r14104 by cbradney - Move editorconfig to resources

scribus-commit scribus-commit at lists.scribus.net
Wed Oct 7 00:03:59 CEST 2009

Revision: 14104
Author: cbradney
Date: 2009-10-06T19:35:54.163283Z
Commit message: Move editorconfig to resources

A  /branches/Version135/Scribus/resources/editorconfig
D  /branches/Version135/Scribus/scribus/editorconfig
M  /branches/Version135/Scribus/scribus/CMakeLists.txt
M  /branches/Version135/Scribus/CMakeLists.txt

Index: scribus/CMakeLists.txt
--- scribus/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 14103)
+++ scribus/CMakeLists.txt	(revision 14104)
@@ -11,7 +11,6 @@
Index: CMakeLists.txt
--- CMakeLists.txt	(revision 14103)
+++ CMakeLists.txt	(revision 14104)
@@ -705,6 +705,7 @@
 #Add our source subdirs
Index: resources/editorconfig/100_latex.tar
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/100_latex.tar
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/500_povray.xml
--- resources/editorconfig/500_povray.xml	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/500_povray.xml	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+<editorsettings icon="povray_32.png" description="POV-Ray" >
+	<executable command="povray +WL0 -D +W$scribus_width_px$ +H$scribus_height_px$ +Q$scribus_quality$ $scribus_antialias$$scribus_aathres$ +R$scribus_aadepth$ +I%file" />
+  	<imagefile extension=".png" />
+	<highlighter>
+		<rule regex="global_settings|sphere|box|light_source|camera" color="#800000" />
+		<rule regex="[\d+.-]+" color="blue" />
+		<rule regex="&lt;[ \d+.-]*,[ \d+.-]*,[ \d+.-]*&gt;" color="#008080" />
+		<rule regex="assumed_gamma|location|direction|look_at|finish|ambient|diffuse|phong|pigment|color|rotate" color="#000080" />
+		<rule regex="red" color="red"/>
+		<rule regex="green" color="green"/>
+		<rule regex="blue" color="blue"/>
+	</highlighter>
+	<empty-frame-text>
+global_settings { assumed_gamma 2.2 }
+   location  &lt;0, 0, -8&gt;
+   direction &lt;0, 0, 1.2071&gt;
+   look_at   &lt;0, 0, 0&gt;
+sphere { &lt;0.0, 0.0, 0.0&gt;, 2
+   finish {
+      ambient 0.2
+      diffuse 0.8
+      phong 1
+   }
+   pigment { color red 1 green 0 blue 0 }
+box { &lt;-2.0, -0.2, -2.0&gt;, &lt;2.0, 0.2, 2.0&gt;
+    finish {
+       ambient 0.2
+       diffuse 0.8
+    }
+    pigment { color red 1 green 0 blue 1 }
+    rotate &lt;-20, 30, 0&gt;
+light_source { &lt;-10, 3, -20&gt; color red 1 green 1 blue 1 }
+  <preamble/>
+  <postamble/>
+  <tab type="settings">
+	  <title>
+		  <i18n>
+			  <en>Render Options</en>
+			  <de>Render Optionen</de>
+			  <ru>Параметры визуализации</ru>
+		  </i18n>
+	  </title>
+	  <list name="quality" default="11">
+		<title>
+			<i18n>
+				  <en>Quality:</en>
+				  <de>Qualität:</de>
+				  <ru>Качество:</ru>
+			</i18n>
+		</title>
+		<option value="1">Just show quick colors</option>
+		<option value="3">Show specified diffuse and ambient light</option>
+		<option value="4">Render shadows, but no extended lights</option>
+		<option value="5">Render shadows, including extended lights</option>
+		<option value="7">Compute texture patterns and photons</option>
+		<option value="8">Compute reflections and refractions</option>
+		<option value="11">Compute media and radiosity</option>
+	</list>
+	<list name="antialias" default="+A">
+		<title>
+			<i18n>
+				<en>Antialiasing:</en>
+				<de>Antialiasing:</de>
+				<ru>Сглаживание:</ru>
+			</i18n>
+		</title>
+		<option value="+A">On</option>
+		<option value="-A">Off</option>
+	</list>
+	<spinbox name="aathres" type="double" min="0.0" max="3.0" step="0.1" default="0.3">
+		<i18n>
+			<en>Antialiasing Threshold:</en>
+			<de>Antialiasing Schwellwert:</de>
+			<ru>Порог сглаживания:</ru>
+		</i18n>
+	</spinbox>
+	<spinbox name="aadepth" type="short" min="1" max="9" step="1" default="3">
+		<i18n>
+			<en>Antialiasing Depth:</en>
+			<de>Antialiasing Rekursion:</de>
+			<ru>Глубина сглаживания:</ru>
+		</i18n>
+	</spinbox>
+	</tab>
Index: resources/editorconfig/dot.svg
--- resources/editorconfig/dot.svg	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/dot.svg	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
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+  </g>
Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latexicons.py
--- resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latexicons.py	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latexicons.py	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+"""Create icons from list of latex symbols."""
+import sys
+import string
+import subprocess
+retcode = None
+cmd_output = None
+def conv_filename(name):
+	"""Remove all bad characters and convert to all lowercase."""
+	badchars = "\\/!\"$%&{}=?[]* "
+	for char in badchars:
+		name = name.replace(char, '')
+	for char in string.ascii_uppercase:
+		name = name.replace(char, char.lower()+'_')
+	return name
+def run_command(command):
+	global retcode, cmd_output
+	process = subprocess.Popen(command.split(' '), stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
+	cmd_output = process.communicate()
+	retcode = process.returncode
+	return retcode
+if len(sys.argv) < 3:
+	print "usage: icons.py iconlist template"
+	sys.exit(1)
+symbols = open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()
+template = open(sys.argv[2]).read()
+xmlsample = open("xmlsample", 'w')
+i = 0
+for symbol in symbols:
+	i += 1
+	symbol = symbol.strip()
+	if symbol.startswith('#') or symbol == "":
+		continue
+	print "%5.1f%%   %-30s ." % (float(i)/len(symbols)*100, symbol),
+	source = template % symbol
+	#print source
+	f = open("tmp", 'w')
+	f.write(source)
+	f.close()
+	if run_command("latex --interaction batchmode tmp") != 0:
+		print "Error", cmd_output
+		continue
+	else:
+		print ".",
+	filename = conv_filename(symbol)
+	if run_command("dvipng -D 200 -T tight -pp 1 -bg Transparent -o out/%s.png tmp.dvi" % filename) != 0:
+		print "Error", cmd_output
+		continue
+	else:
+		print "."
+	xmlsample.write(r'<item value="%s"  image="%s.png" />' %(symbol, filename)+"\n")

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latexicons.py
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex_symbols
--- resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex_symbols	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex_symbols	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
+#Relation Symbols - May require package {amssymb,amsmath}
+#Arrow Symbols - May require package {amssymb,amsmath}
+#Miscellaneous Symbols - May require package {amssymb,amsmath}
+#Delimiters - May require package {amssymb,amsmath}
+Greek Alphabet
+#Math Alphabets - May require package {amsfonts}
+\text{[Regular text]}
+#Math Accents
+#Additional symbols as requested by bug #7244
Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/cdots.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/cdots.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/ddots.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/ddots.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/vdots.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/vdots.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/ldots.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/predefined/ldots.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex.sh
--- resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex.sh	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex.sh	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+set -x
+rm -r out
+mkdir out
+./latexicons.py latex_symbols template
+cp predefined/* out
+cd out
+tar -cf ../../latex.tar *.png
+cd ..
+rm -f tmp tmp.aux tmp.dvi tmp.log
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/latex.sh
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Index: resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/template
--- resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/template	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/helperscripts/template	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
Index: resources/editorconfig/povray_32.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/povray_32.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/200_gnuplot.xml
--- resources/editorconfig/200_gnuplot.xml	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/200_gnuplot.xml	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
+<editorsettings description="Gnuplot" icon="gnuplot.png">
+	<executable command="gnuplot" />
+	<imagefile extension=".png"/>
+	<highlighter>
+		<rule name="commands" regex="^\s*(bind|call|cd|clear|exit|fit|help|history|if|load|lower|pause|plot|print|pwd|quit|raise|replot|reread|reset|save|set|shell|show|splot|system|test|undefine|unset|update)\b" bold="true"/>
+		<rule name="set" regex="^\s*set\s+(angles|arrow|autoscale|bars|bmargin|border|boxwidth|cbdata|cbdtics|cblabel|cbmtics|cbrange|cbtics|clabel|clip|cntrparam|colorbox|contour|datafile|date_specifiers|decimalsign|dgrid3d|dummy|encoding|fit|fontpath|format|grid|hidden3d|historysize|isosamples|key|label|lmargin|loadpath|locale|log|logscale|macros|mapping|margin|missing|mouse|multiplot|mx2tics|mxtics|my2tics|mytics|mztics|object|offsets|origin|output|palette|parametric|pm3d|pointsize|polar|print|rmargin|rrange|samples|size|style|surface|table|term|terminal|termoption|tics|ticscale|ticslevel|time_specifiers|timefmt|timestamp|title|tmargin|trange|urange|view|vrange|x2data|x2dtics|x2label|x2mtics|x2range|x2tics|x2zeroaxis|xdata|xdtics|xlabel|xmtics|xrange|xtics|xyplane|xzeroaxis|y2data|y2dtics|y2label|y2mtics|y2range|y2tics|y2zeroaxis|ydata|ydtics|ylabel|ymtics|yrange|ytics|yzeroaxis|zdata|zdtics|zero|zeroaxis|zlabel|zmtics|zrange|ztics|zzeroaxis)\b" bold="true"/>
+		<rule name="functions" regex="[^a-zA-Z0-9](abs|acos|acosh|arg|asin|asinh|atan|atan2|atanh|besj0|besj1|besy0|besy1|ceil|column|cos|cosh|defined|erf|erfc|exists|exp|floor|gamma|gprintf|ibeta|igamma|imag|int|inverf|invnorm|lambertw|lgamma|log|log10|norm|rand|random|real|sgn|sin|sinh|sprintf|sqrt|strcol|strftime|stringcolumn|strlen|strptime|strstrt|substr|system|tan|tanh|timecolumn|tm_hour|tm_mday|tm_min|tm_mon|tm_sec|tm_wday|tm_yday|tm_year|valid|word|words)[^a-zA-Z0-9]" color="blue" />
+		<rule name="variables" regex="[^a-zA-Z0-9](x|y|z)[^a-zA-Z0-9]" italic="true" />
+		<rule name="strings" regex="&quot;.+&quot;" color="red" minimal="true"/>
+	</highlighter>
+	<empty-frame-text>
+		plot sin(x), (cos(x))**2
+	</empty-frame-text>
+	<preamble>
+		set terminal png transparent enhanced size $scribus_realwidth_px$,$scribus_realheight_px$
+		set output "$scribus_file$.png"
+		set xrange [$scribus_xmin$:$scribus_xmax$]
+		set yrange [$scribus_ymin$:$scribus_ymax$]
+		set title "$scribus_title$"
+		set xlabel "$scribus_xlabel$"
+		set ylabel "$scribus_ylabel$"
+		$scribus_grid$ $scribus_gridlayer$
+		$scribus_zeroaxis$
+	</preamble>
+	<postamble></postamble>
+	<tab type="settings">
+		<title><i18n>
+			<en>Ranges</en>
+			<de>Bereiche</de>
+			<fr>Rangées</fr>
+			<pl>Zakresy</pl>
+			<ru>Диапазоны</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
+		<comment><i18n>
+			<en>Enter asterisk (*) for autoscale!</en>
+			<de>Stern (*) für automatische Skalierung eingeben!</de>
+			<fr>Entrez une astérisque (*) pour ajuster automatiquement !</fr>
+			<pl>Wpisz asterisk (*) dla automatycznego skalowania!</pl>
+			<ru>Enter asterisk (*) for autoscale!</ru>
+		</i18n></comment>
+		<spinbox name="xmin" type="double" min="-1e6" max="+1e6" step="1" default="*" special="*"><i18n>
+			<en>X Min:</en>
+			<pl>Min X:</pl>
+			<ru>Минимум по X:</ru>
+		</i18n></spinbox>
+		<spinbox name="xmax" type="double" min="-1e6" max="+1e6" step="1" default="*" special="*"><i18n>
+			<en>X Max:</en>
+			<pl>Maks. X:</pl>
+			<ru>Максимум по X:</ru>
+		</i18n></spinbox>
+		<spinbox name="ymin" type="double" min="-1e6" max="+1e6" step="1" default="*" special="*"><i18n>
+			<en>Y Min:</en>
+			<pl>Min Y:</pl>
+			<ru>Минимум по Y:</ru>
+		</i18n></spinbox>
+		<spinbox name="ymax" type="double" min="-1e6" max="+1e6" step="1" default="*" special="*"><i18n>
+			<en>Y Max:</en>
+			<pl>Maks. Y:</pl>
+			<ru>Максимум по Y:</ru>
+		</i18n></spinbox>
+	</tab>
+	<tab type="settings">
+		<title><i18n>
+			<en>Labels</en>
+			<de>Beschriftungen</de>
+			<fr>Étiquettes</fr>
+			<pl>Etykiety</pl>
+			<ru>Метки</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
+		<text name="title" type="short" default=""><i18n>
+			<en>Title:</en>
+			<de>Titel:</de>
+			<fr>Titre :</fr>
+			<pl>Tytuł:</pl>
+			<ru>Название:</ru>
+		</i18n></text>
+		<text name="xlabel" type="short" default=""><i18n>
+			<en>X-Label:</en>
+			<de>X-Beschriftung:</de>
+			<ru>Метка оси X:</ru>
+		</i18n></text>
+		<text name="ylabel" type="short" default=""><i18n>
+			<en>Y-Label:</en>
+			<de>Y-Beschriftung:</de>
+			<ru>Метка оси Y:</ru>
+		</i18n></text>
+		<list name="grid" default="#">
+			<title><i18n>
+				<en>Grid:</en>
+				<de>Gitter:</de>
+				<fr>Grille :</fr>
+				<pl>Siatka:</pl>
+				<ru>Сетка:</ru>
+			</i18n></title>
+			<option value="#"><i18n>
+				<en>No Grid</en>
+				<de>Kein Gitter</de>
+				<fr>Pas de Grille</fr>
+				<pl>Bez siatki</pl>
+				<ru>Без сетки</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+			<option value="set grid xtics ytics"><i18n>
+				<en>Major ticks only</en>
+				<de>Nur Hauptstriche</de>
+				<fr>Seulement les coches majeures</fr>
+				<pl>Tylko główne linie</pl>
+				<ru>Только основные линии</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+			<option value="set grid xtics ytics mxtics mytics"><i18n>
+				<en>Major and minor ticks</en>
+				<de>Alle Stiche</de>
+				<fr>Coches majeures et mineures</fr>
+				<pl>Wszystkie linie</pl>
+				<ru>Основные и вторичные линии</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+		</list>
+		<list name="gridlayer" default="back">
+			<title><i18n>
+				<en>Grid layer:</en>
+				<de>Gitterebene:</de>
+				<fr>Niveau de la grille :</fr>
+				<pl>Warstwa siatki:</pl>
+				<ru>Слой сетки:</ru>
+			</i18n></title>
+			<option value="back"><i18n>
+				<en>Back</en>
+				<de>Hinten</de>
+				<fr>Arrière</fr>
+				<pl>Na spodzie</pl>
+				<ru>Позади</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+			<option value="front"><i18n>
+				<en>Front</en>
+				<de>Vorne</de>
+				<fr>A l'avant</fr>
+				<pl>Na wierzchu</pl>
+				<ru>Впереди</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+		</list>
+		<list name="zeroaxis" default="">
+			<title><i18n>
+				<en>Zero axis:</en>
+				<de>Null-Achse:</de>
+				<fr>Axe Zero :</fr>
+				<pl>OÅ› zerowa:</pl>
+				<ru>Начало координат:</ru>
+			</i18n></title>
+			<option value=""><i18n>
+				<en>None</en>
+				<de>Keine</de>
+				<fr>Aucun</fr>
+				<pl>Brak</pl>
+				<ru>Нет</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+			<option value="set xzeroaxis"><i18n>
+				<en>X axis</en>
+				<de>X-Achse</de>
+				<fr>Axe des X</fr>
+				<pl>OÅ› X</pl>
+				<ru>Для оси X</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+			<option value="set yzeroaxis"><i18n>
+				<en>Y axis</en>
+				<de>Y-Achse</de>
+				<fr>Axe des Y</fr>
+				<pl>OÅ› Y</pl>
+				<ru>Для оси Y</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+			<option value="set zeroaxis"><i18n>
+				<en>Both</en>
+				<de>Beide</de>
+				<fr>Les deux</fr>
+				<pl>Obie</pl>
+				<ru>Для обеих осей</ru>
+			</i18n></option>
+		</list>
+	</tab>
Index: resources/editorconfig/400_dot.xml
--- resources/editorconfig/400_dot.xml	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/400_dot.xml	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+<editorsettings description="Dot (GraphViz)" icon="dot.svg">
+	<executable command="dot -Tsvg %file -o %file.svg" />
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+		C -> "Gnuplot"
+		C -> "LilyPond"
+		C -> "Dot"
+		C -> "POV-Ray"
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+    <de>
+		ratio="fill";
+		edge [color ="blue"];
+		S [label="Scribus", color="#f94949", style=filled];
+		node [shape="box", color="#6767ed", style=filled];
+		S -> "Textrahmen";
+		S -> "Bilderrahmen";	
+		C [label="Befehlsrahmen"];
+		S -> C
+		node [shape="box", color="#82ec80", style=filled]
+		C -> "LaTeX"
+		C -> "Gnuplot"
+		C -> "LilyPond"
+		C -> "Dot"
+		C -> "POV-Ray"
+    </de>
+    <fr>
+		ratio="fill";
+		edge [color ="blue"];
+		S [label="Scribus", color="#f94949", style=filled];
+		node [shape="box", color="#6767ed", style=filled];
+		S -> "Cadre de texte";
+		S -> "Cadre d'image";	
+		C [label="Cadre de rendu"];
+		S -> C
+		node [shape="box", color="#82ec80", style=filled]
+		C -> "LaTeX"
+		C -> "Gnuplot"
+		C -> "LilyPond"
+		C -> "Dot"
+		C -> "POV-Ray"
+    </fr>
+    <pl>
+	    ratio="fill";
+	    edge [color ="blue"];
+	    S [label="Scribus", color="#f94949", style=filled];
+	    node [shape="box", color="#6767ed", style=filled];
+	    S -> "Ramki tekstowe";
+	    S -> "Ramki graficzne";	
+	    C [label="Ramki renderowane"];
+	    S -> C
+	    node [shape="box", color="#82ec80", style=filled]
+	    C -> "LaTeX"
+	    C -> "Gnuplot"
+	    C -> "LilyPond"
+	    C -> "Dot"
+	    C -> "POV-Ray"
+    </pl>
+    <ru>
+		ratio="fill";
+		edge [color ="blue"];
+		S [label="Scribus", color="#f94949", style=filled];
+		node [shape="box", color="#6767ed", style=filled];
+		S -> "Текстовые блоки";
+		S -> "Блоки изображений";	
+		C [label="Блоки команд"];
+		S -> C
+		node [shape="box", color="#82ec80", style=filled]
+		C -> "LaTeX"
+		C -> "Gnuplot"
+		C -> "LilyPond"
+		C -> "Dot"
+		C -> "POV-Ray"
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+    </i18n>
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Index: resources/editorconfig/dot.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/dot.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/300_lilypond.xml
--- resources/editorconfig/300_lilypond.xml	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/300_lilypond.xml	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+<editorsettings description="LilyPond" icon="lilypond.png">
+<executable command="lilypond --pdf" />
+<imagefile extension=".pdf"/>
+ c' e' g' e'
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Index: resources/editorconfig/gnuplot.png
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/gnuplot.png
Added: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Index: resources/editorconfig/100_latex.xml
--- resources/editorconfig/100_latex.xml	(revision 0)
+++ resources/editorconfig/100_latex.xml	(revision 14104)
@@ -0,0 +1,860 @@
+<editorsettings description="LaTeX" icon="alpha.png">
+	<executable command="pdflatex --interaction nonstopmode" />
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+		<i18n>
+			<en>
+				\section*{Manual}
+				Your \LaTeX-frames setup is working when you can read this text!\\
+				Placing formulas is very easy:\\
+				Right click $\Rightarrow$ Edit Source\\
+				And replace this text with your own. Here is an example:
+				\begin{verbatim}
+					\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+				\end{verbatim}
+				becomes
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+			</en>
+			<de>
+				\section*{Einführung}
+				Wenn Sie diesen Text lesen können funktionieren \LaTeX-Frames bei Ihnen.
+				Eigene Formel einzufügen ist sehr einfach:
+				Mit der rechten Maustaste auf diesen Frame klicken $\Rightarrow$ Source bearbeiten\\
+				Danach diesen Text durch ihren eigenen ersetzen:\\
+				Ein Beispiel:
+				Aus 
+				\begin{verbatim}
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+				\end{verbatim}
+				wird
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+			</de>
+			<fr>
+				\section*{Introduction}
+				Votre cadre \LaTeX fonctionne lorsque vous pouvez lire ce texte !\\
+				Placer des formules est très facile :\\
+				Clique droit $\Rightarrow$ Edit Source\\
+				Et remplacez ce texte par le vôtre. Voici un exemple :
+				\begin{verbatim}
+					\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+				\end{verbatim}
+				devient
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+			</fr>
+			<pl>
+				\section*{Wprowadzenie}
+				Gdy widzisz ten tekst w ramce renderowanej, to znaczy, ze \LaTeX jest 
+				obslugiwany na twoim systemie i w ramkach renderowanych Scribusa.\\
+				Aby dodac obsluge polskich znakow diakrytycznych, nalezy kliknac na 
+				zakladke "Fonty/Naglowki" w edytorze kodu zrodlowego ramki i w polu 
+				"Dodatkowe naglowki" dodac nastepujace polecenia:\\
+				\begin{verbatim}
+				\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
+				\usepackage{polski}
+				\end{verbatim}
+				Wstawianie wzorow jest tez bardzo proste:\\
+				Na przyklad zapis:\\
+				\begin{verbatim}
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+				\end{verbatim}
+				zostanie zamieniony na wzor:
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+			</pl>
+			<ru>
+				\section*{Вступление}
+				Если вы читаете этот текст, значит блоки \LaTeX работают!\\
+				Размещать формулы очень просто:\\
+				В контекстном меню блока выберите команду Right click $\Rightarrow$ Изменить исходник\\
+				И замените этот текст своим. Вот пример:
+				\begin{verbatim}
+					\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+				\end{verbatim}
+				becomes
+				\[J = \int r^2 \mathrm{d}m\]
+			</ru>
+		</i18n>
+	</empty-frame-text>
+	<preamble>
+		\documentclass[a4paper,$scribus_fontsize$]{extarticle}
+		\usepackage[utf8]{inputenc}
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+		\title{Scribus-Latex-File}
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+		\author{Scribus}
+		\pagestyle{empty}
+		\setlength{\textwidth}{$scribus_realwidth$ pt}
+		\begin{document}
+	</preamble>
+	<postamble>
+		\end{document}
+	</postamble>
+	<tab type="settings">
+		<title><i18n>
+				<en>Fonts/Headers</en>
+				<de>Schriften/Header</de>
+				<fr>Polices/En-tête</fr>
+				<pl>Fonty/Nagłówki</pl>
+				<ru>Шрифты и заголовки</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
+		<comment><i18n>
+			<en>Fonts only work when installed on your computer!</en>
+			<de>Schriften funktionieren nur, wenn sie auch auf dem Computer installiert sind.</de>
+			<fr>Les polices fonctionnent uniquement lorsqu'elles sont installées sur votre ordinateur !</fr>
+			<pl>Fonty muszą być zainstalowane na twoim komputerze!</pl>
+			<ru>Шрифты работают только если они установлены в системе!</ru>
+		</i18n></comment>
+		<list name="font" default="">
+			<title><i18n>
+				<en>Font:</en>
+				<de>Schrift:</de>
+				<fr>Police :</fr>
+				<pl>Font:</pl>
+				<ru>Шрифт:</ru>
+			</i18n></title>
+			<option value="">Computer Modern</option>
+			<option value="\usepackage{ccfonts}">Concrete</option>
+			<!--<option value="\usepackage{cmbright}">CM Bright</option>-->
+			<option value="\usepackage{helvet}">Helvetica</option>
+			<option value="\usepackage{courier}">Courier</option>
+		</list>
+		<comment><i18n>
+			<en>Note: You have to include \sf at the beginning of your text for Helvetica and \tt for Courier!</en>
+			<de>Hinweis: Am Anfang des Textes muss zusätzlich \sf für Helvetica und \tt für Courier stehen!</de>
+			<pl>Uwaga: Na początku tekstu należy dodatkowo umieścić \sf dla fontu Helvetica i \tt dla fontu Courier!</pl>
+			<ru>Примечание: необходимо включить команду \sf в начало текста для Helvetica и \tt для Courier!</ru>
+		</i18n></comment>
+		<list name="fontsize" default="11pt">
+			<title><i18n>
+					<en>Fontsize:</en>
+					<de>Schriftgröße:</de>
+					<fr>Taille police :</fr>
+					<pl>Stopień pisma:</pl>
+					<ru>Кегль шрифт:</ru>
+			</i18n></title>
+			<option value="8pt">8pt</option>
+			<option value="9pt">9pt</option>
+			<option value="10pt">10pt</option>
+			<option value="11pt">11pt</option>
+			<option value="12pt">12pt</option>
+			<option value="14pt">14pt</option>
+			<option value="17pt">17pt</option>
+			<option value="20pt">20pt</option>
+		</list>
+		<!--Not working yet! <color name="fg"><i18n>
+				<en>Fontcolor</en>
+				<de>Textfarbe</de>
+				<fr>Couleur police</fr>
+				<pl>Kolor fontu</pl>
+			</i18n></color>
+		<color name="bg"><i18n>
+				<en>Backgroundcolor</en>
+				<de>Hintergrundfarbe</de>
+				<fr>Couleur de fond</fr>
+				<pl>Kolor tła</pl>
+			</i18n></color>
+		-->
+		<text name="additionalheaders" type="long" default="\usepackage{amsmath}"><i18n>
+			<en>Additional Headers:</en>
+			<de>Zusätzliche Header:</de>
+			<fr>En-tête additionnel :</fr>
+			<pl>Dodatkowe nagłówki:</pl>
+			<en>Дополнительные заголовки:</en>
+		</i18n></text>
+	</tab>
+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+				<en>Relation symbols</en>
+				<fr>Symboles et opérateurs</fr>
+				<de>Verhältnissymbole</de>
+				<pl>Symbole relacji</pl>
+				<ru>Символы соотношения</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
+		<item value="\pm"  image="pm.png" />
+		<item value="\cap"  image="cap.png" />
+		<item value="\diamond"  image="diamond.png" />
+		<item value="\oplus"  image="oplus.png" />
+		<item value="\mp"  image="mp.png" />
+		<item value="\cup"  image="cup.png" />
+		<item value="\bigtriangleup"  image="bigtriangleup.png" />
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+		<item value="\times"  image="times.png" />
+		<item value="\uplus"  image="uplus.png" />
+		<item value="\bigtriangledown"  image="bigtriangledown.png" />
+		<item value="\otimes"  image="otimes.png" />
+		<item value="\div"  image="div.png" />
+		<item value="\sqcap"  image="sqcap.png" />
+		<item value="\triangleleft"  image="triangleleft.png" />
+		<item value="\oslash"  image="oslash.png" />
+		<item value="\ast"  image="ast.png" />
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+		<item value="\triangleright"  image="triangleright.png" />
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+		<item value="\star"  image="star.png" />
+		<item value="\vee"  image="vee.png" />
+		<item value="\bigcirc"  image="bigcirc.png" />
+		<item value="\circ"  image="circ.png" />
+		<item value="\wedge"  image="wedge.png" />
+		<item value="\dagger"  image="dagger.png" />
+		<item value="\bullet"  image="bullet.png" />
+		<item value="\setminus"  image="setminus.png" />
+		<item value="\ddagger"  image="ddagger.png" />
+		<item value="\cdot"  image="cdot.png" />
+		<item value="\wr"  image="wr.png" />
+		<item value="\amalg"  image="amalg.png" />
+		<item value="\leq"  image="leq.png" />
+		<item value="\geq"  image="geq.png" />
+		<item value="\equiv"  image="equiv.png" />
+		<item value="\models"  image="models.png" />
+		<item value="\prec"  image="prec.png" />
+		<item value="\succ"  image="succ.png" />
+		<item value="\sim"  image="sim.png" />
+		<item value="\perp"  image="perp.png" />
+		<item value="\preceq"  image="preceq.png" />
+		<item value="\succeq"  image="succeq.png" />
+		<item value="\simeq"  image="simeq.png" />
+		<item value="\mid"  image="mid.png" />
+		<item value="\ll"  image="ll.png" />
+		<item value="\gg"  image="gg.png" />
+		<item value="\asymp"  image="asymp.png" />
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+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+				<en>Arrows</en>
+				<de>Pfeile</de>
+				<fr>Flèches</fr>
+				<pl>Strzałki</pl>
+				<ru>Стрелки</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
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+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+				<en>Miscellaneous symbols</en>
+				<de>Verschiedenes</de>
+				<fr>Symboles divers</fr>
+				<pl>Różne symbole</pl>
+				<ru>Различные символы</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
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+        <item value="\Delta" image="d_elta.png">Laplace</item>
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+		<item value="\jmath"  image="jmath.png" />
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+		<item value="\%">%</item>
+	</tab>
+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+				<en>Delimiters</en>
+				<de>Trenner</de>
+				<fr>Délimiteurs</fr>
+				<pl>Znaki rozdzielajÄ…ce</pl>
+				<ru>Разделители</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
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+		<item value="\Vert"  image="v_ert.png" />
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+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+				<en>Greek Alphabet</en>
+				<de>Griechisches Alphabet</de>
+				<fr>Alphabet Grec</fr>
+				<pl>Alfabet grecki</pl>
+				<ru>Греческий алфавит</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
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+		<item value="\mu"  image="mu.png" />
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+		<item value="\rho"  image="rho.png" />
+		<item value="\varrho"  image="varrho.png" />
+		<item value="\sigma"  image="sigma.png" />
+		<item value="\varsigma"  image="varsigma.png" />
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+		<item value="\varphi"  image="varphi.png" />
+		<item value="\chi"  image="chi.png" />
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+		<item value="\Theta"  image="t_heta.png" />
+		<item value="\Lambda"  image="l_ambda.png" />
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+		<item value="\Psi"  image="p_si.png" />
+		<item value="\Omega"  image="o_mega.png" />
+	</tab>
+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+			<en>Math alphabets</en>
+			<de>Mathe-Alphabete</de>
+			<fr>Alphabet Math</fr>
+			<pl>Alfabet matematyczny</pl>
+			<ru>Математические алфавиты</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
+		<item value="\mathcal{A}"  image="mathcala_.png" />
+		<item value="\mathcal{B}"  image="mathcalb_.png" />
+		<item value="\mathcal{C}"  image="mathcalc_.png" />
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+		<item value="\mathcal{H}"  image="mathcalh_.png" />
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+		<item value="\mathcal{J}"  image="mathcalj_.png" />
+		<item value="\mathcal{K}"  image="mathcalk_.png" />
+		<item value="\mathcal{L}"  image="mathcall_.png" />
+		<item value="\mathcal{M}"  image="mathcalm_.png" />
+		<item value="\mathcal{N}"  image="mathcaln_.png" />
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+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Delta}"  image="boldsymbold_elta.png" />
+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Theta}"  image="boldsymbolt_heta.png" />
+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Lambda}"  image="boldsymboll_ambda.png" />
+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Xi}"  image="boldsymbolx_i.png" />
+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Pi}"  image="boldsymbolp_i.png" />
+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Sigma}"  image="boldsymbols_igma.png" />
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+		<item value="\boldsymbol{\Phi}"  image="boldsymbolp_hi.png" />
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+		<item value="\boldsymbol{[sym]}"  image="boldsymbolsym.png" />
+		<item value="\text{[Regular text]}"  image="textr_egulartext.png">
+			<i18n>
+				<en>Regular text</en>
+				<de>Normaler Text</de>
+				<fr>Texte normal</fr>
+				<pl>Zwykły tekst</pl>
+				<ru>Обычный текст</ru>
+			</i18n>
+		</item>
+	</tab>
+	<tab type="items">
+		<title><i18n>
+			<en>Math accents</en>
+			<de>Mathe-Akzente</de>
+			<fr>Accents Math</fr>
+			<pl>Akcenty matematyczne</pl>
+			<ru>Математические акценты</ru>
+		</i18n></title>
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+		<item value="\overleftrightarrow{}" image="overleftrightarrowa.png" />
+	</tab>
Index: resources/editorconfig/CMakeLists.txt
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+  DESTINATION ${SHAREDIR}/editorconfig
Index: resources/editorconfig/lilypond.png
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

Property changes on: resources/editorconfig/lilypond.png
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