r14856 by fschmid - Properties Palette: cleaned out unused code.
scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Mon Mar 8 12:10:43 CET 2010
Revision: 14856
Author: fschmid
Date: 2010-03-08T11:09:45.818070Z
Commit message: Properties Palette: cleaned out unused code.
M /trunk/Scribus/scribus/ui/propertiespalette.cpp
M /trunk/Scribus/scribus/ui/propertiespalette.h
Index: scribus/ui/propertiespalette.h
--- scribus/ui/propertiespalette.h (revision 14855)
+++ scribus/ui/propertiespalette.h (revision 14856)
@@ -170,11 +170,6 @@
ArrowChooser* startArrow;
ArrowChooser* endArrow;
BasePointWidget* RotationGroup;
-/* QRadioButton* TopLeft;
- QRadioButton* TopRight;
- QRadioButton* Center;
- QRadioButton* BottomLeft;
- QRadioButton* BottomRight; */
QGroupBox* textFlowOptions;
QGroupBox* textFlowOptions2;
QButtonGroup* textFlowOptionsB;
@@ -355,8 +350,6 @@
QVBoxLayout* MpalLayout;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_2;
-// QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_2a;
-// QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_2b;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_2c;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_3;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_4;
@@ -365,14 +358,10 @@
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_5b;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_6;
QVBoxLayout* pageLayout_7;
-// QVBoxLayout* OverPLayout;
QVBoxLayout* TLineLayout;
QHBoxLayout* layout60;
QGridLayout* Layout44;
QHBoxLayout* Layout13;
-// QGridLayout* Layout12;
- QHBoxLayout* layout47;
- QVBoxLayout* layout46;
QGridLayout* layout41;
QGridLayout* layout41a;
QGridLayout* layout41c;
@@ -382,7 +371,7 @@
QVBoxLayout* Layout24;
QHBoxLayout* Layout18;
QGridLayout* Layout12_2;
- QGridLayout* imagePageNumberSelector;
+ QGridLayout* imagePageNumberSelector;
QHBoxLayout* NameGroupLayout;
QGridLayout* GeoGroupLayout;
QGridLayout* LayerGroupLayout;
@@ -410,7 +399,6 @@
QWidget* page;
QWidget* page_2;
QWidget* page_2a;
-// QWidget* page_2b;
QWidget* page_2c;
QWidget* page_3;
QWidget* page_4;
@@ -479,7 +467,6 @@
QLabel* minGlyphExtensionLabel;
QLabel* maxGlyphExtensionLabel;
-// LabelButton* colgapLabel;
ScComboBox* colgapLabel;
StyleSelect* SeStyle;
AlignSelect* GroupAlign;
@@ -504,7 +491,6 @@
QGroupBox* ShapeGroup;
QGroupBox* ShapeGroup2;
QGroupBox* Distance3;
-// QGroupBox* OverP;
QToolButton* TabsButton;
@@ -558,7 +544,6 @@
QComboBox* LEndStyle;
ColorCombo* TxFill;
ScComboBox* blendMode;
-// QComboBox *optMarginCombo;
QRadioButton *optMarginRadioNone;
QRadioButton *optMarginRadioBoth;
QRadioButton *optMarginRadioLeft;
@@ -605,23 +590,16 @@
QRadioButton* FrameScale;
QRadioButton* EvenOdd;
QRadioButton* NonZero;
-// QRadioButton* KnockOut;
-// QRadioButton* Overprint;
QRadioButton* flopRealHeight;
QRadioButton* flopFontAscent;
QRadioButton* flopLineSpacing;
QButtonGroup* flopGroup;
-// QFrame* Line1;
-// QFrame* Line2;
-// QFrame* Line4;
-// QFrame* Line5;
QFrame* Frame4;
QMenu* lineSpacingPop;
-// QToolButton* linespacingButton;
QToolButton* DoGroup;
QToolButton* DoUnGroup;
QToolButton* FlipH;
Index: scribus/ui/propertiespalette.cpp
--- scribus/ui/propertiespalette.cpp (revision 14855)
+++ scribus/ui/propertiespalette.cpp (revision 14856)
@@ -236,70 +236,6 @@
basepointLabel = new QLabel( "Basepoint:", GeoGroup );
GeoGroupLayout->addWidget( basepointLabel, 5, 0 );
RotationGroup = new BasePointWidget(GeoGroup, 0);
-/* RotationGroup = new QButtonGroup( GeoGroup );
- Layout12 = new QGridLayout;
- Layout12->setMargin(0);
- Layout12->setSpacing(0);
- TopLeft = new QRadioButton( GeoGroup );
- RotationGroup->addButton(TopLeft, 0);
- TopLeft->setText( "" );
- TopLeft->setChecked( true );
- TopLeft->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
- TopLeft->setMaximumSize( TopLeft->iconSize() );
- Layout12->addWidget( TopLeft, 0, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
- Line1 = new QFrame( GeoGroup);
- Line1->setMinimumSize( QSize( 20, 4 ) );
- Line1->setMaximumSize( QSize( 20, 4 ) );
- Line1->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
- Line1->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
- Line1->setLineWidth( 3 );
- Line1->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
- Layout12->addWidget( Line1, 0, 1, Qt::AlignCenter );
- TopRight = new QRadioButton( GeoGroup );
- RotationGroup->addButton(TopRight, 1);
- TopRight->setText( "" );
- TopRight->setMaximumSize( TopRight->iconSize() );
- Layout12->addWidget( TopRight, 0, 2, Qt::AlignCenter );
- Line2 = new QFrame( GeoGroup );
- Line2->setMinimumSize( QSize( 4, 20 ) );
- Line2->setMaximumSize( QSize( 4, 20 ) );
- Line2->setFrameShape( QFrame::VLine );
- Line2->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
- Line2->setLineWidth( 3 );
- Line2->setFrameShape( QFrame::VLine );
- Layout12->addWidget( Line2, 1, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
- Center = new QRadioButton( GeoGroup );
- RotationGroup->addButton(Center, 2);
- Center->setText( "" );
- Center->setMaximumSize( Center->iconSize() );
- Layout12->addWidget( Center, 1, 1, Qt::AlignCenter );
- Line4 = new QFrame( GeoGroup );
- Line4->setMinimumSize( QSize( 4, 20 ) );
- Line4->setMaximumSize( QSize( 4, 20 ) );
- Line4->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
- Line4->setLineWidth( 3 );
- Line4->setFrameShape( QFrame::VLine );
- Layout12->addWidget( Line4, 1, 2, Qt::AlignCenter );
- BottomLeft = new QRadioButton( GeoGroup );
- RotationGroup->addButton(BottomLeft, 3);
- BottomLeft->setText( "" );
- BottomLeft->setLayoutDirection(Qt::RightToLeft);
- BottomLeft->setMaximumSize( BottomLeft->iconSize() );
- Layout12->addWidget( BottomLeft, 2, 0, Qt::AlignCenter );
- Line5 = new QFrame( GeoGroup );
- Line5->setMinimumSize( QSize( 20, 4 ) );
- Line5->setMaximumSize( QSize( 20, 4 ) );
- Line5->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
- Line5->setFrameShadow( QFrame::Plain );
- Line5->setLineWidth( 3 );
- Line5->setFrameShape( QFrame::HLine );
- Layout12->addWidget( Line5, 2, 1, Qt::AlignCenter );
- BottomRight = new QRadioButton( GeoGroup );
- RotationGroup->addButton(BottomRight, 4);
- BottomRight->setText( "" );
- BottomRight->setMaximumSize( BottomRight->iconSize() );
- Layout12->addWidget( BottomRight, 2, 2, Qt::AlignCenter );
- GeoGroupLayout->addLayout( Layout12, 5, 1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft); */
GeoGroupLayout->addWidget( RotationGroup, 5, 1, 1, 1, Qt::AlignLeft);
pageLayout->addWidget( GeoGroup );
@@ -400,7 +336,6 @@
ShapeGroupLayout->addWidget( SCustom );
EditShape = new QToolButton( ShapeGroup );
-// EditShape->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(5), static_cast<QSizePolicy::Policy>(5)));
ShapeGroupLayout->addWidget( EditShape );
pageLayout_2->addWidget( ShapeGroup );
@@ -471,111 +406,8 @@
TabStack2 = new QStackedWidget( page_2 );
page_2a = new QWidget( TabStack2 );
-/* pageLayout_2a = new QVBoxLayout( page_2a );
- pageLayout_2a->setSpacing( 5 );
- pageLayout_2a->setMargin( 0 );
- Distance = new QGroupBox( page_2a );
- DistanceLayout = new QGridLayout( Distance );
- DistanceLayout->setSpacing( 2 );
- DistanceLayout->setMargin( 5 );
- DistanceLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
- DCol = new QSpinBox(Distance );
- DCol->setMaximum( 3000 );
- DCol->setMinimum( 1 );
- columnsLabel = new QLabel( "Colu&mns:", Distance );
- columnsLabel->setBuddy(DCol);
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( columnsLabel, 0, 0 );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( DCol, 0, 1 );
- dGap = new ScrSpinBox( 0, 300, Distance, 0 );
- colgapLabel = new ScComboBox( Distance );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( colgapLabel, 1, 0); //, Qt::AlignLeft );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( dGap, 1, 1 );
- DTop = new ScrSpinBox( 0, 300, Distance, 0 );
- topLabel = new QLabel( "To&p:", Distance );
- topLabel->setBuddy(DTop);
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( topLabel, 2, 0 );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( DTop, 2, 1 );
- DBottom = new ScrSpinBox( 0, 300, Distance, 0 );
- bottomLabel = new QLabel( "&Bottom:", Distance );
- bottomLabel->setBuddy(DBottom);
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( bottomLabel, 3, 0 );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( DBottom, 3, 1 );
- DLeft = new ScrSpinBox( 0, 300, Distance, 0 );
- leftLabel = new QLabel( "&Left:", Distance );
- leftLabel->setBuddy(DLeft);
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( leftLabel, 4, 0 );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( DLeft, 4, 1 );
- DRight = new ScrSpinBox( 0, 300, Distance, 0 );
- rightLabel = new QLabel( "&Right:", Distance );
- rightLabel->setBuddy(DRight);
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( rightLabel, 5, 0 );
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( DRight, 5, 1 );
- TabsButton = new QToolButton( Distance );
- TabsButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding));
- DistanceLayout->addWidget( TabsButton, 6, 0, 1, 2 );
- pageLayout_2a->addWidget(Distance);
- flopBox = new QGroupBox(tr("First Line Offset"), page_2a);
- flopLayout = new QGridLayout(flopBox);
- flopGroup = new QButtonGroup(flopBox);
- flopRealHeight = new QRadioButton(tr("Maximum Ascent"), flopBox);
- flopFontAscent = new QRadioButton(tr("Font Ascent"), flopBox);
- flopLineSpacing = new QRadioButton(tr("Line Spacing"),flopBox);
- flopGroup->addButton(flopRealHeight, 0);
- flopGroup->addButton(flopFontAscent, 1);
- flopGroup->addButton(flopLineSpacing, 2);
- flopLayout->addWidget(flopRealHeight);
- flopLayout->addWidget(flopFontAscent);
- flopLayout->addWidget(flopLineSpacing);
- flopRealHeight->setChecked(true);
- pageLayout_2a->addWidget(flopBox); */
TabStack2->addWidget( page_2a );
-/* page_2b = new QWidget( TabStack2 );
- pageLayout_2b = new QVBoxLayout( page_2b );
- pageLayout_2b->setSpacing( 5 );
- pageLayout_2b->setMargin( 0 );
- Distance2 = new QGroupBox( "Path Text Properties", page_2b );
- DistanceLayout2 = new QGridLayout( Distance2 );
- DistanceLayout2->setSpacing( 2 );
- DistanceLayout2->setMargin( 5 );
- DistanceLayout2->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
- pathTextType = new ScComboBox( Distance2 );
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( pathTextType, 0, 1);
- pathTextTypeLabel = new QLabel( "Type:", Distance2 );
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( pathTextTypeLabel, 0, 0);
- startoffsetLabel = new QLabel( "Start Offset:", Distance2 );
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( startoffsetLabel, 1, 0);
- Dist = new ScrSpinBox( 0, 30000, Distance2, 0 );
- Dist->setSingleStep(10);
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( Dist, 1, 1);
- distfromcurveLabel = new QLabel( "Distance from Curve:", Distance2 );
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( distfromcurveLabel, 2, 0);
- LineW = new ScrSpinBox( -300, 300, Distance2, 0 );
- LineW->setSingleStep(10);
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( LineW, 2, 1);
- flippedPathText = new QCheckBox( Distance2 );
- flippedPathText->setText( "Flip Text" );
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( flippedPathText, 3, 0, 1, 2 );
- showcurveCheckBox = new QCheckBox( Distance2 );
- showcurveCheckBox->setText( "Show Curve" );
- DistanceLayout2->addWidget( showcurveCheckBox, 4, 0, 1, 2 );
- pageLayout_2b->addWidget(Distance2);
- TabStack2->addWidget( page_2b );
page_2c = new QWidget( TabStack2 );
pageLayout_2c = new QVBoxLayout( page_2c );
pageLayout_2c->setSpacing( 5 );
@@ -615,7 +447,6 @@
SCustom2 = new Autoforms( ShapeGroup2 );
ShapeGroupLayout2->addWidget( SCustom2 );
EditShape2 = new QToolButton( ShapeGroup2 );
-// EditShape2->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding));
ShapeGroupLayout2->addWidget( EditShape2 );
page_group_layout->addWidget( ShapeGroup2 );
@@ -672,29 +503,10 @@
textFlowOptionsB2->addButton(textFlowUsesContourLine2, 3);
textFlowOptionsB2->addButton(textFlowUsesImageClipping2, 4);
-// TransGroup = new QGroupBox( tr( "Transparency Settings" ), page_group );
-// Layout1t = new QVBoxLayout( TransGroup );
-// Layout1t->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
-// Layout1t->setSpacing( 5 );
-// Layout1t->setMargin( 5 );
TpalGroup = new Tpalette(page_group);
page_group_layout->addWidget( TpalGroup );
-// TransTxt = new QLabel( TransGroup );
-// Layout1t->addWidget( TransTxt, 0, 0 );
-// TransSpin = new QSpinBox( TransGroup );
-// TransSpin->setMinimum(0);
-// TransSpin->setMaximum(100);
-// TransSpin->setSingleStep(10);
-// TransSpin->setValue(100);
-// Layout1t->addWidget(TransSpin, 0, 1);
-// TransTxt2 = new QLabel( TransGroup );
-// Layout1t->addWidget( TransTxt2, 1, 0 );
-// blendMode = new ScComboBox( TransGroup );
-// Layout1t->addWidget( blendMode, 1, 1 );
-// page_group_layout->addWidget(TransGroup);
QSpacerItem* spacerTr2 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
page_group_layout->addItem( spacerTr2 );
idGroupItem = TabStack->addItem(page_group, "Groups");
@@ -719,17 +531,9 @@
layout41->addWidget( fontsizeLabel, 1, 0 );
layout41->addWidget( Size, 1, 1 );
-// lineSpacingPop = new QMenu();
-// lineSpacingPop->addAction( tr("Fixed Linespacing"))->setCheckable(true);
-// lineSpacingPop->addAction( tr("Automatic Linespacing"))->setCheckable(true);
-// lineSpacingPop->addAction( tr("Align to Baseline Grid"))->setCheckable(true);
lineSpacingLabel = new QLabel( "", page_3 );
-// lineSpacingLabel->setText("");
lineSpacingModeCombo = new QComboBox( page_3 );
-// linespacingButton->setMenu(lineSpacingPop);
-// linespacingButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::DelayedPopup);
-// linespacingButton->setAutoRaise(true);
LineSp = new ScrSpinBox( page_3, 0 );
layout41->addWidget( LineSp, 2, 2 );
layout41->addWidget( lineSpacingLabel, 2, 0 );
@@ -811,7 +615,6 @@
GroupBox3aLayout = new QGridLayout(styleWidgets);
GroupBox3aLayout->setSpacing( 3 );
GroupBox3aLayout->setMargin( 3 );
-// GroupBox3aLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
paraStyleCombo = new ParaStyleComboBox(styleWidgets);
paraStyleLabel = new QLabel( "Paragraph St&yle:", styleWidgets );
@@ -897,12 +700,6 @@
DistanceLayout->addWidget( rightLabel, 5, 0 );
DistanceLayout->addWidget( DRight, 5, 1 );
-// optMarginCombo = new QComboBox(Distance);
-// optMarginLabel = new QLabel( "Optical Margins:", Distance );
-// optMarginLabel->setBuddy(optMarginCombo);
-// DistanceLayout->addWidget( optMarginLabel, 6, 0 );
-// DistanceLayout->addWidget( optMarginCombo, 6, 1 );
TabsButton = new QToolButton( Distance );
TabsButton->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding));
DistanceLayout->addWidget( TabsButton, 7, 0, 1, 2 );
@@ -919,11 +716,6 @@
OptMarginsLayout->setMargin( 5 );
OptMarginsLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop );
-// optMarginCombo = new QComboBox(OptMargins);
-// OptMarginsLayout->addWidget( optMarginCombo);
-// optMarginCheckLeftProtruding = new QCheckBox(OptMargins);
-// optMarginCheckLeftProtruding->setObjectName(QString::fromUtf8("optMarginCheckLeftProtruding"));
optMarginRadioNone = new QRadioButton(OptMargins);
@@ -939,14 +731,12 @@
optMarginResetButton = new QPushButton(OptMargins);
-// optMarginCheckLeftProtruding->setText( tr("Left Protruding") );
optMarginRadioNone->setText( tr("None","optical margins") );
optMarginRadioBoth->setText( tr("Both Sides","optical margins") );
optMarginRadioLeft->setText( tr("Left Only","optical margins") );
optMarginRadioRight->setText( tr("Right Only","optical margins") );
optMarginResetButton->setText( tr("Reset") );
-// OptMarginsLayout->addWidget(optMarginCheckLeftProtruding);
@@ -1065,202 +855,6 @@
Distance2Item = TextTree->addWidget( tr("Path Text Properties"), Distance2);
- layout47 = new QHBoxLayout;
- layout47->setSpacing( 5 );
- layout47->setMargin( 0 );
- layout46 = new QVBoxLayout;
- layout46->setSpacing( 5 );
- layout46->setMargin( 0 );
- layout41 = new QGridLayout;
- layout41->setSpacing( 5 );
- layout41->setMargin( 0 );
- layout41->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
- Fonts = new FontComboH(page_3);
- layout41->addWidget( Fonts, 0, 0, 1, 4 );
- Size = new ScrSpinBox( 0.5, 2048, page_3, 0 );
- Size->setPrefix( "" );
- fontsizeLabel = new QLabel( "", page_3 );
- fontsizeLabel->setPixmap(loadIcon("Zeichen.xpm"));
- layout41->addWidget( fontsizeLabel, 1, 0 );
- layout41->addWidget( Size, 1, 1 );
- ChBase = new ScrSpinBox( -100, 100, page_3, 0 );
- ChBase->setValue( 0 );
- ChBaseTxt = new QLabel("", page_3 );
- ChBaseTxt->setPixmap(loadIcon("textbase.png"));
- layout41->addWidget( ChBaseTxt, 1, 2 );
- layout41->addWidget( ChBase, 1, 3 );
- LineSp = new ScrSpinBox( page_3, 0 );
- layout41->addWidget( LineSp, 2, 1 );
- lineSpacingPop = new QMenu();
- lineSpacingPop->addAction( tr("Fixed Linespacing"))->setCheckable(true);
- lineSpacingPop->addAction( tr("Automatic Linespacing"))->setCheckable(true);
- lineSpacingPop->addAction( tr("Align to Baseline Grid"))->setCheckable(true);
- linespacingButton = new QToolButton(page_3 );
- linespacingButton->setText("");
- linespacingButton->setIcon(loadIcon("linespacing.png"));
- linespacingButton->setMenu(lineSpacingPop);
- linespacingButton->setPopupMode(QToolButton::DelayedPopup);
- linespacingButton->setAutoRaise(true);
- layout41->addWidget( linespacingButton, 2, 0 );
- Extra = new ScrSpinBox( page_3, 0 );
- layout41->addWidget( Extra, 2, 3 );
- trackingLabel = new QLabel( "", page_3 );
- trackingLabel->setText("");
- trackingLabel->setPixmap(loadIcon("textkern.png"));
- layout41->addWidget( trackingLabel, 2, 2 );
- ChScale = new ScrSpinBox( 10, 400, page_3, 0 );
- ChScale->setValue( 100 );
- ScaleTxt = new QLabel("", page_3 );
- ScaleTxt->setPixmap(loadIcon("textscaleh.png"));
- layout41->addWidget( ScaleTxt, 3, 0 );
- layout41->addWidget( ChScale, 3 , 1 );
- ChScaleV = new ScrSpinBox( 10, 400, page_3, 0 );
- ChScaleV->setValue( 100 );
- ScaleTxtV = new QLabel("", page_3 );
- ScaleTxtV->setPixmap(loadIcon("textscalev.png"));
- layout41->addWidget( ScaleTxtV, 3, 2 );
- layout41->addWidget( ChScaleV, 3, 3 );
- layout46->addLayout( layout41 );
- layout23 = new QHBoxLayout;
- layout23->setSpacing( 5 );
- layout23->setMargin( 0 );
- layout23->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
- StrokeIcon = new QLabel( "", page_3 );
- StrokeIcon->setPixmap(loadIcon("16/color-stroke.png"));
- StrokeIcon->setScaledContents( false );
- layout23->addWidget( StrokeIcon );
- TxStroke = new ColorCombo( false, page_3);
- layout23->addWidget( TxStroke );
- ShadeTxt1 = new QLabel( "", page_3 );
- ShadeTxt1->setPixmap(loadIcon("shade.png"));
- layout23->addWidget( ShadeTxt1 );
- PM1 = new ShadeButton(page_3);
- layout23->addWidget( PM1 );
- layout46->addLayout( layout23 );
- layout24 = new QHBoxLayout;
- layout24->setSpacing( 5 );
- layout24->setMargin( 0 );
- layout24->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
- FillIcon = new QLabel( "", page_3 );
- FillIcon->setPixmap(loadIcon("16/color-fill.png"));
- layout24->addWidget( FillIcon );
- TxFill = new ColorCombo( false, page_3);
- layout24->addWidget( TxFill );
- ShadeTxt2 = new QLabel("", page_3 );
- ShadeTxt2->setPixmap(loadIcon("shade.png"));
- layout24->addWidget( ShadeTxt2 );
- PM2 = new ShadeButton(page_3);
- layout24->addWidget( PM2 );
- layout46->addLayout( layout24 );
- Layout1 = new QHBoxLayout;
- Layout1->setSpacing( 0 );
- Layout1->setMargin( 0 );
- Layout1->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
- SeStyle = new StyleSelect(page_3);
- Layout1->addWidget(SeStyle);
- Revert = new QToolButton( page_3 );
- Revert->setMaximumSize( QSize( 22, 22 ) );
- Revert->setText("");
- Revert->setIcon(loadIcon("Revers.png"));
- Revert->setCheckable( true );
- Layout1->addWidget( Revert );
- QSpacerItem* spacer7 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
- Layout1->addItem( spacer7 );
- layout46->addLayout( Layout1 );
- layout47->addLayout( layout46 );
- pageLayout_3->addLayout( layout47 );
- Layout1AL = new QHBoxLayout;
- Layout1AL->setSpacing( 0 );
- Layout1AL->setMargin( 0 );
- Layout1AL->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
- GroupAlign = new AlignSelect(page_3);
- Layout1AL->addWidget(GroupAlign);
- QSpacerItem* spacer7AL = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Expanding, QSizePolicy::Minimum );
- Layout1AL->addItem( spacer7AL );
- pageLayout_3->addLayout( Layout1AL );
- GroupBox3aLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->setMargin( 0 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignLeft );
- paraStyleCombo = new ParaStyleComboBox(page_3);
- paraStyleLabel = new QLabel( "Paragraph St&yle:", page_3 );
- paraStyleLabel->setBuddy(paraStyleCombo);
- paraStyleClear = new QToolButton( page_3 );
- paraStyleClear->setMaximumSize( QSize( 22, 22 ) );
- paraStyleClear->setText("");
- paraStyleClear->setIcon(loadIcon("16/edit-clear.png"));
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( paraStyleLabel, 0, 0 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( paraStyleCombo, 0, 1 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( paraStyleClear, 0, 2 );
- charStyleCombo = new CharStyleComboBox(page_3);
- charStyleLabel = new QLabel( "Character St&yle:", page_3 );
- charStyleLabel->setBuddy(charStyleCombo);
- charStyleClear = new QToolButton( page_3 );
- charStyleClear->setMaximumSize( QSize( 22, 22 ) );
- charStyleClear->setText("");
- charStyleClear->setIcon(loadIcon("16/edit-clear.png"));
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( charStyleLabel, 1, 0 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( charStyleCombo, 1, 1 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( charStyleClear, 1, 2 );
- optMarginCombo = new QComboBox(page_3);
- optMarginLabel = new QLabel( "Optical Margins:", page_3 );
- optMarginLabel->setBuddy(optMarginCombo);
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( optMarginLabel, 2, 0 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( optMarginCombo, 2, 1 );
- wordTrackingLabel = new QLabel( "Word Spacing", page_3 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( wordTrackingLabel, 3, 0 );
- wordTrackingHLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
- wordTrackingHLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
- wordTrackingHLayout->setMargin( 0 );
- wordTrackingHLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
- minWordTrackingSpinBox = new ScrSpinBox( 1, 200, page_3, 0 );
- minWordTrackingLabel = new QLabel( "Min:", page_3 );
- minWordTrackingLabel->setBuddy(minWordTrackingSpinBox);
- wordTrackingHLayout->addWidget(minWordTrackingLabel);
- wordTrackingHLayout->addWidget(minWordTrackingSpinBox);
- normWordTrackingSpinBox = new ScrSpinBox( 1, 200, page_3, 0 );
- normWordTrackingLabel = new QLabel( "Norm:", page_3 );
- normWordTrackingLabel->setBuddy(normWordTrackingSpinBox);
- wordTrackingHLayout->addWidget(normWordTrackingLabel);
- wordTrackingHLayout->addWidget(normWordTrackingSpinBox);
- GroupBox3aLayout->addLayout(wordTrackingHLayout, 4, 0, 1, 2);
- glyphExtensionLabel = new QLabel( "Glyph Extension", page_3 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( glyphExtensionLabel, 5, 0 );
- glyphExtensionHLayout = new QHBoxLayout;
- glyphExtensionHLayout->setSpacing( 5 );
- glyphExtensionHLayout->setMargin( 0 );
- glyphExtensionHLayout->setAlignment(Qt::AlignLeft);
- minGlyphExtSpinBox = new ScrSpinBox( 90, 110, page_3, 0 );
- minGlyphExtensionLabel = new QLabel( "Min:", page_3 );
- minGlyphExtensionLabel->setBuddy(minGlyphExtSpinBox);
- glyphExtensionHLayout->addWidget(minGlyphExtensionLabel);
- glyphExtensionHLayout->addWidget(minGlyphExtSpinBox);
- maxGlyphExtSpinBox = new ScrSpinBox( 90, 110, page_3, 0 );
- maxGlyphExtensionLabel = new QLabel( "Max:", page_3 );
- maxGlyphExtensionLabel->setBuddy(maxGlyphExtSpinBox);
- glyphExtensionHLayout->addWidget(maxGlyphExtensionLabel);
- glyphExtensionHLayout->addWidget(maxGlyphExtSpinBox);
- GroupBox3aLayout->addLayout(glyphExtensionHLayout, 6, 0, 1, 2);
- */
-/* langCombo = new ScComboBox( page_3 );
- langLabel = new QLabel( langCombo, "Lan&guage:", page_3, "langLabel" );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( langLabel, 1, 0 );
- GroupBox3aLayout->addWidget( langCombo, 1, 1 ); */
-// pageLayout_3->addLayout(GroupBox3aLayout);
-// QSpacerItem* spacer8 = new QSpacerItem( 0, 0, QSizePolicy::Minimum, QSizePolicy::Expanding );
-// pageLayout_3->addItem( spacer8 );
idTextItem=TabStack->addItem( page_3, "&Text" );
page_4 = new QWidget( TabStack );
@@ -1603,13 +1197,11 @@
connect(CompressionMethod, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(ChangeCompressionMethod()));
connect(CompressionQuality, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(ChangeCompressionQuality()));
connect(NameEdit, SIGNAL(Leaved()), this, SLOT(NewName()));
-// connect(langCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(NewLanguage()));
connect( TabsButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( ManageTabs() ) );
connect( TopLine, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( HandleTLines() ) );
connect( LeftLine, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( HandleTLines() ) );
connect( RightLine, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( HandleTLines() ) );
connect( BottomLine, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( HandleTLines() ) );
-// connect( colgapLabel, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( HandleGapSwitch() ) );
connect(colgapLabel, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(HandleGapSwitch()));
connect( Cpal, SIGNAL(NewSpecial(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double)), this, SLOT(NewSpGradient(double, double, double, double, double, double, double, double )));
connect( Cpal, SIGNAL(editGradient(int)), this, SLOT(toggleGradientEdit(int)));
@@ -1619,15 +1211,10 @@
connect( TpalGroup, SIGNAL(editGradient()), this, SLOT(toggleGradientEditMGroup()));
connect(startArrow, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setStartArrow(int )));
connect(endArrow, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setEndArrow(int )));
-// connect(lineSpacingPop, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction *)), this, SLOT(setLspMode(QAction *)));
connect(lineSpacingModeCombo, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setLineSpacingMode(int)));
connect( EvenOdd, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT(handleFillRule() ) );
connect( NonZero, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( handleFillRule() ) );
-// connect(TransSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setGroupTransparency(int)));
-// connect(blendMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setGroupBlending(int)));
connect(DoGroup, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(doGrouping()) );
-// connect(optMarginCombo, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setOpticalMargins(int)) );
-// connect(optMarginCheckLeftProtruding, SIGNAL(stateChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setOpticalMargins(int)) );
connect(optMarginRadioNone, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setOpticalMargins()) );
connect(optMarginRadioBoth, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setOpticalMargins()) );
connect(optMarginRadioLeft, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(setOpticalMargins()) );
@@ -1686,14 +1273,10 @@
connect(this, SIGNAL(DocChanged()), m_ScMW, SLOT(slotDocCh()));
-// connect(this, SIGNAL(NewParStyle(int)), m_ScMW, SLOT(setNewParStyle(int)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(NewAlignment(int)), m_ScMW, SLOT(setNewAlignment(int)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(NewEffects(int)), m_ScMW, SLOT(setItemHoch(int)));
-// connect(this, SIGNAL(ShapeEdit()), m_ScMW, SLOT(ToggleFrameEdit()));
connect(this, SIGNAL(NewFont(const QString&)), m_ScMW, SLOT(SetNewFont(const QString&)));
connect(this, SIGNAL(UpdtGui(int)), m_ScMW, SLOT(HaveNewSel(int)));
-//CB unused in 135 connect(this->Cpal, SIGNAL(modeChanged()), m_ScMW, SLOT(setCSMenu()));
-// connect(this->Cpal->gradEdit->Preview, SIGNAL(gradientChanged()), m_ScMW, SLOT(updtGradFill()));
connect(this->Cpal, SIGNAL(gradientChanged()), m_ScMW, SLOT(updtGradFill()));
connect(this->Cpal, SIGNAL(strokeGradientChanged()), m_ScMW, SLOT(updtGradStroke()));
connect(this->Tpal, SIGNAL(gradientChanged()), m_ScMW, SLOT(updtGradMask()));
@@ -1724,187 +1307,6 @@
- // fix for #5991: Property Palette text input box focus stays even when on another tab
- // Disable widgets in all pages except current one - PV
-/* bool enable;
- for (int i = 0; i < TabStack->count(); ++i)
- {
- enable = (i == t);
- foreach (QObject * o, TabStack->widget(i)->children())
- {
- // Layouts, boxes etc aren't widgets at all
- // so let's skip them silently...
- QWidget * w = qobject_cast<QWidget*>(o);
- if (w)
- w->setEnabled(enable);
- }
- }
- // now restore the dis-/enabled settings of the current tab
- if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
- {
- bool setter;
- if (t == idXYZItem)
- {
- if ((CurItem->isTableItem) && (CurItem->isSingleSel))
- {
- setter = true;
- Xpos->setEnabled(false);
- Ypos->setEnabled(false);
- Rotation->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else
- setter = false;
- LayerGroup->setEnabled(!setter);
- if ((CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::Line) && LMode)
- Rotation->setEnabled(false);
- else
- Rotation->setEnabled(!((CurItem->isTableItem) && (CurItem->isSingleSel)));
- if (CurItem->asLine())
- {
- keepFrameWHRatioButton->setEnabled(false);
- Height->setEnabled(LMode && !CurItem->locked());
- }
- else
- {
- Height->setEnabled(true);
- keepFrameWHRatioButton->setEnabled(true);
- }
- DoGroup->setEnabled(false);
- DoUnGroup->setEnabled(false);
- if (doc->m_Selection->count() > 1)
- {
- bool isGroup = true;
- int firstElem = -1;
- if (CurItem->Groups.count() != 0)
- firstElem = CurItem->Groups.top();
- for (int bx = 0; bx < doc->m_Selection->count(); ++bx)
- {
- if (doc->m_Selection->itemAt(bx)->Groups.count() != 0)
- {
- if (doc->m_Selection->itemAt(bx)->Groups.top() != firstElem)
- isGroup = false;
- }
- else
- isGroup = false;
- }
- if (!isGroup)
- DoGroup->setEnabled(true);
- else
- {
- if (CurItem->isGroupControl)
- NameEdit->setEnabled(true);
- }
- if ((CurItem->Groups.count() != 0) && (isGroup))
- DoUnGroup->setEnabled(true);
- }
- }
- else if (t == idShapeItem)
- {
- DCol->setMaximum(qMax(qRound(CurItem->width() / qMax(CurItem->ColGap, 10.0)), 1));
- if (((CurItem->asTextFrame()) || (CurItem->asImageFrame())) && (!CurItem->ClipEdited) && ((CurItem->FrameType == 0) || (CurItem->FrameType == 2)))
- RoundRect->setEnabled(true);
- else
- RoundRect->setEnabled ((CurItem->asPolygon()) && (!CurItem->ClipEdited) && ((CurItem->FrameType == 0) || (CurItem->FrameType == 2)));
- }
- else if (t == idImageItem)
- {
- imagePageNumber->setMaximum(CurItem->pixm.imgInfo.numberOfPages);
- setter = CurItem->ScaleType;
-#ifdef HAVE_OSG
- if ((CurItem->asLatexFrame()) || (CurItem->asOSGFrame()))
- if (CurItem->asLatexFrame())
- {
- FreeScale->setEnabled(false);
- FrameScale->setEnabled(false);
- Aspect->setEnabled(false);
- imageXScaleSpinBox->setEnabled(false);
- imageYScaleSpinBox->setEnabled(false);
- imgDpiX->setEnabled(false);
- imgDpiY->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else
- {
- imageXScaleSpinBox->setEnabled(setter);
- imageYScaleSpinBox->setEnabled(setter);
- imgDpiX->setEnabled(setter);
- imgDpiY->setEnabled(setter);
- Aspect->setEnabled(!setter);
- FreeScale->setEnabled(true);
- FrameScale->setEnabled(true);
- }
- imageXOffsetSpinBox->setEnabled(setter);
- imageYOffsetSpinBox->setEnabled(setter);
- }
- else if (t == idLineItem)
- {
- if ((CurItem->asLine()) || (CurItem->asPolyLine()))
- {
- startArrow->setEnabled(true);
- endArrow->setEnabled(true);
- }
- else
- {
- startArrow->setEnabled(false);
- endArrow->setEnabled(false);
- }
- if (CurItem->NamedLStyle.isEmpty())
- setter = true;
- else
- setter = false;
- LStyle->setEnabled(setter);
- LSize->setEnabled(setter);
- LJoinStyle->setEnabled(setter);
- LEndStyle->setEnabled(setter);
- disconnect(LineMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(NewLineMode()));
- if (LMode)
- LineMode->setCurrentIndex(1);
- else
- LineMode->setCurrentIndex(0);
- connect(LineMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(NewLineMode()));
- }
- else if (t == idColorsItem)
- {
- Cpal->setCurrentItem(CurItem);
- Cpal->updateFromItem();
- }
- else if (t == idGroupItem)
- {
- TransSpin->setEnabled(true);
- blendMode->setEnabled(true);
- SCustom2->setEnabled(true);
- EditShape2->setEnabled(true);
- SRect2->setEnabled(true);
- textFlowDisabled2->setEnabled(true);
- textFlowUsesFrameShape2->setEnabled(true);
- textFlowUsesBoundingBox2->setEnabled(true);
- textFlowUsesContourLine2->setEnabled(true);
- textFlowUsesImageClipping2->setEnabled(false);
- }
- else if (t == idTransparencyItem)
- {
- Tpal->setCurrentItem(CurItem);
- Tpal->updateFromItem();
- }
-#ifdef HAVE_OSG
- if (CurItem->asOSGFrame())
- {
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idXYZItem, true);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idShapeItem, true);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idGroupItem, false);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idLineItem, false);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idColorsItem, true);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idTransparencyItem, false);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idTextItem, false);
- TabStack->setItemEnabled(idImageItem, false);
- Rotation->setEnabled(false);
- RoundRect->setEnabled(false);
- EditShape->setEnabled(false);
- SCustom->setEnabled(false);
- }
- } */
void PropertiesPalette::setDoc(ScribusDoc *d)
@@ -2056,7 +1458,6 @@
-// ShapeGroup->setEnabled(false);
xposLabel->setText( tr( "&X-Pos:" ) );
@@ -2153,20 +1554,12 @@
HaveItem = false;
CurItem = i;
-// SelTab(TabStack->currentIndex());
-/* if (TabStack->currentIndex() == idColorsItem)
- Cpal->setActGradient(CurItem->GrType);
- updateColorSpecialGradient();
- Cpal->gradEdit->Preview->fill_gradient = CurItem->fill_gradient;
- Cpal->gradEdit->Preview->updateDisplay(); */
-// updateColorSpecialGradient();
-// Cpal->gradEdit->setGradient(CurItem->fill_gradient);
if (CurItem->FrameType == 0)
if (CurItem->FrameType == 1)
@@ -2234,15 +1627,6 @@
- /*
- disconnect(FlipH, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipH()));
- disconnect(FlipV, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipV()));
- FlipH->setChecked(i->imageFlippedH());
- FlipV->setChecked(i->imageFlippedV());
- connect(FlipH, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipH()));
- connect(FlipV, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipV()));
- */
-// langCombo->setCurrentText(m_ScMW->LangTransl[i->doc()->Language]);
if (StyledLine->currentItem())
bool setter;
@@ -2318,7 +1702,6 @@
if (i->rotation() > 0)
rr = 360 - rr;
-// setScaleAndOffset(i->imageXScale(), i->imageYScale(), i->imageXOffset(), i->imageYOffset());
double patternScaleX, patternScaleY, patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY, patternRotation, patternSkewX, patternSkewY, patternSpace;
bool mirrorX, mirrorY;
@@ -2372,8 +1755,6 @@
-// disconnect(TransSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setGroupTransparency(int)));
-// disconnect(blendMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setGroupBlending(int)));
if ((CurItem->isGroupControl) || ((CurItem->Groups.count() != 0) && (!CurItem->isSingleSel)))
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idXYZItem, true);
@@ -2391,10 +1772,6 @@
TpalGroup->setActPattern(i->patternMask(), patternScaleX, patternScaleY, patternOffsetX, patternOffsetY, patternRotation, patternSkewX, patternSkewY, mirrorX, mirrorY);
- // TransSpin->setValue(qRound(100 - (CurItem->fillTransparency() * 100)));
- // blendMode->setCurrentIndex(CurItem->fillBlendmode());
- // TransSpin->setEnabled(true);
- // blendMode->setEnabled(true);
@@ -2406,13 +1783,6 @@
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idGroupItem, false);
-// connect(TransSpin, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(setGroupTransparency(int)));
-// connect(blendMode, SIGNAL(activated(int)), this, SLOT(setGroupBlending(int)));
- /*
- Xpos->setReadOnly(setter);
- Ypos->setReadOnly(setter);
- Rotation->setReadOnly(setter);
- */
if (CurItem->asPathText())
@@ -2611,10 +1981,6 @@
yposLabel->setText( tr( "&Y-Pos:" ) );
heightLabel->setText( tr( "&Height:" ) );
HaveItem = false;
-// Xpos->setValue(0);
-// Ypos->setValue(0);
-// Width->setValue(0);
-// Height->setValue(0);
@@ -2627,7 +1993,6 @@
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
for (int ws = 1; ws < 8; ++ws)
TabStack->setItemEnabled(ws, false);
@@ -2664,30 +2029,13 @@
-// ShapeGroup->setEnabled(false);
-// RoundRect->setEnabled(false);
-// Distance->setEnabled(false);
-/* TopLeft->setEnabled(true);
- TopRight->setEnabled(true);
- BottomLeft->setEnabled(true);
- BottomRight->setEnabled(true);
- Center->setEnabled(true); */
visID = TabStack->currentIndex();
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idXYZItem, true);
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idColorsItem, true);
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idTransparencyItem, true);
- /*
- disconnect(FlipH, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipH()));
- disconnect(FlipV, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipV()));
- FlipH->setChecked(false);
- FlipV->setChecked(false);
- connect(FlipH, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipH()));
- connect(FlipV, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(handleFlipV()));
- */
//CB If Toggle is not possible, then we need to enable it so we can turn it off
//It then gets reset below for items where its valid
if ((nr>4) && (nr<9))
@@ -2711,8 +2059,6 @@
widthLabel->setText( tr( "&Width:" ) );
yposLabel->setText( tr( "&Y-Pos:" ) );
heightLabel->setText( tr( "&Height:" ) );
- //Rotation->setEnabled(true);
- //Height->setEnabled(true);
HaveItem = false;
@@ -2723,7 +2069,6 @@
for (int ws = 1; ws < 8; ++ws)
TabStack->setItemEnabled(ws, false);
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idXYZItem, false);
@@ -2773,9 +2118,6 @@
-// Distance->setEnabled(true);
-// if (visID == 3)
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
case PageItem::Line:
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idShapeItem, false);
@@ -2785,13 +2127,6 @@
-/* TopLeft->setEnabled(false);
- TopRight->setEnabled(false);
- BottomLeft->setEnabled(false);
- BottomRight->setEnabled(false);
- Center->setEnabled(false); */
-// if ((visID == 1) || (visID == 2) || (visID == 3))
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
case PageItem::ItemType1:
case PageItem::ItemType3:
@@ -2804,8 +2139,6 @@
-// if ((visID == 2) || (visID == 3))
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
case PageItem::PolyLine:
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idShapeItem, true);
@@ -2813,8 +2146,6 @@
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idImageItem, false);
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idLineItem, true);
-// if ((visID == 2) || (visID == 3))
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
case PageItem::PathText:
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idShapeItem, true);
@@ -2822,15 +2153,12 @@
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idImageItem, false);
TabStack->setItemEnabled(idLineItem, true);
-// if (visID == 3)
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(0);
if (TabStack->isItemEnabled(currentTab) && (TabStack->currentIndex() != currentTab))
-// setFocus();
connect(TabStack, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(SelTab(int)));
@@ -2928,7 +2256,6 @@
ma.translate(x, y);
HaveItem = false;
-// ma.translate(x, y);
int bp = RotationGroup->checkedId();
if (bp == 0)
@@ -3043,17 +2370,6 @@
HaveItem = tmp;
-// NewLspMode?
-// void PropertiesPalette::setLspMode(QAction *id)
-// {
-// if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
-// {
-// doc->itemSelection_SetLineSpacingMode(lineSpacingPop->actions().indexOf(id));
-// updateStyle(doc->appMode == modeEdit? CurItem->currentStyle() : CurItem->itemText.defaultStyle());
-// }
-// }
-// NewLspMode?
void PropertiesPalette::setLineSpacingMode(int id)
if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
@@ -3075,14 +2391,6 @@
setupLineSpacingSpinbox(curStyle.lineSpacingMode(), r);
- QList<QAction*> actList = lineSpacingPop->actions();
- for (int al = 0; al < actList.count(); ++al)
- {
- actList[al]->setChecked(false);
- }
- actList[curStyle.lineSpacingMode()]->setChecked(true);
HaveItem = tmp;
@@ -3166,7 +2474,6 @@
CurItem->setImageScalingMode(FreeScale->isChecked(), Aspect->isChecked());
emit UpdtGui(PageItem::ImageFrame);
emit DocChanged();
-// setFocus();
@@ -3327,14 +2634,6 @@
HaveItem = false;
setupLineSpacingSpinbox(newCurrent.lineSpacingMode(), newCurrent.lineSpacing());
- /*
- QList<QAction*> actList = lineSpacingPop->actions();
- for (int al = 0; al < actList.count(); ++al)
- {
- actList[al]->setChecked(false);
- }
- actList[newCurrent.lineSpacingMode()]->setChecked(true);
- */
minWordTrackingSpinBox->setValue(newCurrent.minWordTracking() * 100.0);
normWordTrackingSpinBox->setValue(newCurrent.charStyle().wordTracking() * 100.0);
@@ -3402,7 +2701,6 @@
if (!HaveDoc || !HaveItem || !m_ScMW || m_ScMW->scriptIsRunning())
int omt(ParagraphStyle::OM_None);
-// if (optMarginCheckLeftProtruding->isChecked()) omt+=ParagraphStyle::OM_LeftProtruding;
if (optMarginRadioBoth->isChecked())
omt =ParagraphStyle::OM_Default;
else if (optMarginRadioLeft->isChecked())
@@ -3449,7 +2747,6 @@
if (!HaveDoc || !HaveItem || !m_ScMW || m_ScMW->scriptIsRunning())
ParagraphStyle newStyle;
-// newStyle.setNormWordTracking(percent / 100.0);
newStyle.charStyle().setWordTracking(normWordTrackingSpinBox->value() / 100.0);
@@ -3577,11 +2874,9 @@
double r = atan2(h-y,w-x)*(180.0/M_PI);
w = sqrt(pow(w-x,2)+pow(h-y,2));
-// doc->MoveItem(x - CurItem->xPos(), 0, CurItem, true);
CurItem->setXYPos(x, CurItem->yPos(), true);
CurItem->setRotation(r, true);
doc->SizeItem(w, CurItem->height(), CurItem->ItemNr, true);
-// doc->RotateItem(r, CurItem->ItemNr);
@@ -3703,13 +2998,11 @@
doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
if (keepFrameWHRatioButton->isChecked())
-// m_ScMW->view->frameResizeHandle = 1;
doc->scaleGroup(w / gw, w / gw, false);
setBH(w, (w / gw) * gh);
-// m_ScMW->view->frameResizeHandle = 6;
doc->scaleGroup(w / gw, 1.0, false);
doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
setBH(gw, gh);
@@ -3811,13 +3104,11 @@
doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
if (keepFrameWHRatioButton->isChecked())
-// m_ScMW->view->frameResizeHandle = 1;
doc->scaleGroup(h / gh, h / gh, false);
setBH((h / gh) * gw, h);
-// m_ScMW->view->frameResizeHandle = 5;
doc->scaleGroup(1.0, h / gh, false);
doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
setBH(gw, gh);
@@ -3954,7 +3245,6 @@
setCols(CurItem->Cols, CurItem->ColGap);
-// if (colgapLabel->getState())
if (colgapLabel->currentIndex() == 0)
dGap->setToolTip( tr( "Distance between columns" ) );
@@ -4030,9 +3320,6 @@
if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
- /*doc->itemSelection_SetImageScale(imageXScaleSpinBox->value() / 100.0 / CurItem->pixm.imgInfo.xres * 72.0, imageYScaleSpinBox->value() / 100.0 / CurItem->pixm.imgInfo.yres * 72.0);
- doc->itemSelection_SetImageOffset(imageXOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio / CurItem->imageXScale(), imageYOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio / CurItem->imageYScale());
- */
//CB Dont pass in the scale to the offset change as its taken from the new scale
doc->itemSelection_SetImageScaleAndOffset(imageXScaleSpinBox->value() / 100.0 / CurItem->pixm.imgInfo.xres * 72.0, imageYScaleSpinBox->value() / 100.0 / CurItem->pixm.imgInfo.yres * 72.0, imageXOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio, imageYOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio);
disconnect(imgDpiX, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(HChangeD()));
@@ -4050,10 +3337,6 @@
if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
- /*
- doc->itemSelection_SetImageScale(72.0 / imgDpiX->value(), 72.0 / imgDpiY->value());
- doc->itemSelection_SetImageOffset(imageXOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio / CurItem->imageXScale(), imageYOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio / CurItem->imageYScale());
- */
//CB Dont pass in the scale to the offset change as its taken from the new scale
doc->itemSelection_SetImageScaleAndOffset(72.0 / imgDpiX->value(), 72.0 / imgDpiY->value(), imageXOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio, imageYOffsetSpinBox->value() / m_unitRatio);
disconnect(imageXScaleSpinBox, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), this, SLOT(HChange()));
@@ -4106,7 +3389,6 @@
-// emit DocChanged();
@@ -4204,7 +3486,6 @@
setBH(CurItem->width(), CurItem->height());
-// setFocus();
@@ -4517,7 +3798,6 @@
b = CurItem->width();
h = CurItem->height();
r = CurItem->rotation();
-// ma.translate(CurItem->xPos()-doc->getXOffsetForPage(CurItem->OwnPage), CurItem->yPos()-doc->getYOffsetForPage(CurItem->OwnPage));
ma.translate(CurItem->xPos(), CurItem->yPos());
int bp = RotationGroup->checkedId();
@@ -4652,7 +3932,6 @@
CurItem->FrameType = f+2;
-//qt4 m_ScMW->SCustom->setPixmap(m_ScMW->SCustom->getIconPixmap(f));
emit DocChanged();
if ((CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame) || (CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame))
@@ -4663,7 +3942,6 @@
RoundRect->setEnabled(f == 0);
-// TabStack->setCurrentIndex(1);
@@ -5115,7 +4393,6 @@
c = 0;
if ((p != CommonStrings::None) && (!p.isEmpty()))
-// c++;
for (it = doc->PageColors.begin(); it != doc->PageColors.end(); ++it)
if (it.key() == p)
@@ -5152,16 +4429,6 @@
if (!HaveDoc || !HaveItem || !m_ScMW || m_ScMW->scriptIsRunning())
- /*
- if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
- {
- if ((CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame) || (CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame))
- doc->FlipImageH();
- else
- doc->MirrorPolyH();
- emit DocChanged();
- }
- */
void PropertiesPalette::handleFlipV()
@@ -5169,16 +4436,6 @@
if (!m_ScMW || m_ScMW->scriptIsRunning())
- /*
- if ((HaveDoc) && (HaveItem))
- {
- if ((CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame) || (CurItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame))
- doc->FlipImageV();
- else
- doc->MirrorPolyV();
- emit DocChanged();
- }
- */
@@ -5368,13 +4625,11 @@
void PropertiesPalette::spinboxStartUserAction()
-// qDebug("%s", "sniffer: spinbox start action");
_userActionOn = true;
void PropertiesPalette::spinboxFinishUserAction()
-// qDebug("%s", "sniffer: spinbox finish action");
_userActionOn = false;
for (int i = 0; i < doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
@@ -5418,32 +4673,9 @@
basepointLabel->setText( tr("Basepoint:"));
LayerGroup->setTitle( tr("Level"));
SRect->setText( tr("Shape:"));
-// EditShape->setText( tr("&Edit Shape..."));
-// EditShape2->setText( tr("&Edit Shape..."));
EditShape->setText( tr("&Edit..."));
EditShape2->setText( tr("&Edit..."));
SRect2->setText( tr("Shape:"));
-// TransGroup->setTitle( tr( "Transparency Settings" ));
-// TransTxt->setText( tr( "Opacity:" ) );
-// TransTxt2->setText( tr( "Blend Mode:" ) );
-// int oldBlendMode = blendMode->currentIndex();
-// blendMode->clear();
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Normal"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Darken"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Lighten"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Multiply"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Screen"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Overlay"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Hard Light"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Soft Light"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Difference"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Exclusion"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Color Dodge"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Color Burn"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Hue"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Saturation"));
-// blendMode->addItem( tr("Color"));
-// blendMode->setCurrentIndex(oldBlendMode);
rndcornersLabel->setText( tr("R&ound\nCorners:"));
columnsLabel->setText( tr("Colu&mns:"));
int oldcolgapLabel = colgapLabel->currentIndex();
@@ -5451,13 +4683,11 @@
colgapLabel->addItem( tr("Gap:"));
colgapLabel->addItem( tr("Width:"));
-// colgapLabel->setTexts( tr("&Gap:"), tr("&Width:"));
topLabel->setText( tr("To&p:"));
bottomLabel->setText( tr("&Bottom:"));
leftLabel->setText( tr("&Left:"));
rightLabel->setText( tr("&Right:"));
TabsButton->setText( tr("T&abulators..."));
-// Distance2->setTitle( tr("Path Text Properties"));
int oldPathType = pathTextType->currentIndex();
pathTextType->addItem( tr("Default"));
@@ -5486,20 +4716,6 @@
textFlowUsesImageClipping2->setText( tr("Use Image Clip Path"));
paraStyleLabel->setText( tr("Paragraph St&yle:"));
charStyleLabel->setText( tr("Character St&yle:"));
-// int c=optMarginCombo->currentIndex();
-// optMarginCombo->clear();
-// optMarginCombo->addItem( CommonStrings::trOpticalMarginsNone );
-//// Out for 1.3.4
-//// optMarginCombo->insertItem( CommonStrings::trOpticalMarginsLeftProtruding );
-//// optMarginCombo->insertItem( CommonStrings::trOpticalMarginsRightProtruding );
-//// optMarginCombo->insertItem( CommonStrings::trOpticalMarginsLeftHangPunct );
-//// optMarginCombo->insertItem( CommonStrings::trOpticalMarginsRightHangPunct );
-// optMarginCombo->addItem( CommonStrings::trOpticalMarginsDefault );
-// optMarginCombo->setCurrentIndex(c);
-// optMarginCheckLeftProtruding->setText( tr("Left Protruding") );
-// optMarginCheckRightProtruding->setText( tr("Right Protruding") );
-// optMarginCheckLeftHangPunct->setText( tr("Left Hanging Punctuation") );
-// optMarginCheckRightHangPunct->setText( tr("Right Hanging Punctuation") );
optMarginRadioNone->setText( tr("None","optical margins") );
optMarginRadioBoth->setText( tr("Both Sides","optical margins") );
optMarginRadioLeft->setText( tr("Left Only","optical margins") );
@@ -5533,10 +4749,6 @@
TextCms2->setText( tr("Rendering Intent:"));
TextCompressionMethod->setText( tr("PDF Compression Method:"));
TextCompressionQuality->setText( tr("PDF Compression Quality:"));
-// QList<QAction*> actList = lineSpacingPop->actions();
-// actList[0]->setText( tr("Fixed Linespacing"));
-// actList[1]->setText( tr("Automatic Linespacing"));
-// actList[2]->setText( tr("Align to Baseline Grid"));
int oldLineSpacingMode = lineSpacingModeCombo->currentIndex();
lineSpacingModeCombo->addItem( tr("Fixed Linespacing"));
@@ -5612,10 +4824,6 @@
LeftLine->setText( tr("Line at the Left"));
RightLine->setText( tr("Line at the Right "));
BottomLine->setText( tr("Line at Bottom"));
-// OverP->setTitle( tr("Overprinting"));
-// KnockOut->setText( tr("Knockout"));
-// Overprint->setText( tr("Overprint"));
QString pctSuffix=tr(" %");
@@ -5659,8 +4867,6 @@
if(StyledLine->count() > 0)
StyledLine->item(0)->setText( tr("No Style") );
-// updateCList();
-// updateCmsList();
NameEdit->setToolTip( tr("Name of selected object"));
Xpos->setToolTip( tr("Horizontal position of current basepoint"));
@@ -5669,11 +4875,6 @@
Height->setToolTip( tr("Height"));
Rotation->setToolTip( tr("Rotation of object at current basepoint"));
basepointLabel->setToolTip( tr("Point from which measurements or rotation angles are referenced"));
-// TopLeft->setToolTip( tr("Select top left for basepoint"));
-// TopRight->setToolTip( tr("Select top right for basepoint"));
-// BottomLeft->setToolTip( tr("Select bottom left for basepoint"));
-// BottomRight->setToolTip( tr("Select bottom right for basepoint"));
-// Center->setToolTip( tr("Select center for basepoint"));
DoGroup->setToolTip( tr("Group the selected objects"));
DoUnGroup->setToolTip( tr("Ungroup the selected group"));
FlipH->setToolTip( tr("Flip Horizontal"));
@@ -5686,7 +4887,6 @@
Locked->setToolTip( tr("Lock or unlock the object"));
NoResize->setToolTip( tr("Lock or unlock the size of the object"));
NoPrint->setToolTip( tr("Enable or disable exporting of the object"));
- /*textFlowOptions->setToolTip( tr("Make text in lower frames flow around the object shape")); */
textFlowDisabled->setToolTip( tr("Disable text flow from lower frames around object"));
textFlowUsesFrameShape->setToolTip( tr("Use the frame shape for text flow of text frames below the object."));
textFlowUsesBoundingBox->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr("Use the bounding box, which is always rectangular, instead of the frame's shape for text flow of text frames below the object. ") + "</qt>" );
@@ -5698,7 +4898,6 @@
textFlowUsesContourLine2->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr("When chosen, the contour line can be edited with the Edit Shape Tool on the palette further above. When edited via the shape palette, this becomes a second separate line originally based on the frame's shape for text flow of text frames below the object.") + "</qt>" );
textFlowUsesImageClipping2->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr("Use the clipping path of the image") + "</qt>" );
-// Fonts->setToolTip( tr("Font of selected text or object"));
Size->setToolTip( tr("Font Size"));
ChBase->setToolTip( tr("Offset to baseline of characters"));
ChScale->setToolTip( tr("Scaling width of characters"));
@@ -5710,13 +4909,11 @@
Revert->setToolTip( tr("Right to Left Writing"));
Extra->setToolTip( tr("Manual Tracking"));
LineSp->setToolTip( tr("Line Spacing"));
-// linespacingButton->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr("Click and hold down to select the line spacing mode.") + "</qt>" );
lineSpacingModeCombo->setToolTip( tr("Select the line spacing mode.") );
paraStyleCombo->setToolTip( tr("Paragraph style of currently selected text or paragraph"));
charStyleCombo->setToolTip( tr("Character style of currently selected text or paragraph"));
paraStyleClear->setToolTip( tr("Remove Direct Paragraph Formatting"));
charStyleClear->setToolTip( tr("Remove Direct Character Formatting"));
-// langCombo->setToolTip( tr("Hyphenation language of frame"));
flopRealHeight->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr("Set the height of the first line of the text frame to use the tallest height of the included characters") + "</qt>" );
flopFontAscent->setToolTip( "<qt>" + tr("Set the height of the first line of text frame to use the full ascent of the font(s) in use") + "</qt>" );
@@ -5726,7 +4923,6 @@
normWordTrackingSpinBox->setToolTip( tr("Normal width of spaces between words"));
minGlyphExtSpinBox->setToolTip( tr("Minimal shrinkage of glyphs for justification"));
maxGlyphExtSpinBox->setToolTip( tr("Maximal extension of glyphs for justification"));
-// optMarginCombo->setToolTip( tr("Uses hanging punctuation and margin kerning to achieve nicer looking columns"));
LineMode->setToolTip( tr("Change settings for left or end points"));
LStyle->setToolTip( tr("Pattern of line"));
@@ -6026,7 +5222,6 @@
if (!m_ScMW || m_ScMW->scriptIsRunning() || !HaveDoc || !HaveItem)
-// qDebug("%s", QString("rF %1").arg(radioFlop).toAscii());
if( radioFlop == 0)
else if( radioFlop == 1)
@@ -6036,6 +5231,3 @@
emit DocChanged();
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