r18969 by jghali - some code cleanup

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Mon Mar 31 23:27:32 UTC 2014

Author: jghali
Date: Mon Mar 31 23:27:32 2014
New Revision: 18969

URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=18969
some code cleanup


Modified: branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=18969&path=/branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp
--- branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp (original)
+++ branches/Version14x/Scribus/scribus/canvasmode_nodeedit.cpp Mon Mar 31 23:27:32 2014
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@
 CanvasMode_NodeEdit::CanvasMode_NodeEdit(ScribusView* view) : CanvasMode(view), m_rectangleSelect(NULL)
-//	SeRx = -1; // selected pos
-//	SeRy = -1;
 	Mxp = -1;  // last mouse position
 	Myp = -1;
 	Dxp = -1;  // last mouse press position for rectangle select
@@ -49,12 +47,8 @@
 	m_ScMW = m_view->m_ScMW;
 void CanvasMode_NodeEdit::drawControls(QPainter* p) 
-//	qDebug() << "NodeEdit::drawControls";
-//	void Canvas::MarkClip(QPainter *p, PageItem *currItem, FPointArray cli, bool)
 	double x, y;
 	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 0)
@@ -160,7 +154,6 @@
 		m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = false;
 		// handle rectangle select
-//	double sc = m_canvas->scale();
 		PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
 		QRectF Sele = m_rectangleSelect->result(); //QRect(Dxp, Dyp, SeRx-Dxp, SeRy-Dyp).normalized();
@@ -188,11 +181,7 @@
-//	m_canvas->setScale(sc);
-//	m_view->HaveSelRect = false;
-//	m_view->redrawMarker->hide();
-//		m_view->updateContents();
 		delete m_rectangleSelect;
 		m_rectangleSelect = NULL;
@@ -247,7 +236,6 @@
 	m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = false;
-//	m_view->stopDragTimer();
@@ -260,27 +248,6 @@
 	double sc = m_canvas->scale();
 	npf = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-//	qDebug() << "nodedit move event:" << m->x() << m->y() << "canvas:" << npf.x() << npf.y() << "@" << m_canvas->scale();
-/*	if (m_doc->guidesSettings.guidesShown)
-	{
-		if (MoveGY)
-		{
-			m_view->FromHRuler(m);
-			return;
-		}
-		if (MoveGX)
-		{
-			m_view->FromVRuler(m);
-			return;
-		}
-	}
-	*/
-//	if (m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed && (m->buttons() & Qt::RightButton) && (m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier))
-//	{
-//		m_ScMW->setAppMode(modePanning);
-//	}
 	if (GetItem(&currItem))
 		if (m_doc->DragP)
@@ -290,24 +257,17 @@
 		if (m_view->moveTimerElapsed() && m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed 
 			&& (m->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) &&  (!currItem->locked()))
-//			qDebug() << "node edit drag 1";
-//			m_view->stopDragTimer();
 			handleNodeEditDrag(m, currItem);
 		else if (!m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed)
 			if (!currItem->locked())
-				QMatrix p; // = currItem->getTransform();
-				QRect mpo; // = QRect(m->globalX()-m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad, m->globalY()-m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad, m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad*2, m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad*2);
-				//				mpo.moveBy(qRound(m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_canvas->scale()), qRound(m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_canvas->scale()));
+				QMatrix p;
+				QRect mpo;
 				handleNodeEditMove(m, mpo, currItem, p);
-//		else
-//			qDebug() << "node edit drag 9:" << (m->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton);
 	else // shouldnt be in nodeedit mode now, should it??
@@ -315,12 +275,6 @@
 		npf = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
 		if ((m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed) && (m->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) && (GyM == -1) && (GxM == -1))
-//			SeRx = qRound(npf.x());
-//			SeRy = qRound(npf.y());
-//			m_view->redrawMarker->setGeometry(QRect(Mxp, Myp, m->x() - Mxp, m->y() - Myp).normalized());
-//			if (!m_view->redrawMarker->isVisible())
-//				m_view->redrawMarker->show();
-//			m_view->HaveSelRect = true;
 			if (!m_rectangleSelect)
 				m_rectangleSelect = new RectSelect(this);
@@ -349,7 +303,6 @@
-//			qApp->setOverrideCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor), true);
 			tmpGuides = m_doc->currentPage()->guides.verticals(GuideManagerCore::Standard);
 			for (it = tmpGuides.begin(); it!= tmpGuides.end(); ++it)
@@ -373,51 +326,14 @@
 void CanvasMode_NodeEdit::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
-//	double Rxp = 0;
-//	double Ryp = 0;
-//	double Rxpd = 0;
-//	double Rypd = 0;
-	QPainter p;
-//	m_canvas->PaintSizeRect(QRect());
-//	FPoint npf, npf2;
 	m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = true;
 	m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false;
-//	m_view->HaveSelRect = false;
 	m_doc->DragP = false;
 	m_doc->leaveDrag = false;
 	MoveGX = MoveGY = false;
-//	oldClip = 0;
-//	npf = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-//	Mxp = qRound(npf.x()); // WTF? FIXME:av
-//	Myp = qRound(npf.y());
-	QRect mpo; //(m->globalX()-m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad, m->globalY()-m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad, m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad*2, m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad*2);
-//	mpo.moveBy(qRound(m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() * m_canvas->scale()), qRound(m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() * m_canvas->scale()));
-/*	if (m_doc->appMode != modeEdit)
-	{
-		Rxp = m_doc->ApplyGrid(QPoint(Mxp, Myp)).x();
-		Rxpd = Mxp - Rxp;
-		Mxp = qRound(Rxp);
-		Ryp = m_doc->ApplyGrid(QPoint(Mxp, Myp)).y();
-		Rypd = Myp - Ryp;
-		Myp = qRound(Ryp);
-	}*/
-//	SeRx = Mxp;
-//	SeRy = Myp;
-/*	if (m->button() == Qt::MidButton)
-	{
-		m_view->MidButt = true;
-		m_view->DrawNew();
-		return;
-	}*/
-//	npf = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-//	Mxp = qRound(npf.x()); // WTF?
-//	Myp = qRound(npf.y());
-//	SeRx = Mxp;
-//	SeRy = Myp;
-	// this has to be:
+	QRect mpo;
 	Mxp = m->x();
 	Myp = m->y();
@@ -437,113 +353,12 @@
 void CanvasMode_NodeEdit::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
-//	QMenu* pmen3 = NULL;
 	PageItem *currItem;
 	m_canvas->m_viewMode.m_MouseButtonPressed = false;
-//	m_view->stopDragTimer();
-/*	if (m_doc->guidesSettings.guidesShown)
-	{
-		bool foundGuide = false;
-		FPoint np = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-		double nx = np.x();
-		double ny = np.y();
-		double grabRadScale = m_doc->guidesSettings.grabRad / m_canvas->scale();
-		if (0 <= m_doc->currentPage()->guides.isMouseOnHorizontal(ny + grabRadScale, ny - grabRadScale, GuideManagerCore::Standard)
-			|| 0 <= m_doc->currentPage()->guides.isMouseOnVertical(nx + grabRadScale, nx - grabRadScale, GuideManagerCore::Standard))
-			foundGuide = true;
-		if ((foundGuide) && (m->button() == Qt::RightButton) && (!GetItem(&currItem)))
-		{
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
-			MoveGY = false;
-			MoveGX = false;
-			return;
-		}
-		if (MoveGY)
-		{
-			m_view->SetYGuide(m, GyM);
-			MoveGY = false;
-			m_view->redrawMarker->hide();
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
-			m_view->updateContents();
-			GyM = -1;
-			return;
-		}
-		if (MoveGX)
-		{
-			m_view->SetXGuide(m, GxM);
-			MoveGX = false;
-			m_view->redrawMarker->hide();
-			m_view->setCursor(QCursor(Qt::ArrowCursor));
-			m_view->updateContents();
-			GxM = -1;
-			return;
-		}
-	}*/
-	/* see activated()
-	if (!m_doc->nodeEdit.hasNodeSelected() && (m_view->HaveSelRect))
-	{
-		double sc = m_canvas->scale();
-		currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-		m_doc->nodeEdit.SelNode.clear();
-		QRect Sele = QRect(Dxp, Dyp, SeRx-Dxp, SeRy-Dyp).normalized();
-		FPointArray Clip;
-		m_canvas->setScale(1.0);
-		if (m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine)
-			Clip = currItem->ContourLine;
-		else
-			Clip = currItem->PoLine;
-		for (uint a = 0; a < Clip.size(); ++a)
-		{
-			if (Clip.point(a).x() > 900000)
-				continue;
-			FPoint np = Clip.point(a);
-			FPoint npf2 = np.transformPoint(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0, false);
-			QPoint npf = QPoint(qRound(npf2.x()), qRound(npf2.y()));
-			if ((Sele.contains(npf)) && ((a == 0) || (((a-2) % 4) == 0)))
-			{
-				m_doc->nodeEdit.ClRe = a;
-				m_doc->nodeEdit.SelNode.append(a);
-				m_doc->nodeEdit.update(QPointF(Clip.point(a).x(), Clip.point(a).y()));
-			}
-		}
-		m_canvas->setScale(sc);
-		m_view->HaveSelRect = false;
-		m_view->redrawMarker->hide();
-		currItem->update();
-		m_doc->nodeEdit.finishTransaction(currItem);
-		return;
-	}
-	*/
-/*	if (m_view->moveTimerElapsed() && (m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (SegP1 == -1) && (SegP2 == -1))
-	{
-		currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-		if (operItemMoving)
-		{
-			currItem->OldB2 = currItem->width();
-			currItem->OldH2 = currItem->height();
-			double nx = m->x()/m_canvas->scale() + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x();
-			double ny = m->y()/m_canvas->scale() + m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y();
-			if (!m_doc->ApplyGuides(&nx, &ny))
-			{
-				FPoint npg(ApplyGridF(FPoint(nx, ny)));
-				nx = npg.x();
-				ny = npg.y();
-			}
-			FPoint np(nx, ny, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->rotation(), 1, 1, true);
-			m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, np);
-		}
-		m_doc->AdjustItemSize(currItem);
-		emit DocChanged();
-		updateContents();
-		operItemMoving = false;
-		return;
-	}
-	if (m_view->moveTimerElapsed() && (m_doc->appMode == modeEditClip) && (SegP1 != -1) && (SegP2 != -1)) */
 	if (m_view->moveTimerElapsed())
-//		m_view->stopDragTimer();
 		if (m_doc->nodeEdit.SegP1 != -1 && m_doc->nodeEdit.SegP2 != -1)
@@ -556,7 +371,6 @@
 		double yposOrig = currItem->yPos();
 		ItemState<QPair<FPointArray, FPointArray> > *state = NULL;
 		state = m_doc->nodeEdit.finishTransaction1(currItem);
 		xposOrig = currItem->xPos();
 		yposOrig = currItem->yPos();
@@ -564,9 +378,6 @@
 			FPoint newP = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-//			double newX = newP.x();
-//			double newY = newP.y();
-//			FPoint np(newX, newY, 0, 0, currItem->rotation(), 1, 1, true);
 			currItem->OldB2 = currItem->width();
 			currItem->OldH2 = currItem->height();
 			FPointArray Clip;
@@ -574,11 +385,6 @@
 				Clip = currItem->ContourLine;
 				Clip = currItem->PoLine;
-//			FPoint npf = FPoint(Clip.point(m_doc->nodeEdit.ClRe).x() + np.x() / m_canvas->scale(), Clip.point(m_doc->nodeEdit.ClRe).y() + np.y() / m_canvas->scale());
-//			double nx = npf.x();
-//			double ny = npf.y();
-//			nx += currItem->xPos();
-//			ny += currItem->yPos();
 			FPoint npf;
 			double nx = newP.x();
 			double ny = newP.y();
@@ -586,7 +392,6 @@
 				npf = m_doc->ApplyGridF(FPoint(nx, ny));
 				npf = FPoint(nx, ny);
-//			npf = FPoint(npf.x() - currItem->xPos(), npf.y() - currItem->yPos());
 			npf = FPoint(npf.x(), npf.y(), currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->rotation(), 1, 1, true);
 			m_doc->nodeEdit.moveClipPoint(currItem, npf);
@@ -594,10 +399,7 @@
 		if (!m_doc->nodeEdit.isContourLine)
 			currItem->ContourLine.translate(xposOrig - currItem->xPos(), yposOrig - currItem->yPos());
-//		currItem->update();
-//		emit DocChanged();
-//		m_view->updateContents();
 		if (state)
 			m_doc->nodeEdit.finishTransaction2(currItem, state);
@@ -611,17 +413,12 @@
 	m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemMoving = false;
 	m_canvas->m_viewMode.operItemResizing = false;
 	m_view->MidButt = false;
-//	m_doc->SubMode = -1;
 	if (m_view->groupTransactionStarted())
 		for (int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
-//???	for (int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
-//??? av		m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges(true);
 	//Commit drag created items to undo manager.
 	if (m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0)!=NULL)
@@ -634,11 +431,6 @@
 		currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		//delete oldClip;
-		//oldClip = 0;
@@ -652,24 +444,15 @@
 	FPointArray Clip = m_doc->nodeEdit.beginTransaction(currItem);
 	bool edited = false;
 	bool pfound = false;
-//	QMatrix pm;
-//	pm.translate(-m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x()*m_canvas->scale(), -m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y()*m_canvas->scale());
-//	m_canvas->Transform(currItem, pm);
-//	npf2 = FPoint(m->pos() * pm.inverted());
 	npf2 = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos()).transformPoint(currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0, true);
 	QMatrix pm2 = currItem->getTransform();
 	for (int a=0; a < signed(Clip.size()); ++a)
 		if (((m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints) && (a % 2 != 0)) || ((!m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints) && (a % 2 == 0)))
-				continue;
+			continue;
 		QPointF npf = pm2.map(Clip.pointQF(a));
-//			QRect tx = QRect(static_cast<int>(npf.x()-3), static_cast<int>(npf.y()-3), 6, 6);
-//			if (tx.intersects(mpo))
 		if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), npf))
-			qDebug() << "nodeedit: selecting point" << a << "at" << npf.x() << npf.y();
 			m_doc->nodeEdit.ClRe = a;
 			if ((m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints) && (m_doc->nodeEdit.SelNode.contains(a) == 0))
@@ -1073,10 +856,6 @@
-		/*
-		m_view->redrawMarker->setGeometry(m->x(), m->y(), 1, 1);
-		m_view->redrawMarker->show();
-		*/
 		Mxp = m->x();
 		Myp = m->y();
 		Dxp = qRound(m->x()/m_canvas->scale());
@@ -1102,9 +881,6 @@
 		Clip = currItem->ContourLine;
 		Clip = currItem->PoLine;
-//	qDebug() << "handle nodeedit move:" << m_doc->nodeEdit.submode << m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints;
 	if ((m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::DEL_POINT) || 
 		(m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::MOVE_POINT) || 
 		(m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::SPLIT_PATH))
@@ -1113,9 +889,6 @@
 			if (((m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints) && (a % 2 != 0)) || ((!m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints) && (a % 2 == 0)))
-			//QPoint np = p.map(Clip.pointQ(a));
-			//QRect tx = QRect(np.x()-3, np.y()-3, 6, 6);
-			//if (tx.intersects(mpo))
 			QPointF point = Clip.pointQF(a);
 			if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), itemPos.map(point)))
@@ -1133,7 +906,6 @@
 		(m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::MOVE_POINT) || 
 		(m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::SPLIT_PATH && m_doc->nodeEdit.EdPoints))
-		//FPoint mousePoint = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
 		for (uint poi=0; poi<Clip.size()-3; poi += 4)
 			// create bezier curve in canvas coords
@@ -1166,25 +938,6 @@
-			// as polygon
-//			QPolygonF cli = Bez.toSubpathPolygons().first();
-//			for (int clp = 0; clp < cli.size()-1; ++clp)
-//			{
-				// project mousepoint on line
-//				FPoint pointOnLine = projectPointOnLine(mousePoint, cli.at(clp), cli.at(clp+1));
-				//if (m_view->PointOnLine(cli.point(clp), cli.point(clp+1), p.inverted().mapRect(mpo)))
-//				if (m_canvas->hitsCanvasPoint(m->globalPos(), pointOnLine))
-//				{
-//					if (m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::MOVE_POINT)
-//						m_view->setCursor(QCursor(loadIcon("HandC.xpm")));
-//					if (m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::ADD_POINT)
-//						m_view->setCursor(QCursor(loadIcon("AddPoint.png"), 1, 1));
-//					if (m_doc->nodeEdit.submode == NodeEditContext::SPLIT_PATH)
-//						m_view->setCursor(QCursor(loadIcon("Split.png"), 1, 1));
-//					m_doc->nodeEdit.ClRe2 = poi;
-//					return true;
-//				}
-//			}

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