r15602 by jghali - merge trunk revisions up to r15598

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Thu Oct 21 01:16:41 CEST 2010

Author: jghali
Date: Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
New Revision: 15602

URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=15602
merge trunk revisions up to r15598

      - copied unchanged from r15598, trunk/Scribus/doc/en/images/Rembrandt13.png
      - copied unchanged from r15598, trunk/Scribus/doc/en/images/Rembrandt17b.png
      - copied unchanged from r15598, trunk/Scribus/doc/en/images/qsg-col1.png
      - copied unchanged from r15598, trunk/Scribus/doc/en/images/qsg-col2.png

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/README
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/README
--- branches/ScribusOIF/README (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/README Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
-This is Scribus Version 1.3.5.
+This is Scribus Version 1.5.0.svn
 CHANGES 1.3.3.x to 1.3.5
-1) Because of the new file format features, Scribus documents saved in 1.3.5
+1) Because of the new file format features, Scribus documents saved in 1.3.5+
    are *not* backward compatible with 1.3.3.x or 1.2.x .
 2) You *can* install both versions in parallel and run them at the same time.

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/faq1.html
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/faq1.html
--- branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/faq1.html (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/faq1.html Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -8,148 +8,121 @@
 <h2>General Questions</h2>
 	<li><a href="#1">How do I contact the Scribus Team or find interactive help?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#2">Color Management does not appear in the menu.</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#3">How do get I formatted tables in Scribus?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#4">Help! My palettes have disappeared!</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#5">Scribus is slow to launch. Why ?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#6">What is the difference between PDF 1.3, PDF 1.4 and PDF 1.5 ?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#7">Why don't my fonts display properly on Red Hat 8, 9 or Fedora Core-1 ?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#13">How do you change paper size once the a has been created?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#14">How do you get a printer to print on a non standard size page?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#24">I get a &quot;QClipboard: internal error, qt_xclb_wait_for_event recursed&quot; error in the console when dragging and dropping from the KDE Desktop. What causes this?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#21">The CUPS options do not show up in print options dialog, what is wrong?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#26">Scribus crashes when launching and searching for fonts. I have updated my freetype2. I upgraded my freetype2 to enable the bytecode interpreter.</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#27">Is there something wrong with the location of the scribus-1.6 RPMs? Whenever I try to download I am unable to get anything - usually the browser (Firefox, Mozilla) will complain it cannot read the source file.</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#28">Scribus seems to hang in an infinite loop when importing EPS or PS files. Why?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#29">Why don't images print on a HP LaserJet 1xxx series printer from within Scribus or from exported PS/PDF files, but can be viewed in PDFs.</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#30">How do I compile Scribus with debugging enabled ?</a></li>
-	<li><a href="#32">How do I get Arabic text to display correctly with proper glyph shaping and RTL text direction, the most I can get out of Scribus right now is RTL text with no glyph shaping?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#2">How do get I formatted tables in Scribus?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#3">Help! My palettes have disappeared!</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#4">Why do Scribus DMGs from SourceForge not work on Mac OS X 10.4.x?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#5">What is the difference between PDF 1.3, PDF 1.4 and PDF 1.5?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#6">How do you change paper size once the a has been created?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#7">How do you get a printer to print on a non standard size page?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#8">The CUPS options do not show up in print options dialog, what is wrong?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#9">Scribus crashes when launching and searching for fonts. I have updated my freetype2. I upgraded my freetype2 to enable the bytecode interpreter.</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#10">Scribus seems to hang in an infinite loop when importing EPS or PS files. Why?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#11">How do I get Arabic text to display correctly with proper glyph shaping and RTL text direction, the most I can get out of Scribus right now is RTL text with no glyph shaping?</a></li>
+	<li><a href="#12">There are many Scribus versions. Which one should I use?</a></li>
 	<li><a name="1"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">How do I contact the Scribus Team or find interactive help?</p>
-		<p>1. There is an active and friendly mailing list details at http://lists.scribus.net/mailman/listinfo/scribus. </p>
-		<p>2. Find the developers on IRC, on the irc.freenode.net network in the #scribus channel.</p>
+		<p class="faqquestion">How do I contact the Scribus Team, find interactive help or hire an experienced Scribus trainer?</p>
+		<p>1. There is an active and friendly <a href="mailing_lists.html">mailing list</a>. </p>
+		<p>2. Find the developers on <a href="irc.html">IRC</a> in the #scribus channel.</p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
 	<li><a name="2"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Color Management does not appear in the menu.</p>
-		<p>Make sure you have .icc and or .icm profiles in the /scribus/profiles directory, or in the directory that you have set in Settings->Preferences. Ideally, you will have a set of profiles which includes one for your monitor, one for the images and any scanner or input device profiles and profiles for your printer or output device. You need a minimum of 1 RGB color space icc profile and 1 CMYK icc color space profile for the color managment options to be enabled. See the details in Color Management for Scribus for links and info about color profiles.</p>
-		<p>If you install littlecms from an rpm, make sure you have installed the development libraries as well. If not, install the rpm, run ldconfig or /sbin/ldconfig as root, remove config.cache from the source directory, then run ./configure again and recompile.</p>
+		<p class="faqquestion">How do get I formatted tables in Scribus?</p>
+		<p>Scribus added basic table support in 1.1.6, but unfortunately, tables are nothing more than combined text frames, and it is a bit hard to work with them. If you need to have more complex tables, here is a reliable workaround:</p>
+	<ol>
+	<li> Create your table in either OpenOffice.org Writer or Calc.</li>
+	<li> Copy the table cells you need in Scribus (i.e: not the whole spreadheet in Calc) to the clipboard, create a new OpenOffice.org Draw document, and use <i>Edit &gt; Paste Special &gt; GDI Metafile</i> to insert the table as a vector file into Draw.</li>
+	<li> Use <i>File &gt; Export</i> to export the graphic as an EPS file. Make sure that <i>Selection</i> is checked in the export dialog, because otherwise the whole page will be exported.</li>
+	<li> Now import the EPS file as a vector drawing in Scribus via <i>File &gt; Import &gt; Import Vector File</i></li>
+	</ol>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
 	<li><a name="3"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">How do get I formatted tables in Scribus?</p>
-		<p>Scribus added basic table support in 1.1.6</p>
-		<p>One suggestion for placing formatted tables and sections of spreadsheets is the following:</p>
-		<ul>
-			<li>Create the table in a spreadsheet in either StarOffice or OpenOffice.org 1.1.x (recommended as a first choice). Format the table with the desired fonts, sizing and background colors for the cells.</li>
-			<li>&quot;Print&quot; the file saving as PS, by printing a &quot;file&quot; to the &quot;generic printer&quot;.</li>
-			<li>Open the just created PostScript file in GSView (Version 4.6 or newer recommended)</li>
-			<li>File &gt; Convert &gt; Select Device epswrite</li>
-			<li>Choose 300 or more dpi as the resolution and save. Then, place the image as an EPS. Scribus will print this with the colors, shading and fonts intact. The screen preview may not be perfect, but it will either export as PDF or print just fine.</li>
-			<li>Alternative: Import as an SVG, as outlined: Importing Tricks for Scribus</li>
-		</ul>
+		<p class="faqquestion">Help! My palettes have disappeared!</p>
+		<p>Close Scribus. Then open <code>~/.scribus/scribus.rc</code>, a hidden file in your home directory in a text editor. Then look down in the file for the section beginning about 10 lines from the top. <code>ex: MEASUREMENTS YPOS=&quot;-264&quot; XPOS=&quot;-692&quot; VISIBLE=&quot;1&quot;</code>.</p>
+		<p>Notice the negative numbers in front of the <code>YPOS</code> and <code>XPOS</code> statements. Remove the minus, set the visible setting to 0 and save. You might find the coordinates too large: (<code>YPOS=&quot;3046&quot; XPOS=&quot;7690&quot;</code>) Either way, these coordinates are screen positions in pixels. They should be within 1024x768 or whatever screen resolution you are running. Restart Scribus, go to the <i>Windows</i> menu and select show for the missing palette. It will reappear like normal.</p>
+		<p><i>This has been corrected in the most recent versions of Scribus and should not be a problem in the future.</i></p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
 	<li><a name="4"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Help! My palettes have disappeared!</p>
-		<p>Close Scribus. Then open ~/.scribus/scribus.rc, a hidden file in your home directory in a text editor. Then look down in the file for the section beginning about 10 lines from the top. ex: MEASUREMENTS YPOS=&quot;-264&quot; XPOS=&quot;-692&quot; VISIBLE=&quot;1&quot;</p>
-		<p>Notice the negative numbers in front of the YPOS and XPOS statements. Remove the minus, set the visible setting to 0 and save. You might find the coordinates too large: (YPOS=&quot;3046&quot; XPOS=&quot;7690&quot;) Either way, these coordinates are screen positions in pixels. They should be within 1024x768 or whatever screen resolution you are running. Restart Scribus and go Tools &gt; and select show for the missing palette. It will reappear like normal.</p>
-		<p>**This has been corrected in the most recent versions of Scribus and should not be a problem in the future.</p>
+	<p class="faqquestion">Why do Scribus DMGs from SourceForge not work on Mac OS X 10.4.x?</p>
+	<p>To run Scribus under OS X 10.4.x, you need to install <a href="http://www.finkproject.org/">Fink</a>, an Open Source packaging system for OS X, and <a href="http://finkcommander.sourceforge.net/">FinkCommader</a>, Fink's graphical user interface. In FinkCommnader, go to <i>Preferences > Fink</i> and check <i>Use Unstable Packages</i>.</p>
+	<p>You can also <a href="install5.html">build Scribus from source.</a></p>
+	<li><a name="5"></a>
+		<p class="faqquestion">Scribus is slow to launch. Why?</p>
+		<p>For those who are new at desktop publishing, unlike most programs, DTP applications care greatly about which fonts are installed and if the font paths are valid. So, when Scribus launches, one of the things it does is to completely and thoroughly scan your font paths and ensure they are valid. This takes time. If you have a large number of fonts installed and slow launch times are a problem, reduce the number of fonts or font paths. </p>
+		<p>The other reason is that your Scrapbook might be filled with complex or large image files. Deleting uneeded items or saving the Scrapbook under a different name and then creating a new blank Scrapbook will also help reduce the startup time.</p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
 	<li><a name="5"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Scribus is slow to launch. Why ?</p>
-		<p>For those who are new at desktop publishing, unlike most programs, DTP applications care greatly about which fonts are installed and if the font paths are valid. So, when Scribus launches, one of the things it does is to completely and thoroughly scan your font paths and ensure they are valid. This takes time. If you have a large number of fonts (200+) or more and slow launch times are a problem, reduce the number of fonts or font paths. </p>
-		<p>The other reason is your scrapbook might be filled with complex or large image files. Deleting uneeded items or saving the scrapbook under a different name and then creating a new blank scrapbook will also help reduce the startup time.</p>
+		<p class="faqquestion">What is the difference between PDF 1.3, PDF 1.4 and PDF 1.5?</p>
+		<p>PDF 1.2 = Acrobat 3.0 &ndash; Relatively obsolete now.</p>
+		<p>PDF 1.3 = Acrobat 4.0 &ndash; The first version of PDF which truly had all the needed features to support &ldquo;press-ready&rdquo; PDFs including color managment, ICC profiles etc. It also added JavaScript, interactive and multimedia capabilities. This standard is probably the safest to send if you are unsure of the capabilities of the receiver of your file. PDF/X-3 and a number of commercial print work flows are based on PDF 1.3.</p>
+		<p>PDF 1.4 = Acrobat 5.0 &ndash; actually introduced with Illustrator 9, The main difference to concern Scribus users is that PDF 1.4, has both transparency and alpha transparency capabilites, which make a major difference in where a PDF with these features can be printed. It takes either the latest commerical RIP's or a Level 3 PostScript printer to use these features properly. The latest versions of Ghostscript support the advanced PDF 1.4 features Scribus can create when exporting PDF.</p>
+		<p>PDF 1.5 = Acrobat 6.0 &ndash; Among the most interesting for Scribus users: Many improvements for &ldquo;press-ready&rdquo; PDF, the capability to have true layering within the PDF, PDF-X &ldquo;pre-flight&rdquo; capability, more security and interactive features, like the ability to add comments which are separate from the original document.</p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
 	<li><a name="6"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">What is the difference between PDF 1.3, PDF 1.4 and recently released PDF 1.5 ?</p>
-		<p>PDF 1.2 = Acrobat 3.0 - relatively obsolete now</p>
-		<p>PDF 1.3 = Acrobat 4.0 - The first version of PDF which truly had all the needed features to support &quot;press-ready&quot; PDFs including color managment, ICC profiles etc. It also added javascript, interactive and multimedia capabilities. This standard is probably the safest to send if you are unsure of the capabilities of the receiver of your file. PDF/X-3 and a number of commercial print work flows are based on PDF 1.3.</p>
-		<p>PDF 1.4 = Acrobat 5.0 - Actually, introduced with Illustrator 9, The main difference to concern Scribus users is PDF 1.4, has both transparency and alpha transparency capabilites, which make a major difference in where a PDF with these features can be printed. It takes wither the latest commerical RIP's or a Level 3 PostScript printer to use these features properly. The latest versions of Ghostscript suport the advanced PDF 1.4 features Scribus can create when exporting PDF.</p>
-		<p>PDF 1.5 = Acrobat 6.0 - Adobe has publicly released the final spec - 1100 pages of light reading :) of PDF 1.5 to accompany the recently released Acrobat 7. Among the most interesting for Scribus users: many improvements for &quot;press-ready&quot; PDF, the capability to have true layering within the PDF, PDF-X &quot;pre-flight&quot; capability, more security and interactive features, like the ability to add comments which are separate from the original doc.</p>
+		<p class="faqquestion">How do you change paper size once page has been created?</p>
+		<p>In 1.3.x, you can change the size of the current page or a range of pages in the <i>Page</i> menu, under <i>Manage Page Properties</i>.</p>
+		<p>You can change this for the whole document under <i>File > Document Setup</i>.</p>
+		<p>Scribus 1.3.x allows multiple page sizes per document.</p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
 	<li><a name="7"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Why don't my fonts do not display properly on Red Hat 8,9 or Fedora Core-1 ?</p>
-		<p>Upgrade your version of Scribus to 1.1.1 or newer. It has a new font discovery mechanism which works with fontconfig and the new font system in RH 8+</p>
-		<p>The other issue is the startkde script, if you run KDE it causes the font paths to be overridden to inacessable font paths. A bug has been filed against kdebase : https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=110681</p><a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	</li>
-	<li><a name="13"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">How do you change paper size once page has been created?</p>
-		<p>In 1.3.x, you can change the size of the current page or a range of pages in the Page menu, under Manage Page Properties.</p>
-		<p>You can change this for the whole document under File->Document Setup.</p>
-		<p>Scribus 1.3.x allows multiple page sizes per document.</p>
-		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	</li>
-	<li><a name="14"></a>
 		<p class="faqquestion">How do you get printer to print on a non standard size page?</p>
 		<p>It depends:</p>
-			<li>If you are printing to a local printer which is *not* a PostScript printer, but using CUPS, you can't. It is a limitation, as far as we can tell of CUPS.</li>
-			<li>If you have a &quot;real&quot; PostScript printer, Scribus - with CUPS support - will support any arbitrary page size, as long as the printer support it.</li>
+			<li>If you are printing to a local printer which is <b>not</b> a PostScript printer, but using CUPS, you can't. It is a limitation, as far as we can tell of CUPS.</li>
+			<li>If you have a &ldquo;real&rdquo; PostScript printer, Scribus &ndash; with CUPS support &ndash; will support any arbitrary page size, as long as the printer supports it.</li>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	<li><a name="24"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">I get a &quot;QClipboard: internal error, qt_xclb_wait_for_event recursed&quot; error in the console when dragging and dropping from the KDE Desktop. What causes this ?</p>
-		<p>See: http://bugs.scribus.net/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=0000045. This is a long standing bug in Qt. SuSE 9.0 users can upgrade to the Qt3 3.3.1-2 or higher. RedHat or Fedora users can upgrade to qt-3.3.1-6 or higher.</p>
-		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	</li>
-	<li><a name="21"></a>
+	<li><a name="8"></a>
 		<p class="faqquestion">The CUPS options do not show up in print options dialog, What is wrong?</p>
 		<p>See this bug: http://bugs.scribus.net/bug_view_advanced_page.php?bug_id=0000271 for and explanation of how CUPS can be mis-configured.</p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	<li><a name="26"></a>
+	<li><a name="9"></a>
 		<p class="faqquestion">Scribus crashes when launching and searching for fonts and I have updated my freetype2. I upgraded my freetype2 to enable the bytecode interpreter.</p>
 		<p>We do not recommend trying to update freetype2, except rebuilding your existing distros Source RPMS or source packages.</p>
 			<li>Recent versions of freetype have an autohinter which works very well.</li>
-			<li>*Many* packages are compiled against freetype2 (Xfree86,Qt, Gtk etc..), upgrading freetype2, might require recompiling all of these packages or system instability might result.</li>
+			<li><b>Many</b> packages are compiled against freetype2 (Xfree86,Qt, Gtk etc..), upgrading freetype2 might require recompiling <b>all</b> of these packages or system instability might result.</li>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	<li><a name="27"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Is there something wrong with the location of the scribus-1.6 RPMs? Whenever I try to download I am unable to get anything - usually the browser (Firefox, Mozilla) will complain it cannot read the source file.</p>
-		<p>It is a Firefox bug as best we can tell. Downloads with Moz 1.6 and Konqueror - even (shudder) IE seem to work fine. We have had over 2000 rpms 1.1.6 downloaded..</p>
-		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	</li>
-	<li><a name="28"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Scribus 1.1.7+ seems to hang in an infinite loop when importing EPS or PS files. Why?</p>
+	<li><a name="10"></a>
+		<p class="faqquestion">Scribus seems to hang in an infinite loop when importing EPS or PS files. Why?</p>
 		<p>Three possible solutions:</p>
-			<li>Upgrade Ghostscript to GS 8.15 or GS 8.50. There are notes in the Toolbox section on parallel installs of GS.</li>
+			<li>Upgrade to the latest Ghostscript. There are <a href="toolbox7.html">notes</a> in the &ldquo;Toolbox&rdquo; section on parallel installs of GS.</li>
 			<li>Reduce the complexity of your EPS/PS file.</li>
 			<li>You do not have enought memory/swap space when importing complex EPS files.</li>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	<li><a name="29"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">Why don't images do not print on a HP LaserJet 1xxx series printer(or other B&amp;W laser)from within Scribus 
-or from exported ps/pdf files, but can be viewed in PDFs.</p>
-		<p>One workaround is to export your document to PDF then load it into AcrobatReader and print at PS level 2.</p>
-		<p>Another solution is to create a non PostScript printer (E.g. for a HP LJ 1300 series a printer was set up in CUPS as hplj with lj5gray printer). That works for some apps/docs, too. In general,create a ps2 level printer. Make sure you use the PPD file from the windowsdriver package instead of the cups/foomatic one. You will get better results during the conversion.</p>
-		<p>The reason is Scribus is generating PS3 level objects which the PS interpreter is unable to understand. This is a frequent issue with Black and White laser jets when printing from Desktop Publishing apps - I've seen this with LJ4 and 5, as well as newer HP2xxx printers with Pagemaker, Quark Xpress and Indesign. </p>
+		<li><a name="11"></a>
+		<p class="faqquestion">How do i get Arabic or Hebrew text to display correctly with proper glyph shaping and RTL text direction, the most I can get out of Scribus right now is RTL text with no glyph shaping?</p>
+		<p>The glyph shaping is a very difficult thing to achieve. We plan to add this in one of the 1.5.x development versions.</p>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	<li><a name="30"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">How do I compile Scribus with debugging enabled?</p>
-		<p><code>./configure --enable-debug</code></p>
-		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
-	</li>
-	<li><a name="33"></a>
-		<p class="faqquestion">How do i get Arabic text to display correctly with proper glyph shaping and RTL text direction, the most I can get out of Scribus right now is RTL text with no glyph shapeing?</p>
-		<p>The glyph shaping is a very difficult thing to achieve, we plan to add this in one of the 1.3.x Developers versions.</p>
+	<li><a name="12"></a>
+		<p class="faqquestion">There are many Scribus versions. Which one should I use?</p>
+		<p>There are currently three branches of Scribus available: 
+		<ol>	
+		<li>The officially stable branch is 1.3.3.x, and installers for Windows and OS/2 are available from <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus/">Sourceforge</a>. This branch is unlikely to see any updates or bugfixes.</li>
+		<li>The next version of Scribus is being developed in the branch called &ldquo;Next Generation&rdquo; (NG), and it will result in Scribus 1.4. This branch is already quite stable and useable. Installers for this branch are regularly updated and <a href="http://sourceforge.net/projects/scribus/files/scribus-svn/">available</a> for Mac OS X 10.5+, OS/2 and Windows. Users of Linux/UNIX can use their distribution's package management or check out <a href="install1.html">svn</a> and <a href="install4.html">build from source</a>.</li> 
+		<li>1.5.x is an experimental branch, in which new features are implemented and tested. If possible, those new features will be backported to the 1.3.x/1.4 branch. There are no installers or packages available, as it's only recommended for users who want to test the latest features. <b>Do not use 1.5+ for serious work, because we cannot even guarantee that the file format won't change!</b> 1.5+ must be compiled from source.</li>
+		</ol>
 		<a href="#top">Back to top</a><hr/>
+<p>The <a href="http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Category:FAQ">Scribus Wiki</a> has an additional FAQ.</p>

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/hyphenator.html
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/hyphenator.html
--- branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/hyphenator.html (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/hyphenator.html Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -1,31 +1,33 @@
 	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
-	<title>Hyphenation - Type Hints</title>
+	<title>Hyphenation</title>
-<h2>Hyphenation - Type Hints</h2>
-<p>This feature adds sophisticated hyphenation control for text formatting within Scribus. Based on code from both Tex and OpenOffice.org, it has a time tested algorithm for selecting syllables within words.</p>
+<p>One of the reasons for ugly text layout is &ldquo;white holes&rdquo; between words, which in turn are the result of unhyphenated text. A general rule is that the shorter the a line of text, the more likely those gaps are. Hence the strong recommendation to use the hyphenator for continuous text.</p>
-<p>Hyphenation. Select a text frame, Adjust the text alignment you wish and then select Hyphenation &#062; Hyphenate Text from the menu. Automatic, means just that - select a text frame and Hyphenate &#062; Hyphenate Text sets this very similarly to applying a Style. Changing the font, kerning or font size will automatically redraw the text and reapply the hyphenation automatically.</p>
+<p>To get the best hyphenation results, you are advised to configure the hyphenator properly. This can be done via <i>File > Document Setup > Hyphenator</i> for the current document and <i>File > Preferences > Hyphenator</i> for new documents.</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/hyphen1.png" align="center" alt="Hyphenator Settings Dialog" /></td></tr></table>
-<p>For most purposes, the settings can be left at the default - Automatic - and then you can simply apply hyphenation by selecting the text box and then Hyphenation &#062; Hyphenate Text from the menu. You can also allow Scribus to automatically hyphenate as you type.</p>
-<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/hyphen2.png" align="center" alt="Possible Hyphenation Dialog" title="Possible Hyphenation Dialog" /></td></tr></table>
-<p>When set to manual, you also have the option to over ride possible hyphenation word by word, as shown in figure below.</p>
-<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/hyphen3.png" align="center" alt="Possible Hyphenation Dialog" title="Possible Hyphenation Dialog" /></td></tr></table>
-<p>There is a sample document included with the documentation <code>hyphen.scd.gz</code> which gives a short demo of the differences when you layout a columns of text.</p>
-<p>You will probably have the best appearance from formatting your text as <strong>Block(justified)</strong>.</p>
-<p>Currently, there are hyphenation dictionaries in Catalan, Czech, Danish, English, Finnish
-French, German, Greek, Irish (Gaelic), Italian, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish and Ukrainian.</p>
+<p>The dialog consists of four parts. In the upper left section (<i>General Options</i>) you can determine the general behavior of the hyphenator:</p>
+<li><b>Hyphenation Suggestions:</b> If you check this option, Scribus will suggest the hyphenation for <i>every word</i> in a text frame. If applied to a long text, this can be time-consuming, and you may want to correct hyphenations on a case-by-case instead.</li>
+<li><b>Hyphenate Text Automatically During Typing:</b> If checked, Scribus will automatically hyphenate text in every text frame that&rsquo;s being added to your document. This includes imported text.</li>
+<p>In the upper right corner you can see the most important typographical options, namely:</p>
+<li><b>Language:</b> There are huge differences between the hyphenation rules in different languages, so you have to make sure to select the correct one. If you use more than one language in a document, you can set up separate <a href="WwStyles.html">character styles</a> for every language.</li>
+<li><b>Smallest word</b> determines the length required to trigger a hyphen. The default is 3, which means that a word needs to consist at least of four characters to be hyphenated.</li>
+<li><b>Consecutive Hyphenations Allowed:</b> determines in how many consecutive lines hyphenation is permitted. It is recommended to limit the number of lines, because otherwise the right border of a text looks like a &ldquo;ladder&rdquo;. The default is 2, which is common in typography.</li>
+<p>In the lower part of the dialog there are two fields that allow you to specify words that you want to be treated differently. The left field is called <i>Exceptions</i>. Here you can add words that aren&rsquo;t hyphenated correctly by the hyphenator. In the example above, the word &ldquo;manuscript&rdquo; has been inserted, including the desired positions for line breaks, which are specified by inserting &ldquo;-&rdquo; via the keyboard.</p>
+<p>To the right there is a second field called <i>Ignore List</i>. Any word that has been added to this list won&rsquo;t be hyphenated.</p>
+<p>Select a text frame, adjust the text alignment to your liking and then select <i>Extras > Hyphenate Text</i> from the menu. Note that this will only hyphenate text in a selected frame.</p>
+<p>In the <i>Extras</i> menu there is also the opposite feature, called <i>Dehyphenate Text</i>. It is used to dehyphenate text in a selected frame, but it can also be used to dehyphenate a single word. To do the latter, you have to select a hyphenated word in a text frame and then use the menu command.</p>
+<p>Not every possible or reasonable hyphenation can be detected by the hyphenation algorithm. In such a case you can insert a so-called &ldquo;soft hyphen&rdquo; into a word. &ldquo;Soft hyphen&rdquo; essentially tells the hyphenator: &ldquo;Hyphenate here, if possible&rdquo;, whre &ldquo;possible&rdquo; means that hyphenation is not prevented by other settings, like <i>Consecutive Hyphenations Allowed</i>. To insert a soft hyphen, you need to place the cursor in a word at the desired break position and then use <i>Insert > Character > Soft Hyphen</i>.</p>

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+++ branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/qsg.html Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
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 <h1> Scribus Quick Start Guide</h1>
 <p>Before we start explaining Scribus in depth, it might be useful to get a "feeling" for the way Scribus works. For that purpose, you can see how a simple front page of a magazine for an imaginary Rembrandt exhibition is being created. If you want to follow the description provided here, you need:
-<ul><li>The <a href="http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&amp;item_id=Gentium&amp;_sc=1" class="external text" title="http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&amp;item_id=Gentium&amp;_sc=1" rel="nofollow">Gentium</a> and <a href="http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/current/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz" class="external text" title="http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/current/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz" rel="nofollow">Bitstream Vera Sans</a> fonts installed on your computer.
-</li><li>Rembrandt's self-portrait from <a href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_137.jpg" class="external text" title="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_137.jpg" rel="nofollow">Wikimedia</a>.
+<ul><li>The <a href="http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&amp;item_id=Gentium&amp;_sc=1" class="external text" title="http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&amp;item_id=Gentium&amp;_sc=1" rel="nofollow">Gentium</a> and <a href="http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/current/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz" class="external text" title="http://mirror.cs.wisc.edu/pub/mirrors/ghost/GPL/current/ghostscript-fonts-std-8.11.tar.gz" rel="nofollow">Bitstream Vera Sans</a> fonts installed on your computer.</li>
+<li>Rembrandt's self-portrait from <a href="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_137.jpg" class="external text" title="http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Image:Rembrandt_Harmensz._van_Rijn_137.jpg" rel="nofollow">Wikimedia</a>.
 </li><li>The Scribus logo from your Scribus install directory.
 <p>This is what we want to achieve:
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Cover_en1-page1.png"/></td></tr></table> 
+<p>Before you start, you need to select the apropriate color palette for the project. Make sure that no document is open, then go to <i>Edit > Colors</i>. The default color palette is called &ldquo;Scribus Basic&rdquo;, as you can see in the dialog. Here we need a swatch called &ldquo;Scribus X11&rdquo;. You can select this palette under <i>Color Sets</i> in the <i>Edit Colors</i> dialog:</p>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td><img src="images/qsg-col1.png"/></td>
+      <td>><img src="images/qsg-col2.png"/></td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
 <h2>Step One: Creating a Document and a Page Background</h2>
-<p>You probably know what happens if you create a new file in a word processor: the program you're working with creates a new page and you can start typing. If a new page is necessary, the word processor will create a new one. This won't work in Scribus (or most other DTP programs). To create a new page, you have to tell the program to do exactly that. The main purpose of a DTP software is to give you a maximum of control over design and content of your document. So we click <i>File &gt; New</i>, and Scribus brings up the following dialog:
+<p>You probably know what happens if you create a new file in a word processor: The program you're working with creates a new page and you can start typing. If a new page is necessary, the word processor will create it. This won't work in Scribus (or most other DTP programs). To create a new page, you have to tell the program to do exactly that. The main purpose of a DTP software is to give you a maximum of control over design and content of your document. So we click <i>File &gt; New</i>, and Scribus brings up the following dialog:
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt1.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-</p><p>For our cover page we will choose a Single Page layout. Set the Page Size to "Custom" and change the default value for height to 285 mm. This is going to be about the same as US Letter size. The cover page won't need any margins, so that we use 0 mm as the value for all page margins. Leave the rest of the default settings as they are.
-</p><p>After clicking the "OK" button, Scribus creates a new page:
+</p><p>For our cover page we will choose a Single Page layout. Set the Page Size to &ldquo;Custom&rdquo; and change the default value for height to 285 mm. This is going to be about the same as US Letter size. The cover page won't need any margins, so that we use 0 mm as the value for all page margins. Leave the rest of the default settings as they are.
+</p><p>After clicking the &ldquo;OK&rdquo; button, Scribus creates a new page:
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt2.png"/></td></tr></table>
-</p><p>Next, we need a grey background for our page. Click on the white rectangle in the menu bar or simply press S on the keyboard. Yes, you're reading correctly, pressing S doesn't mean anything will be "typed" on the page. To type, you need a special environment called text frame, as you will see below. In this case, we need a shape, thus the keyboard S command.
+</p><p>Next, we need a grey background for our page. Click on the white rectangle in the menu bar or simply press S on the keyboard. Yes, you're reading correctly, pressing S doesn't mean anything will be &ldquo;typed&rdquo; on the page. To type, you need a special environment called text frame, as you will see below. In this case, we need a shape, thus the keyboard S command.
 </p><p>Your mouse pointer now turns into a rectangle with a + on its upper left corner. Click and hold the mouse button, then drag the + across the page and let up &ndash; you have just created a shape. Size, position and color don't matter here, as we will change them immediately.
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt3.png"/></td></tr></table>
-</p><p>If you haven't clicked somewhere else on screen, your new rectangle is still selected, which means it is outlined in red dots and so-called handles at each corner and the middle of a line. Now use <i>Windows &gt; Properties</i> or press F2 to bring up the <b>Properties Palette</b>, which is the Swiss Army Knife of Scribus. You will learn a lot more about its use later. For the time being, let's stay in the default tab of this dialog, which is called "X,Y,Z". The more complex a document is, the more useful it is to give each object a unique name. It will make it easier to find and to select it later on. Not surprisingly, we'll call our Shape "Background".
+</p><p>If you haven't clicked somewhere else on screen, your new rectangle is still selected, which means it is outlined in red dots and so-called handles at each corner and the middle of a line. Now use <i>Windows &gt; Properties</i> or press F2 to bring up the <b>Properties Palette</b>, which is the Swiss Army Knife of Scribus. You will learn a lot more about its use later. For the time being, let's stay in the default tab of this dialog, which is called &ldquo;X,Y,Z&rdquo;. The more complex a document is, the more useful it is to give each object a unique name. It will make it easier to find and to select it later on. Not surprisingly, we'll call our Shape &ldquo;Background&rdquo;.
 </p><p>Next, make our rectangle match the size of the page. Remember the values we chose for the page? Insert them here, but first don't forget to click on the chain symbol to the right of the boxes for changing the values for width and height. If you try to do this without unlinking that chain, you will see that a change in one value changes the other in a proportional way, and it will seem like you are forever stuck, which you will be until you unlink that chain.
 </p><p>Now that our rectangle has exactly the size of our page, you need to make sure that it matches the page borders by setting its X and Y positions to 0.000 &ndash; if you just delete what is there and replace with 0, then press Tab or Enter, Scribus will make the decimal point and other zeros for you.
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt4.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-</p><p>By default, Scribus uses black as the color for shapes, which is not what is needed here. Provided our shape is still selected, we use the Properties Palette again to assign a new color to it. For that purpose we select the "Colors" tab. From the list select "Grey41" as the Fill Color. 
-</p><p>Each shape and each frame in Scribus has a border. In the case of shapes the default color is always black. Since we don't want any color for our Frame border, click on the symbol with the pen and select the color "None", which is always at the top of the list.
+</p><p>By default, Scribus uses &ldquo;None&rdquo; as the fill color for shapes, which is not what is needed here. Provided our shape is still selected, we use the Properties Palette again to assign new colors to it. For that purpose we select the &ldquo;Colors&rdquo; tab. From the list select &ldquo;Grey41&rdquo; as the Fill Color.</p>
+<p>Each shape and each frame in Scribus has a border. In the case of shapes the default color is always black. Since we don't want any color for our Frame border, click on the symbol with the brush and select the color &ldquo;None&rdquo;, which is always at the top of the list.
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt5.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-</p><p>Our page background is now finished. To make sure it isn't changed unintentionally, return to the "X,Y,Z" tab of the Properties Palette and click on the "lock" symbol, so that our background is protected from any further changes.
+</p><p>Our page background is now finished. To make sure it isn't changed unintentionally, return to the &ldquo;X,Y,Z&rdquo; tab of the Properties Palette and click on the &ldquo;lock&rdquo; symbol, so that our background is protected from any further changes.
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt6.png"/></td></tr></table> 
 <h2>Step Two: Inserting the Cover Picture</h2
-<p>Now that the background has been created, you need to place our cover picture. You may be used to inserting images directly in your word processor, but in Scribus they are inserted in a container (called a frame). For images, or, more precisely, for bitmap images, create an image frame by clicking on the Image Frame icon in the toolbar or by pressing I on the keyboard. Draw your image frame as you did with the rectangle and go to the "X,Y,Z" tab of the Properties Palette again.</p>
+<p>Now that the background has been created, you need to place the cover picture. You may be used to inserting images directly in your word processor, but in Scribus they are inserted in a container (called a frame). For images, or, more precisely, for bitmap images, create an image frame by clicking on the Image Frame icon in the toolbar or by pressing I on the keyboard. Draw your image frame as you did with the rectangle and go to the &ldquo;X,Y,Z&rdquo; tab of the Properties Palette again.</p>
-<p>Rename this image frame "Rembrandt1", and for width and height enter the values as shown in the screenshot below. Our cover picture needs to be placed exactly in the lower right of our page. How can this be achieved? Actually, it's quite simple. We know the X and Y coordinates of our page, namely 210 mm and 285 mm. So you can enter these values in "X-Pos" and "Y-Pos", but wait! Not so fast. Before you do that, first change the Basepoint of our object. When you set 0.000 values for our background shape, the values were for the upper left of the page. But our image will have to align to our lower right page margins, so we change the Basepoint to lower right before we enter the X and Y values. Also, fix the size of our image frame by locking it:</p>
+<p>Rename this image frame &ldquo;Rembrandt1&rdquo;, and for width and height enter the values as shown in the screenshot below. Our cover picture needs to be placed exactly in the lower right of our page. How can this be achieved? Actually, it's quite simple. We know the X and Y coordinates of our page, namely 210 mm and 285 mm. So you can enter these values in &ldquo;X-Pos&rdquo; and &ldquo;Y-Pos&rdquo;, but wait! Not so fast. Before you do that, first change the Basepoint of our object. When you set 0.000 values for our background shape, the values were for the upper left of the page. But our image will have to align to our lower right page margins, so we change the Basepoint to lower right before we enter the X and Y values. Also, fix the size of our image frame by locking it:</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt7.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-</p><p>To make our design a bit more stylish, let's add an edited copy of it. We won't see much of it, just a small stripe on the left. Use <i>Item &gt; Multiple Duplicate</i> for this operation, because it allows us to enter precise numbers for horizontal and vertical shift. We need one copy, and for "Horizontal Shift", insert -6mm, as you want to place the copy on the left of the cover image:
+</p><p>To make our design a bit more stylish, let's add an edited copy of it. We won't see much of it, just a small stripe on the left. Use <i>Item &gt; Multiple Duplicate</i> for this operation, because it allows us to enter precise numbers for horizontal and vertical shift. We need one copy, and for &ldquo;Horizontal Shift&rdquo; insert -6mm, as you want to place the copy on the left of the cover image:
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt8.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-</p><p>Since the new image frame is a copy of "Rembrandt1", there is no need to change its size, and the position has been determined by the copying action. Assign the name "Rembrandt2" to the frame, but there's another problem: The new image frame is placed on top of the frame for the cover picture. The solution is to move it behind the cover picture. So far, 3 items have been created, and each new object is placed on top of the others. Therefore, we simply move the copy one level down, i.e. behind "Rembrandt1":</p>
+</p><p>Since the new image frame is a copy of &ldquo;Rembrandt1&rdquo;, there is no need to change its size, and the position has been determined by the copying action. Assign the name &ldquo;Rembrandt2&rdquo; to the frame, but there's another problem: The new image frame is placed on top of the frame for the cover picture. The solution is to move it behind the cover picture. So far, 3 items have been created, and each new object is placed on top of the others. Therefore, we simply move the copy one level down, i.e. behind &ldquo;Rembrandt1&rdquo;:</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt9.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>Now we have to become a little more serious and get stuff from outside of Scribus into our document. To load our cover picture into "Rembrandt1", right-click on the Frame and click on "Get Image":</p> 
+<p>Now we have to become a little more serious and get stuff from outside of Scribus into our document. To load our cover picture into &ldquo;Rembrandt1&rdquo;, right-click on the Frame and click on &ldquo;Get Image&rdquo;:</p> 
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt10.png"/></td></tr></table> 
@@ -66,64 +78,63 @@
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt11.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>Now that we have identified the correct version of the file, click on the "Open" button or just double-click, but what's that?
+<p>Now that we have identified the correct version of the file, click on the &ldquo;Open&rdquo; button or just double-click, but what's that?
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt12.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>It seems obvious that the size of the image and the size of the image frame are not identical twins, but fortunately, the Properties Palette will come to our rescue and force them to behave as if they were. In the "Image" tab check "Scale to Frame Size" and "Proportional" and our cover picture will be perfectly placed:</p>
+<p>It seems obvious that the size of the image and the size of the image frame are not identical twins, but fortunately, the Properties Palette will come to our rescue and force them to behave as if they were. In the &ldquo;Image&rdquo; tab check &ldquo;Scale to Frame Size&rdquo; and &ldquo;Proportional&rdquo; and our cover picture will be perfectly placed:</p>
-<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt14.png"/></td></tr></table> 
+<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt13.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>The next thing we need is a copy of the "Rembrandt1" content in "Rembrandt2". Right-click on "Rembrandt1" and click "Contents &gt; Copy". Then right-click on the visible stripe of "Rembrandt2" and click "Contents &gt; Insert". The result is everything but spectacular, so that you will need to apply some magic to "Rembrandt2". Once again, use the right mouse button to bring up the context menu, this time to bring up the image effects dialog:</p>
+<p>The next thing we need is a copy of the &ldquo;Rembrandt1&rdquo; content in &ldquo;Rembrandt2&rdquo;. Right-click on &ldquo;Rembrandt1&rdquo; and click &ldquo;Contents &gt; Copy&rdquo;. Then right-click on the visible stripe of &ldquo;Rembrandt2&rdquo; and click &ldquo;Contents &gt; Insert&rdquo;. The result is everything but spectacular, so that you will need to apply some magic to &ldquo;Rembrandt2&rdquo;. Once again, use the right mouse button to bring up the context menu, this time to bring up the image effects dialog:</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt15.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>In the image effects dialog, let's go all out and apply four different effects to the image: invert, blur (values are radius: 7.0 and value: 5.0), greyscale, and brightness (set to -43):</p>
+<p>In the image effects dialog, let's go all out and apply four different effects to the image: invert, blur (radius: 7.0), grayscale, and brightness (set to -44):</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt16.png"/></td></tr></table> 
 <p>Now, that looks a lot better, doesn't it?</p>
-<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt17a.png"/></td></tr></table> 
+<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt17.png"/></td></tr></table> 
 <h2>Step Three: Adding Text</span></h2>
 <p>Next, let's tell our audience who the hero in the image is. For that purpose, create a text frame by clicking on the Text Frame icon in the toolbar or by pressing the T key &ndash; surely you're seeing this pattern now. You can create this frame by dragging, just as you did with the shape. It should be big enough to contain the text as shown below. Then double-click on the text frame and type REMBRANDT. Next, click somewhere else on screen and select the text frame again by clicking on it (single click).
-</p><p>Open the Properties Palette (F2) and open the "Text" tab. In the font selector choose the "Gentium" font, set the font size to 97 pt and choose the text color "White" for Rembrandt's name. The result should look like this:</p>
+</p><p>Open the Properties Palette (F2) and open the &ldquo;Text&rdquo; tab. In the font selector choose the &ldquo;Gentium&rdquo; font, set the font size to 97 pt and choose the text color &ldquo;White&rdquo; for Rembrandt's name. The result should look like this:</p>
-<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt17.png"/></td></tr></table> 
+<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt17b.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-</p><p>So far, our cover looks ok, but a bit boring. Time to add some tasteful features. Historical facts are on our side when we try to accomplish our task: Rembrandt was the man's (admittedly uncommon) first name, while his surname was "van Rijn". So create another text frame, double-click and type VAN RIJN. Choose the same font and the same font size as in the first text frame, but instead of white select "Pink2". "What?" you say, "Pink?". Rembrandt would shoot you on the spot!" Sure he would, if he wouldn't have seen where we're going with this, and we're not finished yet. Switch to the "Color" tab and set "Shade" to 50% and "Opacity" to 20%. Better now? I told you so, and even Rembrandt is happy with the result &ndash; you can almost see him smile.
-</p><p>Finally, move the "Van Rijn" frame one level down, behind the "Rembrandt" frame:</p>
+</p><p>So far, our cover looks ok, but a bit boring. Time to add some tasteful features. Historical facts are on our side when we try to accomplish our task: Rembrandt was the man's (admittedly uncommon) first name, while his surname was &ldquo;van Rijn&rdquo;. So create another text frame, double-click and type VAN RIJN. Choose the same font and the same font size as in the first text frame, but instead of white select &ldquo;Pink2&rdquo;. &ldquo;What?&rdquo; you say, &ldquo;Pink? Rembrandt would shoot you on the spot!&rdquo; Sure he would, if he wouldn't have seen where we're going with this, and we're not finished yet. Switch to the &ldquo;Colors&rdquo; tab and set &ldquo;Shade&rdquo; to 50% and &ldquo;Opacity&rdquo; to 20%. Better now? We told you so, and even Rembrandt is happy with the result &ndash; you can almost see him smile.
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt18.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>Now add 3 other text frames and insert the texts "1606", "2006" and "Painting the Dutch Golden Century". Use the Gentium font for all text frames. The numbers need a font size of 53 pt and the text one of 31 pt. Select text colors that resemble those you see on screen.  After what you've learned so far, this should already be easy. Here's a design tip: notice how pleasing this looks, even though we are using different colors and sizes, when we use the same font for all these text elements.</p>
+</p><p>Finally, move the &ldquo;Van Rijn&rdquo; frame one level down, behind the &ldquo;Rembrandt&rdquo; frame:</p>
+<p>Now add 3 other text frames and insert the texts &ldquo;1606&rdquo;, &ldquo;2006&rdquo; and &ldquo;Painting the Dutch Golden Century&rdquo;. Use the Gentium font for all text frames. The numbers need a font size of 53 pt and the text one of 31 pt. Select text colors that resemble those you see on screen.  After what you've learned so far, this should already be easy. Here's a design tip: notice how pleasing this looks, even though we are using different colors and sizes, when we use the same font for all these text elements.</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt18b.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>To finish our title, draw a straight line by clicking on the "Line" icon in the Toolbar and dragging with the mouse. Draw your mouse from left to to right and press Ctrl while you drag to make sure the line is exactly horizontal. Then open the Properties Palette and switch to the "Line" tab. Set the Line Width to 0.5 pt, then open the "Colors" tab. Here you open the color list for lines (pen icon) and select "WhiteSmoke" from the list.
-</p><p>Finally, move our Line halfway between the "1606" and the "2006" text frames.</p>
+<p>To finish our title, draw a straight line by clicking on the &ldquo;Line&rdquo; icon in the Toolbar and dragging with the mouse. Draw your mouse from left to to right and press Ctrl while you drag to make sure the line is exactly horizontal. Then open the Properties Palette and switch to the &ldquo;Line&rdquo; tab. Here you can experiment with the Line Width, then open the &ldquo;Colors&rdquo; tab, open the color list for lines (brush icon) and select &ldquo;WhiteSmoke&rdquo; from the list.
+</p><p>Finally, move the Line halfway between the &ldquo;1606&rdquo; and the &ldquo;2006&rdquo; text frames.</p>
-<table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt19.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<h2>Step Four: Adding the Publishing "Company"</h2>
+<h2>Step Four: Adding the Publishing &ldquo;Company&rdquo;</h2>
-<p>The final steps include adding an imaginary publishing company and its logo. We'll decide in modesty to call the company "Scribus Publishing". That way, we need not rack our brains about a logo, but can simply use the Scribus logo. You'll find it in the folder ~/share/scribus/icons, where ~ is your Scribus installation directory. The filename is Scribusicon.png.</p>
+<p>The final steps include adding an imaginary publishing company and its logo. We'll decide in modesty to call the company &ldquo;Scribus Publishing&rdquo;. That way, we need not rack our brains about a logo, but can simply use the Scribus logo. You'll find it in the folder <code>~/share/scribus/icons</code>, where ~ is your Scribus installation directory. The filename is <code>scribus.png</code>.</p>
-<p>Now create a small Image Frame at the bottom our page, between the page border and the cover image(s). Make sure the fill color of the image frame is set to "None", because we are going to import an image with a transparent background. Then, as with our first image, we import the icon via right-click &gt; <i>Get Image</i>. To prevent the icon's colors from interfering with the colors chosen for our layout, open the Image Effects dialog as explained in Step Two. Setting the image to "Greyscale" and raising the contrast makes sure the logo won't "disappear", and at the same time it won't clash with the rest of our colors.</p>
+<p>Now create a small Image Frame at the bottom the page, between the page border and the cover image(s). Make sure the fill color of the image frame is set to &ldquo;None&rdquo;, because we are going to import an image with a transparent background. Then, as with our first image, we import the icon via right-click &gt; <i>Get Image</i>. To prevent the icon's colors from interfering with the colors chosen for our layout, open the Image Effects dialog as explained in Step Two. Setting the image to &ldquo;Greyscale&rdquo; and raising the contrast makes sure the logo won't &ldquo;disappear&rdquo;, and at the same time it won't clash with the rest of our colors.</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt20.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>To add our company name, create a Text Frame somewhere, call it "ScribusPublishing" in the "X,Y,Z" tab of the Properties Palette and enter the text "Scribus Publishing". Choose "Bitstream Vera Sans" as the font, set the font size to 13 pt and the font color to "Grey97".
-</p><p>Finally, rotate the text frame 90 degrees. The "X,Y,Z" tab of the Properties Palette is the right place to do this. Just change the value for "Rotation" to 90:</p>
+<p>To add our company name, create a Text Frame somewhere, call it &ldquo;ScribusPublishing&rdquo; in the &ldquo;X,Y,Z&rdquo; tab of the Properties Palette and enter the text &ldquo;Scribus Publishing&rdquo;. Choose &ldquo;Bitstream Vera Sans&rdquo; as the font, set the font size to 13 pt and the font color to &ldquo;Grey97&rdquo;.
+</p><p>Finally, rotate the text frame 90 degrees. The &ldquo;X,Y,Z&rdquo; tab of the Properties Palette is the right place to do this. Just change the value for &ldquo;Rotation&rdquo; to 90:</p>
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Rembrandt21.png"/></td></tr></table> 
-<p>Now use the mouse to move the rotated text frame to a position above the Scribus logo. Now click <i>File &gt; Save</i>, enter "Rembrandt-tp" as the file name and click "OK". Voilà! You just successfully created your first document in Scribus. It wasn't that hard, was it?
+<p>Now use the mouse to move the rotated text frame to a position above the Scribus logo. Now click <i>File &gt; Save</i>, enter &ldquo;Rembrandt-tp&rdquo; as the file name and click &ldquo;OK&rdquo;. Voilà! You just successfully created your first document in Scribus. It wasn't that hard, was it?
 <table width="100%"><tr><td align="center"><img src="images/Cover_en1-page1.png"/></td></tr></table> 

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/specs.html
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/specs.html
--- branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/specs.html (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/specs.html Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -6,68 +6,107 @@
 <h2>Scribus Specifications</h2>
-<p>Scribus is an Open Source, cross-platform page layout (DTP) program. Originally developed on Linux, Scribus also runs natively on Mac OS X, OS/2 and Windows 2000 or later. The goal of the Scribus Team is to enable beginners to create professional-grade page layout and output, without limiting the advanced requirements of professional designers.</p>
-<h3>Document Features:</h3>
+<p>Scribus is an Open Source, cross-platform desktop publishing (DTP) program. Originally developed on Linux, Scribus also runs natively on *BSD, Mac&nbsp;OS&nbsp;X 10.5 or later, OS/2 Warp&nbsp;4, eComStation and Windows 2000 or later. The goal of the Scribus Team is to enable beginners to create professional-grade page layout and output, without limiting the advanced requirements of professional designers.</p>
-	<li>Scribus imports many common text formats including Open Document Text, HTML and MS Word docs (via antiword).</li>
+	<li>Scribus uses an XML-based file format, so that Scribus files (SLA) can be easily edited with a text editor or manipulated via Scripts (Perl, Python etc.).</li>
 	<li>Frames that can be edited more flexibly than in most other DTP programs.</li>
 	<li>Master Pages and Page Palettes allow for easy page management</li>
-	<li>Document-wide layers &ndash; editable, and items can be moved between layers. </li>
-	<li>Paragraph and Character Styles with numerous paragraph and text style options</li>
-	<li>Integrated Style Manager for managing Paragraph, Character and Line Styles.</li>
-	<li>Object linking, grouping, moving, locking, resizing and converting to different object types.</li>
-	<li>Margins, guides and snap to grid which can be user defined, as well as hidden or visible.</li>
-<li>Sophisticated type handling including manual kerning of type, optical margins and word and glyph spacing options. </li>
-<li>New with the 1.3.5 release are Render Frames, enabling you to import LaTeX formulas and other markup content directly into frames.</li>
+	<li>Document-wide layers: Items can be moved between layers, and it's possible to apply blend modes and transparancy to individual layers. </li>	
+	<li>Object linking, grouping, moving, locking, resizing and converting between different object types.</li>
+	<li>A sophisticated Scrapbook allows for easy sharing of design objects (such as text blocks, logo images, backgrounds etc.) between documents or via a network.</li>
+	<li>Render Frames allow for importing LaTeX formulas and other markup content directly into frames, as well as editing the markup code in an integrated editor.</li>
+<h3>Import Filters:</h3>
+	<li><b>Text:</b> Open Document Text (ODT), OpenOffice.org Writer 1 (SXW), HTML, MS Word (DOC), Comma Separated Values (CSV) and Plain Text in various encodings.</li>
+	<li><b>Bitmap Images:</b> Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Graphics Interchange Format (GIF), JPEG, Portable Networks Graphic (PNG), Photoshop Document (PSD), Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) and X PixMap (XPM).</li>
+	<li><b>Vector Formats:</b> Adobe Illustrator (AI), Calamus Vector Graphics (CVG), Dia Shapes (SHAPE), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), Kivio Stencils (SML), OpenDocument Graphics (ODG), OpenOffice.org Draw 1 (SXD), Macintosh PICT File (PICT), PostScript (PS), Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG, SVGZ), Windows Metafile (WMF) and Xfig (FIG).</li>
+	<li><b>Color Swatches:</b> Adobe Illustrator (AI), Encapsulated PostScript (EPS), GIMP Palette (GPL), OpenOffice.org Swatch (SOC) and PostScript (PS).</li>
+	<li><b>Other:</b> Almost all supported vector formats can also be opened as documents. In addition, there is an experimental PDF filter that can open some PDF files directly. PDF files can also be imported into image frames.</li>
+<li>Paragraph and Character Styles with numerous paragraph and text style options</li>
+<li>Integrated versatile Style Manager for managing Paragraph, Character and Line Styles.</li>
+<li>Style inheritance.</li>
+<li>Sophisticated type handling including manual kerning of type, optical margins and word and glyph spacing options.</li>
+<li>Various line spacing options, including basline grid and first line offset.</li>
+<li>Full support for Type 1, TrueType and OpenType fonts.</li>
+<li>Integrated font preview and font management.</li>
+<li>Various options for text flow around objects.</li>
+<li>Configurable hyphenator.</li>
+<li> Short Words plug-in to avoid undesirable line breaks.</li>
+<h3>Text editing</h3>
+<li>Integrated Text Editor for quick text editing.</li>
+<li>Search and Replace for text and text formatting.</li>
+<li>Spell checker.</li>
+<li>Flexible page numbering options.</li>
+<h3>Image Editing</h3>
+<li>Non-destructive image effects for all supported image files.</li>
+<li>Extensive support for Photoshop PSD and layered TIFF files. Layer blending modes and clipping paths are supported. Photoshop Duo, Tri and Quadtones are similarly well supported. 16-bit TIFF and PSD support is in testing.</li>
+<li>Support for DCS (Desktop Color Separations) files.</li>
+<li>An option to start an image editor of choice (e.g. GIMP, Krita, Photoshop) from within Scribus.</li>
+<h3>Vector Editing</h3>
+<li>All imported vector drawings can be edited with the help of Scribus's own set of vector tools.</li>
+<li>Scribus is shipped with a considerable set of default shapes.</li>
+<li>A versatile set of path and transform tools, comparable only to specialized vector drawing programs.</li>
+<li>Integrated line editor.</li>
+<li>Gradients, transparency and blend modes for vector items.</li>
+<li>Support for bitmap and vector patterns.</li>
+<li>PostScript barcode generator.</li>
+<li>ICC color management, including previews of images and embedding ICC profiles in PDF documents for accurate screen to print color. Scribus supports the proposed OpenICC specification for profiles.</li>
+<li>Emulation of various kinds of color blindness.</li>
+<li>Creation of color harmonies with the Color Wheel.</li>
+<li>Support for spot colors.</li>
+<li>A Search and Replace feature for solid colours.</li>
+<li>A large collection of color swatches, including those from commercial vendors (Note that the whole collection will only be available in the final 1.4 release).</li>
 <h3>Professional Publishing Features:</h3>
-	<li>CMYK color including ICC color managed previews of images and embedding ICC profiles in PDF documents for accurate screen to print color. Scribus supports the proposed openicc specification for profiles.</li>
-	<li>Creation of CMYK and RGB color PostScript separations.</li>
-	<li>Sophisticated PDF creation, including interactive PDF forms, support for nearly all PDF field types, and JavaScript actions.</li>
-	<li>The ability to output to professional quality image-setting equipment including advanced Level 3/PDF 1.4 PostScript devices.</li>
-	<li>Encapsulated PostScript import with previews on the page canvas / EPS export.</li>
+	<li>Creation of CMYK color PostScript separations.</li>
+	<li>Creation of RGB, CMYK and Greyscale PDF files.</li>
 	<li>Full support for Level 2 PostScript output, a very large subset of Level 3 and support for PDF 1.4/1.5 features including transparency, gradients and 128 bit security.</li>
-	<li>Full Compliance with PDF/X-3, an ISO standard for creating &#034;press ready&#034; PDFs &ndash; a first for <strong>any</strong> page layout application.</li>
-	<li>Supports font embedding and sub-setting in both PostScript and PDF export.</li>
-	<li>Scribus can convert all supported fonts into PostScript outlines, which can be further edited in Scribus.</li>
-	<li>Scribus imports a wide range of bitmap formats including extensive support for Photoshop PSD and layered Tiffs. Layer blending modes and clipping paths are supported which can be then manipulated with Extended Image Effects. Photoshop Duo, Tri and Quadtones are similarly well supported. Layers . 16-bit TIFF and PSD support is in testing. </li>
-	<li>Scribus imports the most important vector formats including AI (Adobe Illustrator), EPS and SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics). When compiled with <a href="http://podofo.sf.net">Podofo</a> support Scribus can handle the latest versions of Adobe Illustrator files which are PDF based. </li> 
+	<li>Full Compliance with PDF/X-3.</li>
+	<li>Supports font embedding and subsetting in both PostScript and PDF export.</li>
+	<li>Advanced pre-press features, like bleed and printing marks</li> 
+	<li>Creation of PDF forms, including nearly all PDF field types, and JavaScript actions.</li>
+	<li>Creation of PDF presentations, including presentation effects.</li>
 <h3>Ease of use features:</h3>
-	<li>A drag'n'drop scrapbook for frequently used items such as text blocks, logo images, backgrounds etc.</li>
-	<li>Online help browser with extensive and continually updated documentation in English, French and German.</li>
-	<li>Easy-to-use tools and palettes for measurement, rotation and other object properties</li>
-	<li>Full support for TrueType, Type 1 PostScript and OpenType fonts.</li>
+	<li>Online Help Browser with extensive and continually updated documentation in English, French and German.</li>
 	<li>User-configurable keyboard shortcuts.</li>
 	<li>Ability to run in 27 different languages without recompilation or application re-start.</li>
-	<li>Sophisticated automatic hyphenation engine with several languages available.</li>
-	<li>Easy to use drawing tools for custom shapes, including: freehand lines, lines, curves, ellipses, bezier curves, polygons, patterns etc.</li>
-	<li>Detailed and flexible user preferences for document and application defaults</li>
+	<li>Detailed and flexible user preferences for document and application default settings.</li>
+	<li>A continually updated set of templates, especially created for new users to reach quick results and to get accustomed to Scribus.</li>
+	<li>A set of useful scripts, including a calendar wizard.</li>
+	<li>A flexible Undo/Redo system.</li>
+	<li>Easy precision placement of items on a page, including guides, multiple duplicate, align and distribute etc.</li>
-<h3>File Formats:</h3>
-	<li>Scribus 1.2.x native file format is fully documented and XML based. The current 1.3.x formats are transitional formats, which will be fully XML conformant and have a full DTD before the next stable release. </li>
-	<li>EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group), PNG (Portable Network Graphics), TIFF (Tag Image File Format), and XPM (XpixMap). PSD support includes duo/tri/quadtones, layers and clipping paths. 16-bit TIFF and PSD support is in testing.</li>
-	<li>Scribus can also import and export well-formed SVG 1.0 (Scalable Vector Graphics) including text on a path, images and text. Scribus can export all features of a Scribus document as SVG. Images are converted to PNG when exporting SVG.</li>
-	<li>Scribus can import text with many different encodings including Unicode, as well as OpenOffice.org 1.x and OASIS Open Document Writer and Draw files. Styles and formatting are retained on import. </li>
-	<li>Originally developed with GPL Qt 3 for Linux and &#034;Unix like&#034; operating systems. Scribus runs natively on Mac OS X, OS/2 and Windows 2000 or newer (Win9x and WinMe are not nor will be supported.</li>
-	<li>Plug-in support and API including import and export plug-ins. </li>
+	<li>The current version of Scribus is being developed with Qt 4.x.</li>
+	<li>Plug-in support and API (C++) including import and export plug-ins. </li>
 	<li>Powerful Python scripting plug-in for extending Scribus functions and automating tasks, as well as calling external applications within Scribus.</li>
 <h3>Target Usage:</h3>
 	<li>Layouts for newsletters, corporate stationery, posters, training manuals, technical documentation, business cards and other documents which need flexible layout and/or sophisticated image handling, as well as precise typography controls and image sizing not available in current word processors.</li>
-	<li>Users needing the ability to output to professional quality image setting equipment, as well as re-purposing for internal printing, web distributed PDFs or presentations.</li>
-	<li>Users needing to create interactive PDF forms, including cgi/php form submission via PDF, or PDF presentations.</li>
+	<li>Users needing the ability to output to professional quality image setting equipment, as well as re-purposing for internal printing, web-distributed PDFs or presentations.</li>
+	<li>Users needing to create interactive PDF forms, including CGI/PHP form submission via PDF, or PDF presentations.</li>

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/tutorials.html
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/tutorials.html
--- branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/tutorials.html (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/doc/en/tutorials.html Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
-<p>Real world experience helps a lot when it comes to using any software. Please visit http://docs.scribus.net for more tutorials on how to perform specific tasks with Scribus. A great getting started tutorial is a tutorial available by Niyam Bhushan on some publishing theory, workflow and how to apply it to the generation of your next newsletter. Its not just about words and pictures on paper, read this and find out why! It can also be downloaded as a separate package and installed so you may view it in this help window.</p>
+<p>Real world experience helps a lot when it comes to using any software. Please visit <a href="http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php">the Scribus Wiki</a> for more tutorials on how to perform specific tasks with Scribus. Among others, a great <a href="http://wiki.scribus.net/index.php/Get_Started_with_Scribus">"Getting Started with Scribus"</a> tutorial, orginally created by Niyam Bhushan and subsequently enhanced and translated into other languages by others, is available there. It covers basic layout theory, workflow and describes how to apply it to the creation of your next newsletter. It's not just about words and pictures on paper! Read this and find out why. You can directly access the tutorial from within Scribus via <i>Help > Tutorials</i>.

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/pslib.cpp
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/pslib.cpp
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/pslib.cpp (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/pslib.cpp Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -678,6 +678,9 @@
 	GetBleeds(ActPage, bleedLeft, bleedRight);
 	double maxBoxX = ActPage->width()+bleedLeft+bleedRight+markOffs*2.0;
 	double maxBoxY = ActPage->height()+Options.bleeds.Bottom+Options.bleeds.Top+markOffs*2.0;
+	PutStream("gs\n");
+	if(ActPage->PageOri == 1 && psExport)
+		PutStream("90 rotate 0 "+IToStr(qRound(maxBoxY))+" neg translate\n");
 	if ((Options.cropMarks) || (Options.bleedMarks) || (Options.registrationMarks) || (Options.colorMarks))
@@ -845,6 +848,7 @@
+	PutStream("gr\n");

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/colorlistbox.cpp
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/colorlistbox.cpp
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/colorlistbox.cpp (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/colorlistbox.cpp Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -299,10 +299,10 @@
 			QListWidgetItem* it = itemAt(helpEvent->pos());
 			if (it != 0)
+				event->accept();
+				QString tipText = "";
 				if (cList->contains(it->text()))
-					event->accept();
-					QString tipText = "";
 					ScColor col = (*cList)[it->text()];
 					if (col.getColorModel() == colorModelCMYK)
@@ -316,9 +316,9 @@
 						col.getRawRGBColor(&r, &g, &b);
 						tipText = QString("R:%1 G:%2 B:%3").arg(r).arg(g).arg(b);
-					QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), tipText, this);
-					return true;
+				QToolTip::showText(helpEvent->globalPos(), tipText, this);
+				return true;

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.cpp
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.cpp
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.cpp (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.cpp Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
 DelColor::DelColor( QWidget* parent, ColorList colorList, QString colorName, bool haveDoc) : QDialog( parent )
+	cList = colorList;
 	setWindowTitle( tr( "Delete Color" ) );
 	setWindowIcon(QIcon(loadIcon ( "AppIcon.png" )));
 	dialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
@@ -45,10 +46,10 @@
 		replaceLabel = new QLabel( tr( "Replace With:" ), this );
 		delColorLayout->addWidget( replaceLabel, 1, 0 );
 		replacementColData = new ColorCombo(false, this);
-		colorList.remove(colorName);
+		cList.remove(colorName);
 		// 10/26/2004 pv - user can replace deleted color with "None"
-		replacementColData->insertItems(colorList, ColorCombo::fancyPixmaps);
+		replacementColData->insertItems(cList, ColorCombo::fancyPixmaps);
 		delColorLayout->addWidget( replacementColData, 1, 1 );
 		replacementColor = replacementColData->itemText(0);

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.h
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.h
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.h (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/dcolor.h Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
 	QGridLayout* delColorLayout;
 	QHBoxLayout* okCancelLayout;
 	QString replacementColor;
+	ColorList cList;
 private slots:
     virtual void ReplaceColor(int);

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.cpp
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.cpp
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.cpp (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.cpp Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
 #include "ui/prefs_itemtools.h"
 #include "ui/arrowchooser.h"
+#include "ui/linkbutton.h"
 #include "prefsstructs.h"
 #include "scrspinbox.h"
 #include "scribusdoc.h"
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
 #include "commonstrings.h"
 #include "prefsmanager.h"
 #include "sampleitem.h"
 Prefs_ItemTools::Prefs_ItemTools(QWidget* parent, ScribusDoc* doc)
 	: Prefs_Pane(parent),
@@ -44,6 +46,7 @@
 void Prefs_ItemTools::languageChange()
 	textPreviewWidget->setText( tr( "Woven silk pyjamas exchanged for blue quartz" ));
+	scalingLockToolButton->setToolTip( tr( "Keep horizontal and vertical scaling the same" ) );
 void Prefs_ItemTools::unitChange(int newIndex)
@@ -290,9 +293,9 @@
 		connect(textColorShadingSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFontPreview()));
 //		connect(buttonGroup3, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeImageScalingFree(bool)));
 //		connect(buttonGroup5, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeImageScalingRatio(bool)));
-//		connect(chainButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleChain()));
-//		connect(scalingHorizontal, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hChange()));
-//		connect(scalingVertical, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vChange()));
+		connect(scalingLockToolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleImagesScalingChain()));
+		connect(imageHorizontalScalingSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(imageHorizontalScalingChange()));
+		connect(imageVerticalScalingSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(imageVerticalScalingChange()));
 //		connect(tabFillCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setFillChar(int)));
@@ -305,9 +308,9 @@
 		disconnect(textColorShadingSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(updateFontPreview()));
 //		disconnect(buttonGroup3, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeImageScalingFree(bool)));
 //		disconnect(buttonGroup5, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(changeImageScalingRatio(bool)));
-//		disconnect(chainButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleChain()));
-//		disconnect(scalingHorizontal, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(hChange()));
-//		disconnect(scalingVertical, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(vChange()));
+		disconnect(scalingLockToolButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(toggleImagesScalingChain()));
+		disconnect(imageHorizontalScalingSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(imageHorizontalScalingChange()));
+		disconnect(imageVerticalScalingSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(imageVerticalScalingChange()));
 //		disconnect(tabFillCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setFillChar(int)));
@@ -363,3 +366,21 @@
 	textPreviewWidget->setPixmap(si.getSample(textPreviewWidget->width(), textPreviewWidget->height()));
+void Prefs_ItemTools::toggleImagesScalingChain()
+	imageHorizontalScalingChange();
+void Prefs_ItemTools::imageHorizontalScalingChange()
+	if (scalingLockToolButton->isChecked())
+		imageVerticalScalingSpinBox->setValue(imageHorizontalScalingSpinBox->value());
+void Prefs_ItemTools::imageVerticalScalingChange()
+	if (scalingLockToolButton->isChecked())
+		imageHorizontalScalingSpinBox->setValue(imageVerticalScalingSpinBox->value());

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.h
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.h
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.h (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtools.h Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@
 	protected slots:
 		void enableSignals(bool on);
 		void updateFontPreview();
+		void toggleImagesScalingChain();
+		void imageHorizontalScalingChange();
+		void imageVerticalScalingChange();
 		ScribusDoc* m_doc;

Modified: branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtoolsbase.ui
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15602&path=/branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtoolsbase.ui
--- branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtoolsbase.ui (original)
+++ branches/ScribusOIF/scribus/ui/prefs_itemtoolsbase.ui Wed Oct 20 23:16:40 2010
@@ -827,7 +827,7 @@
                   <string> %</string>
                  <property name="maximum">
-                  <number>100</number>
+                  <number>1000</number>
@@ -844,16 +844,22 @@
                   <string> %</string>
                  <property name="maximum">
-                  <number>100</number>
+                  <number>1000</number>
-              <widget class="QToolButton" name="scalingLockToolButton">
+              <widget class="LinkButton" name="scalingLockToolButton">
                <property name="text">
+               </property>
+               <property name="checkable">
+                <bool>true</bool>
+               </property>
+               <property name="autoRaise">
+                <bool>true</bool>
@@ -1335,6 +1341,11 @@
+  <customwidget>
+   <class>LinkButton</class>
+   <extends>QToolButton</extends>
+   <header>ui/linkbutton.h</header>
+  </customwidget>

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