r14701 by jghali - better fix for #8786

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Sat Feb 13 02:20:39 CET 2010

Revision: 14701
Author: jghali
Date: 2010-02-13T01:19:11.277761Z
Commit message: better fix for #8786

M  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasgesture_resize.cpp
M  /trunk/Scribus/scribus/canvasgesture_resize.h

Index: scribus/canvasgesture_resize.h
--- scribus/canvasgesture_resize.h	(revision 14700)
+++ scribus/canvasgesture_resize.h	(revision 14701)
@@ -75,9 +75,10 @@
 	Canvas::FrameHandle m_handle;
 	double m_rotation;
 	double m_origRatio;
+	QPoint m_mousePressPoint;
 	QRectF m_bounds;
 	QRectF m_origBounds;
-	QPoint m_mousePressPoint;
+	QRectF m_mousePressBounds;
 	UndoTransaction* m_transactionStarted;
 	double m_extraWidth;
 	double m_extraHeight;
Index: scribus/canvasgesture_resize.cpp
--- scribus/canvasgesture_resize.cpp	(revision 14700)
+++ scribus/canvasgesture_resize.cpp	(revision 14701)
@@ -1,560 +1,561 @@
- For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
- to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
- a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
- for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
- */
-*                                                                         *
-*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
-*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
-*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
-*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
-*                                                                         *
-#if defined(_MSC_VER)
-#include <cmath>
-#include "canvasgesture_resize.h"
-#include <QMouseEvent>
-#include <QPainter>
-#include <QPen>
-#include <QRubberBand>
-#include "scribusdoc.h"
-#include "scribusview.h"
-#include "selection.h"
-#include "undomanager.h"
-ResizeGesture::ResizeGesture (CanvasMode* parent) : CanvasGesture(parent)
-	m_transactionStarted = NULL;
-void ResizeGesture::prepare(Canvas::FrameHandle framehandle)
-	if (framehandle > 0)
-		m_handle = framehandle;
-	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 0)
-	{
-		m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE;
-		return;
-	}
-	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
-	{
-		double ex, ey, eh, ew;
-		m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&ex, &ey, &ew, &eh);
-		double gx, gy, gh, gw;
-		m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
-		m_bounds = QRectF(QPointF(gx,gy), QSizeF(gw, gh));
-		m_rotation = 0.0;
-		m_extraX = ex - gx;
-		m_extraY = ey - gy;
-		m_extraWidth = gw - ew;
-		m_extraHeight = gh - eh;
-	}
-	else // we keep m_bounds non-rotated
-	{
-		PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-		m_bounds = QRectF(currItem->visualXPos(), currItem->visualYPos(), currItem->visualWidth(), currItem->visualHeight());
-		m_rotation = currItem->rotation();
-//		currItem->OldB2 = currItem->visualWidth();
-//		currItem->OldH2 = currItem->visualHeight();
-		currItem->OldB2 = currItem->width();
-		currItem->OldH2 = currItem->height();
-		m_extraWidth = currItem->visualWidth() - currItem->width();
-		m_extraHeight = currItem->visualHeight() - currItem->height();
-		m_extraX =  m_extraY = m_extraWidth / 2.0;
-	}
-	m_origRatio = m_bounds.width() / m_bounds.height();
-	m_origBounds = m_bounds;
-// 	qDebug()<<"P"<<m_bounds<< "E"<< m_extraX<< m_extraY<<m_extraWidth<<m_extraHeight;
-void ResizeGesture::clear()
-	m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE;
-	if (m_transactionStarted)
-	{
-//		qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::clear: cancel transaction" << m_transactionStarted;
-		m_transactionStarted->cancel();
-		delete m_transactionStarted;
-		m_transactionStarted = NULL;
-	}
-void ResizeGesture::activate(bool flag)
-//	qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::activate" << flag;	
-void ResizeGesture::deactivate(bool forgesture)
-//	qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::deactivate" << forgesture;
-	if (!forgesture)
-		clear();
-void ResizeGesture::drawControls(QPainter* p) 
-	QColor drawColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight);
-	QRect localRect = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(m_bounds);
-	p->save();
-	//	p->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1, Qt::DashLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
-	//	p->drawRect(localRect);
-	if (m_rotation != 0)
-	{
-		p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
-		p->translate(localRect.x(), localRect.y());
-		p->rotate(m_rotation);
-		p->translate(-localRect.x(), -localRect.y());
-	}
-	p->setPen(QPen(drawColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
-	drawColor.setAlpha(64);
-	p->setBrush(drawColor);
-	p->drawRect(localRect);
-	//	p->setPen(Qt::darkMagenta);
-	//	p->drawLine(localRect.topLeft(), localRect.bottomRight());
-	p->restore();
-	if (m_origBounds != m_bounds)
-	{
-		p->save();
-//		p->translate(m_bounds.topLeft() - m_origBounds.topLeft());
-		drawOutline(p, qAbs(m_bounds.width()) / qMax(qAbs(m_origBounds.width()), static_cast<qreal>(1.0)), 
-					qAbs(m_bounds.height()) / qMax(qAbs(m_origBounds.height()), static_cast<qreal>(1.0)),
-					m_bounds.left() - m_origBounds.left(),
-					m_bounds.top() - m_origBounds.top());
-		p->restore();
-	}
-void ResizeGesture::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
-	adjustBounds(m);
-	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
-	{
-		PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-//		qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::release: new bounds" << m_bounds;
-		if (m_bounds != m_origBounds)
-		{
-			doResize(m->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier);
-			m_doc->setRedrawBounding(currItem);
-			if (currItem->asImageFrame())
-				currItem->AdjustPictScale();
-		}
-		m_view->resetMousePressed();
-		// necessary since mousebutton is still recorded pressed, and otherwise checkchanges() will do nothing
-		// we must check changes on whole selection otherwise resize operation won't undo correctly on groups
-		if (m_bounds != m_origBounds)
-		{
-			for (int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
-				m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges();
-			currItem->invalidateLayout();
-			currItem->update();
-		}
-	}
-//	qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::release: transaction" << m_transactionStarted;
-	if (m_transactionStarted)
-	{
-		m_transactionStarted->commit();
-		delete m_transactionStarted;
-		m_transactionStarted = NULL;
-	}
-	m->accept();
-	m_canvas->update();
-	m_view->stopGesture();
-void ResizeGesture::doResize(bool scaleContent)
-	PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
-	QString targetName = Um::SelectionGroup;
-	QPixmap* targetIcon = Um::IGroup;
-	if (!m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
-	{
-		targetName = currItem->getUName();
-		targetIcon = currItem->getUPixmap();
-	}
-	if (!m_transactionStarted)
-	{
-		m_transactionStarted = new UndoTransaction(Um::instance()->beginTransaction(targetName, targetIcon,
-																					Um::Resize, "", Um::IResize));
-//		qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::doResize: begin transaction" << m_transactionStarted;
-	}
-	QRectF newBounds = m_bounds.normalized();
-	if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
-	{
-		int RotModeBack = m_doc->RotMode();
-		m_doc->RotMode ( 0 );
-		double gx, gy, gh, gw;
-		m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
-		QRectF oldBounds(gx, gy, gw, gh);
-		double scx = oldBounds.width() == 0? 1.0 : (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) / oldBounds.width();
-		double scy = oldBounds.height() == 0? 1.0 : (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) / oldBounds.height();
-		//CB #3012 only scale text in a group if alt is pressed
-		if ((currItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame) && scaleContent)
-			m_doc->scaleGroup(scx, scy, true);
-		else
-			m_doc->scaleGroup(scx, scy, false);
-		double dx = newBounds.x() - oldBounds.x();
-		double dy = newBounds.y() - oldBounds.y();
-		if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
-			m_doc->moveGroup(dx + m_extraX, dy + m_extraY);
-		m_doc->RotMode ( RotModeBack );
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (currItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame && scaleContent)
-		{
-			double divX = (currItem->width() != 0) ? currItem->width() : 1.0;
-			double divY = (currItem->height() != 0) ? currItem->height() : 1.0;
-			double imgScX = (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) / divX * currItem->imageXScale();
-			double imgScY = (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) / divY * currItem->imageYScale();
-			// The aspect ratio has been fixed, so make the modification in the direction of the larger movement.
-			if (currItem->keepAspectRatio() && currItem->fitImageToFrame()) 
-			{
-				if (qAbs((newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) - currItem->width()) > qAbs((newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) - currItem->height()))
-					imgScY = imgScX;
-				else
-					imgScX = imgScY;
-			}
-			currItem->setImageXYScale(imgScX, imgScY);
-		}
-		else if (currItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame && currItem->PictureIsAvailable)
-		{
-			double dx = ((newBounds.x() + m_extraX) - currItem->xPos());
-			double dy = ((newBounds.y() + m_extraY) - currItem->yPos());
-			double cosa = cos(currItem->rotation() * M_PI / 180.0);
-			double sina = sin(currItem->rotation() * M_PI / 180.0);
-			double xoff = -(cosa*dx + sina*dy);
-			if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
-				xoff += (currItem->width() - (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth));
-			double yoff = -(cosa*dy - sina*dx);
-			if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
-				yoff += (currItem->height() - (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight));
-			if (xoff != 0.0 || yoff != 0.0)
-			{
-				currItem->moveImageInFrame(xoff / currItem->imageXScale(), yoff / currItem->imageYScale());
-			}
-		}
-		// We do not want to scale the text of a linked frame
-		// as it would alter text in other frames of the string
-		else if((currItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame) 
-				       && (currItem->nextInChain() == 0) 
-				       && (currItem->prevInChain() == 0) 
-				       && scaleContent)
-		{
-			double divX = (currItem->width() != 0) ? currItem->width() : 1.0;
-			double divY = (currItem->height() != 0) ? currItem->height() : 1.0;
-			double txtScX = (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) / divX;
-			double txtScY = (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) / divY;
-			if (currItem->itemText.length() != 0)
-			{
-				for (int aa = 0; aa < currItem->itemText.length(); ++aa)
-				{
-#if 0 // hard to decide if it’s batter to scale or to change font size
-					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setScaleV(
-							qMax(qMin(qRound(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->scaleV()*txtScY), 4000), 100));
-					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setScaleH(
-							qMax(qMin(qRound(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->scaleH() * txtScX), 4000), 100));
-					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setFontSize(
-							qMax(qMin(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->fontSize() * txtScY, 4000.0), 1.0));
-					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setScaleH(
-							qMax(qMin(qRound(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->scaleH() * txtScX / txtScY), 4000), 100));
-					// We need to scale the linespacing _only once_ per paragraph.
-					if((aa == 0) 
-						|| ( SpecialChars::isBreak(currItem->itemText.itemText(aa - 1).at(0))))
-					{
-						ParagraphStyle ps(currItem->itemText.paragraphStyle(aa));
-						double oldLS(currItem->itemText.paragraphStyle(aa).lineSpacing());
-						ps.setLineSpacing(qMax(qRound(oldLS * txtScY), 1));
-						currItem->itemText.setStyle(aa,ps);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		currItem->setXYPos(newBounds.x() + m_extraX, newBounds.y() + m_extraY);
-		currItem->setWidth(newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth);
-		currItem->setHeight(newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight);
-		// rotation does not change
-	}
-	m_origBounds = m_bounds;
-	currItem->updateClip();
-void ResizeGesture::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
-	adjustBounds(m);
-	FPoint where = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-	if (// directly after a create the shape of an item isnt really usable, so we fix here
-		m_origBounds.width() < 20 || m_origBounds.height() < 20 ||
-		// and if we resize outside of the current canvas dimensions, we need to enlarge it
-		where.x() < m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() || where.y() < m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() ||
-		where.x() > m_doc->maxCanvasCoordinate.x() || where.y() > m_doc->maxCanvasCoordinate.y())
-	{
-		doResize(m->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier);
-	}
-	m->accept();
-	QPoint point = m->globalPos() - (m_canvas->mapToParent(QPoint(0, 0)) + m_canvas->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)));
-	m_view->ensureVisible(point.x(), point.y(), 20, 20);
-	m_canvas->repaint();
-	QRectF newBounds = m_bounds.normalized();
-	m_canvas->displaySizeHUD(m->globalPos(), newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth, newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight);
-void ResizeGesture::adjustBounds(QMouseEvent *m)
-	QTransform rotation;
-	FPoint docPoint = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-	QPointF oldXY = m_bounds.topLeft();
-	// proportional resize
-	bool constrainRatio = ((m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != Qt::NoModifier);
+ For general Scribus (>=1.3.2) copyright and licensing information please refer
+ to the COPYING file provided with the program. Following this notice may exist
+ a copyright and/or license notice that predates the release of Scribus 1.3.2
+ for which a new license (GPL+exception) is in place.
+ */
+*                                                                         *
+*   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify  *
+*   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by  *
+*   the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or     *
+*   (at your option) any later version.                                   *
+*                                                                         *
+#if defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <cmath>
+#include "canvasgesture_resize.h"
+#include <QMouseEvent>
+#include <QPainter>
+#include <QPen>
+#include <QRubberBand>
+#include "scribusdoc.h"
+#include "scribusview.h"
+#include "selection.h"
+#include "undomanager.h"
+ResizeGesture::ResizeGesture (CanvasMode* parent) : CanvasGesture(parent)
+	m_transactionStarted = NULL;
+void ResizeGesture::prepare(Canvas::FrameHandle framehandle)
+	if (framehandle > 0)
+		m_handle = framehandle;
+	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 0)
+	{
+		m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE;
+		return;
+	}
+	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
+	{
+		double ex, ey, eh, ew;
+		m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&ex, &ey, &ew, &eh);
+		double gx, gy, gh, gw;
+		m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
+		m_bounds = QRectF(QPointF(gx,gy), QSizeF(gw, gh));
+		m_rotation = 0.0;
+		m_extraX = ex - gx;
+		m_extraY = ey - gy;
+		m_extraWidth = gw - ew;
+		m_extraHeight = gh - eh;
+	}
+	else // we keep m_bounds non-rotated
+	{
+		PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+		m_bounds = QRectF(currItem->visualXPos(), currItem->visualYPos(), currItem->visualWidth(), currItem->visualHeight());
+		m_rotation = currItem->rotation();
+//		currItem->OldB2 = currItem->visualWidth();
+//		currItem->OldH2 = currItem->visualHeight();
+		currItem->OldB2 = currItem->width();
+		currItem->OldH2 = currItem->height();
+		m_extraWidth = currItem->visualWidth() - currItem->width();
+		m_extraHeight = currItem->visualHeight() - currItem->height();
+		m_extraX =  m_extraY = m_extraWidth / 2.0;
+	}
+	m_origRatio = m_bounds.width() / m_bounds.height();
+	m_origBounds = m_bounds;
+// 	qDebug()<<"P"<<m_bounds<< "E"<< m_extraX<< m_extraY<<m_extraWidth<<m_extraHeight;
+void ResizeGesture::clear()
+	m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE;
+	if (m_transactionStarted)
+	{
+//		qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::clear: cancel transaction" << m_transactionStarted;
+		m_transactionStarted->cancel();
+		delete m_transactionStarted;
+		m_transactionStarted = NULL;
+	}
+void ResizeGesture::activate(bool flag)
+//	qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::activate" << flag;	
+void ResizeGesture::deactivate(bool forgesture)
+//	qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::deactivate" << forgesture;
+	if (!forgesture)
+		clear();
+void ResizeGesture::drawControls(QPainter* p) 
+	QColor drawColor = qApp->palette().color(QPalette::Active, QPalette::Highlight);
+	QRect localRect = m_canvas->canvasToLocal(m_bounds);
+	p->save();
+	//	p->setPen(QPen(Qt::black, 1, Qt::DashLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+	//	p->drawRect(localRect);
+	if (m_rotation != 0)
+	{
+		p->setRenderHint(QPainter::Antialiasing);
+		p->translate(localRect.x(), localRect.y());
+		p->rotate(m_rotation);
+		p->translate(-localRect.x(), -localRect.y());
+	}
+	p->setPen(QPen(drawColor, 1, Qt::SolidLine, Qt::FlatCap, Qt::MiterJoin));
+	drawColor.setAlpha(64);
+	p->setBrush(drawColor);
+	p->drawRect(localRect);
+	//	p->setPen(Qt::darkMagenta);
+	//	p->drawLine(localRect.topLeft(), localRect.bottomRight());
+	p->restore();
+	if (m_origBounds != m_bounds)
+	{
+		p->save();
+//		p->translate(m_bounds.topLeft() - m_origBounds.topLeft());
+		drawOutline(p, qAbs(m_bounds.width()) / qMax(qAbs(m_origBounds.width()), static_cast<qreal>(1.0)), 
+					qAbs(m_bounds.height()) / qMax(qAbs(m_origBounds.height()), static_cast<qreal>(1.0)),
+					m_bounds.left() - m_origBounds.left(),
+					m_bounds.top() - m_origBounds.top());
+		p->restore();
+	}
+void ResizeGesture::mouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
+	adjustBounds(m);
+	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() != 0)
+	{
+		PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+//		qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::release: new bounds" << m_bounds;
+		if (m_bounds != m_mousePressBounds)
+		{
+			doResize(m->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier);
+			m_doc->setRedrawBounding(currItem);
+			if (currItem->asImageFrame())
+				currItem->AdjustPictScale();
+		}
+		m_view->resetMousePressed();
+		// necessary since mousebutton is still recorded pressed, and otherwise checkchanges() will do nothing
+		// we must check changes on whole selection otherwise resize operation won't undo correctly on groups
+		if (m_bounds != m_mousePressBounds)
+		{
+			for (int i = 0; i < m_doc->m_Selection->count(); ++i)
+				m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(i)->checkChanges();
+			currItem->invalidateLayout();
+			currItem->update();
+		}
+	}
+//	qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::release: transaction" << m_transactionStarted;
+	if (m_transactionStarted)
+	{
+		m_transactionStarted->commit();
+		delete m_transactionStarted;
+		m_transactionStarted = NULL;
+	}
+	m->accept();
+	m_canvas->update();
+	m_view->stopGesture();
+void ResizeGesture::doResize(bool scaleContent)
+	PageItem* currItem = m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0);
+	QString targetName = Um::SelectionGroup;
+	QPixmap* targetIcon = Um::IGroup;
+	if (!m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
+	{
+		targetName = currItem->getUName();
+		targetIcon = currItem->getUPixmap();
+	}
+	if (!m_transactionStarted)
+	{
+		m_transactionStarted = new UndoTransaction(Um::instance()->beginTransaction(targetName, targetIcon,
+																					Um::Resize, "", Um::IResize));
+//		qDebug() << "ResizeGesture::doResize: begin transaction" << m_transactionStarted;
+	}
+	QRectF newBounds = m_bounds.normalized();
+	if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
+	{
+		int RotModeBack = m_doc->RotMode();
+		m_doc->RotMode ( 0 );
+		double gx, gy, gh, gw;
+		m_doc->m_Selection->getGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
+		QRectF oldBounds(gx, gy, gw, gh);
+		double scx = oldBounds.width() == 0? 1.0 : (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) / oldBounds.width();
+		double scy = oldBounds.height() == 0? 1.0 : (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) / oldBounds.height();
+		//CB #3012 only scale text in a group if alt is pressed
+		if ((currItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame) && scaleContent)
+			m_doc->scaleGroup(scx, scy, true);
+		else
+			m_doc->scaleGroup(scx, scy, false);
+		double dx = newBounds.x() - oldBounds.x();
+		double dy = newBounds.y() - oldBounds.y();
+		if (dx != 0 || dy != 0)
+			m_doc->moveGroup(dx + m_extraX, dy + m_extraY);
+		m_doc->RotMode ( RotModeBack );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if (currItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame && scaleContent)
+		{
+			double divX = (currItem->width() != 0) ? currItem->width() : 1.0;
+			double divY = (currItem->height() != 0) ? currItem->height() : 1.0;
+			double imgScX = (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) / divX * currItem->imageXScale();
+			double imgScY = (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) / divY * currItem->imageYScale();
+			// The aspect ratio has been fixed, so make the modification in the direction of the larger movement.
+			if (currItem->keepAspectRatio() && currItem->fitImageToFrame()) 
+			{
+				if (qAbs((newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) - currItem->width()) > qAbs((newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) - currItem->height()))
+					imgScY = imgScX;
+				else
+					imgScX = imgScY;
+			}
+			currItem->setImageXYScale(imgScX, imgScY);
+		}
+		else if (currItem->itemType() == PageItem::ImageFrame && currItem->PictureIsAvailable)
+		{
+			double dx = ((newBounds.x() + m_extraX) - currItem->xPos());
+			double dy = ((newBounds.y() + m_extraY) - currItem->yPos());
+			double cosa = cos(currItem->rotation() * M_PI / 180.0);
+			double sina = sin(currItem->rotation() * M_PI / 180.0);
+			double xoff = -(cosa*dx + sina*dy);
+			if (currItem->imageFlippedH())
+				xoff += (currItem->width() - (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth));
+			double yoff = -(cosa*dy - sina*dx);
+			if (currItem->imageFlippedV())
+				yoff += (currItem->height() - (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight));
+			if (xoff != 0.0 || yoff != 0.0)
+			{
+				currItem->moveImageInFrame(xoff / currItem->imageXScale(), yoff / currItem->imageYScale());
+			}
+		}
+		// We do not want to scale the text of a linked frame
+		// as it would alter text in other frames of the string
+		else if((currItem->itemType() == PageItem::TextFrame) 
+				       && (currItem->nextInChain() == 0) 
+				       && (currItem->prevInChain() == 0) 
+				       && scaleContent)
+		{
+			double divX = (currItem->width() != 0) ? currItem->width() : 1.0;
+			double divY = (currItem->height() != 0) ? currItem->height() : 1.0;
+			double txtScX = (newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth) / divX;
+			double txtScY = (newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight) / divY;
+			if (currItem->itemText.length() != 0)
+			{
+				for (int aa = 0; aa < currItem->itemText.length(); ++aa)
+				{
+#if 0 // hard to decide if it’s batter to scale or to change font size
+					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setScaleV(
+							qMax(qMin(qRound(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->scaleV()*txtScY), 4000), 100));
+					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setScaleH(
+							qMax(qMin(qRound(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->scaleH() * txtScX), 4000), 100));
+					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setFontSize(
+							qMax(qMin(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->fontSize() * txtScY, 4000.0), 1.0));
+					currItem->itemText.item(aa)->setScaleH(
+							qMax(qMin(qRound(currItem->itemText.item(aa)->scaleH() * txtScX / txtScY), 4000), 100));
+					// We need to scale the linespacing _only once_ per paragraph.
+					if((aa == 0) 
+						|| ( SpecialChars::isBreak(currItem->itemText.itemText(aa - 1).at(0))))
+					{
+						ParagraphStyle ps(currItem->itemText.paragraphStyle(aa));
+						double oldLS(currItem->itemText.paragraphStyle(aa).lineSpacing());
+						ps.setLineSpacing(qMax(qRound(oldLS * txtScY), 1));
+						currItem->itemText.setStyle(aa,ps);
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		currItem->setXYPos(newBounds.x() + m_extraX, newBounds.y() + m_extraY);
+		currItem->setWidth(newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth);
+		currItem->setHeight(newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight);
+		// rotation does not change
+	}
+	m_origBounds = m_bounds;
+	currItem->updateClip();
+void ResizeGesture::mouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
+	adjustBounds(m);
+	FPoint where = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
+	if (// directly after a create the shape of an item isnt really usable, so we fix here
+		m_origBounds.width() < 20 || m_origBounds.height() < 20 ||
+		// and if we resize outside of the current canvas dimensions, we need to enlarge it
+		where.x() < m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.x() || where.y() < m_doc->minCanvasCoordinate.y() ||
+		where.x() > m_doc->maxCanvasCoordinate.x() || where.y() > m_doc->maxCanvasCoordinate.y())
+	{
+		doResize(m->modifiers() & Qt::AltModifier);
+	}
+	m->accept();
+	QPoint point = m->globalPos() - (m_canvas->mapToParent(QPoint(0, 0)) + m_canvas->parentWidget()->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, 0)));
+	m_view->ensureVisible(point.x(), point.y(), 20, 20);
+	m_canvas->repaint();
+	QRectF newBounds = m_bounds.normalized();
+	m_canvas->displaySizeHUD(m->globalPos(), newBounds.width() - m_extraWidth, newBounds.height() - m_extraHeight);
+void ResizeGesture::adjustBounds(QMouseEvent *m)
+	QTransform rotation;
+	FPoint docPoint = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
+	QPointF oldXY = m_bounds.topLeft();
+	// proportional resize
+	bool constrainRatio = ((m->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier) != Qt::NoModifier);
 	if (m_mousePressPoint == m->globalPos())
-		m_bounds = m_origBounds;
+		m_bounds = m_mousePressBounds;
-	}
-	// snap to grid	+ snap to guides
-	bool isCorner = m_handle == Canvas::NORTHWEST || m_handle == Canvas::NORTHEAST 
-		|| m_handle == Canvas::SOUTHWEST || m_handle == Canvas::SOUTHEAST;
-	if (m_rotation == 0 || isCorner)
-	{
-		FPoint snappedPoint = m_doc->ApplyGridF(docPoint);
-		double x = snappedPoint.x(), y = snappedPoint.y();
-		m_doc->ApplyGuides(&x, &y);
-//		if (m_doc->ApplyGuides(&x, &y))
-//			qDebug() << "guides applied:" << snappedPoint.x() << snappedPoint.y() << "to" << x << y;
-		if (m_handle == Canvas::NORTH || m_handle == Canvas::SOUTH) 
-			// only snap on y-axis
-			docPoint = FPoint(docPoint.x(), y);
-		else if (m_handle == Canvas::EAST || m_handle == Canvas::WEST)
-			// only snap on x-axis
-			docPoint = FPoint(x, docPoint.y());
-		else 
-			docPoint = FPoint(x,y);
-//		qDebug() << "resize snap grid/guides:" << m->globalPos() << "-->" << m_canvas->canvasToGlobal(docPoint);
-	}
-	// un-rotate point
-	if (m_rotation != 0)
-	{
-		// rotate point around item position
-		rotation.translate(m_bounds.x(), m_bounds.y());
-		rotation.rotate(m_rotation);
-		rotation.translate(-m_bounds.x(), -m_bounds.y());
-//		qDebug() << "resize rotated" << m_rotation << "°" << m_bounds << rotation << ":" << point-globalBounds.topLeft() << "-->" << rotation.map(point)-globalBounds.topLeft();
-		QPointF qp = QPointF(docPoint.x(), docPoint.y());
-		qp = rotation.inverted().map(qp);
-		docPoint = FPoint(qp.x(), qp.y());
-	}
-	// adjust bounds vertically
-	switch (m_handle)
-	{
-		case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
-		case Canvas::NORTH:
-		case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
-//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: top to" << point.y();
-			m_bounds.setTop(docPoint.y());
-			break;
-		case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
-		case Canvas::SOUTH:
-		case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
-//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: bottom to" << point.y();
-			m_bounds.setBottom(docPoint.y());
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	}
-	// adjust bounds horizontally
-	switch (m_handle)
-	{
-		case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
-		case Canvas::WEST:
-		case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
-//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: left to" << point.x();
-			m_bounds.setLeft(docPoint.x());
-			break;
-		case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
-		case Canvas::EAST:
-		case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
-//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: right to" << point.x();
-			m_bounds.setRight(docPoint.x());
-			break;
-		default:
-			break;
-	}
-	// constrain ratio
-	double newRatio = double(m_bounds.width()) / double(m_bounds.height());
-	if (constrainRatio && m_origRatio != newRatio)
-	{
-//		qDebug() << "constrain ratio:" << m_bounds << newRatio << "to" << m_origRatio; 
-		int newWidth = qRound(m_bounds.height() * m_origRatio);
-		int newHeight = qRound(m_bounds.width() / m_origRatio);
-		switch (m_handle)
-		{
-			case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
-				// axis: topleft + t*[origRatio, 1]    t:= y-top
-				//       [x',y] = [left, top] + [(y-top)*origRatio, y-top]
-				//              = [left + (y-top)*origRatio, y]
-				// x < x'  => mouse is WEST, x > x'  => mouse is NORTH
-				// x < left + (y-top)*origratio   <=> x - left < (y - top) * origratio
-//				qDebug() << "NORTHWEST" << point << m_origBounds.topLeft() << m_origRatio
-//				<< (point.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (point.y()-m_origBounds.top()) * m_origRatio);
-				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (docPoint.y()-m_origBounds.top()) * m_origRatio)
-					m_bounds.setTop(m_bounds.top() - newHeight + m_bounds.height());
-				else
-					m_bounds.setLeft(m_bounds.left() - newWidth + m_bounds.width());
-				break;
-			case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
-				// axis: bottomleft + t*[origRatio, -1]    t:= bottom-y
-				//       (x',y) = [left, bottom] + [(bottom-y)*origRatio, -bottom+y]
-				//              = [left + (bottom-y)*origRatio, y]
-				// x < x'  => mouse is WEST, x > x'  => mouse is SOUTH
-				// x < left + (bottom-y)*origratio   <=> x - left < (bottom-y) * origratio
-//				qDebug() << "SOUTHWEST" << point << m_origBounds.bottomLeft()  << m_origRatio
-//				<< (point.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (m_origBounds.bottom() - point.y()) * m_origRatio);
-				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (m_origBounds.bottom() - docPoint.y()) * m_origRatio)
-					m_bounds.setHeight(newHeight);
-				else
-					m_bounds.setLeft(m_bounds.left() - newWidth + m_bounds.width());
-				break;
-			case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
-				// cf. SOUTHWEST
-				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() > (m_origBounds.bottom() - docPoint.y()) * m_origRatio)
-					m_bounds.setTop(m_bounds.top() - newHeight + m_bounds.height());
-				else
-					m_bounds.setWidth(newWidth);
-				break;
-			case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
-				// cf. NORTHWEST
-				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() > (docPoint.y()-m_origBounds.top()) * m_origRatio)
-					m_bounds.setHeight(newHeight);
-				else
-					m_bounds.setWidth(newWidth);
-				break;
-			case Canvas::WEST:
-			case Canvas::EAST:
-				// (origBounds.top + origBounds.bottom) / 2 is the horizontal axis
-				// keep that fixed
-				m_bounds.setTop(((m_origBounds.top() + m_origBounds.bottom()) / 2) - newHeight / 2);
-				m_bounds.setHeight(newHeight);
-				break;
-			case Canvas::NORTH:
-			case Canvas::SOUTH:
-				// (origBounds.left + origBounds.right) / 2 is the vertical axis
-				// keep that fixed
-				m_bounds.setLeft(((m_origBounds.left() + m_origBounds.right()) / 2) - newWidth / 2);
-				m_bounds.setWidth(newWidth);
-				break;
-			default:
-				break;
-		}
-//		qDebug() << "constrained:" << m_bounds << double(m_bounds.width()) / m_bounds.height();
-	}
-	// re-rotate: if top left has changed, then it needs rotation
-	if (m_rotation != 0 && oldXY != m_bounds.topLeft())
-	{
-		m_bounds.moveTo(rotation.map(m_bounds.topLeft()));
-		// fix opposite corner to avoid aggregating rounding errors
-		QPointF origFixPoint, newFixPoint;
-		switch (m_handle)
-		{
-			case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.bottomRight();
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.bottomRight();
-				break;
-			case Canvas::WEST:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topRight() + QPointF(0, m_origBounds.height()/2);
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topRight() + QPointF(0, m_bounds.height()/2);
-				break;
-			case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topRight();
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topRight();
-				break;
-			case Canvas::SOUTH:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft() + QPointF(m_origBounds.width()/2, 0);
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft() + QPointF(m_bounds.width()/2, 0);
-				break;
-			case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft();
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft();
-				break;
-			case Canvas::EAST:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft() + QPointF(0, m_origBounds.height()/2);
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft() + QPointF(0, m_bounds.height()/2);
-				break;
-			case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.bottomLeft();
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.bottomLeft();
-				break;
-			case Canvas::NORTH:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.bottomLeft() + QPointF(m_origBounds.width()/2, 0);
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.bottomLeft() + QPointF(m_bounds.width()/2, 0);
-				break;
-			default:
-				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft();
-				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft();
-				break;
-		}
-		origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft() + rotation.map(origFixPoint - m_origBounds.topLeft());
-		newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft() + rotation.map(newFixPoint - m_bounds.topLeft());
-		if (origFixPoint != newFixPoint)
-			m_bounds.translate(origFixPoint - newFixPoint);
-	}
-void ResizeGesture::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
-	FPoint point = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
-	m_mousePressPoint = m->globalPos();
-	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 0)
-	{
-		m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE;
-	}
-	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
-	{
-		double gx, gy, gh, gw;
-		m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
-		m_handle = m_canvas->frameHitTest(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()), QRectF(gx,gy,gw,gh));
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		m_handle = m_canvas->frameHitTest(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()), m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0));
-	}
-	if (m_handle > 0)
-	{
-		prepare(m_handle);
-		m->accept();
-	}
+	}
+	// snap to grid	+ snap to guides
+	bool isCorner = m_handle == Canvas::NORTHWEST || m_handle == Canvas::NORTHEAST 
+		|| m_handle == Canvas::SOUTHWEST || m_handle == Canvas::SOUTHEAST;
+	if (m_rotation == 0 || isCorner)
+	{
+		FPoint snappedPoint = m_doc->ApplyGridF(docPoint);
+		double x = snappedPoint.x(), y = snappedPoint.y();
+		m_doc->ApplyGuides(&x, &y);
+//		if (m_doc->ApplyGuides(&x, &y))
+//			qDebug() << "guides applied:" << snappedPoint.x() << snappedPoint.y() << "to" << x << y;
+		if (m_handle == Canvas::NORTH || m_handle == Canvas::SOUTH) 
+			// only snap on y-axis
+			docPoint = FPoint(docPoint.x(), y);
+		else if (m_handle == Canvas::EAST || m_handle == Canvas::WEST)
+			// only snap on x-axis
+			docPoint = FPoint(x, docPoint.y());
+		else 
+			docPoint = FPoint(x,y);
+//		qDebug() << "resize snap grid/guides:" << m->globalPos() << "-->" << m_canvas->canvasToGlobal(docPoint);
+	}
+	// un-rotate point
+	if (m_rotation != 0)
+	{
+		// rotate point around item position
+		rotation.translate(m_bounds.x(), m_bounds.y());
+		rotation.rotate(m_rotation);
+		rotation.translate(-m_bounds.x(), -m_bounds.y());
+//		qDebug() << "resize rotated" << m_rotation << "°" << m_bounds << rotation << ":" << point-globalBounds.topLeft() << "-->" << rotation.map(point)-globalBounds.topLeft();
+		QPointF qp = QPointF(docPoint.x(), docPoint.y());
+		qp = rotation.inverted().map(qp);
+		docPoint = FPoint(qp.x(), qp.y());
+	}
+	// adjust bounds vertically
+	switch (m_handle)
+	{
+		case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
+		case Canvas::NORTH:
+		case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
+//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: top to" << point.y();
+			m_bounds.setTop(docPoint.y());
+			break;
+		case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
+		case Canvas::SOUTH:
+		case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
+//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: bottom to" << point.y();
+			m_bounds.setBottom(docPoint.y());
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	// adjust bounds horizontally
+	switch (m_handle)
+	{
+		case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
+		case Canvas::WEST:
+		case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
+//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: left to" << point.x();
+			m_bounds.setLeft(docPoint.x());
+			break;
+		case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
+		case Canvas::EAST:
+		case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
+//			qDebug() << "ResizeGesture: right to" << point.x();
+			m_bounds.setRight(docPoint.x());
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+	}
+	// constrain ratio
+	double newRatio = double(m_bounds.width()) / double(m_bounds.height());
+	if (constrainRatio && m_origRatio != newRatio)
+	{
+//		qDebug() << "constrain ratio:" << m_bounds << newRatio << "to" << m_origRatio; 
+		int newWidth = qRound(m_bounds.height() * m_origRatio);
+		int newHeight = qRound(m_bounds.width() / m_origRatio);
+		switch (m_handle)
+		{
+			case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
+				// axis: topleft + t*[origRatio, 1]    t:= y-top
+				//       [x',y] = [left, top] + [(y-top)*origRatio, y-top]
+				//              = [left + (y-top)*origRatio, y]
+				// x < x'  => mouse is WEST, x > x'  => mouse is NORTH
+				// x < left + (y-top)*origratio   <=> x - left < (y - top) * origratio
+//				qDebug() << "NORTHWEST" << point << m_origBounds.topLeft() << m_origRatio
+//				<< (point.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (point.y()-m_origBounds.top()) * m_origRatio);
+				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (docPoint.y()-m_origBounds.top()) * m_origRatio)
+					m_bounds.setTop(m_bounds.top() - newHeight + m_bounds.height());
+				else
+					m_bounds.setLeft(m_bounds.left() - newWidth + m_bounds.width());
+				break;
+			case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
+				// axis: bottomleft + t*[origRatio, -1]    t:= bottom-y
+				//       (x',y) = [left, bottom] + [(bottom-y)*origRatio, -bottom+y]
+				//              = [left + (bottom-y)*origRatio, y]
+				// x < x'  => mouse is WEST, x > x'  => mouse is SOUTH
+				// x < left + (bottom-y)*origratio   <=> x - left < (bottom-y) * origratio
+//				qDebug() << "SOUTHWEST" << point << m_origBounds.bottomLeft()  << m_origRatio
+//				<< (point.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (m_origBounds.bottom() - point.y()) * m_origRatio);
+				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() < (m_origBounds.bottom() - docPoint.y()) * m_origRatio)
+					m_bounds.setHeight(newHeight);
+				else
+					m_bounds.setLeft(m_bounds.left() - newWidth + m_bounds.width());
+				break;
+			case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
+				// cf. SOUTHWEST
+				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() > (m_origBounds.bottom() - docPoint.y()) * m_origRatio)
+					m_bounds.setTop(m_bounds.top() - newHeight + m_bounds.height());
+				else
+					m_bounds.setWidth(newWidth);
+				break;
+			case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
+				// cf. NORTHWEST
+				if (docPoint.x() - m_origBounds.left() > (docPoint.y()-m_origBounds.top()) * m_origRatio)
+					m_bounds.setHeight(newHeight);
+				else
+					m_bounds.setWidth(newWidth);
+				break;
+			case Canvas::WEST:
+			case Canvas::EAST:
+				// (origBounds.top + origBounds.bottom) / 2 is the horizontal axis
+				// keep that fixed
+				m_bounds.setTop(((m_origBounds.top() + m_origBounds.bottom()) / 2) - newHeight / 2);
+				m_bounds.setHeight(newHeight);
+				break;
+			case Canvas::NORTH:
+			case Canvas::SOUTH:
+				// (origBounds.left + origBounds.right) / 2 is the vertical axis
+				// keep that fixed
+				m_bounds.setLeft(((m_origBounds.left() + m_origBounds.right()) / 2) - newWidth / 2);
+				m_bounds.setWidth(newWidth);
+				break;
+			default:
+				break;
+		}
+//		qDebug() << "constrained:" << m_bounds << double(m_bounds.width()) / m_bounds.height();
+	}
+	// re-rotate: if top left has changed, then it needs rotation
+	if (m_rotation != 0 && oldXY != m_bounds.topLeft())
+	{
+		m_bounds.moveTo(rotation.map(m_bounds.topLeft()));
+		// fix opposite corner to avoid aggregating rounding errors
+		QPointF origFixPoint, newFixPoint;
+		switch (m_handle)
+		{
+			case Canvas::NORTHWEST:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.bottomRight();
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.bottomRight();
+				break;
+			case Canvas::WEST:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topRight() + QPointF(0, m_origBounds.height()/2);
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topRight() + QPointF(0, m_bounds.height()/2);
+				break;
+			case Canvas::SOUTHWEST:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topRight();
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topRight();
+				break;
+			case Canvas::SOUTH:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft() + QPointF(m_origBounds.width()/2, 0);
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft() + QPointF(m_bounds.width()/2, 0);
+				break;
+			case Canvas::SOUTHEAST:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft();
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft();
+				break;
+			case Canvas::EAST:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft() + QPointF(0, m_origBounds.height()/2);
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft() + QPointF(0, m_bounds.height()/2);
+				break;
+			case Canvas::NORTHEAST:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.bottomLeft();
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.bottomLeft();
+				break;
+			case Canvas::NORTH:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.bottomLeft() + QPointF(m_origBounds.width()/2, 0);
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.bottomLeft() + QPointF(m_bounds.width()/2, 0);
+				break;
+			default:
+				origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft();
+				newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft();
+				break;
+		}
+		origFixPoint = m_origBounds.topLeft() + rotation.map(origFixPoint - m_origBounds.topLeft());
+		newFixPoint = m_bounds.topLeft() + rotation.map(newFixPoint - m_bounds.topLeft());
+		if (origFixPoint != newFixPoint)
+			m_bounds.translate(origFixPoint - newFixPoint);
+	}
+void ResizeGesture::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *m)
+	FPoint point = m_canvas->globalToCanvas(m->globalPos());
+	m_mousePressPoint = m->globalPos();
+	if (m_doc->m_Selection->count() == 0)
+	{
+		m_handle = Canvas::OUTSIDE;
+	}
+	else if (m_doc->m_Selection->isMultipleSelection())
+	{
+		double gx, gy, gh, gw;
+		m_doc->m_Selection->getVisualGroupRect(&gx, &gy, &gw, &gh);
+		m_handle = m_canvas->frameHitTest(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()), QRectF(gx,gy,gw,gh));
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		m_handle = m_canvas->frameHitTest(QPointF(point.x(), point.y()), m_doc->m_Selection->itemAt(0));
+	}
+	if (m_handle > 0)
+	{
+		prepare(m_handle);
+		m->accept();
+		m_mousePressBounds = m_bounds;
+	}

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