r15127 by jghali - add lcms2 color management classes

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Fri May 28 18:30:47 CEST 2010

Revision: 15127
Author: jghali
Date: 2010-05-28T16:25:44.997861Z
Commit message: add lcms2 color management classes

A  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h
A  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.cpp
A  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.h
A  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.h
A  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.cpp
A  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.cpp

Index: scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.cpp
--- scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.cpp	(revision 0)
+++ scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.cpp	(revision 15127)
@@ -0,0 +1,518 @@
+For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+#include <iostream>
+#include <string>
+#include <QDir>
+#include <QFile>
+#include "sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h"
+#include "sclcms2colorprofileimpl.h"
+#include "sclcms2colortransformimpl.h"
+#define cmsFLAGS_PRESERVEBLACK 0x8000
+QSharedPointer<ScColorProfileCache>  ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::m_profileCache;
+QSharedPointer<ScColorTransformPool> ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::m_transformPool;
+                         : ScColorMgmtEngineData("Littlecms v2", 1)
+	if (!m_profileCache)
+		m_profileCache = QSharedPointer<ScColorProfileCache>(new ScColorProfileCache());
+	if (!m_transformPool)
+		m_transformPool = QSharedPointer<ScColorTransformPool>(new ScColorTransformPool(0));
+	cmsUInt16Number alarmCodes[cmsMAXCHANNELS] = { 0 };
+	alarmCodes[1] = 0xFFFF;
+	cmsSetAlarmCodes(alarmCodes);
+	cmsSetLogErrorHandler(&cmsErrorHandler);
+void ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::setStrategy(const ScColorMgmtStrategy& strategy)
+	m_strategy = strategy;
+QList<ScColorProfileInfo> ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::getAvailableProfileInfo(const QString& directory, bool recursive)
+	QList<ScColorProfileInfo> profileInfos;
+	QDir d(directory, "*", QDir::Name, QDir::Files | QDir::Readable | QDir::Dirs | QDir::NoSymLinks);
+	if ((!d.exists()) || (d.count() == 0))
+		return profileInfos;
+	QString nam = "";
+	for (uint dc = 0; dc < d.count(); ++dc)
+	{
+		QString file = d[dc];
+		if (file == "." ||  file == "..")
+			continue;
+		QFileInfo fi(directory + "/" + file);
+		if (fi.isDir() && !recursive)
+			continue;
+		else if (fi.isDir() && !file.startsWith('.'))
+		{
+			QList<ScColorProfileInfo> profileInfos2 = getAvailableProfileInfo(fi.filePath()+"/", true);
+			profileInfos.append(profileInfos2);
+			continue;
+		}
+		ScColorProfileInfo profileInfo;
+		profileInfo.file = fi.filePath();
+		QFile f(fi.filePath());
+		QByteArray bb(40, ' ');
+		if (!f.open(QIODevice::ReadOnly)) {
+			profileInfo.debug = QString("couldn't open %1 as color profile").arg(fi.filePath());
+			profileInfos.append(profileInfo);
+			continue;
+		}
+		int len = f.read(bb.data(), 40);
+		f.close();
+		if (len == 40 && bb[36] == 'a' && bb[37] == 'c' && bb[38] == 's' && bb[39] == 'p')
+		{
+			const QByteArray profilePath( QString(directory + "/" + file).toLocal8Bit() );
+			hIn = cmsOpenProfileFromFile(profilePath.data(), "r");
+			if (hIn == NULL)
+				continue;
+			cmsUInt32Number descSize = cmsGetProfileInfo(hIn, cmsInfoDescription, "en", "US", NULL, 0);
+			if (descSize > 0)
+			{
+				wchar_t* descData = (wchar_t*) malloc(descSize + sizeof(wchar_t));
+				descSize = cmsGetProfileInfo(hIn, cmsInfoDescription, "en", "US", descData, descSize);
+				if (descSize > 0)
+				{
+					if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(QChar)) {
+						profileInfo.description = QString::fromUtf16((ushort *) descData, descSize / sizeof(wchar_t));
+					} else {
+						profileInfo.description = QString::fromUcs4((uint *) descData, descSize / sizeof(wchar_t));
+					}
+					free(descData);
+				}
+			}
+			if (profileInfo.description.isEmpty())
+			{
+				cmsCloseProfile(hIn);
+				profileInfo.debug = QString("Color profile %1 is broken : no valid description").arg(fi.filePath());
+				profileInfos.append(profileInfo);
+				continue;
+			}
+			profileInfo.colorSpace  = translateLcmsColorSpaceType( cmsGetColorSpace(hIn) );
+			profileInfo.deviceClass = translateLcmsProfileClass( cmsGetDeviceClass(hIn) );
+			profileInfos.append(profileInfo);
+			cmsCloseProfile(hIn);
+			hIn = NULL;
+		}
+	}
+	return profileInfos;
+ScColorProfile ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::openProfileFromFile(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const QString& filePath)
+	// Search profile in profile cache first
+	ScColorProfile profile = m_profileCache->profile(filePath);
+	if (!profile.isNull())
+		return profile;
+	cmsHPROFILE lcmsProf = NULL;
+	QFile file(filePath);
+	if (file.open(QFile::ReadOnly))
+	{
+		// We do not use lcms cmsOpenProfileFromFile() to avoid limitations
+		// of I/O on 8bit filenames on Windows
+		QByteArray data = file.readAll();
+		if (!data.isEmpty())
+		{
+			lcmsProf = cmsOpenProfileFromMem(data.data(), data.size());
+			if (lcmsProf)
+			{
+				ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf);
+				profData->m_profileData = data;
+				profData->m_profilePath = filePath;
+				profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData));
+				m_profileCache->addProfile(profile);
+			}
+			if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf)
+			{
+				cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf);
+				lcmsProf = NULL;
+			}
+		}
+		file.close();
+	}
+	return profile;
+ScColorProfile ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::openProfileFromMem(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const QByteArray& data)
+	ScColorProfile profile;
+	cmsHPROFILE	lcmsProf = cmsOpenProfileFromMem((const void *) data.data(), data.size());
+	if (lcmsProf)
+	{
+		ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf);
+		QString desc = profData->productDescription();
+		if (!desc.isEmpty())
+			profData->m_profilePath = QString("memprofile://%1").arg(desc);
+		profData->m_profileData = data;
+		profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData));
+	}
+	if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf)
+	{
+		cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf);
+		lcmsProf = NULL;
+	}
+	return profile;
+ScColorProfile ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::createProfile_sRGB(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine)
+	QString internalProfilePath("memprofile://Internal sRGB profile");
+	ScColorProfile profile = m_profileCache->profile(internalProfilePath);
+	if (!profile.isNull())
+		return profile;
+	cmsHPROFILE lcmsProf = cmsCreate_sRGBProfile();
+	if (lcmsProf)
+	{
+		ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf);
+		profData->m_profilePath = internalProfilePath;
+		profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData));
+		m_profileCache->addProfile(profile);
+	}
+	if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf)
+	{
+		cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf);
+		lcmsProf = NULL;
+	}
+	return profile;
+ScColorProfile ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::createProfile_Lab(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine)
+	QString internalProfilePath("memprofile://Internal Lab profile");
+	ScColorProfile profile = m_profileCache->profile(internalProfilePath);
+	if (!profile.isNull())
+		return profile;
+	cmsHPROFILE lcmsProf = cmsCreateLab2Profile(NULL);
+	if (lcmsProf)
+	{
+		ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* profData = new ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl(engine, lcmsProf);
+		profData->m_profilePath = internalProfilePath;
+		profile = ScColorProfile(dynamic_cast<ScColorProfileData*>(profData));
+		m_profileCache->addProfile(profile);
+	}
+	if (profile.isNull() && lcmsProf)
+	{
+		cmsCloseProfile(lcmsProf);
+		lcmsProf = NULL;
+	}
+	return profile;
+ScColorTransform ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::createTransform(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine,
+                                 const ScColorProfile& inputProfile , eColorFormat inputFormat,
+	                             const ScColorProfile& outputProfile, eColorFormat outputFormat,
+                                 eRenderIntent renderIntent, long transformFlags)
+	ScColorTransform transform(NULL);
+	if (inputProfile.isNull() || outputProfile.isNull())
+		return transform;
+	int inputProfEngineID  = inputProfile.engine().engineID();
+	int outputProfEngineID = outputProfile.engine().engineID();
+	if ((engine.engineID() != m_engineID) || (inputProfEngineID != m_engineID) || (outputProfEngineID != m_engineID))
+		return transform;
+	const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* lcmsInputProf  = dynamic_cast<const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl*>(inputProfile.data());
+	const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* lcmsOutputProf = dynamic_cast<const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl*>(outputProfile.data());
+	if (!lcmsInputProf || !lcmsOutputProf)
+		return transform;
+	transformFlags &= (~Ctf_Softproofing);
+	transformFlags &= (~Ctf_GamutCheck);
+	long strategyFlags = 0;
+	if (m_strategy.useBlackPointCompensation)
+		strategyFlags |= Ctf_BlackPointCompensation;
+	if (m_strategy.useBlackPreservation)
+		strategyFlags |= Ctf_BlackPreservation;
+	ScColorTransformInfo transInfo;
+	transInfo.inputProfile  = inputProfile.productDescription();
+	transInfo.outputProfile = outputProfile.productDescription();
+	transInfo.proofingProfile = QString();
+	transInfo.inputFormat   = inputFormat;
+	transInfo.outputFormat  = outputFormat;
+	transInfo.renderIntent  = renderIntent;
+	transInfo.proofingIntent = (eRenderIntent) 0;
+	transInfo.flags = transformFlags | strategyFlags;
+	bool nullTransform = false;
+	if (transInfo.inputProfile == transInfo.outputProfile)
+	{
+		// This is a null transform
+		transInfo.inputProfile    = QString();
+		transInfo.outputProfile   = QString();
+		transInfo.proofingProfile = QString();
+		transInfo.renderIntent    = (eRenderIntent) 0;
+		transInfo.proofingIntent  = (eRenderIntent) 0;
+		transInfo.flags = 0;
+		nullTransform = true;
+	}
+	transform = m_transformPool->findTransform(transInfo);
+	if (transform.isNull())
+	{
+		cmsUInt32Number lcmsFlags     = translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(transformFlags | strategyFlags);
+		cmsUInt32Number lcmsInputFmt  = translateFormatToLcmsFormat(inputFormat);
+		cmsUInt32Number lcmsOutputFmt = translateFormatToLcmsFormat(outputFormat);
+		int   lcmsIntent    = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(renderIntent);
+		if (nullTransform)
+			lcmsFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NULLTRANSFORM;
+		cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL;
+		hTransform = cmsCreateTransform(lcmsInputProf->m_profileHandle , lcmsInputFmt, 
+										lcmsOutputProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsOutputFmt, 
+										lcmsIntent, lcmsFlags | cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC);
+		if (hTransform)
+		{
+			ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl* newTrans = new ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl(engine, hTransform);
+			newTrans->setTransformInfo(transInfo);
+			transform = ScColorTransform(dynamic_cast<ScColorTransformData*>(newTrans));
+			m_transformPool->addTransform(transform, true);
+		}
+	}
+	return transform;
+ScColorTransform ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::createProofingTransform(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine,
+                                             const ScColorProfile& inputProfile , eColorFormat inputFormat,
+	                                         const ScColorProfile& outputProfile, eColorFormat outputFormat,
+                                             const ScColorProfile& proofProfile , eRenderIntent renderIntent, 
+                                             eRenderIntent proofingIntent, long transformFlags)
+	ScColorTransform transform(NULL);
+	if (inputProfile.isNull() || outputProfile.isNull())
+		return transform;
+	int inputProfEngineID  = inputProfile.engine().engineID();
+	int outputProfEngineID = outputProfile.engine().engineID();
+	int proofProfEngineID  = proofProfile.engine().engineID();
+	if ((engine.engineID()  != m_engineID) || (inputProfEngineID != m_engineID) || 
+		(outputProfEngineID != m_engineID) || (proofProfEngineID != m_engineID))
+		return transform;
+	const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* lcmsInputProf    = dynamic_cast<const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl*>(inputProfile.data());
+	const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* lcmsOutputProf   = dynamic_cast<const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl*>(outputProfile.data());
+	const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl* lcmsProofingProf = dynamic_cast<const ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl*>(proofProfile.data());
+	if (!lcmsInputProf || !lcmsOutputProf || !lcmsProofingProf)
+		return transform;
+	long strategyFlags = 0;
+	if (m_strategy.useBlackPointCompensation)
+		strategyFlags |= Ctf_BlackPointCompensation;
+	if (m_strategy.useBlackPreservation)
+		strategyFlags |= Ctf_BlackPreservation;
+	ScColorTransformInfo transInfo;
+	transInfo.inputProfile    = inputProfile.productDescription();
+	transInfo.outputProfile   = outputProfile.productDescription();
+	transInfo.proofingProfile = proofProfile.productDescription();
+	transInfo.inputFormat     = inputFormat;
+	transInfo.outputFormat    = outputFormat;
+	transInfo.renderIntent    = renderIntent;
+	transInfo.proofingIntent  = proofingIntent;
+	transInfo.flags = transformFlags | strategyFlags;
+	cmsUInt32Number lcmsFlags     = translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(transformFlags | strategyFlags);
+	cmsUInt32Number lcmsInputFmt  = translateFormatToLcmsFormat(inputFormat);
+	cmsUInt32Number lcmsOutputFmt = translateFormatToLcmsFormat(outputFormat);
+	int   lcmsIntent    = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(renderIntent);
+	int   lcmsPrfIntent = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(proofingIntent);
+	if (transInfo.inputProfile != transInfo.proofingProfile)
+	{
+		if (transInfo.proofingProfile == transInfo.outputProfile)
+		{
+			transInfo.proofingIntent = Intent_Relative_Colorimetric;
+			lcmsPrfIntent = translateIntentToLcmsIntent(Intent_Relative_Colorimetric);
+		}
+		transform = m_transformPool->findTransform(transInfo);
+		if (transform.isNull())
+		{
+			cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL;
+			hTransform = cmsCreateProofingTransform(lcmsInputProf->m_profileHandle , lcmsInputFmt, 
+													lcmsOutputProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsOutputFmt,
+													lcmsProofingProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsIntent, 
+													lcmsPrfIntent, lcmsFlags | cmsFLAGS_SOFTPROOFING);
+			if (hTransform)
+			{
+				ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl* newTrans = new ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl(engine, hTransform);
+				newTrans->setTransformInfo(transInfo);
+				transform = ScColorTransform(dynamic_cast<ScColorTransformData*>(newTrans));
+				m_transformPool->addTransform(transform, true);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		transformFlags  &= (~Ctf_Softproofing);
+		transformFlags  &= (~Ctf_GamutCheck);
+		lcmsFlags        = translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(transformFlags | strategyFlags);
+		transInfo.flags  = transformFlags | strategyFlags;
+		transInfo.renderIntent   = proofingIntent;
+		transInfo.proofingIntent = (eRenderIntent) 0;
+		if (transInfo.inputProfile == transInfo.outputProfile)
+		{
+			lcmsFlags |= cmsFLAGS_NULLTRANSFORM;
+			transInfo.inputProfile    = QString();
+			transInfo.outputProfile   = QString();
+			transInfo.proofingProfile = QString();
+			transInfo.renderIntent    = (eRenderIntent) 0;
+			transInfo.proofingIntent  = (eRenderIntent) 0;
+			transInfo.flags = 0;
+		}
+		transform = m_transformPool->findTransform(transInfo);
+		if (transform.isNull())
+		{
+			cmsHTRANSFORM hTransform = NULL;
+			hTransform  = cmsCreateTransform(lcmsInputProf->m_profileHandle , lcmsInputFmt, 
+										     lcmsOutputProf->m_profileHandle, lcmsOutputFmt, 
+											 lcmsPrfIntent, lcmsFlags | cmsFLAGS_LOWRESPRECALC);
+			if (hTransform)
+			{
+				ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl* newTrans = new ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl(engine, hTransform);
+				newTrans->setTransformInfo(transInfo);
+				transform = ScColorTransform(dynamic_cast<ScColorTransformData*>(newTrans));
+				m_transformPool->addTransform(transform, true);
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return transform;
+cmsUInt32Number ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(long flags)
+	cmsUInt32Number lFlags = 0;
+	if (flags & Ctf_BlackPointCompensation)
+	if (flags & Ctf_BlackPreservation)
+	if (flags & Ctf_Softproofing)
+	if (flags & Ctf_GamutCheck)
+		lFlags |= cmsFLAGS_GAMUTCHECK;
+	return lFlags;
+cmsUInt32Number ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateFormatToLcmsFormat(eColorFormat format)
+	cmsUInt32Number lFormat = 0;
+	if (format == Format_RGB_8)
+		lFormat = TYPE_RGB_8;
+	if (format == Format_RGB_16)
+		lFormat = TYPE_RGB_16;
+	if (format == Format_RGBA_8)
+		lFormat = TYPE_RGBA_8;
+	if (format == Format_RGBA_16)
+		lFormat = TYPE_RGBA_16;
+	if (format == Format_ARGB_8)
+		lFormat = TYPE_ARGB_8;
+	if (format == Format_ARGB_16)
+		lFormat = TYPE_ARGB_16;
+	if (format == Format_BGRA_8)
+		lFormat = TYPE_BGRA_8;
+	if (format == Format_BGRA_16)
+		lFormat = TYPE_BGRA_16;
+	if (format == Format_CMYK_8)
+		lFormat = TYPE_CMYK_8;
+	if (format == Format_CMYK_16)
+		lFormat = TYPE_CMYK_16;
+	if (format == Format_CMYKA_8)
+	if (format == Format_CMYKA_16)
+	if (format == Format_YMCK_8)
+	if (format == Format_YMCK_16)
+	if (format == Format_GRAY_8)
+		lFormat = TYPE_GRAY_8;
+	if (format == Format_GRAY_16)
+		lFormat = TYPE_GRAY_16;
+	if (format == Format_LabA_8)
+	return lFormat;
+int ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateIntentToLcmsIntent(eRenderIntent intent, eRenderIntent defIntent)
+	int lIntent = defIntent;
+	if (intent == Intent_Perceptual)
+	if (intent == Intent_Relative_Colorimetric)
+	if (intent == Intent_Saturation)
+	if (intent == Intent_Absolute_Colorimetric)
+	return lIntent;
+eColorSpaceType ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateLcmsColorSpaceType(cmsColorSpaceSignature signature)
+	eColorSpaceType colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Unknown;
+    if (signature == cmsSigXYZData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_XYZ;
+    if (signature == cmsSigLabData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Lab;
+    if (signature == cmsSigLuvData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Luv;
+    if (signature == cmsSigYCbCrData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_YCbCr;
+    if (signature == cmsSigYxyData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Yxy;
+    if (signature == cmsSigRgbData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Rgb;
+    if (signature == cmsSigGrayData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Gray;
+    if (signature == cmsSigHsvData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Hsv;
+    if (signature == cmsSigHlsData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Hls;
+    if (signature == cmsSigCmykData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Cmyk;
+    if (signature == cmsSigCmyData)
+		colorSpaceType = ColorSpace_Cmy;
+	return colorSpaceType;
+eProfileClass ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateLcmsProfileClass(cmsProfileClassSignature signature)
+	eProfileClass profileClass = Class_Unknown;
+	if (signature == cmsSigInputClass)
+		profileClass = Class_Input;
+    if (signature == cmsSigDisplayClass)
+		profileClass = Class_Display;
+    if (signature == cmsSigOutputClass)
+		profileClass = Class_Output;
+    if (signature == cmsSigLinkClass)
+		profileClass = Class_Link;
+    if (signature == cmsSigAbstractClass)
+		profileClass = Class_Abstract;
+    if (signature == cmsSigColorSpaceClass)
+		profileClass = Class_ColorSpace;
+    if (signature == cmsSigNamedColorClass)
+		profileClass = Class_NamedColor;
+	return profileClass;
+void ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::cmsErrorHandler(cmsContext contextID, cmsUInt32Number /*ErrorCode*/, 
+												 const char *ErrorText)
+	std::string msg = std::string("Littlecms : ") + ErrorText;
+	std::cerr << ErrorText << std::endl;
Index: scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.cpp
--- scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.cpp	(revision 0)
+++ scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.cpp	(revision 15127)
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+#include "sclcms2colorprofileimpl.h"
+#include "sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h"
+ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl::ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, cmsHPROFILE lcmsProfile)
+                      : ScColorProfileImplBase(engine), m_profileHandle(lcmsProfile)
+	closeProfile();
+bool ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl::isNull() const
+	return (m_profileHandle == NULL);
+eColorSpaceType ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl::colorSpace()  const
+	if (m_profileHandle)
+		return ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateLcmsColorSpaceType( cmsGetColorSpace(m_profileHandle) );
+	return ColorSpace_Unknown;
+eProfileClass ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl::deviceClass() const
+	if (m_profileHandle)
+		return ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl::translateLcmsProfileClass( cmsGetDeviceClass(m_profileHandle) );
+	return Class_Unknown;
+QString ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl::productDescription() const
+	if (m_productDescription.isEmpty())
+	{
+		if (m_profileHandle)
+		{
+			cmsUInt32Number descSize = cmsGetProfileInfo(m_profileHandle, cmsInfoDescription, "en", "US", NULL, 0);
+			if (descSize > 0)
+			{
+				wchar_t* descData = (wchar_t*) malloc(descSize + sizeof(wchar_t));
+				descSize = cmsGetProfileInfo(m_profileHandle, cmsInfoDescription, "en", "US", descData, descSize);
+				if (descSize > 0)
+				{
+					if (sizeof(wchar_t) == sizeof(QChar)) {
+						m_productDescription = QString::fromUtf16((ushort *) descData, descSize / sizeof(wchar_t));
+					} else {
+						m_productDescription = QString::fromUcs4((uint *) descData, descSize / sizeof(wchar_t));
+					}
+					free(descData);
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	return m_productDescription;
+void ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl::closeProfile(void)
+	if (m_profileHandle)
+	{
+		cmsCloseProfile(m_profileHandle);
+		m_profileHandle = NULL;
+	}
\ No newline at end of file
Index: scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.h
--- scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.h	(revision 0)
+++ scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.h	(revision 15127)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+#include "lcms2.h"
+#include "sccolormgmtimplelem.h"
+#include "sccolortransformdata.h"
+class ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl : public ScColorTransformImplBase
+	friend class ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl;
+	ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, cmsHTRANSFORM lcmsTransform);
+	virtual ~ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl();
+	virtual bool isNull() const;
+	virtual bool apply(void* input, void* output, uint numElem);
+	virtual bool apply(QByteArray& input, QByteArray& output, uint numElem);
+	cmsHTRANSFORM m_transformHandle;
+	void deleteTransform(void);
Index: scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h
--- scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h	(revision 0)
+++ scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h	(revision 15127)
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+#include <stdexcept>
+#include "lcms2.h"
+#include "sccolormgmtenginedata.h"
+#include "sccolorprofilecache.h"
+class ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl : public ScColorMgmtEngineData
+	friend class ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl;
+	friend class ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl;
+	ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl();
+	// Setter, only for  color management strategy
+	virtual void setStrategy(const ScColorMgmtStrategy& strategy);
+	// function for getting available profile in a directory
+	virtual QList<ScColorProfileInfo> getAvailableProfileInfo(const QString& directory, bool recursive);
+	// functions for opening icc profiles
+	virtual ScColorProfile openProfileFromFile(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const QString& filePath);
+	virtual ScColorProfile openProfileFromMem (ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, const QByteArray& array);
+	// functions for creating profiles
+	virtual ScColorProfile createProfile_sRGB(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine);
+	virtual ScColorProfile createProfile_Lab (ScColorMgmtEngine& engine);
+	// functions for creating transforms
+	virtual ScColorTransform createTransform(ScColorMgmtEngine& colorManagementEngine,
+		                                     const ScColorProfile& inputProfile , eColorFormat inputFormat,
+	                                         const ScColorProfile& outputProfile, eColorFormat outputFormat,
+											 eRenderIntent renderIntent, long transformFlags);
+	virtual ScColorTransform createProofingTransform(ScColorMgmtEngine& colorManagementEngine,
+		                                     const ScColorProfile& inputProfile , eColorFormat inputFormat,
+	                                         const ScColorProfile& outputProfile, eColorFormat outputFormat,
+											 const ScColorProfile& proofing, eRenderIntent renderIntent, 
+	                                         eRenderIntent proofingIntent, long transformFlags);
+	// Color profile cache
+	static QSharedPointer<ScColorProfileCache> m_profileCache;
+	// Color transform cache
+	static QSharedPointer<ScColorTransformPool> m_transformPool;
+	static cmsUInt32Number translateFlagsToLcmsFlags(long flags);
+	static cmsUInt32Number translateFormatToLcmsFormat(eColorFormat format);
+	static int translateIntentToLcmsIntent(eRenderIntent intent, eRenderIntent defaut = Intent_Relative_Colorimetric);
+	static eColorSpaceType translateLcmsColorSpaceType(cmsColorSpaceSignature);
+	static eProfileClass   translateLcmsProfileClass(cmsProfileClassSignature);
+	// Exception class thrown by cmsErrorHandler
+	class lcmsException : public std::runtime_error 
+	{
+	public :
+		lcmsException(const char* msg) : std::runtime_error(msg) {}
+	};
+	/*!
+	\brief Simple error handler for use in conjunction with littlecms
+	\param ErrorCode error code issued by little cms
+	\param ErrorText error message corresponding to the error code
+	*/
+	static void cmsErrorHandler(cmsContext contextID, cmsUInt32Number ErrorCode, const char *ErrorText);
Index: scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.h
--- scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.h	(revision 0)
+++ scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colorprofileimpl.h	(revision 15127)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+#include <QString>
+#include "lcms2.h"
+#include "sccolormgmtimplelem.h"
+#include "sccolorprofiledata.h"
+class ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl : public ScColorProfileImplBase
+	friend class ScLcms2ColorMgmtEngineImpl;
+	ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, cmsHPROFILE lcmsProfile);
+	virtual ~ScLcms2ColorProfileImpl();
+	virtual bool isNull() const;
+	virtual eColorSpaceType colorSpace()  const;
+	virtual eProfileClass   deviceClass() const;
+	virtual QString         productDescription() const;
+	cmsHPROFILE     m_profileHandle;
+	mutable QString m_productDescription;
+	void closeProfile(void);
Index: scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.cpp
--- scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.cpp	(revision 0)
+++ scribus/colormgmt/sclcms2colortransformimpl.cpp	(revision 15127)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+#include "sclcms2colortransformimpl.h"
+#include "sclcms2colormgmtengineimpl.h"
+ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl::ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl(ScColorMgmtEngine& engine, cmsHTRANSFORM lcmsTransform)
+                        : ScColorTransformImplBase(engine), m_transformHandle(lcmsTransform)
+	deleteTransform();
+bool ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl::isNull() const
+	return (m_transformHandle == NULL);
+bool ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl::apply(void* input, void* output, uint numElem)
+	if (m_transformHandle)
+	{
+		cmsDoTransform(m_transformHandle, input, output, numElem);
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+bool ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl::apply(QByteArray& input, QByteArray& output, uint numElem)
+	if (m_transformHandle)
+	{
+		cmsDoTransform(m_transformHandle, input.data(), output.data(), numElem);
+		return true;
+	}
+	return false;
+void ScLcms2ColorTransformImpl::deleteTransform(void)
+	if (m_transformHandle)
+	{
+		cmsDeleteTransform(m_transformHandle);
+		m_transformHandle = NULL;
+	}

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