r15755 by christoph - hid autohell instructions

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Wed Nov 3 22:36:31 CET 2010

Author: christoph
Date: Wed Nov  3 21:36:30 2010
New Revision: 15755

URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/listing.php?repname=Scribus&sc=1&rev=15755
hid autohell instructions


Modified: trunk/Scribus/doc/en/install2.html
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15755&path=/trunk/Scribus/doc/en/install2.html
--- trunk/Scribus/doc/en/install2.html (original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/doc/en/install2.html Wed Nov  3 21:36:30 2010
@@ -15,66 +15,33 @@
 <li>Qt 4.6.0+, both the runtime libraries and development libraries. Qt 4.2.x is not supported as 1.3.5+ relies on functions only in 4.3.x, 1.3.8 relies on functions introduced in 4.6. Qt3 is no longer required or supported with Scribus 1.3.5 or higher.</li>
 <li>Python and python-devel libraries 2.3+. Python 2.2 is not supported.</li>
 <li>Freetype2 2.1.7+. Due to various freetype2 bugs, we recommend, if your distribution/OS allows, to use 2.3.x</li>
-<li>cairo 1.4.x <strong>We recommend 1.4.10+</strong>for performance reasons.</li>
+<li>cairo 1.4.x <b>We recommend 1.4.10 or later</b> for performance reasons.</li>
 <li>libxml2 2.6+.</li>
-<li>Ghostscript 8.15+ or GPL Ghostscript 8.60+ is highly recommended. Ubuntu users in particular are urged to update to a newer version if possible.</li>
-<li>PostScript-Fonts. TrueType Fonts. Scribus also can support OpenType fonts, both TrueType and Type 1 Outline OpenType Fonts.</li>
-<li>Littlecms - also known as lcms in some distributions. Minimum 1.12, 1.17+ recommended. lcms 1.12+ has support for black point compensation. 1.3.4+ requires littlecms.</li>
+<li>Ghostscript 8.60+ is highly recommended.</li>
+<li>Littlecms &ndash; also known as lcms in some distributions. Minimum is 1.12, 1.17+ recommended. lcms 1.12+ has support for black point compensation.</li>
 <li>libtiff 3.6.0+</li>
-<li>CUPS development libraries - Scribus directly supports printing with CUPS.(Linux/Unix only).</li>
-<li>tkinter - for the font sampler script</li>
+<li>CUPS development libraries &ndash; Scribus directly supports printing with CUPS.(Linux/UNIX only).</li>
+<li>tkinter &ndash; for the font sampler script</li>
 <li>python-imaging libaries for font sampler script preview</li>
 <li>openssl-devel (Some linux distributions enable ssl support for CUPS, notably SUSE Linux)</li>
-<li>fontconfig-devel - for auto discovery of fonts on Linux, MacOSX and Unix. Not needed on Windows.</li>
-<li>antiword - this is not needed at compile time for MS Word import. Scribus will detect this at run time however.</li>
-<li>Podofo 0.5 (svn does not currently work) - used to enhance the Adobe Illustrator importer.</li>
+<li>fontconfig-devel &ndash; for auto discovery of fonts on Linux, MacOSX and Unix. Not needed on Windows.</li>
+<li>antiword &ndash; this is not needed at compile time for MS Word import. Scribus will detect this at run time however.</li>
+<li>Podofo 0.6 or later &ndash; used to enhance the Adobe Illustrator importer.</li>
-<p>Scribus will run under most any window manager and does not require KDE itself. However, drag and drop functionality will be lost without KDE. One of the Scribus developers runs Gnome. The author of this documentation has made a point of testing each release of Scribus under Blackbox as well. This has shown no incompatibilities or problems for Scribus, except for the loss of drag and drop functionality.</p>
-<p>If color management does not work, you also need at least one RGB profile and one CMYK profile installed or the color preferences and options will not appear in the menus. Scribus installs one RGB and one CMYK profile simply to enable color management, but some distributions, notably Debian, because of licensing issues provides icc profiles in separate packages.</p>
+<p>Scribus will run under most any window manager and does not require KDE. However, drag and drop functionality will be lost without KDE.</p>
+<p>If color management does not work, you also need at least one RGB profile and one CMYK profile installed or the color preferences and options will not appear in the menus. Scribus installs one RGB and one CMYK profile simply to enable color management, but some distributions, notably Debian, provide ICC profiles in separate packages, due to their licensing policy. </p>
 <p>Testing suggests setting the correct &#034;-march=&#034; CXXFLAGS has a very beneficial effect on Scribus performance. For example, if you have a Duron or Athlon processor, using <code>export CXXFLAGS=&#034;-march=athlon&#034;</code> would be of benefit. Check if your distribution sets these for you and how they are set, and for further information see: 
 <blockquote><table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><tr><td border="0">
 <pre>man gcc</pre>
-for detailed options</p>
-<p>There are detailed notes in the BUILDING file and packagers should look at the PACKAGING file in the sources for more details.</p>
+<p>There are detailed notes in the BUILDING file, and packagers should look at the PACKAGING file in the sources for more details.</p>
 <h4>Using CMake</h4>
-<p>In, weadded support for using CMake as an alternative for traditional autotools. For 1.3.5+ it is mandatory. Currently, Linux and MacOSX are working reliably. Please see <a href="install4.html">CMake instructions</a> for instructions.</p>
-<p>You can launch Scribus from the command line with the following options:</p>
-scribus --help
-<blockquote><table width="100%" border="1" bgcolor="#eeeeee"><tr><td border="0">
-<pre>scribus -h
-Scribus, Open Source Desktop Publishing
-Homepage:       http://www.scribus.net
-Documentation:  http://docs.scribus.net
-Wiki:           http://wiki.scribus.net
-Issues:         http://bugs.scribus.net
-Usage: scribus [option ... ] [file]
-   -h, --help             Print help (this message) and exit
-   -l, --lang             Uses xx as shortcut for a language, eg `en' or `de'
-  -la, --langs-available  List the currently installed interface languages
-  -fi, --font-info        Show information on the console when fonts are being loaded
-  -ns, --no-splash        Do not show the splashscreen on startup
-  -v,  --version          Output version information and exit
-  -sb, --swap-buttons     Use right to left dialog button ordering (eg. Cancel/No/Yes instead of Yes/No/Cancel)
-  -pr, --prefs filename   Use filename as path for user given preferences
-  -pi  --profile-info     Lists the installed profiles Scribus can access and diagnostics on loading them.
+<p>In, we added support for CMake as an alternative to the traditional autotools. Since 1.3.5 it is mandatory, and autotools are no longer supported. Currently, building on Linux, UNIX and MacOSX is working reliably. Please see the <a href="install4.html">CMake instructions</a> for more details.</p>
 <p>The default location for the Scribus executable is located in <code>/usr/local/bin</code>. Documentation is located in <code>/usr/local/lib/scribus/doc</code></p>
-<p>In addition for Linux/Unix desktops, there is a <code>desktop.config</code> file named <code>scribus.desktop</code> which can be used for a menu shortcut or desktop shortcut. Simply copy this from the base directory of the installation source directory to your KDE desktop and this will launch Scribus. After dragging this to the desktop, right click and make sure the execute check box is checked. This file conforms to the latest <a href="http://www.freedesktop.org">www.freedesktop.org</a> specifications.</p>
+<p>In addition for Linux/UNIX desktops, there is a <code>desktop.config</code> file named <code>scribus.desktop</code> which can be used for a menu shortcut or desktop shortcut. Simply copy this from the base directory of the installation source directory to your KDE desktop and this will launch Scribus. After dragging the file to the desktop, right click and make sure the &ldquo;execute&rdquo; check box is checked. This file conforms to the latest <a href="http://www.freedesktop.org">www.freedesktop.org</a> specifications.</p>

Modified: trunk/Scribus/doc/en/menu.xml
URL: http://scribus.info/websvn/diff.php?repname=Scribus&rev=15755&path=/trunk/Scribus/doc/en/menu.xml
--- trunk/Scribus/doc/en/menu.xml (original)
+++ trunk/Scribus/doc/en/menu.xml Wed Nov  3 21:36:30 2010
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
 		<submenuitem text="Installation" file="install.html">
 			<submenuitem text="Scribus Source &amp; SVN" file="install1.html"/>
 			<submenuitem text="Requirements" file="install2.html"/>
-			<submenuitem text="Compiling &amp; Installing" file="install3.html"/>
 			<submenuitem text="Compiling using CMake" file="install4.html"/>
 			<submenuitem text="Compiling using CMake on OS X" file="install5.html"/>                     
 			<submenuitem text="Parallel Install" file="parallel-install.html"/>

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