r17362 by fschmid - Convert to Outlines: convert inline frames and page numbers correctly.
scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Tue Mar 6 22:30:57 UTC 2012
Author: fschmid
Date: Tue Mar 6 22:30:56 2012
New Revision: 17362
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=17362
Convert to Outlines: convert inline frames and page numbers correctly.
Modified: trunk/Scribus/scribus/scribusview.cpp
URL: http://scribus.net/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=17362&path=/trunk/Scribus/scribus/scribusview.cpp
--- trunk/Scribus/scribus/scribusview.cpp (original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/scribus/scribusview.cpp Tue Mar 6 22:30:56 2012
@@ -3294,6 +3294,7 @@
FPointArray pts;
double x, y, wide;
QString chstr, ccounter;
+ QChar chstrex;
PageItem* bb;
if (currItem->asPathText())
@@ -3306,9 +3307,13 @@
ScText * hl = currItem->asPathText()->itemRenderText.item(a);
const CharStyle& charStyle(currItem->asPathText()->itemRenderText.charStyle(a));
chstr = currItem->asPathText()->itemRenderText.text(a,1);
- if ((chstr == QChar(13)) || (chstr == QChar(29)))
+ if ((chstr == SpecialChars::PARSEP) || (chstr == SpecialChars::OLD_NBSPACE))
- if (chstr == QChar(30))
+ if (chstr == SpecialChars::OBJECT)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (chstr == SpecialChars::PAGENUMBER)
chstr = currItem->ExpandToken(a);
double chs = charStyle.fontSize();
if (hl->effects() & ScStyle_SmallCaps)
@@ -3604,131 +3609,226 @@
ScText * hl = currItem->itemText.item(a);
const CharStyle& charStyle(currItem->itemText.charStyle(a));
chstr = currItem->itemText.text(a,1);
- if ((chstr == QChar(13)) || (chstr == QChar(29)))
+ if ((chstr == SpecialChars::PARSEP) || (chstr == SpecialChars::OLD_NBSPACE))
- if (chstr == QChar(29))
+ if (chstr == SpecialChars::OLD_NBSPACE)
CurX += hl->glyph.wide();
- if (chstr == QChar(30))
+ if (chstr == SpecialChars::OBJECT)
+ {
+ if (hl->embedded.hasItem())
+ {
+ Selection tempSelection(this, false);
+ tempSelection.addItem(hl->embedded.getItem(), true);
+ ScriXmlDoc *ss = new ScriXmlDoc();
+ QString dataS = ss->WriteElem(Doc, &tempSelection);
+ delete ss;
+ ss = new ScriXmlDoc();
+ emit LoadElem(dataS, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), false, true, Doc, this);
+ delete ss;
+ bb = Doc->Items->last();
+ int z = Doc->Items->indexOf(bb);
+ bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
+ bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
+ bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
+ bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+"+ccounter.setNum(a));
+ bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
+ double textX = CurX + hl->glyph.xoffset;
+ double textY = ls.y - bb->height();
+ if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
+ textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
+ textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
+ textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
+ FPoint npo(textX, textY, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
+ bb->setXYPos(currItem->xPos() + npo.x(), currItem->yPos() + npo.y(), false);
+ Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
+ newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
+ }
+ CurX += hl->glyph.wide();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (chstr == SpecialChars::PAGENUMBER)
chstr = currItem->ExpandToken(a);
- double chs = charStyle.fontSize();
- if (hl->effects() & ScStyle_SmallCaps)
+ for (int cx = 0; cx < chstr.count(); cx++)
- if (chstr[0].toUpper() != chstr[0])
+ chstrex = chstr[cx];
+ double chs = charStyle.fontSize();
+ if (hl->effects() & ScStyle_SmallCaps)
- chs = qMax(static_cast<int>(hl->fontSize() * Doc->typographicPrefs().valueSmallCaps / 100), 1);
- chstr = chstr[0].toUpper();
+ if (chstrex.toUpper() != chstrex)
+ {
+ chs = qMax(static_cast<int>(hl->fontSize() * Doc->typographicPrefs().valueSmallCaps / 100), 1);
+ chstrex = chstrex.toUpper();
+ }
- }
- else if (hl->effects() & ScStyle_AllCaps)
- chstr = chstr[0].toUpper();
- double csi = static_cast<double>(chs) / 100.0;
- uint chr = chstr[0].unicode();
- QTransform chma, chma2, chma3, chma4, chma6;
- uint gl = hl->font().char2CMap(chr);
- FPoint origin = hl->font().glyphOrigin(gl);
- x = origin.x() * csi;
- y = origin.y() * csi;
- if ((charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Underline)
- || ((charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_UnderlineWords)
- // Qt4 added toInt() ???
- && chstr.toUInt() != charStyle.font().char2CMap(QChar(' '))))
- {
- double st, lw;
- if ((charStyle.underlineOffset() != -1) || (charStyle.underlineWidth() != -1))
+ else if (hl->effects() & ScStyle_AllCaps)
+ chstrex = chstrex.toUpper();
+ double csi = static_cast<double>(chs) / 100.0;
+ uint chr = chstrex.unicode();
+ QTransform chma, chma6;
+ uint gl = hl->font().char2CMap(chr);
+ FPoint origin = hl->font().glyphOrigin(gl);
+ x = origin.x() * csi;
+ y = origin.y() * csi;
+ if ((charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Underline) || ((charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_UnderlineWords) && chstr.toUInt() != charStyle.font().char2CMap(QChar(' '))))
- if (charStyle.underlineOffset() != -1)
- st = (charStyle.underlineOffset() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.font().descent(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0));
+ double st, lw;
+ if ((charStyle.underlineOffset() != -1) || (charStyle.underlineWidth() != -1))
+ {
+ if (charStyle.underlineOffset() != -1)
+ st = (charStyle.underlineOffset() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.font().descent(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0));
+ else
+ st = charStyle.font().underlinePos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
+ if (charStyle.underlineWidth() != -1)
+ lw = (charStyle.underlineWidth() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
+ else
+ lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
+ }
+ {
st = charStyle.font().underlinePos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
- if (charStyle.underlineWidth() != -1)
- lw = (charStyle.underlineWidth() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
- else
lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
- }
- else
- {
- st = charStyle.font().underlinePos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
- lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
- }
- if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
- st += (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * hl->glyph.scaleV * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
- uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::PolyLine, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
- bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
- undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false);
- bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
- bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
- bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
- bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
- bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+U"+ccounter.setNum(a));
- bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
- bb->PoLine.addQuadPoint(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0));
- bb->setLineColor(hl->fillColor());
- bb->setLineShade(hl->fillShade());
- bb->setLineWidth(lw);
- FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
- bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
- FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&bb->PoLine));
- bb->setWidthHeight(tp.x(), tp.y());
- bb->Clip = FlattenPath(bb->PoLine, bb->Segments);
- double textX = CurX;
- double textY = ls.y - st; // + hl->glyph.yoffset;
- if (charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Subscript)
- textY += hl->glyph.yoffset;
- if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
- textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
- if (a < currItem->itemText.length()-1)
- wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize(), currItem->itemText.text(a+1));
- else
- wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize());
- if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
- textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
- if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
- textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
- FPoint npo(textX, textY, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
- bb->moveBy(npo.x(),npo.y());
- bb->ContourLine = bb->PoLine.copy();
- bb->ClipEdited = true;
- bb->FrameType = 3;
- bb->OldB2 = bb->width();
- bb->OldH2 = bb->height();
- Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
- undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true);
- newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
- }
- if ((chstr.length() > 0) && (!chstr.at(0).isSpace()))
- {
- pts = hl->font().glyphOutline(gl);
- if (pts.size() < 4)
- continue;
- chma = QTransform();
- chma.scale(hl->glyph.scaleH * charStyle.fontSize() / 100.00, hl->glyph.scaleV * charStyle.fontSize() / 100.0);
- pts.map(chma);
- chma = QTransform();
- if (currItem->imageFlippedH() && (!currItem->reversed()))
- chma.scale(-1, 1);
- if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
- chma.scale(1, -1);
- pts.map(chma);
- if ((charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Shadowed) && (charStyle.strokeColor() != CommonStrings::None))
- {
- double glxTr = charStyle.fontSize() * charStyle.shadowXOffset() / 10000.0;
- double glyTr = -charStyle.fontSize() * charStyle.shadowYOffset() / 10000.0;
- uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos() + glxTr, currItem->yPos() + glyTr, currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
+ }
+ if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
+ st += (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * hl->glyph.scaleV * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
+ uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::PolyLine, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
- bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+Sh"+ccounter.setNum(a));
+ bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+U"+ccounter.setNum(a));
+ bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
+ bb->PoLine.addQuadPoint(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0));
+ bb->setLineColor(hl->fillColor());
+ bb->setLineShade(hl->fillShade());
+ bb->setLineWidth(lw);
+ FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
+ bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
+ FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&bb->PoLine));
+ bb->setWidthHeight(tp.x(), tp.y());
+ bb->Clip = FlattenPath(bb->PoLine, bb->Segments);
+ double textX = CurX;
+ double textY = ls.y - st; // + hl->glyph.yoffset;
+ if (charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Subscript)
+ textY += hl->glyph.yoffset;
+ if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
+ textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
+ if (a < currItem->itemText.length()-1)
+ wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize(), currItem->itemText.text(a+1));
+ else
+ wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize());
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
+ textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
+ textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
+ FPoint npo(textX, textY, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
+ bb->moveBy(npo.x(),npo.y());
+ bb->ContourLine = bb->PoLine.copy();
+ bb->ClipEdited = true;
+ bb->FrameType = 3;
+ bb->OldB2 = bb->width();
+ bb->OldH2 = bb->height();
+ Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
+ undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true);
+ newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
+ }
+ if (!chstrex.isSpace())
+ {
+ pts = hl->font().glyphOutline(gl);
+ if (pts.size() < 4)
+ continue;
+ chma = QTransform();
+ chma.scale(hl->glyph.scaleH * charStyle.fontSize() / 100.00, hl->glyph.scaleV * charStyle.fontSize() / 100.0);
+ pts.map(chma);
+ chma = QTransform();
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedH() && (!currItem->reversed()))
+ chma.scale(-1, 1);
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
+ chma.scale(1, -1);
+ pts.map(chma);
+ if ((charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Shadowed) && (charStyle.strokeColor() != CommonStrings::None))
+ {
+ double glxTr = charStyle.fontSize() * charStyle.shadowXOffset() / 10000.0;
+ double glyTr = -charStyle.fontSize() * charStyle.shadowYOffset() / 10000.0;
+ uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos() + glxTr, currItem->yPos() + glyTr, currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
+ bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
+ undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false);
+ bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
+ bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
+ bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
+ bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
+ bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+Sh"+ccounter.setNum(a));
+ bb->PoLine = pts.copy();
+ bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
+ bb->setFillColor(hl->strokeColor());
+ bb->setFillShade(hl->strokeShade());
+ bb->setLineColor(CommonStrings::None);
+ bb->setLineShade(100);
+ bb->setLineWidth(chs * hl->outlineWidth() / 10000.0);
+ FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
+ bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
+ FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&bb->PoLine));
+ bb->setWidthHeight(tp.x(), tp.y());
+ bb->Clip = FlattenPath(bb->PoLine, bb->Segments);
+ double textX = CurX + hl->glyph.xoffset;
+ double textY = ls.y; // + hl->glyph.yoffset;
+ if (charStyle.effects() & (ScStyle_Subscript | ScStyle_Superscript))
+ {
+ textY += hl->glyph.yoffset;
+ x *= hl->glyph.scaleH;
+ y *= hl->glyph.scaleV;
+ }
+ chma6 = QTransform();
+ if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
+ textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
+ if (a < currItem->itemText.length()-1)
+ wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize(), currItem->itemText.text(a+1));
+ else
+ wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize());
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
+ textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
+ textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
+ FPoint npo(textX+x, textY-y, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
+ bb->moveBy(npo.x(),npo.y());
+ bb->ContourLine = bb->PoLine.copy();
+ bb->ClipEdited = true;
+ bb->FrameType = 3;
+ bb->OldB2 = bb->width();
+ bb->OldH2 = bb->height();
+ Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
+ undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true);
+ newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
+ }
+ uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
+ bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
+ undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false);
+ //bb->setTextFlowsAroundFrame(currItem->textFlowsAroundFrame());
+ //bb->setTextFlowUsesBoundingBox(currItem->textFlowUsesBoundingBox());
+ bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
+ bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
+ bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
+ bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
+ bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+"+ccounter.setNum(a));
bb->PoLine = pts.copy();
- bb->setFillColor(hl->strokeColor());
- bb->setFillShade(hl->strokeShade());
- bb->setLineColor(CommonStrings::None);
- bb->setLineShade(100);
+ bb->setFillColor(hl->fillColor());
+ bb->setFillShade(hl->fillShade());
+ if (currItem->itemText.charStyle(a).effects() & ScStyle_Outline)
+ {
+ bb->setLineColor(hl->strokeColor());
+ bb->setLineShade(hl->strokeShade());
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bb->setLineColor(CommonStrings::None);
+ bb->setLineShade(100);
+ }
bb->setLineWidth(chs * hl->outlineWidth() / 10000.0);
FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
@@ -3765,129 +3865,70 @@
- uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
- bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
- undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false);
- //bb->setTextFlowsAroundFrame(currItem->textFlowsAroundFrame());
- //bb->setTextFlowUsesBoundingBox(currItem->textFlowUsesBoundingBox());
- bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
- bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
- bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
- bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
- bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+"+ccounter.setNum(a));
- bb->PoLine = pts.copy();
- bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
- bb->setFillColor(hl->fillColor());
- bb->setFillShade(hl->fillShade());
- if (currItem->itemText.charStyle(a).effects() & ScStyle_Outline)
+ if (charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Strikethrough)
- bb->setLineColor(hl->strokeColor());
- bb->setLineShade(hl->strokeShade());
+ double st, lw;
+ if ((charStyle.strikethruOffset() != -1) || (charStyle.strikethruWidth() != -1))
+ {
+ if (charStyle.strikethruOffset() != -1)
+ st = (charStyle.strikethruOffset() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.font().ascent(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0));
+ else
+ st = charStyle.font().strikeoutPos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
+ if (charStyle.strikethruWidth() != -1)
+ lw = (charStyle.strikethruWidth() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
+ else
+ lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ st = charStyle.font().strikeoutPos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
+ lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
+ }
+ if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
+ st += (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * hl->glyph.scaleV * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
+ uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::PolyLine, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
+ bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
+ undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false);
+ bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
+ bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
+ bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
+ bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
+ bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+S"+ccounter.setNum(a));
+ bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
+ bb->PoLine.addQuadPoint(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0));
+ bb->setLineColor(hl->fillColor());
+ bb->setLineShade(hl->fillShade());
+ bb->setLineWidth(lw);
+ FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
+ bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
+ FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&bb->PoLine));
+ bb->setWidthHeight(tp.x(), tp.y());
+ bb->Clip = FlattenPath(bb->PoLine, bb->Segments);
+ double textX = CurX;
+ double textY = ls.y - st + hl->glyph.yoffset;
+ if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
+ textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
+ if (a < currItem->itemText.length()-1)
+ wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize(), currItem->itemText.text(a+1));
+ else
+ wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize());
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
+ textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
+ if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
+ textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
+ FPoint npo(textX, textY, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
+ bb->moveBy(npo.x(),npo.y());
+ bb->ContourLine = bb->PoLine.copy();
+ bb->ClipEdited = true;
+ bb->FrameType = 3;
+ bb->OldB2 = bb->width();
+ bb->OldH2 = bb->height();
+ Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
+ undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true);
+ newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
- else
- {
- bb->setLineColor(CommonStrings::None);
- bb->setLineShade(100);
- }
- bb->setLineWidth(chs * hl->outlineWidth() / 10000.0);
- FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
- bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
- FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&bb->PoLine));
- bb->setWidthHeight(tp.x(), tp.y());
- bb->Clip = FlattenPath(bb->PoLine, bb->Segments);
- double textX = CurX + hl->glyph.xoffset;
- double textY = ls.y; // + hl->glyph.yoffset;
- if (charStyle.effects() & (ScStyle_Subscript | ScStyle_Superscript))
- {
- textY += hl->glyph.yoffset;
- x *= hl->glyph.scaleH;
- y *= hl->glyph.scaleV;
- }
- chma6 = QTransform();
- if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
- textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
- if (a < currItem->itemText.length()-1)
- wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize(), currItem->itemText.text(a+1));
- else
- wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize());
- if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
- textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
- if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
- textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
- FPoint npo(textX+x, textY-y, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
- bb->moveBy(npo.x(),npo.y());
- bb->ContourLine = bb->PoLine.copy();
- bb->ClipEdited = true;
- bb->FrameType = 3;
- bb->OldB2 = bb->width();
- bb->OldH2 = bb->height();
- Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
- undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true);
- newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
+ CurX += hl->glyph.wide();
- if (charStyle.effects() & ScStyle_Strikethrough)
- {
- double st, lw;
- if ((charStyle.strikethruOffset() != -1) || (charStyle.strikethruWidth() != -1))
- {
- if (charStyle.strikethruOffset() != -1)
- st = (charStyle.strikethruOffset() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.font().ascent(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0));
- else
- st = charStyle.font().strikeoutPos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
- if (charStyle.strikethruWidth() != -1)
- lw = (charStyle.strikethruWidth() / 1000.0) * (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
- else
- lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
- }
- else
- {
- st = charStyle.font().strikeoutPos(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0);
- lw = qMax(charStyle.font().strokeWidth(charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0), 1.0);
- }
- if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
- st += (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * hl->glyph.scaleV * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
- uint z = Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::PolyLine, PageItem::Unspecified, currItem->xPos(), currItem->yPos(), currItem->width(), currItem->height(), currItem->lineWidth(), currItem->lineColor(), currItem->fillColor(), true);
- bb = Doc->Items->at(z);
- undoManager->setUndoEnabled(false);
- bb->setTextFlowMode(currItem->textFlowMode());
- bb->setSizeLocked(currItem->sizeLocked());
- bb->setLocked(currItem->locked());
- bb->NamedLStyle = currItem->NamedLStyle;
- bb->setItemName(currItem->itemName()+"+S"+ccounter.setNum(a));
- bb->setRotation(currItem->rotation());
- bb->PoLine.addQuadPoint(FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(0, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0), FPoint(hl->glyph.xadvance, 0));
- bb->setLineColor(hl->fillColor());
- bb->setLineShade(hl->fillShade());
- bb->setLineWidth(lw);
- FPoint tp2(getMinClipF(&bb->PoLine));
- bb->PoLine.translate(-tp2.x(), -tp2.y());
- FPoint tp(getMaxClipF(&bb->PoLine));
- bb->setWidthHeight(tp.x(), tp.y());
- bb->Clip = FlattenPath(bb->PoLine, bb->Segments);
- double textX = CurX;
- double textY = ls.y - st + hl->glyph.yoffset;
- if (charStyle.baselineOffset() != 0)
- textY -= (charStyle.fontSize() / 10.0) * (charStyle.baselineOffset() / 1000.0);
- if (a < currItem->itemText.length()-1)
- wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize(), currItem->itemText.text(a+1));
- else
- wide = hl->font().charWidth(chstr[0], charStyle.fontSize());
- if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
- textX = currItem->width() - textX - wide;
- if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
- textY = currItem->height() - textY + y - (bb->height() - y);
- FPoint npo(textX, textY, 0.0, 0.0, currItem->rotation(), 1.0, 1.0);
- bb->moveBy(npo.x(),npo.y());
- bb->ContourLine = bb->PoLine.copy();
- bb->ClipEdited = true;
- bb->FrameType = 3;
- bb->OldB2 = bb->width();
- bb->OldH2 = bb->height();
- Doc->setRedrawBounding(bb);
- undoManager->setUndoEnabled(true);
- newGroupedItems.append(Doc->Items->takeAt(z));
- }
- CurX += hl->glyph.wide();
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