r14692 by fschmid - Vector Import Plugins: more previews in the Fileselectors for vector images, added them for SVG.
scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Fri Feb 12 20:41:08 CET 2010
Revision: 14692
Author: fschmid
Date: 2010-02-12T19:39:51.287441Z
Commit message: Vector Import Plugins: more previews in the Fileselectors for vector images, added them for SVG.
M /trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.cpp
M /trunk/Scribus/scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.h
Index: scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.cpp
--- scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.cpp (revision 14691)
+++ scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.cpp (revision 14692)
@@ -128,6 +128,7 @@
fmt.fileExtensions = QStringList() << "svg" << "svgz";
fmt.load = true;
fmt.save = false;
+ fmt.thumb = true;
fmt.mimeTypes = FormatsManager::instance()->mimetypeOfFormat(FormatsManager::SVG);
fmt.priority = 64;
@@ -149,7 +150,7 @@
if (!checkFlags(flags))
return false;
- m_Doc=ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc;
+ m_Doc = ScCore->primaryMainWindow()->doc;
ScribusMainWindow* mw=(m_Doc==0) ? ScCore->primaryMainWindow() : m_Doc->scMW();
if (filename.isEmpty())
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@
if (UndoManager::undoEnabled())
activeTransaction = new UndoTransaction(UndoManager::instance()->beginTransaction(trSettings));
- SVGPlug *dia = new SVGPlug(mw, flags);
+ SVGPlug *dia = new SVGPlug(m_Doc, flags);
dia->import(filename, trSettings, flags);
if (activeTransaction)
@@ -202,11 +203,30 @@
return true;
-SVGPlug::SVGPlug( ScribusMainWindow* mw, int flags ) :
- QObject(mw)
- tmpSel=new Selection(this, false);
- m_Doc=mw->doc;
+QImage SVGImportPlugin::readThumbnail(const QString& fileName)
+ bool wasUndo = false;
+ if( fileName.isEmpty() )
+ return QImage();
+ if (UndoManager::undoEnabled())
+ {
+ UndoManager::instance()->setUndoEnabled(false);
+ wasUndo = true;
+ }
+ m_Doc = NULL;
+ SVGPlug *dia = new SVGPlug(m_Doc, lfCreateThumbnail);
+ Q_CHECK_PTR(dia);
+ QImage ret = dia->readThumbnail(fileName);
+ if (wasUndo)
+ UndoManager::instance()->setUndoEnabled(true);
+ delete dia;
+ return ret;
+SVGPlug::SVGPlug( ScribusDoc* doc, int flags )
+ tmpSel = new Selection(this, false);
+ m_Doc = doc;
unsupported = false;
importFailed = false;
importCanceled = true;
@@ -216,10 +236,143 @@
docDesc = "";
docTitle = "";
groupLevel = 0;
+ importerFlags = flags;
interactive = (flags & LoadSavePlugin::lfInteractive);
// m_gc.setAutoDelete( true );
+QImage SVGPlug::readThumbnail(QString fName)
+ if (!loadData(fName))
+ return QImage();
+ QString CurDirP = QDir::currentPath();
+ QFileInfo efp(fName);
+ QDir::setCurrent(efp.path());
+ SvgStyle *gc = new SvgStyle;
+ QDomElement docElem = inpdoc.documentElement();
+ QSize wh = parseWidthHeight(docElem);
+ m_Doc = new ScribusDoc();
+ m_Doc->setup(0, 1, 1, 1, 1, "Custom", "Custom");
+ m_Doc->setPage(wh.width(), wh.height(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false);
+ m_Doc->addPage(0);
+ m_Doc->setGUI(false, ScCore->primaryMainWindow(), 0);
+ m_Doc->setLoading(true);
+ m_Doc->DoDrawing = false;
+ m_Doc->scMW()->ScriptRunning = true;
+ gc->FontFamily = m_Doc->itemToolPrefs.textFont;
+ if (!m_Doc->PageColors.contains("Black"))
+ m_Doc->PageColors.insert("Black", ScColor(0, 0, 0, 255));
+ m_gc.push( gc );
+ viewTransformX = 0;
+ viewTransformY = 0;
+ viewScaleX = 1;
+ viewScaleY = 1;
+ if( !docElem.attribute( "viewBox" ).isEmpty() )
+ {
+ QString viewbox( docElem.attribute( "viewBox" ) );
+ QStringList points = viewbox.replace( QRegExp(","), " ").simplified().split( ' ', QString::SkipEmptyParts );
+ if (points.size() > 3)
+ {
+ QTransform matrix;
+ QSize wh2 = parseWidthHeight(docElem);
+ double w2 = wh2.width();
+ double h2 = wh2.height();
+ addGraphicContext();
+ viewTransformX = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(points[0]);
+ viewTransformY = ScCLocale::toDoubleC(points[1]);
+ viewScaleX = w2 / ScCLocale::toDoubleC(points[2]);
+ viewScaleY = h2 / ScCLocale::toDoubleC(points[3]);
+ matrix.translate(-viewTransformX * viewScaleX, -viewTransformY * viewScaleY);
+ matrix.scale(viewScaleX, viewScaleY);
+ m_gc.top()->matrix = matrix;
+ }
+ }
+ QList<PageItem*> Elements = parseGroup( docElem );
+ tmpSel->clear();
+ QImage tmpImage = QImage();
+ if (Elements.count() > 0)
+ {
+ bool isGroup = true;
+ int firstElem = -1;
+ if (Elements.at(0)->Groups.count() != 0)
+ firstElem = Elements.at(0)->Groups.top();
+ for (int bx = 0; bx < Elements.count(); ++bx)
+ {
+ PageItem* bxi = Elements.at(bx);
+ if (bxi->Groups.count() != 0)
+ {
+ if (bxi->Groups.top() != firstElem)
+ isGroup = false;
+ }
+ else
+ isGroup = false;
+ }
+ if (!isGroup)
+ {
+ double minx = 99999.9;
+ double miny = 99999.9;
+ double maxx = -99999.9;
+ double maxy = -99999.9;
+ uint lowestItem = 999999;
+ uint highestItem = 0;
+ for (int a = 0; a < Elements.count(); ++a)
+ {
+ Elements.at(a)->Groups.push(m_Doc->GroupCounter);
+ PageItem* currItem = Elements.at(a);
+ lowestItem = qMin(lowestItem, currItem->ItemNr);
+ highestItem = qMax(highestItem, currItem->ItemNr);
+ double x1, x2, y1, y2;
+ currItem->getVisualBoundingRect(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2);
+ minx = qMin(minx, x1);
+ miny = qMin(miny, y1);
+ maxx = qMax(maxx, x2);
+ maxy = qMax(maxy, y2);
+ }
+ double gx = minx;
+ double gy = miny;
+ double gw = maxx - minx;
+ double gh = maxy - miny;
+ PageItem *high = m_Doc->Items->at(highestItem);
+ int z = m_Doc->itemAdd(PageItem::Polygon, PageItem::Rectangle, gx, gy, gw, gh, 0, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs.shapeFillColor, m_Doc->itemToolPrefs.shapeLineColor, true);
+ PageItem *neu = m_Doc->Items->takeAt(z);
+ m_Doc->Items->insert(lowestItem, neu);
+ neu->Groups.push(m_Doc->GroupCounter);
+ neu->setItemName( tr("Group%1").arg(neu->Groups.top()));
+ neu->AutoName = false;
+ neu->isGroupControl = true;
+ neu->groupsLastItem = high;
+ for (int a = 0; a < m_Doc->Items->count(); ++a)
+ {
+ m_Doc->Items->at(a)->ItemNr = a;
+ }
+ neu->setRedrawBounding();
+ neu->setTextFlowMode(PageItem::TextFlowDisabled);
+ Elements.prepend(neu);
+ m_Doc->GroupCounter++;
+ }
+ m_Doc->DoDrawing = true;
+ m_Doc->m_Selection->delaySignalsOn();
+ for (int dre=0; dre<Elements.count(); ++dre)
+ {
+ tmpSel->addItem(Elements.at(dre), true);
+ }
+ tmpSel->setGroupRect();
+ double xs = tmpSel->width();
+ double ys = tmpSel->height();
+ double sc = 500.0 / qMax(xs, ys);
+ m_Doc->scaleGroup(sc, sc, true, tmpSel);
+ tmpImage = Elements.at(0)->DrawObj_toImage();
+ tmpImage.setText("XSize", QString("%1").arg(xs));
+ tmpImage.setText("YSize", QString("%1").arg(ys));
+ m_Doc->m_Selection->delaySignalsOff();
+ }
+ m_Doc->scMW()->ScriptRunning = false;
+ m_Doc->setLoading(false);
+ delete m_Doc;
+ QDir::setCurrent(CurDirP);
+ return tmpImage;
bool SVGPlug::import(QString fname, const TransactionSettings& trSettings, int flags)
if (!loadData(fname))
Index: scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.h
--- scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.h (revision 14691)
+++ scribus/plugins/import/svg/svgplugin.h (revision 14692)
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
virtual void languageChange();
virtual bool fileSupported(QIODevice* file, const QString & fileName=QString::null) const;
virtual bool loadFile(const QString & fileName, const FileFormat & fmt, int flags, int index = 0);
+ virtual QImage readThumbnail(const QString& fileName);
virtual void addToMainWindowMenu(ScribusMainWindow *) {};
public slots:
@@ -223,9 +224,10 @@
\param fName QString
\param isInteractive flag to use GUI
- SVGPlug(ScribusMainWindow *mw, int flags);
+ SVGPlug(ScribusDoc* doc, int flags);
bool import(QString fname, const TransactionSettings& trSettings, int flags);
+ QImage readThumbnail(QString fn);
bool loadData(QString fname);
void convert(const TransactionSettings& trSettings, int flags);
void addGraphicContext();
@@ -302,6 +304,7 @@
QMap<QString, QString> importedPattTrans;
double inGroupXOrigin;
double inGroupYOrigin;
+ int importerFlags;
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