r18885 by fschmid - ODG-Importer: apply correct colors to multicolor custom shapes.

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Fri Mar 7 21:09:54 UTC 2014

Author: fschmid
Date: Fri Mar  7 21:09:54 2014
New Revision: 18885

URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=18885
ODG-Importer: apply correct colors to multicolor custom shapes.


Modified: trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.cpp
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=18885&path=/trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.cpp
--- trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.cpp (original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.cpp Fri Mar  7 21:09:54 2014
@@ -874,6 +874,7 @@
 				texAreaPoints.append(QPointF(ScCLocale::toDoubleC(points[2]), ScCLocale::toDoubleC(points[3])));
 				texAreaPoints = mat.map(texAreaPoints);
+			QString shapeType = p.attribute("draw:type");
 			QStringList paths = enhPath.split("N", QString::SkipEmptyParts);
 			if (!paths.isEmpty())
@@ -889,6 +890,82 @@
 						QString fillC = tmpOStyle.CurrColorFill;
 						if (!filled)
 							fillC = CommonStrings::None;
+						else
+						{
+							if (shapeType == "can")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 110);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "cube")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 110);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "paper")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "smiley")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "quad-bevel")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 110);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 150);
+								else if (a == 3)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+								else if (a == 4)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "col-60da8460")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 150);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 300);
+								else if (a == 3)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 120);
+								else if (a == 4)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 120);
+								else if (a == 5)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "col-502ad400")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 110);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+								else if (a == 3)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 120);
+								else if (a == 4)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, false, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "vertical-scroll")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+							}
+							else if (shapeType == "horizontal-scroll")
+							{
+								if (a == 1)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+								else if (a == 2)
+									fillC = modifyColor(fillC, true, 120);
+							}
+						}
 						QString strokeC = tmpOStyle.CurrColorStroke;
 						if (!stroked)
 							strokeC = CommonStrings::None;
@@ -3009,6 +3086,25 @@
 	return retObj;
+QString OdgPlug::modifyColor(QString name, bool darker, int amount)
+	const ScColor& col = m_Doc->PageColors[name];
+	QColor c = ScColorEngine::getShadeColorProof(col, m_Doc, 100);
+	QColor mo;
+	if (darker)
+		mo = c.darker(amount);
+	else
+		mo = c.lighter(amount);
+	ScColor tmp;
+	tmp.fromQColor(mo);
+	tmp.setSpotColor(false);
+	tmp.setRegistrationColor(false);
+	QString fNam = m_Doc->PageColors.tryAddColor("FromOdg"+mo.name(), tmp);
+	if (fNam == "FromOdg"+mo.name())
+		importedColors.append(fNam);
+	return fNam;
 QColor OdgPlug::parseColorN( const QString &rgbColor )
 	int r, g, b;

Modified: trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.h
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=18885&path=/trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.h
--- trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.h (original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/odg/importodg.h Fri Mar  7 21:09:54 2014
@@ -344,6 +344,7 @@
 	double degSweepAngle(double start, double stop, bool clockwise);
 	void arcTo(QPainterPath &path, QPointF startpoint, double rx, double ry, double startAngle, double sweepAngle);
 	int arcToCurve(double rx, double ry, double startAngle, double sweepAngle, const QPointF & offset, QPointF * curvePoints);
+	QString modifyColor(QString name, bool darker, int amount);
 	QColor parseColorN( const QString &rgbColor );
 	QString parseColor( const QString &s );
 	QString constructFontName(QString fontBaseName, QString fontStyle);

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