')
-if (lang == 'en'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201c" #lead_double
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d" #follow_double
-    lead_single = u"\u2018"
-    follow_single = u"\u2019"
-elif (lang == 'de'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201c"
-    lead_single = u"\u2019"
-    follow_single = u"\u201a"
-elif (lang == 'fr'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u00ab"  #  « LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
-    fermant_double = u"\u00bb"  #  » LEFT-POINTING DOUBLE ANGLE QUOTATION MARK
-    lead_single = u"\u2018"     # RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
-    follow_single = u"\u2019"   # LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK
-elif (lang == 'pl'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d"
-    lead_single = u"\u201a"
-    follow_single = u"\u2019"
-elif ((lang == 'se') or (lang == 'fi')):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201d"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d"
-    lead_single = u"\u2019"
-    follow_single = u"\u2019"
-elif (lang == 'af'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201c"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d"
-    lead_single = u"\u2018"
-    follow_single = u"\u2019"
-elif (lang == 'sq'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201c"
-    lead_single = u"\u2018"
-    follow_single = u"\u2019"
-elif ((lang == 'be') or (lang == 'ch') or (lang == 'uk') or (lang == 'ru')):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u00ab"
-    fermant_double = u"\u00bb"
-    lead_single = u"\u2039"
-    follow_single = u"\u203a"
-elif (lang == 'uk'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u00ab"
-    fermant_double = u"\u00bb"
-    lead_single = u"\u2039"
-    follow_single = u"\u203a"
-elif (lang == 'es'):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u00ab"
-    fermant_double = u"\u00bb"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d"
-    lead_single = u"\u2018"
-elif ((lang == 'lt') or (lang == 'mk') or (lang == 'is') or (lang == 'sk') or (lang == 'sl') or (lang == 'cs') or (lang == 'et')):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201c"
-    lead_single = u"\u2019"
-    follow_single = u"\u201a"
-elif ((lang == 'hu') or (lang == 'nl')):
-    ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d"
-    lead_single = u"\u00bb"
-    follow_single = u"\u00ab"
+if scribus.haveDoc() > 0:
+    c = 0
+    lang = scribus.valueDialog("Choose by language or country", 'Language: af, be, ch, cs, de, de-g, en, es, et, fi, fr,\n hu, is, lt, mk, nl, pl, ru, se, sk, sl, sq and uk\n are current choices','en')
+    if (lang == 'en'):
+        lead_double = u"\u201c"
+        follow_double = u"\u201d"
+        lead_single = u"\u2018"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"
+    elif (lang == 'de'):
+        lead_double = u"\u201e"
+        follow_double = u"\u201c"
+        lead_single = u"\u2019"
+        follow_single = u"\u201a"
+    elif (lang == 'de-g'):      # German with inverted guillemets for double quotes
+        lead_double = u"\u00bb"
+        follow_double = u"\u00ab"
+        lead_single = u"\u2019"
+        follow_single = u"\u201a"
+    elif (lang == 'fr'):      
+        lead_double = u"\u00ab"
+        follow_double = u"\u00bb"
+        lead_single = u"\u2018"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"  # am hoping this will cover contractions like je t'aime
+    elif (lang == 'pl'):
+        lead_double = u"\u201e"
+        follow_double = u"\u201d"
+        lead_single = u"\u201a"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"
+    elif ((lang == 'se') or (lang == 'fi')):
+        lead_double = u"\u201d"
+        follow_double = u"\u201d"
+        lead_single = u"\u2019"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"
+    elif (lang == 'af'):
+        lead_double = u"\u201c"
+        follow_double = u"\u201d"
+        lead_single = u"\u2018"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"
+    elif (lang == 'sq'):
+        lead_double = u"\u201e"
+        follow_double = u"\u201c"
+        lead_single = u"\u2018"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"
+    elif ((lang == 'be') or (lang == 'ch') or (lang == 'uk') or (lang == 'ru')):
+        lead_double = u"\u00ab"
+        follow_double = u"\u00bb"
+        lead_single = u"\u2039"
+        follow_single = u"\u203a"
+    elif (lang == 'uk'):
+        lead_double = u"\u00ab"
+        follow_double = u"\u00bb"
+        lead_single = u"\u2039"
+        follow_single = u"\u203a"
+    elif (lang == 'es'):
+        lead_double = u"\u00ab"
+        follow_double = u"\u00bb"
+        lead_single = u"\u2018"
+        follow_single = u"\u2019"
+    elif ((lang == 'lt') or (lang == 'is') or (lang == 'sk') or (lang == 'sl') or (lang == 'cs') or (lang == 'et')):
+        lead_double = u"\u201e"
+        follow_double = u"\u201c"
+        lead_single = u"\u201a"
+        follow_single = u"\u2018"
+    elif (lang == 'mk'):
+        lead_double = u"\u201e"
+        follow_double = u"\u201c"
+        lead_single = u"\u2019"
+        follow_single = u"\u2018"
+    elif ((lang == 'hu') or (lang == 'nl')):
+        lead_double = u"\u201e"
+        follow_double = u"\u201d"
+        lead_single = u"\u00bb"
+        follow_single = u"\u00ab"
+    else:
+        scribus.messageBox('Language Error', 'You need to choose an available language', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
+        sys.exit(2)
-    scribus.messageBox('Language Error', 'You need to choose an available language', icon=0, button1=1)
+    scribus.messageBox('Usage Error', 'You need a Document open', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
 if scribus.selectionCount() == 0:
-    if (lang == 'fr'):
-        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Erreur',
-            "Aucun objet n'est sélectionné.\nSélectionnez un cadre de texte et recommencez.",
-            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-    else:
-        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error',
-            "There is no object selected.\nPlease select a text frame and try again.",
-            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
+    scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error',
+        "There is no object selected.\nPlease select a text frame and try again.",
+        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
 if scribus.selectionCount() > 1:
-    if (lang == 'fr'):
-        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Erreur',
-            "Désolé, ce script ne peut pas fonctionner lorsque plusieurs objets sont sélectionnés.\nVeuillez sélectionner un seul cadre de texte, puis recommencez.",
-            scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-    else:
-        scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error',
-            "You have more than one object selected.\nPlease select one text frame and try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
+    scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error',
+        "You have more than one object selected.\nPlease select one text frame and try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-if (lang =='fr'):
-    typeespace = scribus.valueDialog("Type d'espace", 
-                "Selon les polices de caractère utilisées, choisissez le type d'espace ajouté avec les doubles guillemets français, lorsqu'il n'y en a pas déjà un.\n0 : aucun espace ajouté ; 1 : insécable ; 2 : insécable fine ; 3 : fine", 
-                '1')
-else :
-   typeespace = scribus.valueDialog("Space inside quotes", 
-                "Choose whether to add space inside double quotes.\n0: never add a space; 1: non breaking; 2: non breaking thin; 3: thin", 
-                '0')
-if (typeespace == '3'):
-    spacenquotes = thin_space
-    spacelen = 1
-elif (typeespace == '2'):
-    spacenquotes = non_breaking_thin_space
-    spacelen = 1
-elif (typeespace == '0'):
-    spacenquotes = ''
-    spacelen = 0
-    spacenquotes = non_breaking_space
-    spacelen = 1
-if ((1==1) or (spacenquotes != '')):
-    if (lang =='fr'):
-        replace_existing = scribus.valueDialog("Agir sur l'existant ?", 
-                "Voulez vous aussi appliquer ce traitement sur les double-guillemets français déjà en place ? Oui: O ; Non : N ", 
-                'O')
-    else:
-       replace_existing = scribus.valueDialog("What about existing quotes?", 
-                "Should the script apply your spaces choice ALSO on already existing quotes?\nYes: Y ; No: N", 
-                'N')
-if ((replace_existing=='y') or (replace_existing=='Y') or (replace_existing=='o') or (replace_existing=='O')):
-    replace_existing=1
-    replace_existing=0
 textbox = scribus.getSelectedObject()
+pageitems = scribus.getPageItems()
 boxcount = 1
-for item in scribus.getPageItems():
+for item in pageitems:
     if (item[0] == textbox):
         if (item[1] != 4):
-            if (lang == 'fr'):
-                scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Erreur',
-                "L'objet sélectionné n'est pas un cadre de texte.\nVeuillez sélectionner un cadre de texte, puis recommencez.",
-                scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-            else:
-                scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error', "This is not a textframe. Try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
+            scribus.messageBox('Scribus - Usage Error', "This is not a textframe. Try again.", scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-textlen = scribus.getTextLength(textbox)
-c = 0
-nbchange = 0
-lastchange = 'close'
-prevchar = ''
-while c <= (textlen -1):
-    # si on est à la fin, il faut tricher pour le dernier caractère
-    if ((c + 1) > textlen - 1):
-        alafin = 1
+contents = scribus.getTextLength(textbox)
+while c <= (contents -1):
+    if ((c + 1) > contents - 1):
         nextchar = ' '
-        alafin = 0
         scribus.selectText(c+1, 1, textbox)
         nextchar = scribus.getText(textbox)
     scribus.selectText(c, 1, textbox)
     char = scribus.getText(textbox)
+    if (len(char) != 1):
+        c += 1
+        continue
+    if ((ord(char) == 34) and (c == 0)):
+        scribus.deleteText(textbox)
+        scribus.insertText(lead_double, c, textbox)
+    elif (ord(char) == 34):
+        if ((prevchar == '.') or (prevchar == ',') or (prevchar == '?') or (prevchar == '!')):
+            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
+            scribus.insertText(follow_double, c, textbox)
+        elif ((ord(prevchar) == 39) and ((nextchar != ' ') and (nextchar != ',') and (nextchar != '.'))):
+            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
+            scribus.insertText(lead_double, c, textbox)
+        elif ((nextchar == '.') or (nextchar == ',')):
+            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
+            scribus.insertText(follow_double, c, textbox)
-#    scribus.messageBox("ce qui est", "position:"+str(c) +'\nchar'+char+'\nPrec:'+prevchar+'\nsuiv:'+nextchar, 
-#           scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-    if (char==ouvrant_double):
-        if (lastchange=='open'):
-            if (lang=='fr'):
-                scribus.messageBox("Oups !", 'Incohérence dans les enchainements de guillemets ouvrant et fermant. Une guillement fermante manque avant la position '+str(c) +'\nOn continue quand même', 
-                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-            else:
-                scribus.messageBox("Oops!", 'The text is inconsistent. Closing double quotes missing before position '+str(c), 
-                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-        lastchange='open'
-        if ((replace_existing == 1) and (nextchar != spacenquotes) and (alafin==0)):
-            if (est_espace(nextchar)):
-                scribus.selectText(c+1, 1, textbox)
-                scribus.deleteText(textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c+1, textbox)
-            nbchange = nbchange+1
-    elif (char==fermant_double):
-        if (lastchange=='close'):
-            if (lang=='fr'):
-                scribus.messageBox("Oups !", 'Incohérence dans les enchainements de guillemets ouvrant et fermant. Une guillemet ouvrante manque avant la position '+str(c) +'\nOn continue quand même', 
-                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-            else:
-                scribus.messageBox("Oops!", 'The text is inconsistent. Opening double quotes missing before position '+str(c), 
-                        scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-        lastchange = 'close'
-        if ((replace_existing == 1)  and (prevchar != spacenquotes) and (c > 1)):
-            if (est_espace(prevchar)):
-                scribus.selectText(c-1, 1, textbox)
-                scribus.deleteText(textbox)
-                c=c-1
-            scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c, textbox)
-            nbchange = nbchange+1
-            c=c+spacelen
-    elif (len(char) != 1): #en utf8 certains caractères ont len 2, par ex les espaces spéciaux qu'on teste au dessus
-         rien="rien"          # et ça ferait planter ord()
-    elif (char == '"'): # autrement dit : ord (char)==34
-        #si on trouve une double guillemet droit " en premier caractère du texte, c'est un ouvrant !
-        if (c == 0):
+        elif ((prevchar == ' ') or ((nextchar != ' ') and (ord(nextchar) != 39))):
-            if (not est_espace(nextchar)):
-                scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, 0, textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(ouvrant_double, 0, textbox)
-            lastchange='open'
-        elif ((prevchar == '.') or (prevchar == ',') or (prevchar == '?') or (prevchar == '!')):
-         # lets close after the end of a sentence
-            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(fermant_double, c, textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c, textbox)
-            lastchange='close'
-            c=c+spacelen
-        # 39 = ' straight apostrophe 
-        elif ((ord(prevchar) == 39) and ((nextchar != ' ') and (nextchar != ',') and (nextchar != ';') and (nextchar != '.'))):
-            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
-            if (not est_espace(nextchar)):
-                scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c, textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(ouvrant_double, c, textbox)
-            lastchange='open'
-        elif ((nextchar == '.') or (nextchar == ',') or (nextchar == ';')):
-            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(fermant_double, c, textbox)
-            if (not est_espace(prevchar)):
-                scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c, textbox)
-                c=c+spacelen
-            lastchange='close'
-        elif (lastchange!='open'):
-            scribus.deleteText(textbox)
-            if (not est_espace(nextchar)):
-                scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c, textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(ouvrant_double, c, textbox)
-            lastchange='open'
+            scribus.insertText(lead_double, c, textbox)
-            scribus.insertText(fermant_double, c, textbox)
-            if (not est_espace(prevchar)):
-                scribus.insertText(spacenquotes, c, textbox)
-                c=c+spacelen
-            lastchange='close'
-        nbchange = nbchange+1
-    elif ((ord(char) == 39) and (c == 0)):
+            scribus.insertText(follow_double, c, textbox)
+    if ((ord(char) == 39) and (c == 0)):
         scribus.insertText(lead_single, c, textbox)
-        nbchange = nbchange+1
     elif (ord(char) == 39):
         if ((prevchar == '.') or (prevchar == ',') or (prevchar == '?') or (prevchar == '!')):
@@ -321,24 +167,11 @@
             scribus.insertText(follow_single, c, textbox)
-        nbchange = nbchange+1
     c += 1
-#   memprevchar = prevchar # pour message de fin seulement
     prevchar = char
-    textlen = scribus.getTextLength(textbox)
-debugmessage = ''
-# debugmessage = '\n\nVérif : les 2 derniers caractères lus étaient <'+str(memprevchar)+'> et <'+str(char)+'>'
-# debugmessage = '\n\nCheck : 2 last analysed characters were <'+str(memprevchar)+'> and <'+str(char)+'>'
-if (lang == 'fr'):
-    scribus.messageBox("Fini", 'La préparation des quillemets et espaces est faite.\n'+str(nbchange)+' occurences ont été remplacées' + debugmessage, 
-                        icon=0,button1=1)
-    scribus.messageBox("Done", 'Successfully ran script\n'+str(nbchange)+' replacements have occurred' + debugmessage, # Change this message to your liking
-                        icon=0,button1=1)
+endmessage = 'Successfully ran script\n Last character read was '+str(char) # Change this message to your liking
+scribus.messageBox("Finished", endmessage, icon=scribus.ICON_NONE, button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)

Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote2.py
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=21870&path=/branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote2.py
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote2.py	(original)
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/plugins/scriptplugin/scripts/Autoquote2.py	Sat Apr  8 23:23:54 2017
@@ -11,18 +11,20 @@
 Original script is quotes.py or autoquotes.py
 9 oct 2013 :
-The algorythm has been slightly changed for determining
+The algorithm has been slightly changed for determining
 whether a quote is opening or closing
 + it provides the choice for the type of space to add :
-none or non breaking or thin or non breaking thin
-+ spaces are only aded when not allready there...
+none or non-breaking or thin or non-breaking thin
++ spaces are only added when not already there...
 + a french version of the dialogs is included
 25 oct 2013 :
-choice to change the spaces for allready existing correct doublequotes
-if 'none' is choosen, then existing spaces inside double quotes are deleted
-+ take into account allready existing doublequotes for the correct choice open / close of next dquote
-+ warning if some open/close unconsistency is detected
+choice to change the spaces for already existing correct doublequotes
+if 'none' is chosen, then existing spaces inside double quotes are deleted
++ take into account already existing doublequotes for the correct choice open / close of next dquote
++ warning if some open/close inconsistency is detected
 for example in « texte " suite »
+5 apr 2017 :
++ added new language choice of de-g: German with inverted guillemets for double quotes
 - it only acts on the currently selected frame
@@ -42,7 +44,7 @@
 Detected errors shut down the script with an appropriate message.
 A dialog then asks what is your choice as for spaces.
 Follow indications and answer 0, 1, 2 or 3 
-Another dialog asks wether you want the script to manage 
+Another dialog asks whether you want the script to manage 
 existing correct doublequotes.
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@
     scribus.messageBox('Error - (fr) Erreur', 'You need a Document open\n(fr) Ouvrez un document avant de lancer le script', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-lang = scribus.valueDialog("Language", 'Choose language or country\n(fr) Choisissez la langue du texte ou le pays :\naf, be, ch, cs, de, en, es, et, fi, fr,\n hu, is, lt, mk, nl, pl, ru, se, sk, sl, sq and uk', 'fr')
+lang = scribus.valueDialog("Language", 'Choose language or country\n(fr) Choisissez la langue du texte ou le pays :\naf, be, ch, cs, de, de-g, en, es, et, fi, fr,\n hu, is, lt, mk, nl, pl, ru, se, sk, sl, sq and uk', 'fr')
 if (lang == 'en'):
     ouvrant_double = u"\u201c" #lead_double
     fermant_double = u"\u201d" #follow_double
@@ -69,6 +71,11 @@
 elif (lang == 'de'):
     ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
     fermant_double = u"\u201c"
+    lead_single = u"\u2019"
+    follow_single = u"\u201a"
+elif (lang == 'de-g'):          # German with inverted guillemets for double quote
+    ouvrant_double = u"\u00bb"
+    fermant_double = u"\u00ab"
     lead_single = u"\u2019"
     follow_single = u"\u201a"
 elif (lang == 'fr'):
@@ -109,20 +116,25 @@
 elif (lang == 'es'):
     ouvrant_double = u"\u00ab"
     fermant_double = u"\u00bb"
-    fermant_double = u"\u201d"
     lead_single = u"\u2018"
-elif ((lang == 'lt') or (lang == 'mk') or (lang == 'is') or (lang == 'sk') or (lang == 'sl') or (lang == 'cs') or (lang == 'et')):
+    follow_double = u"\u2019"
+elif ((lang == 'lt') or (lang == 'is') or (lang == 'sk') or (lang == 'sl') or (lang == 'cs') or (lang == 'et')):
+    ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
+    fermant_double = u"\u201c"
+    lead_single = u"\u201a"
+    follow_single = u"\u2018"
+elif (lang == 'mk'):
     ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
     fermant_double = u"\u201c"
     lead_single = u"\u2019"
-    follow_single = u"\u201a"
+    follow_single = u"\u2018"
 elif ((lang == 'hu') or (lang == 'nl')):
     ouvrant_double = u"\u201e"
     fermant_double = u"\u201d"
     lead_single = u"\u00bb"
     follow_single = u"\u00ab"
-    scribus.messageBox('Language Error', 'You need to choose an available language', icon=0, button1=1)
+    scribus.messageBox('Language Error', 'You need to choose an available language', scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
 if scribus.selectionCount() == 0:
@@ -152,7 +164,7 @@
 else :
    typeespace = scribus.valueDialog("Inside quote added space", 
-                "Depending on the used fonts, choose the space to be added inside double quotes, in case there is none already.\n0 : never add a space ; 1 : non breaking ; 2 : non breaking thin ; 3 : thin", 
+                "Depending on the used fonts, choose the space to be added inside \ndouble quotes, in case there are none already.\n0 : never add a space ; 1 : non breaking ; 2 : non breaking thin ; 3 : thin", 
 if (typeespace == '3'):
@@ -175,7 +187,7 @@
        replace_existing = scribus.valueDialog("What about existing qyotes ?", 
-                "Should the script apply your spaces-choice ALSO on already existing quotes ? Yes : Y ; No : N", 
+                "Should the script ALSO apply your spaces-choice on already existing quotes? Yes : Y ; No : N", 
 if ((replace_existing=='y') or (replace_existing=='Y') or (replace_existing=='o') or (replace_existing=='O')):
@@ -202,7 +214,7 @@
 c = 0
 nbchange = 0
 lastchange = 'close'
-prevchar = ''
+prevchar = ' '
 while c <= (textlen -1):
     # si on est à la fin, il faut tricher pour le dernier caractère
@@ -226,7 +238,7 @@
                 scribus.messageBox("Oups !", 'Incohérence dans les enchainements de guillemets ouvrant et fermant. Une guillement fermante manque avant la position '+str(c) +'\nOn continue quand même', 
                         scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-                scribus.messageBox("Oops !", 'text is not consistent. Closing doublequote missing before position '+str(c), 
+                scribus.messageBox("Oops !", 'The text is not consistent. Closing doublequote missing before position '+str(c), 
                         scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
         if ((replace_existing == 1) and (nextchar != spacenquotes) and (alafin==0)):
@@ -242,7 +254,7 @@
                 scribus.messageBox("Oups !", 'Incohérence dans les enchainements de guillemets ouvrant et fermant. Une guillemet ouvrante manque avant la position '+str(c) +'\nOn continue quand même', 
                         scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
-                scribus.messageBox("Oops !", 'text is not consistent. Opening doublequote missing before position '+str(c), 
+                scribus.messageBox("Oops !", 'The text is not consistent. Opening doublequote missing before position '+str(c), 
                         scribus.ICON_WARNING, scribus.BUTTON_OK)
         lastchange = 'close'
         if ((replace_existing == 1)  and (prevchar != spacenquotes) and (c > 1)):
@@ -337,8 +349,8 @@
 if (lang == 'fr'):
-    scribus.messageBox("Fini", 'La préparation des quillemets et espaces est faite.\n'+str(nbchange)+' occurences ont été remplacées' + debugmessage, 
-                        icon=0,button1=1)
+    scribus.messageBox("Fini", 'La préparation des quillemets et espaces est faite.\n'+str(nbchange)+' occurrences ont été remplacées' + debugmessage, 
+                        icon=scribus.ICON_NONE,button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)
     scribus.messageBox("Done", 'Successfully ran script\n'+str(nbchange)+' replacements have occurred' + debugmessage, # Change this message to your liking
-                        icon=0,button1=1)
+                        icon=scribus.ICON_NONE,button1=scribus.BUTTON_OK)

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